Author's note: Well, looking through the Ranger's Apprentice fics, I couldn't really find any Horace/Will slash, and since I like the pairing, I took it upon myself to write one. Warnings for man on man sexyness of course, so if you don't like it, don't read it. Takes place right after Will's fight with MacHaddish in book 6. I took the first little bit directly from the book simply because I needed a lead in, and did not write it. Please no one sue me.

"Where did he get you?" Horace asked frantically. He knew he had to find the source of that blood and stanch the flow. Wounds to the stomach and torso were all too often fatal, he knew, and he felt panic rising in him as he continued to search.

"Stop pawing at me!" Will shouted angrily, stepping back from him. "It's MacHaddish's blood, not mine!"

Horace looked at him, uncomprehending for a moment. "Not yours?" he said.

"No. Look at his hand where the arrow hit him. He was pouring blood all over me as we fought. I'm fine."

And illogically, right on the heels of a sudden rush of relief, Horace felt his anger welling up.

"His blood? Why didn't you say so? I was frantic here, thinking you were bleeding like a stuck pig!"

"When did you give me a chance?" Will said. "You were all over me, grabbing at me, turning me this way and that!"

"I'm sorry", Horace snapped back. "Forgive me for being concerned about you. It won't happen again!"

The ranger snarled at him, the unreasonable anger he felt in reaction to his near death boiling over as he tackled his friend.

Horace was caught off guard by the sudden, unwarranted attack and went down under Will with a startled cry. His combat training was quick to kick in however, and with his greater size and strength, he soon had Will pinned.

The similarity of the position to when MacHaddish had nearly killed him sent an involuntary jolt of panic through the young Ranger, and he began to struggle frantically against Horace's firm grasp, cursing the warrior on top of him with every vile name he could think of as he tried in vain to free himself.

Horace was having none of it, if he'd been angry before, then now he was down right furious. He'd saved the ungrateful little twerp's life and this was the thanks he got? The warrior tightened his grip on Will's arms, and shoved one knee into his ribs hard enough to elicit a sharp cry of pain that, had Horace been thinking clearly, he would've felt bad about.

He wasn't thinking clearly though. And that was the only reason he could think of to explain his next action. Just as Will was about to shout out another insult, Horace silenced the ranger by leaning down and pressing his lips against his.

Will's eyes widened and he let out a muffled noise of surprise at the suddenness of the kiss. Horace was just as shocked by his own actions, though he noticed it had caused Will to momentarily stop struggling, and he decided that was the effect his subconscious mind must've been going for, writing off any other less then pure reasons he might've had. Just as he was thinking this however, another thought crept into his mind. Will's lips were amazingly soft. It surprised him a bit. It wasn't as if the handsome warrior had never kissed anyone before. Just never another man- even if Will was a bit smaller then the average man-, and he was shocked at how good it had felt.

Horace pulled away, slowly breaking the contact, looking down at his friend who stared up at him wide-eyed, lips slightly parted in a way that for some reason made the warrior have to swallow and sent an odd shiver down his spine.

And then suddenly they were kissing again. More heated this time, moaning and frantically clutching at each other, tongues exploring, tasting the other's mouth. Neither could really be sure of who initiated it this time, but it was obvious both of them wanted it.

Will let out a low moan, and Horace felt a leg wrap around his hips, pulling them in closer. With a bit of shock, the warrior realized just how excited he was becoming and as their hips met, noticed his friend was equally, if not more so.

"Will…", Horace murmured, managing to break away from the kiss, though he found it surprisingly difficult to get out of the leg hold the ranger had him in. It always seemed to take the warrior by surprise just how deceptively strong his friend was, and to his slight horror the thought seemed to turn him on even more. This was wrong, he knew. They were both guys for crying out loud! And besides that, Will already had Alyss, though he didn't really know quite how far their relationship went, he knew Will obviously liked her. And Horace liked Cassandra. Or at least he thought he did. But now those feelings all seemed muddled and confused to the warrior, and he wondered if the quick-thinking ranger was having any easier of a time working it out.

Apparently he was, because while Horace's expression was one of confusion and a bit of embarrassment, Will's eyes held only a slight quizzical expression at the kiss suddenly being broken off.

"What?" The ranger asked innocently, cocking his head to the side as he propped himself up a bit on his elbows now that his friend was no longer pressed in so close.

Horace couldn't seem to think of the words to say, and stuttered a moment before replying, "we-we shouldn't- um-… I mean…", the warrior couldn't seem to explain exactly what he meant, but the implication was still clear.

"You're the one who started it", the ranger replied with a cool calmness that stunned the warrior. It seemed rangers really were always one step ahead.

"W-wait, but, you were the one who tackled me!" Horace countered, trying to regain control of the situation (how the ranger managed to keep the upper hand while literally pinned under him was beyond him). He most certainly did not initiate this. Just thinking about it caused the warrior to blush furiously.

Will raised an eyebrow at that. "This… wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I did it."

Though Will was trying to keep his expression composed, the laughter was apparent in his eyes. He was obviously trying to poke fun at his embarrassed friend. A fact which led the warrior to a rather bold move.

"Oh so you were just humoring me then", Horace said, giving a rather fake sigh, trying to sound nonchalant, "I guess you weren't enjoying it at all."

Just as he said this, he quickly grabbed at his friend's lower regions, managing to catch him off guard, he felt it twitch as Will let out a sharp cry of surprise.

"A-ah, Horace, quit it! L-let go!" It was a bit harder to keep up his poker face with his friends hand on such a sensitive area. The small ranger whimpered as Horace's hand began to rub teasingly, still outside his pants. …And then inside them as he was quickly unfastening his belt, roughly jerking his pants down.

Horace himself was a bit shocked at how aggressive he was being, and he was momentarily reminded of when he and Will used to fight all the time back in the ward. This was needless to say, not quite the same thing, but some of the feeling behind it was still similar. He wanted so badly to dominate the young ranger.

"Ungh… H-Horace…", Will moaned as Horace's hand pumped up and down his now fully hardened length. Horace had never had sex with another guy before (and could only assume Will hadn't either) but, though he wasn't exactly bragging about it, the warrior would be lying if he said he didn't have any experience jerking off. Then his other hand snaked around to his friend's entrance, sliding one finger in, experimentally slow at first, then adding another when that seemed to get a good reaction. Will's fists clenched uselessly in the snow only vaguely registering how cold it was, as he cried out, shutting his eyes tightly against the overwhelming mix of pleasure and pain that went with the new addition.

Horace seemed to hesitate at the cry, and Will felt him start to pull the fingers out.

"N-no…" Will huffed out between ragged breathes, hating the emptiness when they had started to leave, "don't stop… m-more…"

A third finger brushing past just the right spot had the young ranger practically screaming his name, and at this point Horace was becoming extremely aware of the pressing matter of taking care of his own needs.

Will gave a disappointed whimper underneath him, when the warrior removed the fingers from inside him, and clumsily began trying to remove his own pants. In the end the task wound up requiring both hands, the excitement of the moment causing his hands to shake and get tripped up over undoing his belt buckle.

Will watched through half lidded eyes from his spot on the ground as his friend's pants finally fell, noticing- with more then a touch of jealousy- that Horace was apparently larger then him in all senses of the word.

The ranger gave a small moan as the warrior leaned down over him, gently kissing his neck, before lifting his head to look his friend in the eyes.

"Do you really want to do this?" The warrior asked, his tone serious, as he searched for any hint of doubt in the ranger's eyes. Everything in him right now screamed for him to do it, but still this was a bit frightening, even for him. So he definitely wasn't going to push Will farther then he was comfortable with going since he seemed to have the more difficult role in this.

"Yes, do it", Will panted out, feeling like screaming at him to hurry. From the way Horace was laying so close on top of him, Will, could feel his friend's hardness pressing against him, making him want it even more. The ranger had felt so close to cuming when his friend was jerking him off, that this pause in the action was downright excruciating.

That was all the reassurance the warrior needed, as he was pretty sure if he waited much longer, there was a good chance of things ending prematurely. Taking both his friend's legs, he spread them wide to allow easy access. He was a little worried that the position might cause his friend some discomfort though was quickly reminded of the young ranger's limber flexibility when he made no complaint. God, why had he never realized before how sexy Will was?

"Try to… hnn… relax…", Horace commanded gently, as he started to push in, Will immediately tightening around him.

Will bit his lip, shutting his eyes tightly, as he tried to calm down and focus on his breathing to get past the pain, and relax his muscles enough to easily let him in further.

He managed to loosen up a little, but still ended up crying out when his friend pushed in farther, eliciting a murmured apology from Horace, and something that sounded like a promise to go slower. In a brief moment of panic, the ranger wondered if his friend would even be able to fit inside without tearing him open, but quickly tried his best to push those thoughts aside. Thinking like that would only make things worse, and he wanted to enjoy this. So trying to put aside the pain, he attempted to focus instead on the pleasurable sensations he was beginning to feel. Which became a whole lot easier when Horace's cock went in all the way at just the right spot to hit that special bundle of nerves, causing Will's whole body to arch back as he cried out wordlessly in unspeakable pleasure.

"Ungh…! W-Will…!" Horace moaned, as his friend squeezed spasmodically around him, and it was all the warrior could do not to cum right then, but he somehow managed to hold out, continuing to thrust in and out, as Will writhed and moaned underneath him. The warrior's thrusts started out rather slow, but picked up both speed and force as Will's insides became lubricated with the pre-cum beginning to leak out of Horace's member.

"Ah, uhn…Horace…! Harder…!" Will cried out, his own erection starting to weep, and then threw his head back, mouth wide, fingers digging into the ground in surprise pleasure , as his friend did one better, grabbing his cock, using the liquid trickling out as lubricant to jerk him off hard even as he thrust in harder.

"I think… I'm about… to…" The ranger choked out between gasps for air.

"M-me too…"Horace moaned, feeling his own release close at hand, but managed to hold out just a little longer for Will to cum first.

The ranger's hips bucked, eyes clenching shut, as he came messily into his friend's hand, cum spewing over both of them as he cried out the young warrior's name.

No longer having to hold back, Horace pulled almost all the way out, then thrust in hard one last sweet time before releasing himself deep inside his friend.

The climax left them both breathless. The warrior had to take a moment to catch his breath before pulling out with a slight squelching noise as his member slid out of Will's semen slick hole, immediately collapsing onto his back, not even bothering to pull his pants up, using one strong arm to pull the ranger into a sort of half embrace.

Will smiled, sighing contentedly as he wrapped an arm around Horace's broad chest, snuggling into his friend's warmth.

They both lay like that for a while, enjoying the closeness, neither of them saying a word, before finally Will spoke up.

"Hey, Horace?"

"What?", the warrior asked, eyes closed, feeling as though he could almost drift off right there despite the cold.

"Don't you think we should hurry up and get back before he wakes up?" Will asked innocently, gesturing with a tilt of his head to the unconscious Scotti warrior they had left laying in the snow.

Horace quickly sat up in surprise, throwing Will off a little roughly in the process. He had completely forgotten about him.

"Ah, um, you're right!" The warrior said, a little embarrassed at his startled reaction, as he hastily pulled his pants back up, before standing, offering a hand to Will who had already redressed.

The ranger took the hand graciously, pulling himself up, and swiftly brushing some of the lingering snow off his cloak.

"What I wouldn't do for a nice long rest right about now…" Will muttered. Both the near death experience and the excitement afterwards had drained his young body, and the ranger groaned as he stretched.

"Yeah, well, first we've got to carry this jerk back", the warrior grumbled in response, referring to their new captive.

"We don't have to do anything. You're the man after all", Will replied smiling, as he strode casually past his friend.

"Ah! W-Will, wait!" Horace shouted after him, grunting as he hefted the unconscious general's arm over his shoulder, and struggled to catch up to his laughing friend.

This is my first attempt at writing an RA fic, and it's been a while since I've read the books, so it was a bit difficult remembering how to make them act. Forgive me if they seemed out of character or if I got anything wrong. I hope it didn't end up too terrible and was at least a little sexy. lol

Anyway, if you've gotten this far and liked it (or didn't) please review and tell me what you think (or what you think I could improve on)!

Also, as a side note, I was thinking about writing another RA fic for the same point in the story in which Will get's hurt or possibly killed in the fight. It might have a little Horace/Will, but probably just implied and no actual sex. And maybe a Gillan/Will after that.

Thanks for reading!
