The Mergirl and Her Maiden

Author: Lilylovett aka Your-Beauty (deviantART)

Disclaimer: "The Little Mermaid" & "Hercules" and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. The original fairy tale, also entitled "The Little Mermaid" belongs to the Danish poet Hans Christian Anderson Danish. All rights reserved. There is no profit, aside from personal satisfaction here.

Rating: PG for dark themes and some language.

Summary: This is a full retelling of The Little Mermaid story, which takes the Disney princess Ariel and suits her in the traditional fairytale. In addition, I've changed it up with another Disney character, Megara of Hercules, as she is the subject of her affections rather than Prince Eric. Femslash all of the way...had to do this because of some awesome fanart.

"Father," the young mergirl exclaims in distress, "...why? What has caused our differences from humans?"

"Ariel, you'll soon turn old enough to see for yourself that limbs are not all that they appear. The human race is full of disdain and unwarranted self-importance," Triton shakes his head. He has dealt with this question enough with the turning of age for each previous daughter.

"From what others have reported-" He cuts her off, promptly, striking his trident to the seafloor.

"Your seventeenth year is within two sunsets. You shall see, soon enough, for yourself that their glamor is not wholesome, nor always morally right." His eyes soften.

"And be careful with the knowledge that you will gain. You are blessed, do not forget."

He kisses her gently on the forehead. Ariel takes time to exit the palace quietly acting distracted by a nonexistent task, with her head low. The sun is setting shortly, giving her an ample few hours of leisure time. She swims to the grotto, so lovingly adorned with treasures. Ariel attempts her best to ignore Triton's ringing words.

Pressing a wooden contraption to her ear, Ariel can faintly hear the broken tinkering of the music box. In her haven, Ariel allows the shiny and curious artifacts of the human world to consume her full interest. Unaware of the time that has passed, Ariel is startled into reality by a familiar voice.

"Ariel, hey are you down there?" Flounder sounds absolutely panicked. What else is new?

"Oh, Flounder! What's the worry now?" She smiles.

"On the way, I saw this huge fin from a distance, and it was definitely a hungry shark." He opens his jaws with full force, puts on the most menacing face he is able to manage.

"I'm sure it looked like this from the front. I had to jet down here to escape the guy." He involuntary shudders.

"You scare easy," Ariel takes the fish in her arms and rubs his head. "What if it was merely a dolphin?"

"Doesn't matter it was a potentially dangerous situation. was your discussion with the King?"

"Unproductive, to say the least." Ariel lays back on a flat rock, looking up to what little light filters above.

"Ah well, at least soon we'll be able to witness the surface, together." From under his yellow body, he produces a small object. With excitement he blurts, "I found this. For you."

A child-sized bracelet constructed of coarse rope stringing together several small, painted beads. Ariel stirs immediately, taking the bracelet and holding it above her head. She hugs him close.

"The moons have yet to pass and you've already brought me such a wonderful gift. Flounder, you're the greatest!"

The fish blushes, grateful to heighten the spirits of his friend.


"Herc, you know I'm not one to eagerly await social gatherings." She says it with idleness in her voice, as if to irk him.

"I know; but think—a few months from now we'll finally be wed," he looks out to the sea. "I wanted this to be special. Your last birthday before it is just us, eternally." His eyes sparkle with that boyish innocence. Hercules is confident that he and Meg were made for one another.

Meg sighs, unnoticed by the beaming wonder boy. She is frankly opposed to extensive sea travel, as it involves constant, uneasy rockiness and constant dampness. Less than this, though, is the desire to get through his thick skull that an extravagant party does not necessarily alter her anxiety. If she were to be fully honest, Meg relishes in these few months. Her wedding date feels years away.

"Right, wonder boy. Thanks." She winks at him.

Hercules is an ideal fiance, hell, she has acquaintances that nearly murdered her in envy. With his chiseled chin, pecs, and boyish charm, it wasn't such a shock that he was a hot commodity, after fully harnessing control control of his inhuman strength. But Meg was a damn sucker for love every time. She cared for Herc, yes, they were best friends, had already supported one another in another life for nearly ten years. Yet, not once had anything but platonic emotion arisen within Meg for the goofy, muscular lug.

"Have you seen my bracelet? Not sure if the guys swiped it for shits and giggles, but it is kind of important to me." Meg had been searching frantically in her cabin, but she played off her concenr.

"No," Hercules but his head in his hands, still looking over the deck. Rarely did he act standoffish. "Megara...Meg, I know you've had that trinket since before even we were betrothed; but that's why I disposed of it, elsewhere. I've expelled my keepsakes from my wake and you should as well—we can't allow the past to hold us back."

Meg was seething.

"I'm pissed, Herc. You ought to know why." She is grinning wildly, perhaps even madly when he seems to shrink in demeanor. "Don't touch the few possessions I own. It's simple. Soon enough we'll be sharing our parents' royalty, and therefore a home, garden, bed, and children. The number of anything that I will own personally without your name attached, I will be able to count on one hand."

Her anger was near extinguished by this point. She felt guilty for berating him so.

"I understand what you were attempting to accomplish; but a few charms won't stop time from moving forward. Memories never do." Meg felt her voice diminish, like a candle yield to wind.

"Right, sorry, Meg. I...I don't know what I was thinking, being jealous of some wooden beads." Silence. "Well then. Off to rest, you should, too." He quickly dashes off from the scene, fully aware of his mistake.

Meg only sighs and nods her head. It is difficult being confined to marrying a boy in his first relationship. She knows full well that Hercules's naivety and impulse are parts of the charm. Underneath the well-defined pectorals exists an awkward kid, unsure of his own power. His younger years as an outcast has prevented arrogance. Most days, Meg is relieved that her future seems so incredibly set and safe, being required to marry damn wonder boy, regardless of her own level of affection. Yet nights like these she laments for more, in the slightest ends of her heart.

Physical objects mean little to Meg, unless strong sentiment is attached. The bracelet had been her only lasting reminder of her first love. Now in spite, it has been cast away, Meg thinks bitterly.