The Legend of Talon: Dawn of the Dragon

I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story except for Talon.

Prologue: Mysterious Beings

In the skies over the vast mountain range near the valley of Avalar, a young silver dragon soars through the orange morning sun. As he passed through a cloud and into the sun's rays, he let out a large sigh of satisfaction as the sun warmed his cool scales. He then took the time to check over his muscular body. He saw his silver scales glistening in the sun. As his eyes dropped lower, the scales faded into a dark grey that started on his chest and ended just after his tail base. His eyes then drifted to the end of his tail which hosted a large spearhead shaped blade that was very sharp. He then looked back up and inspected the large, powerful wings that kept him aloft in the amber skies. The skeleton was the same colour as his scales, silver, while the leathery membranes were a dark grey.

This was Talon. Everyone has always told him that he can sometimes be very talkative and hyper, he had a kind heart, always put himself before others and always tried to find the brighter side of things in less than ideal settings. Sometimes though, he would end up getting himself hurt by taking stupid risks. This dragon found that he has also matured faster than others, even though he was barely in his teenage years. Talon soon found himself falling back asleep as he flew towards the dreaded area known as Mount Malefor. As he started to near the mountain, Talon caught a glimpse of a group of creatures walking towards a cave in the side of the mountain, and they were carrying a chest! Being as curious as he was, the silver dragon circled the top of the mountain one time before climbing higher in the sky before retracting his wings as close to his body as he could before allowing himself to begin a free fall. The young silver dragon shot towards the ground in a blur of silver scales. When the ground got too close for comfort, Talon slowly spread his wings out to prevent himself from dislocating them. At his height and rate of speed, he would never survive the impact. When his wings were fully extended, the wingspan was a bit longer than his body length. To slow his speed more, Talon then went into a very wide spiral as he focused on where the cave was located. When he was about to land in the clearing in front of the cave entrance, Talon noticed a smaller cave just above the entrance.

"If they went in that way, they probably had to leave a guard near there" thought Talon as he weighed his options of entrance. As he landed at the entrance to the smaller cave, he peered inside. As he entered, he sighed to himself. "I really hope this leads to where those creatures with that chest" he muttered. With that, Talon took a deep breath before entering into the black darkness of the cave. After a few moments of silence, Talon began to here a weird noise. When he neared the exit, he found himself looking over a large pathway in what he was told was the ancient catacombs. He looked down at the edge and spotted the creator of the noise, and it is what he wanted. Talon then noticed that it was not any ordinary creatures that he spotted. Below him were five ugly grublins. They all had green fur and red eyes. The three in the front all carried swords while the last two carried a well decorated chest with two jade snakes on top. Taking the rear for the group had to be the commander. He was a large troll with a yellowish brown chest and stomach while the rest of his body was green. It also had red eyes. As Talon tried to get a better look at the chest when he accidentally knocked a small stole off the ledge. Talon stifled a gasp as he saw it hit the troll in the head. The young dragon felt his heart slamming against his chest as the troll examined his hiding place. After a few moments, the troll looked away and the group continued on their way.

Talon let out the breath he was holding and moved back to the ledge and spotted the group exiting through the next archway. When he was about to glide down, he looked to his left and spotted a hooded figure sneaking up behind them. When he was gone, Talon silently glided down to the path and silently padded his way down the hallway, making sure that he was not spotted by either Malefor's servents or the hooded figure. As he followed them into the next room, he hid behind a large stone. When he popped his head out from his hiding place, his jaw dropped.
