A/N: Myron Greenleaf here. And I must say, this has been a strange yet fun story to write. So, anyway... I wanna say something:
Stinkfly3 has posted on youtube a movie trailer for this story. Go to my fanfiction profile and click the homepage button near the top, you'll be taken to the movie trailer which I personally think is amazing!
Phineas was sitting underneath the big tree in the backyard with Ferb. Both stepbrothers were a little tired after doing a giant bike race across the entire Tri-State Area. However, they didn't figure out why random billboards were just popping up all over the place... A pop-up ad even popped up on their window... somehow... But at least they managed to fix that easily.
"Hey Ferb?" Phineas tiredly asked. "Can I ask you something?"
Ferb heard the question, put his book down, and looked over expectantly at his stepbrother, motioning for him to continue.
"What did you think of the Phineas from the other dimension coming to our dimension coming to talk to us?" Phineas asked. Ferb shrugged, unsure of what to think.
"Don't you think it was weird, abnormal, strange, odd, or normal?" Phineas asked. "Don't just keep me here in the dark, dude!"
"Your alternate self was kind of acting really strange," Ferb finally said after a minute of thought. "I mean, he seemed almost desperate to be...well...you..."
"Whaddya mean?" Phineas asked, looking over at Ferb.
"Well, he seemed different than you by a whole lot," Ferb explained. "And he looked in his eyes like he was taking in every detail of you, as if he wanted to replicate you in himself..."
"That makes no sense," Phineas said. "Why would he want to be me? Even though he's 'me' in essence, everyone is different, so he should have tried to be more himself and less...me-ish, if you know what I mean." Ferb nodded.
"And also, if what he said is true," Phineas began. "Than his world isn't that of a true parallel world."
"Yes," Ferb said. "He seems to be living in a militaristic society where he's in his dimension's military. And it seems that Candace is leading it."
"Our Candace could never do such a thing," Phineas said. "And if she did, I wouldn't know if I'd want to follow her or fear her."
"What does that mean?" Ferb asked.
"Well, if Candace took control of the Tri-State Area's military force," Phineas explained, taking a sip of lemonade from the glass that he had brought outside with him. "Then she'd be ruthless. I wouldn't know if I want to follow her, or oppose her. Then again, she probably wouldn't know what she would be doing."
"That's the big problem," Ferb said. "It also seemed like your opposite self didn't trust the leadership that he was forced to fight under."
"And I can't see myself as a fighter at all," Phineas said, drinking some more lemonade. "And I can't see you much more than me, but still more..."
"Let's just agree that the subject of parallel worlds will be a difficult subject that nobody will really ever figure out except us." Ferb said.
Phineas nodded in agreement. "I'm going to get more lemonade," the 11-year-old boy said. Ferb nodded and got up with his brother, going to get some lemonade as well.
"Didn't the other Phineas say he had a girlfriend?" Phineas asked. Ferb nodded. "Well, it isn't like I have a girlfriend..." Phineas pointed out.
"You could have one if you wanted to," Ferb said while pouring himself a glass of lemonade.
"Who?" Phineas asked, slightly curious as to whom the silent Brit of a stepbrother would select for an ideal girlfriend...if that didn't sound weird at all.
"Just go across the street and ask Isabella," Ferb said with a small smile. "I'm sure that she would like to answer for me."
"You're telling me to ask a girl who should be my girlfriend?" Phineas asked in mock disbelief. "That's horrible, dude."
"Like you know anything about romance," Ferb replied. Phineas shrugged and put his lemonade glass down.
"Why are we even discussing who should be my girlfriend?" Phineas asked aloud.
"Because we're comparing everything in this dimension to everything in the other dimension," Ferb replied. "And to make it even more realistic. I refuse to continue this conversation until you go talk with Isabella."
"But-" Phineas tried to protest, but Ferb pushed him out the door and closed the door behind him.
Phineas groaned as he started walking over to Isabella's house, trying to think of what he should say in a way that wouldn't sound awkward for her. But before he could think about it much, he found himself in front of her door.
Timidly, he knocked, hoping that maybe she would be understanding of his situation.
When Isabella opened the door, she was dressed a little more fancy, in a dress that Phineas began to think was pretty on her.
"Um?" Isabella wondered aloud. "Hello? Phineas? Earth to Phineas? Care to come out of whatever daydream you just had while on my front porch?" Isabella asked the last part while giggling.
Phineas took a deep breath. "Ferb and I were talking about the other me that came from other other dimension and we came to the conclusion that he had a girlfriend...and Ferb refuses to talk to me until I get a girlfriend. So, would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Phineas realized that the last question came out entirely wrong. He meant to ask her if she knew of anyone who would be interested. Of course, he ended up asking her like it was just some sort of fixed point in time.
Isabella smiled, nodded her agreement, closed the door, and collapsed in shock and daydream.
"Uh-oh," Phineas muttered as he went back to his house to finish the conversation with Ferb.
A/N: And that ends The Story Beyond the Portal. Look for the sequel to this story. The Sequel should be sometime posted this week.