Ha Ni sighed. This had been going on for too long now. It had been four years. Though Seung Jo had only known for the past two about her feelings. Maybe she hadn't given him enough time. Maybe all he need was a little more-NO! She refused to put up with her ridiculous feelings any longer.
He was not worth her pain and suffering any longer. She wouldn't let him get to her. Not anymore. She would focus her attentions to someone else. Though no one would ever be as handsome as her Seung Jo- GAH! She needed to stop these thoughts. She needed to clear her head.
She needed to get away from Seung Jo for the time being her. She'd talk to dad about her moving back into the guest room above his shop. That way it wouldn't be too cramped for both of them, and it wouldn't be getting even more awkward at the house, what with Seung Jo planning to marry Ha Rae.
But first she decided to visit her mother. She needed some fresh air, and to talk to the woman who had given birth to her. Even if she had died before Ha Ni had been able to meet her. She felt like she needed to talk her decision over with her mother before she finalized anything.
She grabbed her purse and her cell phone, as well as the little cash that she happened to have, and walked out of her room, crashing into the person she had been hoping to avoid. "I'm sorry!" She said as she looked up at Seung Jo, trying not to let him get to her.
She saw him roll his eyes at her "Watch where you're going!" He said coldly before noticing her bag. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked her.
"No! I mean yes… It's none of your business!" She told him, though it took most of her willpower not to tell him where she was going. She noticed he was waiting expectantly, as if he thought she was still going to tell him where she was going.
"So where are you going?" He asked her finally as they walked downstairs.
"Nowhere important" Ha Ni mumbled, taking off her slippers and putting on her shoes. She saw Seung Jo move to grab the keys.
"No one else is home, so I guess I'll take you, but I need to know where you're going first stupid" He told her.
"I'll get a taxi," Ha Ni said before walking out the door and letting it shut in Seung Jo's highly surprised face. She didn't realize though because she was already walking. She managed to catch a taxi not too far from the neighborhood, and had him take her to the grave site.
"Mom! I came. I hope you don't mind. I wanted to ask you something. I think I'm going to move out on my own. I can't keep following Seung Jo around like this anymore. He's getting married mom. There's nothing more I can do. Do you think… Maybe… Is there something I can do?" Ha Ni asked hopefully, before shaking her head and laughing. "No that's silly. I…I can no longer love him. Perhaps I can learn to love somebody else instead. Boon Joon Gu really is a sweet heart… And he's liked me for the same amount of time I've liked Seung Jo! Thanks mom! You've helped me a lot!" Ha Ni said softly, feeling at peace. She walked down the graved sight and toward the taxi that was still waiting for her. She got in and told it to take her to her home. For the last time she would call that place her home.
When she arrived it seemed like no one else was back yet. She smiled slightly, it would make it easier to leave. She went to her room, packing her things, figuring Seung Jo had probably already gone to sleep. She quietly made her way down the stairs, thankful she had managed to do so without making any noise.
She smiled faintly, glancing at the house one last time before turning to walk out. A hand on her shoulders stopped her however, making her heart race.
"Not this again. Running away? Are you actually going to do so this time or are you going to come back five minutes later?" Seung Jo asked her.
"I'm really going. After all, it's only going to get awkward with you and Ha Rae getting married and all. This way father can stay here with his good friend, and I can stop being a burden to you, Baek Seung Jo" Ha Ni said before shrugging his hand off her shoulder.
She didn't turn around to look at his face as she left through the front door. She walked to her father's restaurant explaining her plan to him when he looked at her surprised. They both agreed it would be good for her though. She needed this. Her father had grown increasingly worried about her since it was announced Seung Jo was going to marry Ha Rae.
She now at least had some sort of a purpose, or so it looked like. She had little more of her spirit back as she moved to walk up the stairs to her new apartment for the time being. She'd find a job, and move out somewhere else soon, but for now she would stay here.
She wondered how Seung Jo felt about her not being there anymore. Would he miss her? Would he be sad? She shook her head falling down into the bed. That wasn't possible. He would be happy now that she was no longer able to bother him.
Tomorrow was the start of her bright new future. And she wouldn't even have to see that jerk Baek Seung Jo.
A/N So it's late. And I've had this idea in my head for a while and just put the finishing touches on this chapter. There aren't a lot of fanfictions for this category, and it makes me sad. I want a stronger Oh Ha Ni. So I wrote this. It's a sucky first chapter, but bear with me okay? Also, I refuse to say his name, he will be referred to by me in all Authors notes as "that jerk" … I love their relationship, but he doesn't deserve her yet. And I think I've rambles enough. Reviews are loved, but not needed. (: I shall sleep now. Night all~ 3