Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all alike do not belong to me. They belong to J.K.Rowlings who, as you will see, is a much better author then me. Iris is a song by the Goo Goo Dolls, and that does not belong to me either. Oh, and this contains slash, you got that? SLASH!!!!! So all of you homophobes run while you still have the chance.

Other things: The first chapter seems a little rushed, but you have to read all the way to the end of it to get what is going on. This takes place at the end of 5th year, and the summer going into 6th. And thank you to Miriel, Bellatrist, Dry Rain, Isabella, and Smurf.

Lyrics are in [ ]


[And I'd give up forever to touch you

Cause I know that you feel me some how]

Draco went to the broom shed in the back of the Quidditch field and grabbed his all-new FireBolt 2, the broom he had gotten for is birthday. No one had booked the field, of course not, it was the last day of the school year, so he had it all to himself. He mounted his broom and flew up over the stadium. The breeze tickled his nose and made him sneeze. He looked at the school, his only refuge from his father. His eyes narrowed as he saw the mudblood and that red-haired muggle lover leaving Hagrid's house, if you would even call it that. They were friends of the scar-bearing martyr, yet Draco couldn't help but to feel a little bit jealous. At least the great Harry Potter had friends, all he had were those walking boulders.

He was wondering where Potter was, when he heard a noise behind him, and quickly turned around. A sneer possessed his pale face as the great Potter himself flew up besides him.

"Nice of you to grace me with your presence's," Draco said in his drawl, "and to what do I own your visit?"

"You know," Harry started, his emerald eyes looking at the old castle, "you don't always have to be such an asshole Malfoy."

"My name's not Malfoy!" Draco snapped at him. "I'll never have that name."

"It's your father's name and someday it will be passed to you."

"You can call me what you want to Potter, but I will never be a Malfoy."

"Why not? You fit the role perfectly. You're a pale, snobby, little, arrogant prick. Isn't that what all Malfoy's are like?"

Draco was quiet for a moment, before he spoke again. Harry has never spoken to him in this way before.

"It might not look like it, but that does hurt when you say it," he informed the raven-haired wizard next to him. "My father might be the biggest ass in the world, and a death-eater too, but that doesn't mean that I am.

"You act like it."

Draco sighed at that comment.

"What made you so concerned all of a sudden Potter?"

Harry's clear eyes softened as he looked at Draco.

"Just because it looks like I hate you doesn't mean that I don't care about you."

"Don't make me laugh. No one cares about me, and no one ever will. I'm just an annoyance the world could do without."

"What about your parents? They love you, and at least you have parents."

"Ha! My parents don't care about me. My father is... never mind what he is, and I barely ever see my mother. She is such a hoe."

"But you parents are-"

"Married? Yeah, but my mom has had so many affairs, and my dad is a violent man. They were forced to get married when my mother got pregnant with me."

Harry looked Draco over carefully for a moment, studying the boy carefully.

"I am sorry Draco."

"Stow it, I don't want your pity Potter."

"Fine, but may I ask you something?"


"By what do you mean, by say that your father is a violent man?"

"That is none of your business," Draco snapped.

"Fine, but you know, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I am always here."

"Why would I need someone to talk to?"

Harry didn't answer him but stared into Draco's steel gray eyes, as if he could see into the very depths of his soul.

"Good saint Potter," Draco sighed after seemingly finding the answer in Harry's eyes, "why do you care? No one ever has."

"Because you need someone to care for you, everyone should have at least one person to care about them. But do think about it, I know exactly how you feel. I grew up with out anyone caring for me. We're almost the same, you and I."

"Except everyone thinks that you will win the war for the light, and that I will be a Death Eater for the dark."

"Well, yes, but you could make it so that it won't look that way."

"You mean, be nice?"

"Is it really so hard to do or even think about?"

"Well no, and yes. It is for me, for I haven't grown up in what you would call a loving situation."

"Neither have I, but then again I would guess it would be bold to say that I didn't grow up with someone like your father."

Draco was silent once more, as his eyes seemed to rake over Harry's. Gray met green, and for a minute they both saw the longing behind each other's eyes. Draco knew that his father would kill him if he ever saw how they were looking at each other, for that one passing moment in time."

Finally, Draco said, "Thank you Harry."

"For what," Harry answered; not able to take his eyes for Draco's stormy gray one's.

"For listening."

"Oh! You're welcome."

"So, would you do me a favor?"

"Anything," Harry replied, still lost in the shadowy depths of Draco's eyes.

"Could you possible, well if you wanted to, talk to me for part of the ride on the Hogwart's express tomorrow?"


"I don't think that I could endure another train ride with stupid and stupider, or that obnoxiously annoying girl Pansy."

"Okay, I would feel that same way."

"Thank you. I should go before one of the Slytherins notice that I'm gone."

Draco turned his broom to leave.

"Oh, and Draco," Harry said leveling their brooms.

"What is it n-," Draco started, but was cut short by a mouth crushed to his. He could feel the passion in the kiss, the forbidden kiss, the passion of love, and the passion of hate.

"See you tomorrow," was all Harry said before he raced back towards the castle.

Draco put his hand to his mouth, savoring the taste of the forbidden kiss that his arch rival had given him, but for some unknown reason, he knew that he could have grown to like it.

[You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

And I don't want to go home right now]

The end of ever year was marked by the first step onto the train that would take the students back to London. No one wanted to leave Hogwarts, but they were all looking forward to the summer holidays. Harry was extremely jumpy as he sat across from Ron and Hermione, who were making Harry sick with their snogging, in their little compartment on the train.

"What's wrong Harry?" Ron asked him as he jumped for what must have been the 5th time.

"What do you mean," Harry asked nervously, "I have no clue what you cold possibly be talking about."

"Oh honestly Harry, we're not blind," Hermione exclaimed. "You're acting like He-who-must-not-be-named will just burst in here at anytime, and try to kill us all."

"Oh... uh... I just don't want to go back to the Dursley's," Harry said, hoping that he wasn't going to be struck dead by lightning for lying to his friends.

"Oh, well I wouldn't want to go live with those Muggles either," Ron said, oblivious to Harry's lie, "is that all?"

"Yeah, but... I am going to go and... say a few more good-byes!"

Harry got up, and sprinted out of the compartment, leaving a startled Ron and Hermione behind. He went up to the rows of compartments, until he found the one with Draco in it, conveniently located in the back of the train.

"Um, hi Draco," Harry said, coming into the compartment while still staying next to the doorway. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I just-,"
But it was Harry's turn to be cut short, for Draco slowly sauntered up to him, pinned him against the door, and kissed him. Harry's hands went straight up to Draco's hair, as he ran his finger through the silver silk. They finally broke apart, both boys panting for air. They sat down, side by side, on the bench in their compartment.

"Well," Harry finally said, "forget what I was saying before."

"Oh, I will," Draco said smugly, "but as I said yesterday, thank you."

"You're welcome, but his is... well, weird. We're supposed to hate each other, so why are we all of a sudden making out?"

"I don't know, but how could I not want to, you're irresistible."

"No I'm not, you are!"

A faint blush sprang onto each boy's face as they realized what they had just said to each other.

"Malfoy-, I mean Draco," Harry said after a pause. "Will you do me a favor?"

"I believe I am quoting you when I say 'anything'," Draco returned, as Harry's cheeks grew red.

"Would you, that is to say if you wanted to, be my boyfriend?"

Draco eyed Harry for a moment. He questioned if he could commit to the Boy Who Lived, while living with his parents. It seemed like a daunting, impossible task, but if nothing was impossible for a Malfoy, Draco could do it.

"Yes, I will."

Harry smiled, and put his arm around Draco, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"You know," Draco said after a while, " that was the first time that I've ever been kissed by someone."

"Same with me," Harry said, "except Mrs. Weasley and Hermione on the cheek once."

"Well I mean anyone, parents and friends included."

"Your parents have never kissed you, not even on the cheek?"

"Nope, never. The most affection that I ever get from them is a slap on the face, or even worse."

"Draco, that's awful!"

"I'm used to it, besides, I have a feeling that there are worse things coming this summer."

Draco's voice had grown softer, and he had shrunk down into Harry's side.

"Draco," Harry said softly, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I mean, you don't even have to trust me yet."

"I do trust you," Draco whispered, "you're not the type of person that I couldn't trust."

[And all I can taste is this moment

And all I can breathe is your life]

For the next half an hour Harry was silent, listening to Draco tell him what was instore for him this summer. Lucuis had basically sold Draco to Voldemort, so Draco was getting the Dark-Mark this summer. He would have gotten it the summer before, but he had spent most of it unconscious and beaten in the dungeons of the Malfoy Manner.

"I'm so scared of my father," Draco said, burying his face into Harry's side. "I hate our summer vacations, I wish that I could just stay at Hogwarts for the entire year. I would be safe from him there."

"That's horrible," Harry said, softly running his fingers through Draco's hair. "Don't you have anyway to get away from him?"

"No, he knows everything about the manner and the land around it. There's no where for me to go."

"Dumbledore will hide you, owl him."

"No! I don't want anybody to know!" a panicked look came on his face. "You won't tell anyone, will you Harry? Promise me that you won't tell anyone!"

"I won't," Harry said with a sigh, "but you must do something about it."

"I've been so horrible to people, that sometimes I wonder if I deserved it all. It's just my due."

"No Draco! No one, not ever Voldemort, deserves to be treated that way."

"Harry, you really are the epitome of perfectness and justice," Draco sighed.

Harry smiled at him sorrowfully and leaned in to kiss the perfect lips that Draco had. Neither of them heard the door open, until they heard Hermione's gasp, and Ron burst of fury.

[Cause sooner or later it's over

I just don't want to miss you tonight]

Moonlight poured over a well-toned chest as Draco sat up in his bed panting. It had just been another dream, about him. The Boy Who Lived to Haunt Draco's Dreams.

'It's okay,' Draco told himself. 'It was just a dream. I didn't kiss Potter, and he didn't kiss me. I'm not going out with him, I don't even like him.'

Draco knew that wasn't true, for he knew inside that he has mixed feelings for the Wizard community's hero. Little did he know, Harry Potter was having he exact same dream, at the exact same time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

End of Chapter 1

Did you like it? I hope that you did, it's my first Harry Potter slash. I'm not sure if I want to continue, but I need at least 5 reviews to do so.