Disclaimer: I do not own Sons of Anarchy or it's characters only the slightly insane Finnish OC and a few other random characters that pop up. Sons of Anarchy was created by the amazing Kurt Sutter therefore I make no money of this piece of writing that sprouted forth from the depths of my depraved mind.

Note: Any spoken parts in another language will have the translation either beside them or at the bottom of the page. Same with any equine lingo I use. Read and Review if you wish, I'm not an author that really gives two tosses about reviews, however if you're going to be nasty I will use them as fodder for roasting my marshmallow and heating my coffee. Other than that enjoy!

Another Note: There is some strong language (Not strong by my account but others may disagree) and mention of suicide and self harm throughout the story, if you don't like don't read, it's that simple, don't bitch to me about it.

Set mostly before and during season 1.

Scream – Adelitas Way

Light the gasoline
I've got the remedy
To burn your memories
I don't know if it can
Never be afraid
To live with the lies and pain
You're never gonna be the same
I don't know if you can
I wanna take it too far
Come on don't be shy
I wanna make you go down, down

Opposite Ends of the Spectrum

=Chibs' P.O.V=

"So who's that sweet piece of ass Oswald's got working for him?" Tig asked eyeing the backside of the woman standing grooming a bright chestnut filly, she was decked out in a pair of bright fire engine red skinny jeans, scuffed black tall boots, a black low cut tank top and red and black plaid over shirt.

She untied the horse and turned, surprise in her eyes as she led the filly past us towards the walker we'd walked past just minutes before. God damn... I took a breath staring at her eyes. Those eyes... the colour of liquid silver.

"That is some sweet piece of ass" I nodded in agreement to Tig as I watched the woman walk away, tall posture, straight back, head high, she was an alpha and one that probably wouldn't back down without a fight.

"Come to harass my staff now have you?" Oswald asked as he stepped out of a stall. "She's my new trainer and rider" He stated motioning towards the woman we'd all been watching.

"What's her name?"

"Ta..."He paused. "Taru? I think that's how to pronounce it," He looked towards her. "She's a Finn out of Helsinki"

"God damn foreign pussy..." Tig grinned. "Think she'd be up for a bit of fun"

"Get in line Tigger, I'll be gettin' that ass before ya do brother" I stated with a chuckle as she made her way back over and slid past Clay.

"Grace is on the walker; Tilly and Hunter are in the yards. I'll work Tilly this afternoon" She said to Oswald, a thick Finnish accent lacing her words, as she knelt down picking up the grooming kit before standing up.

"Alright, bring Hunter in, work the jumps"

She gave a nod and picked up a rope halter before moving towards the yards at the end of the block.

I glanced over at Clay as he walked off with Oswald to talk business and returned to watching the Finn, a massive bay coloured gelding walked behind her as she made her way back towards where her gear was laid out.

Tig whistled lowly. "Look at that rack"

I shifted my eyes from her face towards her chest and grinned softly. Nice tits, big tits, beautiful tits. The Finn's eyes come up to land on Tig; she smirked slightly hitching the horse before beginning to unclip his rug.

"Well I'm gonna go introduce myself before you scare 'er off," I stated with a grin before heading towards the Finn and the leggy bay gelding she was grooming. "'ello darlin'"

She glanced over her shoulder at me as I lent against the wooden side of the stall. "Hello yourself" She said before pulling the rug off the horses back and started to fold it before placing it on the rail outside the stall.

"I'm surprised ya 'aven't ask my name love"

The Finn looked up from checking the large bay gelding over. "Oswald's business is none of my business" She stated as she turned back to the gelding and ran a hand smoothly along his ribs.

My eyes landed on her ass as she bent over to pick out the gelding's hooves. Lovely ass, firm, round, fills out her jeans. I watched as the horse turned and nuzzled his nose against the back of her jeans before biting lightly.

He snorted and jumped slightly as the Finn slapped his belly. "Cut that shit out" She stated leaning under him to pick up his offside hoof.

A slight grin slipped to my lips. "Seems likes 'e likes ya love"

She straightened up before leaning against the horses hindquarters. "He likes a lot of things but he hasn't got the balls to please the ladies" She stated and picked up the black leather jumping saddle placing it on his back on top of the white saddle blanket.

"So you're from 'elsinki huh? Nice place?" I asked casually.

She grinned softly. "I'm from Lapland not Helsinki" She corrected.

"There's a difference?"

She glanced up at me. "Is there a difference between Glasgow and Wick?"

"Ah! Ya 'ave me there my fine young lady"

She snorted slightly. "Far from young kulta" She stated as she bridled the snorting gelding and booted up his legs.

Far from Young huh? She can't me more than what? Mid to late twenties? Twenty seven at the most. "How long 'ave ya been in Charming?"

She looked over, running her eyes over me for a second. "About a month" She stated turning back to the gelding and tightening her girth.

"Do ya need a leg up?"

A small smile passed her lips. "I think I got it kulta" She stated before placing a foot in the stirrup and swinging up onto the gelding's back.

"So ya names Taru right?"

She nodded gathering her reins and nudging the horse into a lazy walk before stopping him at the end of the stable and pulled off her over shirt hanging it on a hook. Jesus look at that ink work. I took in the tattoos I could see on her arm, her entire body was well defined with skin stretched over underlying muscles leaving her with great definition and killer lady curves.

"If you want I'll tell you about them sometime" Her comment caught me off guard as she looked down with a grin before nudging the gelding's ribs as she headed towards the arena gate.


I glanced to Tig and grinned softly. "What's there to say brother?" I turned to watch the Finn in the arena, a course of eight jumps set up that she was moving around the outside of.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her body as she kept her head up working the gelding slowly into a steady canter towards the first jump.

I felt the blood rush south as she pressed herself to the gelding, body arched, legs wrapped around the gelding's sides and head tilted towards the next jump as she judged the best line towards it.

Both horse and rider's muscles bunched and released as they worked towards the next jump, the gelding's well groomed coat shone under the suns light, his muscles rippling beneath the thin blanket of bright brown fur as he reared and spun around trying to unseat his rider. The Finn seated herself and pulled him into a tight circle several times before he finally calmed down long enough to continue on.

"Love to see what that body could do on top of me," Tig stated watching the Finn before idly rubbing at his crotch. "She must be like a damn contortionist"

"As I said before brother, get in line"

"I don't see your mark on her"

"Not yet Tig, but give me some time and it'll be there" I grinned softly watching horse and rider tackle the next jump, a wide water type of jump. Nice tight round ass that fills out her jeans, damn beautiful tits. My thoughts drifted into the gutter as my pants tightened as I watched her. I looked back at Clay as he and Oswald came back from talking.

"Tig and Chibs will come back tomorrow when you've got the cash" I took one last glance at the Finn as she tackled a daunting looking wall on the gelding, the tip of his hooves just clipping the top row of boxes causing them to topple down.

"Alright" Oswald nodded and settled his eyes on Taru.

"So what's the deal with her? Need new blood?"

Oswald nodded. "I needed a trainer that I can trust; she's one of the best, friendly enough albeit a bit eccentric"

"Where'd you find her?" Tig asked watching as she brought the gelding round to attempt the straight bar again after he'd run out at it.

"Online, she wanted a new job and jumped at the chance to move countries with her three horses"

"'ow old is she?" I asked watching her; she barely looked out of her twenties.

"Thirty two and as tough as nails, she can do ten times the work my stable hands can, she might not look strong but she is, don't let her looks deceive you"

I watched the Finn for a minute longer before Clay motioned it was time to go, I looked to arena finding it empty and the Finn was walking back up to the stables on a loose rein, a light sheen of sweat covering her pale tanned skin, she brushed back her loose short shaggy black strands of hair and threw me a sly smile which I couldn't help but return as I followed Tig and Clay out to our Harley's.

Alright Lingo time.

Offside - The right hand side of a horse if looking from behind.

Hindquarters - Butt end of a horse.

Gelding - Male horse that's got no nuts.

Jumping Saddle - Saddle designed specifically for jumping.

Girth - The strap that goes under the horses belly to keep the saddle in place.

Saddle Blanket - Blanket that goes under the saddle.

Hoof - Horses feet.

Stirrup - Piece of Iron where the riders feet go.

And finally Translations.

Kulta - Finnish for Darling/Sweetheart. The context I use it in is Darling.