Hello everyone, this is my first Danny Phantom slash pairing, and it's my absolute favorite. It's Danny/Clockwork :D I love these two together ^_^ hehe well anyways, hope to those of you who will read this enjoy it, well enjoy :)
Forever Watching You
From the day Danny Fenton was born, Clockwork would watch the small boy, he found him very unique, for some reason, the Master of Time couldn't help but watch, not only as this small boy was born, but also as he grew. It was a strange feeling to the Time Master, watching a small boy grow into a young man, and then into a monster. Clockwork wasn't happy when the Observants told him that in order for the future to be saved, Danny would have to die. The Master of Time didn't know why he was angry at his bosses for saying such a cruel thing to be done to little Danny.
However, he was able to help his Danny, he kept him on the right path, he taught him the lesson, and as he watched sadly from the sidelines, as Danny and Sam's relationship blossomed, as the world was saved from the asteroid by loving kind Daniel. Clockwork even helped out with making the world intangible so that asteroid would harmlessly pass through the earth.
It made him smile at the thoughts of his little charge, Danny is sweet, innocent, and a bit naïve, but most of all; he was everything that was pure and good to the Master of Time. However, he knew it would never be, Danny and Sam would marry and have children, and she could give Danny so much, and will give him considerably more than Clockwork could ever give Danny.
It was the one thing that made the old ghost so sad, he could never be anything more to Danny other than a friend or a comrade, even if he wanted so badly to be more for the boy. Sighing sadly, Clockwork, just watched Danny's birth for what seemed like the millionth time to him, however it never got old watching little Danny's eyes open for the first time with lovely wide blue eyes. It always made him smile, even if he had to go back to work just seconds after seeing those eyes just once a day.
However what he saw moments after, what Daniel would possibly do, and not only that, what Samantha might do as well, it frightened, enraged, and made the time ghost happy all at the same time. Forcing himself to change his facial features into a stoic mask, he watched and knew when this would happen. It would start five days from now, and end only two weeks later after that. That would be when Clockwork would take his precious Daniel away from all of his pain that is if it happens. He silently hoped that it would, if only to have a chance with sweet, loving, and kind Daniel.
And that's it for this beginning, some are shorter than others, and others are longer. :) well, please review, and till the next chapter, later :D