This story is one that I have been thinking of writing for a while now. It is a crossover between Winx Club and Gundam Seed.
I do not own either Winx Club or Gundam Seed.
Chapter 1
As the girl leaned against the tree she could see a building off in the distance. She could not tell what it was but could see that it was large and pink with a blue roof. She heard a sound and looked up to see a little bird flying over head. The bird flew down and landed on her shoulder.
The bird had a light yellow face with red eyes; just above the eyes the rest of the head was green. On top of the head was a single light yellow feather. The bird had an orange beak. The body was green with a small light yellow breast. The green wings had a light yellow part at the back of them. It had a green tail with a yellow tip. The bird sat on the girl with its silver feet which matched its silver neck.
"Birdy!" The bird said as it turned it head.
"Let's hope that we can find some help at that place Torii." The girl said with pain as she pushed herself off of the tree.
After taking a few steps the girl lost her footing. She quickly grabbed onto a tree near by and placed her one free hand down on the left side of her chest. It started to get harder for her to breathe as she leaned against the tree. After the memories of what had happened not long ago where finished going through her head tears began to flow from her eyes as she pushed herself off of the tree and began to move toward the building again.
Nearing the edge of the wooded area that she was in, she could see the pink building just ahead of her. It looked like some kind of castle. A head of her she could see what looked like a gate with three girls standing near by.
The first girl had blackish blue hair in a pair of pig tails and deep blue eyes with a pale skin tone; she was wearing a turquoise long tube top with teal pants. She had on a red belt over the top; she was also wearing teal unattached sleeves that reached from her wrist to her elbow. One her feet were a pair of aqua sneakers.
The second girl had cyan eyes and long red hair with a pale skin tone; she was wearing a blue and white stripped shirt with hearts on it and a denim miniskirt. She had on over the knee blue socks under her blue high heeled boots.
The third girl had jade eyes and long honey colored hair with blonde streaks within her bangs with a tan skin tone, she was wearing a pink midriff shirt with a pink-trim; puffy sleeves with pink polka-dots, a red skirt, pink socks, and red platforms shoes and a pair of golden loop ear rings.
"Please help me." The girl said as she slowly walked out of the forested area.
Bloom, Musa, and Flora turned to see a young girl slowly staggering out of the forest near Alfea. She had light pink hair that was tied up into a ponytail that reached the back of her knees and blue-gray eyes and a pale skin tone. She had a pair of golden ornaments in her hair just above her left eye. She was wearing a violet dress with a pink collar that ended in a mini skirt with burn marks all over it. There was a pink sash tied around her waist that was also burned.
Bloom and the others ran over to the girl as she collapsed. When Bloom and the others reached the girl they noticed burns and gashes all over her body. Torii flew down and landed near the injured girl and hopped a few times toward her.
"Birdy." Torii said as it turned its head to look up at Bloom.
"We need to get her help now." Bloom said.
Musa and Bloom lifted the girl up off of the ground carefully and with Flora's help they took her into the school. Torii flew into the school right behind the girls.
After taking the girl to the medical wing of the school the girls waited outside to see if she was going to be ok. After an hour of waiting, the door to the examination room opened and Nurse Ofelia walked out of the room.
"How is she?" Musa asked.
"She should survive but she was severely burned by something." Nurse Ofelia said as the door closed.
"Birdy." Torii said as it hopped around on Flora's lap.
"Can we go see her?" Flora asked.
"No she still has not woken up yet." Nurse Ofelia said, "I will let you know when she wakes up."
"Thank you." Bloom said as she stood up.
Torii flew up and landed on Flora's right shoulder as she stood up. The little bird hopped onto Flora's head as she left the waiting room of the medical room. As the girls where walking down the hallway they ran into Ms. Faragonda.
"Hello girls." Ms. Faragonda said with a smile on her face.
"Hello Ms. Faragonda." Bloom said.
"How is our guest doing?" Ms. Faragonda asked, "I was just going to visit her."
"She still has not woken up." Flora said as Torii hopped around on Flora's right shoulder.
"Thank you for letting me know." Ms. Faragonda said, "Now you better get to class."
"Okay Ms. Faragonda." Musa said before her Bloom and Flora left for class.
After standing there watching the three girls walk off Ms. Faragonda turned and walked to the waiting room for the medical wing. When she entered the room Nurse Ofelia was standing there waiting for her.
"Follow me." Nurse Ofelia said.
Nurse Ofelia turned and led Ms. Faragonda through a large metal double door. After walking down the hallway they arrived at their destination. Nurse Ofelia opened the door for Ms. Faragonda to enter the room. When she entered Ms. Faragonda saw the girl laying covered on the medical bed she could see a few burns on the girl's hands and arms.
Ms. Faragonda walked over next to the girl laying in bed. She looked down at her for a few seconds before she carefully placed her right hand on the girl's forehead.
"Reveal the past!" Ms. Faragonda said.
As Ms. Faragonda stood there with her hand on the girls head images of what had happened where shown to her. Ms. Faragonda was looking through the girl's eyes and saw what looked like a large humanoid machine with a black chest, one white arm and hand with black fingers, a white leg with blue feet. It had a white head with a four spikes coming out at the forehead, the two on the top were golden while the lower two where white. The machine had yellow glowing eyes. On its back were ten damaged blue wings.
The chest of the machine had a large hole in it and Ms. Faragonda could see a young man reaching out toward the girl. The young man had short brown hair and purple eyes with a medium skin tone, he was wearing a black shirt with a white collar and green pants, and he also had on a pair of brown shoes. The boy also had burns on his hands but not as badly as the girl.
As the vision continued Ms. Faragonda could see that the girl had fallen out of the machine. She reached up with her left hand as a little green bird flew near her. As she was reaching out small explosions was seen from the machine. The girl hit the ground and reached up toward the machine as it started to climb into the sky. A larger explosion happened as the machine continued to climb sending pieces of the machine different directions.
"Kira!" The young girl yells out in her memory as she looks at the explosion.
Ms. Faragonda removed her hand from the girls head and looked down at her. As she stood there a knocking sound came from the door. Ms. Faragonda walked over to the door and slowly opened it to reveal Flora standing outside the room.
"Yes dear?" Ms. Faragonda asked when she saw Flora.
"I know that I should be in class." Flora said as Torii hopped around on her right shoulder, "But I thought that this little one should be with her when she wakes up."
"Thank you dear." Ms. Faragonda said.
Flora nodded before she walked carefully over to the bed. She placed her right hand up near Torii before the little bird hopped onto her hand. She then moved her hand near the head of the bed and Torii hopped off her hand onto the bed.
"Birdy." Torii said as it cocked its head.
Flora started to turn around when the girl started to move. As Flora and Ms. Faragonda stood there the girls eyes started to flutter before they slowly opened up. Torii flapped its wings and flew over and landed on the girl.
"Hi Torii." The girl said as she looked at the little bird.
"Birdy." Torii said as it looked back at the girl.
The girl turned her blue-gray eyes and noticed Flora and Ms. Faragonda standing in the room looking at her. She weakly smiled at both people standing near her.
"Hello I am Lacus Clyne." The girl said as she slowly sat up.
"Hello Lacus my name is Flora and this is Ms. Faragonda." Flora said as she looked at the girl sitting in bed with a smile on her face.
"Where am I?" Lacus asked.
"You are at the Alfea College for Fairies." Ms. Faragonda said.
"Fairies, how could fairies exist?" Lacus asked.
"Where are you from my dear?" Ms. Faragonda asked.
"I am from PLANTs." Lacus said.
"I've never heard of that realm, Where is it?" Flora asked wit a puzzled face.
"I don't know what a realm is but PLANTs are space stations in orbit around Earth." Lacus said.
Lacus started to look around the room. After a few moments Torii flapped its wings and flew up to Lacus's left shoulder.
"Is Kira here?" Lacus asked as she looked down at Torii.
"I'm sorry no one else has showed up." Ms. Faragonda said sadly.
Tears began to fall from Lacus's eyes as she sat there. Flora reached out and touched Lacus on her right shoulder. When Lacus turned her vision she saw Flora with a reassuring smile on her face.
"I can tell that he is important to you." Flora said, "Is he the one that gave you that little bird?"
"Torii doesn't belong to me it belongs to Kira." Lacus said as she looked out the window, "We need to find him."
"I will get a hold of Saladin and see if he has heard of any news about your friend." Ms. Faragonda said.
"Thank you." Lacus said.
"Flora I want you to stay with Lacus so that she is not alone." Ms. Faragonda said.
"I will not be alone while Torii is with me." Lacus said.
"I still want her to spend the rest of the day with you and give you a tour of the school." Ms. Faragonda said, "After your done bring Lacus by my office."
"Ok Ms. Faragonda." Flora said.
Flora and Lacus watched as Ms. Faragonda walked out of the door. After a few moments Lacus moved her legs off of the bed and slowly stood up. Flora led Lacus out of the medical wing into the main part of the school.
"Alfea represents one of the three points of magic." Flora said as they walked down a hallway, "The other two are Red Fountain School for Heroics and Bravery where the Specialists train." Flora looked over at Lacus.
"Who are the Specialists?" Lacus asked.
"They are boys who have been trained to defend their home realms." Flora said with a smile on her face, "The other school is Cloud Tower School for witches."
"So there are witches here also?" Lacus asked.
"Yes and most of them hate fairies." Flora said.
The two girls continued walking down the hall until they heard someone calling from behind them. They turned around and saw five people walking toward them. Two of the girls Lacus had seen before the other three she had never seen.
The first of the new three had long golden hair that reached the top of her legs and hazel-brown eyes with a medium skin tone. She was wearing a green strapless dress with pink strips and a pink belt she was also wearing a pair of pink shoes.
The second was a girl with shoulder length magenta hair and teal eyes she had a pale skin tone. She was wearing a lavender polo vest midriff top with a matching miniskirt and a pair of matching wedged heeled boots.
The third girl was an African American with knee length wavy dark brown hair and cerulean eyes. She was wearing a soft purple tank top with a small blue colored wave logo on it, a medium green miniskirt and a pair of soft purple leg warmers over her khaki hiking boots.
"Hi girls." Flora said as the five girls walked up.
"Is this the girl that you three helped earlier?" Stella asked.
"Yes." Flora said as she turned to look at Lacus, "Let me introduce the rest of my friends. This is Bloom, Musa, Stella, Tecna, and Layla."
"Hello it is nice to meet all of you my name is Lacus Clyne." Lacus said.
"How are you feeling?" Bloom asked.
"I'd feel better if I knew what happened to Kira." Lacus said with a few tears in her eyes.
Flora saw how Lacus was acting and quickly changed the subject.
"So what are you girls up to?" Flora asked.
"We were going to get something to eat." Stella said, "Why don't you two join us?"
"I am a little hungry." Lacus said.
Please Review and let me know if I should continue the story.
Author Note-The character named Torii is the Japanese name in America it is called Birdy.