Chapter One: Meeting her

"Huh?" emerald eyes fluttered opened "What is that sound?" Sakura Kinomoto had been sleeping and was woken up by the noises outside of her Mansion. She rubbed her eyes and sat up walking toward a nearby window and lifting a curtain open... lights being held as weapons as the stars watched the teenagers below them go crazy of the summer night claiming that it was theirs.

Her emerald eyes glowed but quickly sadden... "I wish I was like that..." she said... Suddenly her eyes lighten up again as a yellow light blub appeared on top of her head and her index finger sticking up in the air (n/a: think of Takeshi only with a light bulb on his head) she picked up her pink cell that was inside a little pink purse and she click the speed dial and the phone began to ring.

"Pick me up." was all she said as she hung up quickly and went to her closet and smiled excitedly. "This is going to be so fun!" she smiled. She reached out for her remote and turned it on while dressing... humming happily ignoring everything but her...

"I am here to report news that is really dangerous and is top secret... I am here to inform you NOT to go outside this night. There is no reason I should tell you but stay inside." said the purple violet haired news reporter.

Sakura turned off the TV as the door opened showing a butler. Sakura walked toward her purse and took her cell phone in her other hand and smiled as she walked off her room and house without waking her stepmother and walked away happily humming.

"Ah! This is so pretty! Hong Kong is so cool!" she said as a five year old "Madame Sakura where do you want me to drop you off?" said the gray haired old man. Sakura's eyes flickered with lights as she kept her emerald eyes out in the window.

"Here! Drop me off here." she said excitedly the butler had a worried look on "But Madame Sakura. Your Stepmother said not to go into a bar like this withou-" "it's okay Will! It's okay." she said as she unlocked the doors "Madame maybe I should escort you-"

"No Will. I'll go by myself.. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself... I'm not a little girl no more." she took off to the bar as its neon flashing lights burst into thousands of fire crackers. "I'll come and pick you up later okay, Madame?" Before he had any response Sakura was already gone...

..I'm a big girl I can take care of myself.. I'm not a little girl no more... "Your right... and your changing so quickly.." he said with a worried look on his face as he took off and went his way back to the Mansion they had in Hong Kong where they were staying for awhile, but they were from Japan.

As everybody in the bar dance around celebrating summer's break Sakura walked in with a style that no one seen, she walked with grace, fashion, and dance. Every teenage boy stared at her as if she was a piece of meat and they were the hungry dogs.

She looked around and saw two other groups on the right side with Phoenix sign on their arms and the left side a cat-like signs on their left arms. Eyes still on her Sakura walked over to the bar tender as the music started to play.

"What's going to be ma'am?" said the bartender. "Coke." she said a bit cheery. Sakura's eyes scanned the large but crowded room... teenagers kissing, making out, laughing, and not caring about anything but having fun.

This was what she wanted... a place that she could just be herself... instead of feeling as if she was a five year old baby.

Again her eyes scanned the room as she got up and took her coke that the bartender just settled on the table, Sakura walked around the place her eyes remaining on the floor... A flash of blue eyes glared at her.

But Sakura didn't seem to notice... as Sakura walked nearby a table of teenager as the same age as her. She notice that a amber eyed guy was eyeing her... she had a feeling she had seen this guy before but she was sure she hadn't since it was her first night in Hong Kong... but there was something interesting about the 20 year old.

Not noticing the same blue eyed girl pushed heron to nearby chair, her coke spilled onto the floor as she was about the smash onto something hard...

"Are you too ready?" asked a blue haired 20 year old. A purple haired girl with waist length haired nodded, "I settled it just right under the chair nearby the corner." the amber eyed 20 year old nodded.. "So how long is his thing?" he asked out of the question

"What do you mean?" Eriol, the blue haired guy asked looking at Tomoyo the purple haired 18 year old sitting beside him.

"I mean how long is this thing between you two going to stop? Yesterday you just found out you liked each other and it's sickening me!" he wailed as he took a sip of his beer (n/a:beer taste nasty.. I haven't tried it but I smells nasty.) And gulped it down his throat.

Eriol glared at him.

"What about you, Syaoran?" he said mocking him "What about me?" asked the amber eyed guy asked reaching a hand and shuffling his chocolate bangs. "Did you find her? Is that her?" when Eriol stared into Syaoran's face... his amber eyes was covered by his brown thick bangs.

"Not sure, didn't see her face…She reminds me of her though." he said. "If it is her, I won't let anything stop me from being with her" His eyes scanned threw the making out teenagers and landed on a emerald eyed girl... 'I hope it's her' he thought.

All of a sudden the girl was heavily pushed down onto the floor... What was happening?

"Syaoran! It's not our's…something's starting countdown... We've been tricked!" Eriol yelled... but all Syaoran cared was of saving that green eyed girl. "Take care of the others... go back to the hide out NOW!" Syaoran ran toward the girl that was to on the ground...


'Oh god it is her' he thought, staring down at her face, he felt panic rise in him.

"Hey! Hey!" she was unfocused... the drink she had in her hands was cracked into pieces and the girl's face was half covered with remaining glass. He took her in his arms...


"Hey! Wake up!" he yelled slapping his hand onto her cheek gently. He noticed that the girl was bleeding badly. He looked around trying to find an opening.. Everybody had disappeared.


"Wake up. Damn it!" he swore, taking the girl into his arms and carrying her bridal style, he ran down the hall and tried to opened the door. "Shit! Those bitches locked the door!"


Smoke started to appeared... revealing a gasy smoke. Running and trying to find an opening he knocked a window out with his right hand and ran out of the window.



Safefully he and the girl were safe... his hand was bleeding badly... and also was the girl's face. He took a glance at the girl as his vision blurred. "You're... okay now...Ying Fa" a small smiled appeared but he fainted. "Syaoran!" he knew that was Eriol and the others... "Why didn't they go back to the hide out? Damn it..." as he mumbled and he blacked out...