A/N: First InuYasha fanfic. Enjoy! Please review!

DISCLAIMED: I don't own InuYasha. I'm not that amazing.


Was this the end? She felt her life-force draining away but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it'd be better this way. Her fellow humans had killed her and with that betrayal, she had no reason to live. Better to just get it over with quickly. Rin closed her eyes and drifted off.

He was hurt. Which was quite an understatement. There was a huge hole in his stomach. Nothing which he would die from, but it would leave him weakened for several days while he healed and left him more vulnerable. And open to others who wanted to get rid of him. All in all, the whole thing pissed him off.

None of this showed on his face though. He hid his emotions so well that it was like he had no emotions at all. In fact, most of the time, it actually was like he had no emotions. It was better for him this way. Emotions got in the way of everything and were useless.

Suddenly, he smelled something intriguing. He turned left and moved a little faster, ignoring the increasing amount of blood on his cloak.

He came upon a small human girl. She was beaten bloody and was almost dead. He grasped his sword, Tensaiga, and sniffed for predators, but all that came out was the scent of humans. Stupid humans. His lip curled in disgust, the only thing betraying his inner disgust. They killed for the fun of it. Demons killed when they would get more power, protect what's theirs, or defend their territory.

Then he noticed strange little creatures crawling over the girl. As they did so, her life-force drained away more. They must be the cause. He took his hand off Tensaiga and prepared to go ahead. What did the life of one mere human girl mean to him?

Two things stopped him.

One, the creatures on the girl disappeared. There was no trace of them anymore. He couldn't even smell them. Coming from him, the one who had the greatest sense of smell, that was quite an accomplishment. He put his hand back on Tensaiga and saw the creatures again. Interesting.

And two, he found he didn't want to leave the human girl. It was again interesting, but completely unwanted.

He drew Tensaiga and poked at one of the three creatures. It disappeared with a small puff. The girl's life-force grew back a bit. He poked at the other two creatures and when he did so, the girl's life-force returned completely and her wounds healed all the way.

So… The Tensing healed. Useless. He had no intention of saving people.

The little girl opened her nut brown eyes and stared straight into his cold golden ones.


The Great Dog Demon, Son of the Lord of the West, Sesshomaru, grabbed his stomach in an effort to stop anymore pointless bleeding and walked away without one backwards glance towards the revived human girl.