Okay, I haven't updated this in a while…and I'm really sorry about that. But anyway, let's review so no one is left behind.

My Number 6 told sector V lies about Kuki, They mistreated her

She tried to commit suicide but failed and had amnesia and a nervous breakdown

She killed 3 people and Wally killed Kuki's dad

Kuki gets hit by car after trying to kill Wally

Kuki has amnesia again and is renamed Koni

Koni hears voice from nervous breakdown and freaks out

Koni figures out that she is Kuki Sanban, the famous killer

Wally kills people because Kuki's evil rage affects him

Wally kills Mushi and Genkei and Kuki finds dismembered bodies

Kuki whispers: I give up…

Okay, so now we are all caught up. There is nothing you don't know now. So let's begin. By completing this beginning it's already 135 words.

Wally slipped from out of the closet and looked up the stairs. He could hear Kuki's muffled sobs through the walls.

"She doesn't remember me, I ruined her life…" He whispered. "I killed her family…" He whispered.

Put her out of her misery…

"No!" He whispered, almost shouting. "I will kill myself…it won't affect her." He said. "I want it to stop…all of it." He said. "I don't want her to hurt anymore; I don't want to hurt anymore." He said. Suddenly, his body shook and he felt to the ground, he heard Kuki running around upstairs. She appeared at the top of the stairs. She looked angered. She slowly descended the stairs towards him. "Stay away Kooks." He warned. "I can't control…the…" Suddenly his eyes flashed dark blue and went to a solid black. His perfectly tanned skin went pale and his hair seemed to blow as if there was a strong wind in the air. He looked at Kuki and tilted his head to the side.

"Do it Wally!" Kuki threaten screamed at him. He moved towards her and as if by fate. He stopped and looked her over. She didn't move, but the voice telling her to do bad…was gone now…

He caressed her face with his hand and pulled her into a sweet and short passionate kiss. He pulled back and put his hand around her neck. Suddenly, his grip tightened and tightened until Kuki's vision was blurring. She didn't know what to do, but look at his dark, black eyes. She smiled, thinking that she would die peacefully without having a load of sins on her back. But, suddenly the pain and feeling of death vanished. Kuki's eyes shot opened and waited for her vision to focus. Wally was gone; she was the only one in the hall. She suddenly noticed that she wasn't breathing and started to breathe slowly. Nothing made since, Wally was just choking her and, now he was gone. She shook her head and sobbed softly. He was just here.

"Wally…" She said softly. "I…I…" She almost broke down and cried, but she didn't. She started to shake…violently. She started to choke and her head snapped in all directions. She screamed out in pain. She wanted this to go away. She shook with fear as she dropped to her knees and cried out. "Help me!" She yelled. Suddenly, she saw Wally walk out from the shadows.

He won't help you…he doesn't care…

"W-Wally…" Kuki stared at him as she felt pain rush through her body. She collapsed face first and her screams were muffled. She felt Wally's vibrations as he walked towards her. He yanked her head up by her hair. "Wally, I know you are in there!" Kuki yelled.

Silly girl…that only works in movie…

"Wally…please…" Kuki mumbled. Wally ignored her and dragged her towards the basement. He opened the door and dragged her down along with him. "No…" She screamed. "No!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs now.

Wally walks back up the stairs and shuts the door, the lock clicks shut.

"Wally!" Kuki screams loudly and suddenly it is silence. The silence of death…

WITH Wally

Wally fell to the ground and opened his eyes. He had to blink his eyes for them to get adjusted to the light. He saw blood on the ground next to him and realized he was laying in it. He sat up quickly and saw the bloody trail lead into darkness. It looked like a bloody body was dragged into it. He gulped and tried to remember what had happened.

"Wally!" He could still hear her screams. "Please don't!" That's what she was screaming for him to do.

"Kill Kuki…" He had mumbled. "Wally don't put me in there!" That's what she screamed. "Wally!, That's a wood chipper! Don't Wally!" He opened his eyes and moved to the other end of the trail. The wood chipper was blood covered. "Wally I beg of…Wally…WALLYYYYY" grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH Wally's eyes wondered over to the end of the trail that led into darkness. He shook suddenly and stood up.

I've done my job…you see Wally

"Shut up mate!" He yelled out. "Get away now!"

Betrayal leads to death…

"I didn't betray her!" Wally yelled out loudly!

Death…leads to hate…she hates you

"She can't hate me…she can't … she can't…she can't do anything!" He yelled. Then, he paused. She couldn't do anything at all. It was true and it was his entire fault. He…he had killed her…

He looked around the basement. Her blood…was everywhere…

"I…I'm a murderer…" He mumbled.

End it Wally… the chipper is over there…

"But Suicide is a sin…" Wally mumbled. Wally slowly turned his head to the wood chipper…he couldn't do it…

That's what Kuki said... right before jumping off of the bridge…


You can live with her death on your hands…or live with her…

Wally froze and felt himself stand up. He walked over to the bloody contraption. He touched the blood stained chipper and sighed.

"Kuki…I love you" He whispered. He turned away from it and began to leave. Suddenly, at the other end of the trail, in the darkness, something moved. Wally looked over.

Too late…

"What are you talking about?" Wally asked.

She didn't get amnesia when that car hit her Wallabee…she died…but her evil spirit faked amnesia and took over her life. The Kuki you so called "Love" died when she tried to kill you. So...actually that wasn't a human being that you put through the wood chipper…

"It was a spirit…" He whispered. He turned around and saw Kuki walk out of the darkness. She was flawless and clean. She was wearing the hospital gown from last year. Wally's eyes widened.

"Wally?" Kuki asked softly. "Wally," Her eyes widened. "Watch out!" She yelled. Suddenly, Wally was flipped over and was face to face with the Kuki he had put in the wood chipper. She was bloody and dirty, her hair was floating like there was a fan on and her eyes were black and she was draggign him towards the wood chipper. The good Kuki watched.

"Help me…" Wally struggled to say. The good Kuki walked over peacefully and touched his chest.

"I love you…" She said. Then, she turned away leaving him alone with the spirit. The spirit laughed and through him up in the air.



Horrible ending, but Writers block is contagious… I'm sorry… I had another ending I had typed already… but someone used it in their story…so I didn't want to steal it somehow… So I'll just work on my…other stories…yeah… I'll post another HELP ME.

I like it when you guys help me… You guys pick good stories…