Sadly... Number three of Love's Three Shot Challenge! Sigh... Well, this one is a personal favorite because it was the easiest to write, and it is easily relatable.

Disclaimer: Again, don't own HoA. -_-

No More "Brace Face"!

Amber Millington had worn braces for two years, and had always been made fun of. Everyone called her "Brace Face" or "Metal Mouth", any sort of assortment of those names. And Amber hated it. She absolutely hated being called names.

So the day before Amber was going to get her braces off, she was so exited that the blonde could hardly sleep. She was thrilled to see her beautiful smile after all of these years.

The procedure to remove the wires from her mouth was a lot easier than putting the metal pieces in her mouth, and barely hurt at all.

When she looked in the mirror, Amber was dazzled by her brilliant smile. Her teeth were fairly white, perfectly straight, and beautiful. An absolutely gorgeous smile.

I might have to get Daddy to get me whitening for my teeth, to get that bright white smile that Victoria Beckham has, Amber thought to herself.

Finally, she could begin her transformation from silly nerd girl to glamorous runway model. Starting with her gross hair.

Even though Amber had not always been the beautifully stunning girl that she was in the present, she still knew all about fashion. So as soon as the news was out that Amber's braces were coming off, she knew she needed to make a plan to become a beauty queen.

The moment that she was out of the doctor's office, Amber's plan was set into action. She ran to the car and requested that her chauffeur, Markus, drive her to the nearest beauty salon where she would meet her mother to fix her hair and nails.

"Of course," he said, and drove Amber to the salon. There, she straightened her naturally wavy hair and then added blonde extensions until her shorter locks of hair grew out.

"Mummy, could I get french tips?" Amber asked, looking at her mother pleadingly.

Mrs. Millington, dressed in a chic navy blue suit, only peered at her young daughter and nodded. She continued to talk into the phone that was pressed to her ear.

"Yay!" Amber squealed. She told the manicurist to add french tips to her nails, which the manicurist gladly said yes to.

After that, both female Millingtons walked toward a few of the most fashionable stores in the shopping center. Buying several new shirts and skirts for Amber, they headed to the next store.

The process continued until Amber had an entirely new wardrobe with fabulous shoes, jewelry and handbags.

Finally, new glamorous-runway-model Amber had been created. The first day of school, everyone's heads turned to find a beautiful girl that no one recognized as Amber Millington.

Whispers of, "Who is that?", "She is so pretty!", "Oh my gosh, where on earth did she get that outfit?" and other formations of those sentences.

Amber grinned even whiter, showing off her shiny white teeth even more. As she strutted in her cute black flats through the hallways in her short grey, pleated skirt, one thought popped in her mind as she flashed one last smile to everyone before walking into her first class,

Good bye, Brace Face; hello Prom Queen Millington!

Okay... Finally. Done.

If you read the small A/N at the top, you can probably guess that I had a set of braces because I said this one-shot was relatable. And yes, it's true! They are now off! Yay!

I did not have a beauty queen plan like Amber, however, but still, this was the first idea that popped into my head when I thought of the third part of this challenge. And who was the first character to be getting the braces off? Yes, Miss Amber Millington.

The reason I chose her was because I can imagine her switching from a girl with braces with a bit of low self-esteem into a glamorous diva with a bunch of self-confidence.

Wow, I just realized how short this one-shot is... just a little over 500 words... This is crazy short! Sorry Love, I suppose this is more of a drabble now, since it is so short.

Anyways, hope you guys like this! Review please!

Should I discontinue "Only A Dream?" and restart it? I feel like I should take it off, hash out the whole story into an outline, and then write it from there... I suppose it's because I'm losing my muse. So please review and tell me if I should or should not! Or PM me, whichever is easier!