The morning came for both teens.
There was a groan and a slap on the alarm clock as shadow started to be seen on the wall of a person getting up. Then, it came; the loud scream.
"!", Quinn screamed as she saw her female figure again. And when she rolled out of bed with a thump.
"MOTHERFUCKER!", she hissed as she started to get up and rub her head.
She looked at her mirror and to see that she's back. No longer Quinton, but Lucy Q Fabray. Her hair was longer, she had her breasts back, there was no pain or something sticking out of her crotch, her voice was more girly, and her fingers were cleaner.
"Weird dream", she muttered to herself as she shook her head in disbelief and took a shower.
After she got out of the shower, she saw that she got a message on her phone.
With excitement from the dream, which she thought was a dream, but actually it wasn't (SHIT, SORRY :p), she quickly opened the message.
Rach Berry:
Good morning beautiful! Hope you're doing great, I am going to take a shower now, just got off the elliptical. I know how grouchy you get if someone wakes you up before 7, so it's 7.01AM, and get ready and get over here cause daddy made your pancakes :) See you later, love you! :)
'Holy shit, it wasn't a dream, but wait….i'm not Quinton, and she said I'm lovely, eh, let's play along with it'.. she thought to herself.
She looked into her closet and it wasn't Quinton's clothes anymore.
Instead of ties hanging on the the back of the door, there were her height notches starting from when she was 5 until 16, then she was convinced that she wasn't going to grow any taller anymore. She smiled at it and started to mumble to herself as she chose her clothes.
She went with a black t-shirt that Brittany gave her earlier during the year, it was printed with 'EMBRACE THE UNICORN', she wore fitting black jeans, got a biker's jacket and 2 inch heels. Instead of putting her hair up in a pony, she messed it up and sprayed a little of hair spray to make it stay in one place.
She grabbed her cheerios' uniform which was neatly in a plastic bag, her shoes for Cheerios and a jacket.
She went down the stairs and dropped her bag onto the floor and went to the kitchen.
"QUINNIE!", her mom said as she was holding out a pan filled with what Quinn figured out was bacon.
"Are you having breakfast here or at the Berries?", she asked.
"The Berries'", Quinn replied as she had her mouth filled with bacon.
"Quinnie!, those were for me", Judy playfully slapped her daughter's arm.
"thogrry", Quinn replied.
As soon as she wiped her mouth and drank her milk, she hopped off the bench and started to head out.
Judy grabbed her arm and said, "Quinn, give em' hell", and she winked.
"Oh, and if anybody messes with my girls, they'll be dealing with mama Fabray", "I got your back", Judy said as she pounded Quinn's fist.
Quinn just smiled. Déjà vu.
She grabbed her bag and hopped to her car. She drove all the way to Rachel's house and knocked on the door.
Liam opened the door and yelled out to Hiram, "HIRAM! I FOUND A STRAY!", he giggled, along with Quinn.
Rachel saw Quinn and she immediately had a smile on her face. She squealed and ran to hug her girlfriend and slapped playfully on her father's arm. "Daddy, you don't call my girlfriend a stray!"
Quinn's ears perked up like a dog's. GIRLFRIEND? I like that.
Quinn swirled Rachel around and gave her a small peck on the lips. "Good morning angel, you llok beautiful today, as always", Quinn smiled.
"SWEET JESUS! MY BABY'S GROWING UP! OH DEAR GOD, I'm SO …..EMOTIONAL!", Hiram yelled and saw the whole scene.
"Daddy, you're Jewish…"
"Well, Jesus and I made a deal", he winked at Quinn.
And all the way from the kitchen, they all heard Liam yelling, "QUINN! BACON'S HERE!"
Rachel had never seen Quinn move so fast. Quinn sprinted to the kitchen yelling out, "WHERE ARE MY BABIES?"
Rachel frowned at this. "I thought I was your baby", she faked a sad face and fake cried dramatically.
Quinn was stuffed with bacon and pancakes in her mouth and she said, "Ooof, I'm thoryy babeh. I jusht really likhe bacckon", she said while trying to chew her food and swallow at the same time.
After swallowing, she said, "but! You're my angel", Quinn said.
Rachel blushed and put her head down.
"Hey, what's wrong?", Quinn asked when she saw Rachel doing that.
"Nothing, it's just I can never get used to that. You, calling me your angel, saying that I'm beautiful".
Quinn got up and took Rachel's hands in hers, "baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know you're beautiful", she sang to One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful". "It's true baby, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, just everything, makes me feel like my life is complete, you ARE beautiful, okay? And I'll say it everyday, every night and every second I spend with you makes me fall in love with you more, like that's even possible.."
"You're cute when you ramble. Especially when you ramble about me", Rachel giggled as she kissed Quinn's hand.
"Well, I am whipped. No doubt. A hundred and one percent whipped", Quinn smirked. "alright, I'm gonna go brush my teeth and we'll get going?", Quinn asked.
After 5 songs sung in the car, they finally reached school and they walked down the halls hand-in-hand. They were soon joined by the other power lesbian couple, Brittany and Santana. Then, the whole Glee Club.
Funny thing is that, Glee Club is the most popular clique now. Whatever happened, Quinn didn't want to go back to where she was before she turned into Quinton. Everything is so perfect now.
After locker stops and tons of Eskimo kisses, the couples finally got into their perspective classes.
Santana and Rachel to Spanish, Brittany to Motorcross and Quinn to Advanced Science and Technology.
In Spanish class:
Santana wrote a note in her perfect handwriting to Rachel, who was sitting right next to her.
Midge, wanna hang out after school?
Rachel laughed to herself when she read it. Santana and her were friends now. If people told them at the beginning of high school that they would be best friends, they would throw up or either kill each other. But look at them now.
Sure Tana. But I gotta stop by the Record Store. The new Barbra Streisand collectible doll just came out. I spazzed out yesterday and I've been saving for that doll.
You're such a dork midge. But eh, sure.
Me? A dork? How about you and your weird obsession with Vampire Diaries?
Oh, just SHHHH. Nobody knows except you and the Unholy Trinity.
The Unholy Trinity are just nice people.
I know, but shh.
After school and Glee, the four of them went to Ricky's record Store and Collectibles to get Rachel's Barbra doll.
Rachel came out crying. "SOM-SOME-SOMEONE BOUGHT THE DOLL! NOOOOOO!", there were crying and tears everywhere.
Quinn hugged her girlfriend and kissed her forehead, "Aww baby! I'm so sorry! Come on, let's go get some pizza okay?"
"Okay", Rachel said as she sniffled.
After a while at the mall, they all were exhausted and tired. Quinn sent Santana and Brittany back home. When they reached infront of Rachel's house, Rachel was still sniffling and rubbing her eyes.
"I'm so sorry baby", Quinn said as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek.
"It's okay. Maybe when we get to New York, I can get one", "I'm just so upset that I let that other person buy it before I do", she giggled a bit.
"Well…", Quinn dragged as she pulled out paper bag from the back seat. And she gave it to Rachel.
"Q-Quinn, what is tthis?", Rachel asked as she took the bag.
"Take a look", Quinn encouraged.
Rachel unfolded the paper bag from the top and she gasped at what she saw. It was the Barbra Streisand doll!
"QUINN?", "You bought me the doll?", she squealed.
"Of course", "I love you baby", she simply said as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek.
Rachel kissed Quinn on the lips and hugged her as tight as she could.
"OHMYGOD Quinn! Thank you so much baby! I love you sooooo much!", she said excitedly. "Now everytime I look at this doll, I'll think of you and your love", Rachel continued.