Drago, along with the rest of the demons, Ice crew, and Jamie, ran

outside after Izzy explained what she'd found. Drago sniffed the air,

his clawed hands clenching into fists. His narrowed eyes gave a

demonic gleam.



Drago roared in anger. Breathing a column of fire into the air. Jamie's

eyes widened. She'd NEVER seen Drago THIS angery...

Ice went over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Yo, chill,

D-dude. You're gonna freak out J-girl."

"I don't care!" Drago growled vehemently, smacking Ice's hand

away, "When I get my hands on him, I'm gonna rip out his guts,

roast them and make him eat them! Then I'm gonna rip out his

heart and-!"

"While I admire you're sudden burst of demonic rage, it might be

more helpful just now if you thought things out clearly and

suppress your anger. It will cloud your thoughts and Judgement"

Shendu said, crossing his arms.

Drago snorted, smoke coming out of his nostrils. "Fine. Where is

that old wizards lair?"

"He lives in a castle somewhere, I'm not certain of it's precise

location," Shendu said, "Why don't you use one of Gary's hairs

and perform a locator spell?"

Drago knelt, grabbing one of the silver and black hairs. And

placing it in the palm of his hand.

"Good idea."


He went back inside the FIsh Cannery, heading for the kitchen.

Jamie followed him, watching as he grabbed several vials of

various ingrediants Tso Lan used for his potions and mixxing them

together, dropping the hair inside.

Yah Gah Mee Mo Yah Gah Mee Chi Wah...

Yah Gah Mee Mo Yah Gah Mee Chi Wah...

Yah Gah Mee Mo Yah Gah Mee Chi Wah...

Yah Gah Mee Mo Yah Gah Mee Chi Wah...

Yah Gah Mee Mo Yah Gah Mee Chi Wah...

Yah Gah Mee Mo Yah Gah Mee Chi Wah...

The mixture began to glow, Jamie leaned over the bowl as an

image appeared in the glowing blue liquid. It was a castle in a

rocky, gloomy, remote location.

"Oh yeah, that helps..." Drago said with a scowl. Jamie could

FEEL Drago's demon chi flickering with anger. It was...a bit

unsettling to see Drago this angery. There had to be something

she could do to help...

And then it struck her.

Recently, Tso Lan had been teaching her about transportation

spells. According to him, one could travel anywhere through the

Shadow Plane, the birth place of the Shadow Khan clans.

And she had a way to do just that, didn't she?


"Drago, hold on a sec!" she said turning and heading for the



"Just give me a second, I know how we can get to Gary!"

She ran to her room, reaching under her bed and pulling out

her lock box. She unlocked it an pulled out the necklace she'd

bought what seemed like years ago, even though she knew it

had been only months. She ran back into the kitchen, putting

it on.

"You still have that?" Drago asked, his eyes catching the

gleam of the saphire around her throat. Jamie nodded, "Well,

I knew I had to keep it away from your family, so It's not like

I could just chuck it in the trash. Tso Lan told me that if I can

visualize where to go, we can use it to get to Daolan Wongs


Drago gave an impressed grin, "Good idea..." he said as Jamie

bent over the bowl again, getting a good look at the place

the castle was located. She took Drago's hand, concentrating

as she tried to remember what Tso Lan told her about Shadow


The necklace glowed as a puddle of thick, black, liquid Shadows

gathered at their feet, enveloping them. It was cold and

suffocating. Drago, being a half demon, wasn't bothered. He

was use to such things. Jamie found it disturbing and had to try

very hard to ignore it and keep concentrating.

"I really hope this works..." she thought to herself as they moved

throught he shadows.

Gary shuddered as Dao Lan wong and Joe approached him.

"Good to see you're awake..."

"What does masters enemy want with Gary?" he demanded,

scrambling backwards, wary of the duo.

"Oh, nothing much...just a sample of your venom."

Gary was no idiot. He knew the venom of his kind could be

used in spells and that giving him venom would be helping

the enemies of his master and THAT was NOT going to happen.

Gary scowled at him, "Gary will not give you anything! Masters

enemy is Gary's enemy and Gary doesn't help his enemies!"

"Why you-!" Joe started but Daolan Wong held up his hand,

silencing him. He held up his staff, which glowed bright red.

"Is that so? Well..." he chuckled darkly" I have ways of making

stubborn pawns comply..."

hope you enjoyed the first chapter!