Warnings: Human names used. Slight angst.

Pairings: Close bond and light pairing with Spain and Prussia. Very light Prumano if you squint.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hetalia characters, only claim is plot.


"Come keep watch with me in the crows nest Gilbert." Lovino said in commanding manner his hands on his hips.

"Urg…whhhhy?" Gilbert complained and slumped against the barrel he was leaning on.

"Because I said so." Lovino replied curtly.

Gilbert whined "Dammit Romano… just because you get bored and lonely up there doesn't mean you have to drag me up the rigging every time you get look out!"

"I do not get bored or lonely you white haired bastard, I just need something to keep me from falling asleep because I hate this duty! And as if I would want to fall asleep near you! You would most likely give me a new haircut while I slept again" Romano barked defensively.

Gilbert smirked and chuckled. "Yeaaah~ sure I believe you"

Lovino grumbled but grabbed the younger boy by the collar, starting to pull him in the direction of the crows nest. "Just do it already!"

"Fine, FINE!" Gilbert squirmed chuckling slightly.

Lovino did not know about the severity of Gilberts sword wound. He knew Antonio had been fussing over the younger boy, but he always fussed over everyone younger then himself that was in his care. And if it had been Lovino who had injured a friend he would probably be feeling rather guilty himself so he just put if off to that.

Gilbert did not like showing his weaknesses. He did not care how high the rigging was or the fact he could barely see the ground when he was up there or the fact Antonio had told him not to use his leg that much.. He was going to climb the rigging.

Lovino went up the rigging first. "Well hurry up Gilbert! We haven't got all day!" The Italian barked as he climbed.

Gilbert grumbled. "Awesome me is coming dammit!" He bit his lip and started to climb the rigging trying not to take to big movements. By the time he reached the top he was panting, his leg aching slightly and he let out a relieved sigh to be at the top.

Lovino snorts, "Took you long enough I was starting to think you wouldn't make it!" Lovi lent against the post and yawned. "You shouldn't slack off, the crew will take you even less seriously if you become a lazy ships cat."

"Pfft! The crew think I am awesome" Gilbert waved off what Lovino had to say and sat down in the crows nest.

"They think he is going soft.." Lovino said in a slightly calmer but still grumpy voice.

"I wasn't there to see you two Spar… but I heard you technically won… they know he goes easy on you.. And it's not good for him or you for them to see it like that…" Lovino replied awkwardly looking to the side. "He use to act similar to me an a few others.. But that was before you were on the ship so he wasn't captain then so it wasn't as bad.. But you really need to make sure he doesn't get carried away..You will never get the crews respect if the captain babies you…"

Gilbert was not expecting that at all. "I-It's not like I like his doting behaviour or anything.. " Gilbert trailed off, it was a lie, after loosing contact with his father and brother he had found comfort in the attentive Spaniard.

Lovino sighed. "Antonio is an odd guy… he is too emotional.. He is Spanish after all"

"You can't talk~" Gilbert chuckles and changes the subject.

"This has nothing to do with me, Idiota! I am not Spanish!" He huffed and crossed his arms.

Gilbert snickers and grins and Lovino boots him lightly. "Ow dammit!" Gilbert had picked up a lot of his swearing from Lovino.

Lovino sat down next to Gilbert "I swear it is impossible to stay awake when on this job.. Even with company…" Lovino yawns and grumbles as he already starts to neglect his duties.

Gilbert never had look out duties so he wouldn't really know, but it seemed like a much easier job then swabbing the deck or helping to cook copious amounts of food so he didn't get why Lovino always complained.

Gilbert shrugged thinking about what the other had said also forgetting his duties. "…Hey Lovi….you said that Antonio tends to favour different people from time to time… so …do you think when I get older.. He will get a new protégé?" He voices his thoughts in the privacy of the crows nest. "I mean…I like being treated as an adult…but I like working with the Captain.. going into town on errands…him teaching me things personally…" He hugs his own knees and scowls lightly at the thought of being ignored and replaced.

Lovino seems awkwardly taken off guard by the question, Gilbert always acted so confident and ready to prove his own worth. "Ehh…. Well… Antonio does care about his crew in general…. A lot better then most pirates do… If you ask me he cares too much..!" Lovino crosses his arms and huffs slightly. "And yet I still don't get my siestas when I want them if at all!"

Gilbert chuckled slightly but still not reassured. Antonio just seemed so…airy with his affections….Gilbert was starting to feel more and more like a passing pet project and his heart sank a little. He hated this feeling… why did he even care? Antonio wasn't his real father.. Or any other sort of relative.

"…I have to start looking for my real family harder…." Gilbert sighed and lent on Lovi. Lovino raised an eyebrow looking down at the other he grumbled then sighed. "What? Your not happy here anymore or something? You shouldn't complain…you have it easy… and well… you know you don't have anymore clues on where your brother is…" Lovino didn't even include Gilbert father being alive into a possibility.. everyone knew that ship was long sunk even if no one witnessed it first hand. Although.. No one would mention this to Gilbert, because when they did the results were never pretty.

"I am awesomely happy here a lot of the time…. But… I don't know…I don't really belong here…and well.. Bruder could be alone or mistreated… what if his tutor kicked him out without Vatis financial aid!" Gilbert said in a frustrated and worried tone and sighed audibly. "And one of the worst things is… besides being separated…..besides the fact that I am enjoying myself in spite of all this….. Is the fact that Bruder would have no idea if Vati and I were safe…for all he knows or has been told is that our fathers ship…is gone…to him…we either abandoned him.. Or we are dead…" Gilbert sunk slightly as he finally spilled what had been on his mind.

"…D-dammit Gilbert…stop saying all these things.. It's depressing…." Lovino grumbled in a slightly shaky voice. "And you are glad to have known your family….I do not know my fathers side at all…. I hear they got my twin brother…while I stayed with my mother…. She was friends with the old captain of this ship…when she passed away ..it was this crew ….him and Antonio that looked after me…"

Gilbert looked up at Lovino rather surprised. "So….you are like me then…." He responds thoughtfully. "Well not JUST like me…just a few similar things with our families and being on this ship is all!"

"Tch…..yeah.. Not like I would want to be like you in any way shape or form!" The Italian huffs.

Gilbert smiled just slightly and sighed as he reminded himself, his story was not that shocking. It was common to be without ones family or parents. Lovino…Antonio…more then half of this crew had no one else either. He knew that he would never stop looking for his brother. He would ask at every port, every crew that passes through..every lead he could dig up he would follow. But…until then he was not alone…not nearly as alone as he felt at times.

Gilbert lent on Lovi again and chuckled slightly. "I wouldn't want anyone to be like the awesome me! Awesome me is one of a kind~!" Gilbert yawned.

Lovino yawned in response "Stop making me sleepy you bastard…and good, one of you is already unbearable!" He let the other lean on him and he felt himself starting to nod off himself. "….It's your fault if we both fall asleep….."

"Hmf…." Gilbert replied lazily, his eyes already closed. The gently warm sun setting them both into relaxed siesta.

As the two napped the did not realise that their lack of attention had caught the attention of a few of the bored sailors.

"Should we tell the captain?" One sailor casually turns to his friend standing next to him.

"Hm…we should… but.. Hmm~" The sailor looks thoughtful. "Want to bet who the captain is going to get the most mad at?" He grinned at his companion. "I bet its Romano for falling asleep again"

"No .. it would have to be the Prussian pup for not staying of his leg like he was told…fine I agree .. I bet you the Captain will get more angry at Gilbert"

By now a small crowd had gathered and as the men were taking small bets one had gone to alert the captain that the look out had fallen asleep. It was a safety issue for them all after all.

Now, Antonio was a rather happy go lucky person… but when he was in a bad mood.. you really did not want to be on the receiving end of it. There is just something about seeing someone who is usually happy get mad, it makes the situation get more serious.

The Captains cabin door swung open and he marched onto the deck looking up at the crows nest while he listens to what the small crowd is saying.

"Ahaha~ those boys falling asleep in each others arms up there…I am not sure to think that is sweet or to laugh~" One of the sailors chuckled to the other.

Antonio shoots a glare at the aimlessly mulling crowd before given his attention back to the two sleeping teenagers.

"ROMANO!…GILBERT!" Antonio yelled loudly up at the two in the crows nest.

Gilbert blinked awake as he heard his name. Romano had seemed to grow accustomed to drowning out the sound of the Captains voice while sleeping and had not stirred. He decided right now it would be best not to move and hope that the sound of his voice being yelled was a dream.

Antonio huffed and made his way up to the helm which was higher up and gave a better view of the people in the crows nest. "GILBERT!, ROMANO! GET UP NOW" The captains voice boomed in an annoyed tone.

Gilbert gulped, it was not often he heard the captain speak in such a tone let alone to while addressing him. Gilbert peeked up and suddenly noticed Antonio standing at the helm staring right up at him. He knew he was a serious amount of trouble right now. He reached over and shook Lovinos' shoulder lightly not wanting to face this on his own.

"Dammit I don't want to get up…" Lovino grumbled but Gilbert just shook him a little harder.

"Lovi! Wake up Antonio is looking at us!" Gilbert whined slightly.

Lovinos eyes shot open quickly. Shit! Caught out napping again on the job! The Italian slowly turned his head to meet the Captains stare along with Gilbert. "Ciao Capitano …" Lovino replies in a rare show of respect, thrown off by Antonios' expression.

The sailors watched in quiet amusement, mostly the ones who had betted were staying quiet so they could hear the results on who would be the one to get into trouble the most. The quiet only rising the anxiety of the two.

"Gilbert! What are you doing climbing up the rigging when I told you to keep off your leg!" Antonio looked worried yet annoyed at the same time.

So it was Gilbert he was most upset about?

Antonio continued "ROMANO! What have I told you about siestas during work! EXPECIALLY during your look out duties!" Antonio yelled up firmly at the older boy.

Lovino huffed. "I KEEP TELLING YOU I AM A CHEF NOT A SAILOR! GODDAMMIT!…" He stopped himself from yelling when he remembered what he had told Gilbert about not belittling the Captain in front of other people.

"Get down here now.. both of you…" Antonio said in a serious manner.

The crew was a little shocked, they knew Antonio would get mad… but it seemed like the Captain was in a particularly no-nonsense mood.

"Y-yes Sir…" Both Lovino and Gilbert replied at the same time.

Lovino climbed out of the crows nest first sliding down the ropes carefully frowning at the awkward eyes of the crew that is on him. Gilbert follows suit and follows the other wincing in pain and the climb down seems to be much more difficult on his leg. As the two climb down Antonio moves down from the helm to meet the boys at the mast.

He hits Romano up the back of the head first. "You are older you should have known better! You are just teaching Gilbert bad habits! I have warned you about this before!" Antonio says in a frustrated tone. "You are right you are a chef, but expect less help in the kitchen if you are going to half ass your other duties!"

Romano was a little taken aback and shifted awkwardly at the scolding. "….Si …." The Italian felt stupid for setting off what he had worried Gilbert would.

Antonio sighed. "Go to the Galley…clean up ..prepare something …keep busy… I will come talk to you about this later…" The Captain seemed upset at the fact he had to raise his voice. "But firstly… I will deal with Gilbert.." Antonio turned to look at Gilbert who gave him a small sheepish smile. It was Gilberts turn to receive a swat to the back of the head.

"O-ow D-dammit…" Gilbert grumbled and rubbed where his Captain had hit him.

"If you have split your stitched I swear to god I will tie you down until your wound is completely healed!"

"You!" Antonio points to a sailor "You are on lookout duty" The sailor reacted quickly and climbs the riggings with a quick yes Sir.

Antonio grabbed Gilberts wrist and dragged him to his Cabin. He might have looked angry but in all honestly he was incredibly worried, he was mostly cross at the two boys stupidity.. and something else that he could not quite put his finger on.

"Ack! I'm sorry! Don't pull me! Don't hit me I will be good!" Gilbert worried about punishment, not knowing how much he was going to receive as he had never seen Antonio this mad.

Antonio stayed silent until he had the other in his cabin. "Gilbert…." He said in a firm tone.

Gilbert let out a small whine and looked up at his Captain. "J-ja…?" He gulped.

Antonio quickly wrapped his arms around the other. "Don't worry me like that! You promised me you wouldn't make me worry about you!"

The boy blinked in surprise. "A-ah? You're not mad at me?" Gilbert looked slightly confused by relieved.

"Mad? Of course I am mad! But I am more worried that you did yourself more damage… if you split your wound it runs the risk of getting infected all over again!" Antonio explained. "You are so careless at times Albinito…" Antonio sighed.

"I..I'm sorry!" Gilbert blushed in embarrassment. "It's just Lovi wanted company.. and I didn't want to look like a wimp…so I climbed up the riggings to keep him company while he was on duty… but he didn't know how bad my cut was…so don't blame him okay!" Gilbert explained.

Antonio pouted slightly. "It's not fair that you and Romano let each other hug when you are falling asleep! You both never let me hug you like that."

Gilbert really didn't know how to respond to that. "W-well..um… you're the Captain… its different…" Gilbert blushed. "And … it's not like it's a regular thing that we do!"

Antonio seemed a little appeased and his attentions turned back to more important matters "I should take a look at how it is healing today… has it been hurting you much?" Antonio asked

"Ehh?" Gilbert blinked at the sudden change in topic. "Well ..a little… stings when I walk too much… but nothing the awesome me can't handle…"

Antonio nodded. "Well it is just in one of those spots after all.." Antonio went to undo the others pants but Gilbert blushed and pushed his hands away. "I can do that myself! I am not a kid who can't dress himself…"

"Ah.. Fine fine~" Antonio smiled. "Take them off and go sit on the chair and I will get the things to clean your wound"

Gilbert rolled his eyes. "I know the routine Captain… you have been cleaning it and making sure it has not got infected everyday since it happened… you worry to much about awesome me…" Gilbert slipped out of his pants and sat down on the chair with a blush, he still did not really like showing off this awkward amount of skin.

Antonio brought the cleaning solution and a fresh set of bandages over to the other kneeling down in front of him. "You are going to have to just learn to cope with me worrying about you Albinito…~" Antonio smiles and unwrapped the bandages and inspecting the stitches and then sighs happily in relief. "None of them have split.. Still a little pink .. But that is normal…" Antonio pokes the pink skin near the others wound and the boy lets out a small yelp.

"O-ouch! Don't poke it!" Gilbert whines, trying not to be bothered by the other being so close to him like this.

"Sorry my Albinito…I was just checking to see if it felt swollen .." Antonio smiled and kisses where he had poked, just like he would if Gilbert had hurt himself in any other place.

Gilberts faced flushed bright red as the other kissed his thigh "DON'T DO THAT!" Gilbert yelped and pushed the others face away.

"I am just apologising to my Albinito… I know this is going to leave a rather big scar.." Antonio started to sterilize the wound with the alcoholic solution and Gilbert winced before his face brightened.

"I am going to get a scar!" Gilbert looked absolutely thrilled. "That is so awesome~! I will have a great battle scar to show off~! Girls love scars after all~ Niyo Niyo~!"

Antonio didn't really like the idea of that. "Don't just go showing off your thighs to just anybody Gilbert…" Antonio reached up an stroked the others cheek lightly. "I wouldn't want any body to take advantage of you" Antonio started to wrap the fresh bandages around the teenagers thigh.

"Heh.. What like you are doing right now.. You are such a pervert Captain..~" Gilbert chuckled trying to make a joke out of his captains touchy feely personality.

Antonio chuckled as he finished wrapping the bandage and stands up. "Yes but I am allowed too.. ~" Antonio lent in and kissed the boy on the side of the lips.

Gilbert almost fell off the chair in shock but Antonio caught him and chuckled. "Ahah~ you are so cute sometimes my little Albinito~ You pull the most adorable expressions" Antonio kisses Gilberts cheek.

Gilberts heart raced in a confused flutter. His brain trying to process what was happening. "I ..um.. I DO NOT! You just keep startling me! Being all weird…"

Antonio smiles softly and strokes the boys hair. "I just like to show you affection sometimes Albinito~ You are really special to me"

Gilbert blushed and fidgeted slightly. "J-Ja…I know awesome me is important…you don't have to get all soft on me…."

The older man cooed slightly and kissed the others forehead and the teenager wrinkled his nose. "I cannot help it~" Antonio chuckled happily and kissed the other again firmly on the cheek.

"Urk! that's foul!" Gilbert flailed slightly and tried to push the others face away.

Antonio smiled and pulled away. "Everyone needs affection from time to time Gilbert~ Even awesome boys like my little Albinito~"

The younger boy pouted at his Captain for making him blush so much.

The older mans heart swelling with affection. Behind his rebellious and reckless manner Gilbert could be rather endearing.

"Ja…" Gilbert finally replied and stood up to put his pants back on. "Awesome me does like to know he is appreciated from time to time" Gilbert smiled in a slightly awkward fashion.

Antonio brightens as he hears the other say he enjoys the affection if only even just a little. He did get a little jealous from time to time when Gilbert gave it to any body else.

"And also Gilbert~" Antonio smiled. "I want to fall asleep with you too sometime~ it's not fair that Romano got to!"

"Arg! That again!" Gilbert face palmed slightly then crossed his arms. "I keep telling you that was an accident! I don't want to fall asleep with anyone!" The boy huffed slightly frustrated from being embarrassed.

The Captain pouted like a child denied their favourite toy. "That's nor fair …" Antonio wrapped his arms around the other and grumbled. "I guess I could always find someone else to share bed with…even if I would rather hug you~" Antonio nuzzled Gilberts cheek.

Gilbert did not like that idea at all.. He already hated it when he had to share his captains' company. "F-fine then…I don't want to have to sleep in a hammock in where everyone sleeps because you have other people in here…" Gilbert mutters.

"Well if my little Albinito shares my bed then there is no room for guests then is there?" Antonio explains simply.

"Well that is true.." Gilbert replied thoughtfully but looking a little distracted staying quiet for a moment. Gilbert knew that Antonio would not notice unless he brought the issue up so he tried to articulate what he wanted to say. "…I was just wondering earlier…um… " Gilbert fidgets.

"Hm..? What is it Albinito?" Antonio looks at the other curiously wondering what Gilbert has to say.

"Well…awesome me…was thinking… I have not made much progress in finding my brother and father… its been a few years now.. And I still am no closer to my brother…I … don't think.. My father could have gone unnoticed for so long…" Gilbert tries to pull a strong face. "Which mean it's up to awesome me to find and look after my brother!"

Antonio looked at the at little surprised at the sudden seriousness of Gilberts voice. "I understand Quierio …I have been keeping an eye and ear out for you… no one in the new world has heard any new news about your father… I did talk to Francis while he was here and he is going to inquire about Roderich and Ludwig and see if they have been heard about in Europe… any news on your family at all" Antonio stroked Gilberts hair trying to reassure him.

Gilbert nodded and lent on Antonio. "I just do not want Bruder to be alone…" The boy sighed.

Antonio hugged the other tight and smiled reassuringly. "I promise to make sure I do my best in helping you find your brother"

"D-Danke!" Gilbert hugged the other so happy to know his Captain would continue to help.

"And just so you know Gilbert.." Antonio stroked the hair out of the boys face. "Until you find your brother…and even after that.. You are more then welcome on my ship.. It's not going to be the same without you…." Antonio smiled sadly, as much as he wanted to see Gilbert happy.. As much as he wanted him to have his brother back… it made his heart sink to know he would see him leave once he did.

Gilbert nodded. "Awesome me.. Might not say it …. But I am grateful for what you have done for me… and I do like being here!" Gilbert explained, half reassuring himself from his earlier talk with Lovino.

Antonio ruffled the boys hair with a grin. "You know.. after you find your brother…you are both welcome to stay on my ship…"

"Ja~! Of course!" Gilbert nodded. "I can't wait for you two to meet!"

Antonio looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well.. How about instead of waiting for Francis to make here… we head to France and pick up any leads we have? We have been searching all over the new world for your brother.. But just because you were found here.. doesn't mean your brother is here… and if your brothers tutor was an Austrian man… it makes sense he could have been taken back to Austria" Antonio said thoughtfully.

Antonio knew he was not welcome in Spain but if he stayed out of Spanish territory he should be fine, and for Gilbert.. it was worth the risk.

Gilberts eyes widen. "So we are going to Europe!" His grin spreading in excitement.

The Captain nodded "Si~ Gilbert~ we are"

An: Just if anyone was wondering, the word Albinito is just a pet name with no real word meaning. Its pretty much a mash up of Albino + bonito(Bonito meaning nice, pretty or lustrous. Lustrous meaning; Gleaming with or as if with brilliant light; radiant) It was a nick name a Spain rper used to call me as Prussia and I just adore it. (It is also a name both First and last )


Quierio = dear