Chapter 11

Me: "hello everyone and welcome to another mind bending chapter of his baby."

Kyuubi: "please understand that the characters do not belong to chanteddy but the whole storyline does."

"Alright kakashi you know what the plan is." Minato asked his former student as he and kakashi hid behind the giant pizza man holding his big ass pizza. Kakashi could only sigh in annoyance at his sensei and roll his eyes in irritation "for the last time sensei I do, I`ll sneak in without any notice while you make a big stupid distraction with a panda bear suite. While everyone is distracted I grab naruto and sneak out the back and give you the signal and naruto will be safe and sound from the "clutches" of that red haired monster."

Minato nodded proud at kakashi who was able to remember everything in only a short amount of time. "Ano…sensei are you sure this is going to work?" kakashi asked as he looked towards the quite man.

"of course it`s going to work it was my brilliant plan after all." Minato said smugly as he puffed out his chest and pointed his thumb towards his chest. 'That's what I'm afraid of.' Kakashi thought as he sweat drop at his former teacher, he could have been out clubbing with his friends Obito and Rin today but nooo he decided to be Mr. cool and stay home to read his damn make out tactics book as a reward to himself for job well done at the office today.

'Oh why Kama why, have the forsaken me so.' His chibi self cried at his own stupidity. He was taken out of his day dream by the feel of minato`s hand on his shoulder "alright kakashi lets go!'' minato said as he suddenly pulled a panda suite from out of nowhere and jumping into action, leaving his silver haired student behind.


"What the fuck man!"

"help mama there`s a crazy man in a panda suite after me!"

"And that would be my queue." Kakashi said as he snack into the restaurant unnoticed and hid behind one of the potted plants "ninja must be able to conceal their selves, now where would naruto be ." he said to himself as he looked to the direction of the distracted staff and customers. "Ah there you are naruto and seems like you and your friends have fallen for the bait." He said as he dashed and grabbed the distracted teen ninja style and ran out of the pizza place as fast as he could and tell minato he has the target.

"Hey…hey let go of me ….help help! KYUUBI!" the little blonde screamed as he pounded the strange man. Kyuubi as well as everyone else turned away from the weird scene of a man in a panda suite chasing people, to notice a strange jacket wearing man running away with a screaming naruto on his shoulders. "Ah naruto!" both Sakura and Sasuke screamed as they and the rest of the group were just about ready to chase the man when a tan hand stopped them from advancing and saving the younger teen.

They saw it was shukaku who was stopping them this in turn made sasuke growl in anger at being stopped from saving his naruto "just what the hell is your problem Ichibi, can't you see naruto needs us!"the Uchiha move the sandy haired blondes hand away "relax yourself Uchiha don`t get so worked up besides I can`t let you do that or you will receive the bitter end of the stick as will if you get in his way." The pierced teen said as he pointed towards the direction of his quite leader.

The group all turned to Kyuubi's direction and got scarred at what they were witnessing and the next thing they knew Kyuubi was gone leaving everyone in the restaurant felling quite scared for whoever took naruto.

"Do you think Kyuubi is going to leave them alive after this?" Gaara asked making the others look at his direction.

Shukaku just shrugged "who knows, besides whoever they are they better hope they get hospitalized but look on bright side gaara at least we won't be able to witness it and sister won't nag you about blood on your clothes."

Gaara nodded his head in understanding "so true." He said as he and the dirty haired blonde sat back down to finish their meal making everyone else gap at how casual they were acting.


"phew that was close.'' kakashi said as he set the now blindfolded blonde down and waited for the other man to arrive. Luckily he didn`t have to wait long when he saw his sensei still wearing his panda suite. "Do you really have to still wear that?" He asked as he looked at the huffing men.

"Of course I do besides once we get to the car and take off his blindfold then I'll take the suite of.'' Said as he slowly walked to his silent child and said "don`t worry naru chan daddy`s here to save you."

"D…dad is that really y." but the younger blonde was cut off when heard a shout coming not far from their direction. They all turned except naruto who couldn`t see anything for moment saw a very pissed of Kyuubi.

"Hands of my naruto or else." "Or else what brat." Minato said tauntingly as he glared at the bane of his existence, the red haired just made an animalistic growl and tighten his hold on the baseball bat in his hand.

"You're going to hit us with that bat over there please." Minato said as he crossed his large furry arms over his chest and turned his back away from the punk that stole his baby`s heart. "SENSIE PLEASE DON`T AGITATE HIM EVEN MORE!" kakashi yelled as he witnessed the kid`s killer intent grow and his eyes glint with something that promise death.

"Oh please kaka there's two against one we`ve got a complete advantage. Hear that punk we totally outnumber and I don`t think you can handle us, no be a good boy and go run along with your friend m`k." minato said not noticing how angrier he was making Kyuubi.

"That`s it your done for." Kyuubi said as he raised his bat ready to beat the shit at these two idiots and take naruto. 'Oh boy this is going to hurt.' Kakashi thought as he watched everything go slow motion.

The next thing everyone at the park heard were screams of "DEAR GOD!"


"You ok naru?" Kyuubi asked as he pulled off the blind fold over his blonde's eyes. "Oh kyuu thank you for saving me." Naruto said happily as he hugged the older teen in gratitude making the other grin "no problem babe come on let's get you home ok."

"Ok." Naruto said as he let Kyuubi turn him away to the direction of the exit not allowing the blonde to see the bloody scene of the two men lying in a twitching bloody heap.

"na….narutoooo." minato groaned out in pain as he tried to lift his head to see where his son and that monster were heading.


"Yah kakashi."

"Next time you plan on spying on your son and his boyfriend DON`T INCLUDE ME!" the silver haired shouted and groaned in pain when he felt a massive headache come on at him shouting.

"It…Hurts it hurts so bad." Minato sobbed as he twitched for the umpteenth time in pain

Kyuubi 1 Minato 0

Me:"hope you enjoyed and thanks again for all your reviews and favs.''

Kyuubi "don`t for get to review and watch me kick minato`s ass in these videos and DVDs get them today for free."

Me: "really really kyuubi."