
Right. Um. This is not a chapter. This is an announcement from Cro.

Devil's Night is on hiatus until further notice. For several reasons. 1) School is draining my fun creative energy mostly. 2) I've been too dark lately to make this as fun as it should be. 3) Hetaween made me realize I should try a Halloween story when it's not in season so Hima-Papa doesn't epically own my ass.

I'm sorry.

I'll still be posting in Cro's College Adventures when something Hetalia-esque happens in my life, and I'll do the occasional one-shot, but for now Devil's Night is on the backburner.

Also. If you have a boner for majorly uber dark fics. I've written something that practically leaks horrible things about Cold War Prussia. I've decided not to put it on this account because this is a safe place, so I used my pseudonym account. No I'm not telling you the name. But if you like those horrible, horrible dark fics, know that it's out there right now. And I respond to all reviews, so if you review that story and I recognize your name, you get a lollipop.

Again, I'm sorry. I want to come back to Devil's Night later when I've gotten happy and sunshiney again, but right now I'm afraid I'll ruin it.

I love you all!
