Summer had just started and Santana Lopez was feeling optimistic. Aside from not placing at Nationals, Santana had a lot of things to be happy about: she and Brittany had told one another how they felt; she had the house to herself for the whole of summer; Brittany was only going on holiday for the first two weeks, instead of the usual three; and whether she liked to admit it or not, the Latina was in love.
Her parents were going to stay with family in Puerto Rico and Santana had managed to persuade them to leave her behind so she could look after the house – it didn't take much convincing; Mr and Mrs Lopez adored their perfectly decorated home with furniture and colours chosen more for appearance than comfort. However, Santana obviously had ulterior motives; she was planning on using the empty house to her advantage, of course. Hosting a few house parties and enjoying the long, hot days with Brittany and the even longer and hotter nights, when she returned from visiting her Grandmother that was.
It was the second day of the summer holidays and Brittany had left for Florida the night before, where she was going to stay with her Grandmother. Santana woke up with bright rays of sunlight streaming through her window, highlighting the tan skin of her leg that happened to be hanging over a pillow which the Latina was hugging closely; she didn't like sleeping alone.
Momentarily forgetting that Brittanywas not just around the corner, Santana already had her phone in hand while thinking of plans to make with the blonde, before remembering she would have to find something or someone else to keep her occupied.
She decided not to waste the day away and head out into the blistering heat earlier than usual; sunglasses at the ready on her head, pulling her long, dark hair from her face; and strut to the nearest set of shops to get a coffee. Even the Latina was surprised at herself as she walked straight past her car, opting to walk instead; she was pretty proud of herself.
Santana paraded into the Starbucks where she was known so well, since the beginning of junior year she always got her coffee from there before school – even if it meant being late for first period. The cashiers, usually young men presuming she was straight, would argue over who's shift it was and make sure their register was open around the same time each morning; knowing the Latina would be making her entrance shortly after. As she reached the queue, she couldn't help but notice a cute blonde with perfectly tan skin and dark, chocolate eyes in an unnecessarily tight apron fiddling with someone's change before handing it to them.
Woah, it's always the blondes the Latina thought as she got to the cash register and began her order.
''Just my usual please'' Santana stated as she leaned on the countertop and smirked, knowing full-well the girl was new and wouldn't know her usual.
The cashier looked flustered, not able to stop flipping her eyes from the Latina's full lips up to her eyes and back down again, while Santana was relishing the fact she could have this effect on the older girl; she widened her smile.
''Oh, I'm sorry. Erm, uh I'm new so I don't know any of the regular's… yet'' The blonde stuttered and couldn't stop herself from blushing.
''Do you want to go ask one of your colleagues then? They'll know for sure''
Regaining her self-confidence the cashier gave it right back to the brunette ''No thanks, I think it'd be much easier if you told me. You know, or you could come back later when it'll be someone else's shift''.
Both girls were smirking at each other by now and the blonde subconsciously licked her lips after her miniature rant; not going unnoticed by Santana as she thought Hot and witty? Damn.
''That's fine newbie. I'll lets you in on a secret: Café mocha; extra cream; dusted with cocoa''
''Anything else?''
''Nothing else on the menu seems to be catching my eye'' the Latina couldn't help herself.
The older girl briefly glanced up from her pad of sticky notes where she had wrote down the order, to meet Santana's eyes but quickly looked away, sticking the note to the awaiting cup.
''That's fine. Coming right up, won't be long love''
''I'm not in any rush'' she replied sweetly as she handed over the money ''keep the change''.
Santana watched as her drink was prepared, slyly giggling when the blonde would fumble or knock something over. Yeah, she's definitely new. She was handed her coffee along with a smirk from the older girl as the Latina noticed the note still sticking to her cup.
''café mocha, extra whip, cocoa dust
Lola – 07772141616''
Santana was more than pleased with herself – to say the least; however she wasn't interested. The girl was hot but she only had eyes for one blonde, a much less witty but just as cute blonde.
No harm in a bit of flirting though the Latina thought.
She placed her coffee down on the counter and peeled the note from it slowly. The blonde was hoping she wouldn't notice it until she was outside, she couldn't have been more wrong, so she stood there waiting for the brunette's next move. Santana began ripping the note in half, Lola immediately presumed she wasn't interested and was voicing her opinion through her actions; she couldn't help the bright, scarlet colour creep over her cheeks.
Without the blonde realising, Santana had made a perfect tear between the order and the girl's phone number. The Latina couldn't wipe the smirk that had plastered itself on her face. Leaning right over the counter, the brunette tucked the slip of paper reading ''café mocha, extra whip, cocoa dust'' in Lola's apron pocket snuggly.
''I think you'll be better off with this. Don't forget it newbie, next time I don't want to have to explain my usual. Kind of defeats the point of having a usual, don't you think?'' Santana teased with a wink.
Without giving any possible chance of a sarcastic reply, she spun on her heels, swiped her coffee into her hand and began flouncing toward the door; waiting until her back was facing Lola, she slid the remains of the note, into the back pocket of her jeans. No harm at all the Latina thought with that same smirk firmly in place.
Santana arrived at her house shortly after she had finished tormenting the new Starbucks worker for her own cruel amusement, with no intention of calling the girl. She won't even notice; she doesn't even know my name the Latina reasoned with herself.
As she passed the fire in the living room, Santana threw her half-ripped sticky note onto the wood for the next time they would burn. The gesture seemed overly dramatic but it was nothing personal towards Lola; if Brittany wasn't in the picture the Latina would totally hit that, but Brittany was in the picture and that's exactly where Santana wanted her to keep her.
The brunette dived onto the sofa; it was only noon so she thought she would chill out and listen to some music before deciding how to spend the rest of her day. Her favourite Amy Winehouse/Adele playlist began and the Latina sunk into the cushions surrounding her, she closed her eyes and just listened – no singing, just listening.
Interrupting the soulful, soothing rhythm swimming inside the walls, Santana felt her cell phone vibrate against her leg and produce an awful ringing noise, compared to the beautiful sounds that already filled the room. She checked the screen and couldn't stop her heart from pounding against her chest with a huge grin tugging at each corner of the Latina's mouth; Brittany.
''1 New message: Britt''
However after opening and reading the message, Santana's heart was pounding for a very different reason, her huge grin had been practically slapped off her face and her breathing became shallower and accelerated.
''Hey baby boy! yup it's lovely here as always, missing u too.
I'm gonna go play in the pool anyways, there's an inflatable crocodile callin my name,
Really artie, it spoke to me before I swear. Call u later :-) xo''
More than anything else, Santana was confused. A list of questions coursed through her mind: Why was Brittany texting Artie? Why wasn't she texting me? Why does she miss him? Doesn't she miss me? Why is she going to call him and not me? Why doesn't she want to tell me about her talking crocodile? As the last question came to her, she cracked; the Latina's eyes began to sting with tears; her lower lip began to quiver and before she could do anything about it drops of water were already streaming down her cheeks.
It took all of three minutes before the brunette's phone buzzed uncontrollably with messages flooding it – all from Brittany.
''Omg san, I'm so sorry, that wasn't meant for u xxx''
''I should have told you first xxxx''
''I didn't want you to find out like this, I'm so sorry. Oh god, please reply San xx''
With Brittany's follow up texts only confusing Santana more, she couldn't help but think Told me what first? Were they back together? In the process of getting back together? The anxiety was killing her but she couldn't bring herself to reply to any of the texts; the Latina needed to think… and to stop herself from shaking – that would help too.
Santana began dialling another number; slowly tapping each number, being careful not to mistype with her trembling hands. Stifling back tears, she pressed call and began to ring another blonde's number. Ring, ring… the phone kept ringing out, forcing the brunette's chest to tighten further.
Until the ringing abruptly stopped, she'd finally answered.
Santana sniffed and choked back tears, managing to only splutter ''…Quinn?''
''Santana? What's wrong?''
''I- I- …I need you''
''What, why? Never mind. I'm on my way, are you at yours?''
''Uh, yeah. The front door's open''
''Give me five minutes, San''
It didn't even take five minutes before Santana's front door burst open with Quinn Fabray appearing before it; she was stubborn and was just as tormenting and sarcastic as Santana, but she'd grown to be loyal through her years at McKinley – mostly because of Glee club. Even though her and Santana had always competed against each other for as long as they both could remember; they were still best friends, always were and still are, Quinn knew she had to step up.
The blonde heard the soft sound of Adele's voice coming from the living room, she darted through and stopped. Quinn scanned the room with her glistening, emerald coloured eyes until she finally found Santana sitting tightly in a ball, with her knees up to her chest at the corner of her sofa; she loosened her position when she'd noticed the blonde in the doorway.
Quinn made her way over to the Latina before Santana shot up and threw her arms around the blonde's neck with Quinn instinctively wrapping her arms around the brunette's waste; pulling her tighter. She waited patiently until Santana wanted to explain, but right now she just wanted this.
Thanks for reading everyone, this is just the beginning with so so many more chapters to come. I'll try and be quick with updates.
Reviews are more than appreciated; all ideas/advice will be taken on board of course! Let me know what you guys think :)