I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Alfred (I have him wearing contact lenses) & Matthew (I have him still wearing glasses) are 13 years old. Arthur is 14 years old and he lives next door to Alfred & Matthew. Scotland (Nickname Scotty) is 17 years old. In this fanfic they will grow older and stuff (Alfred won't remain 13 through this entire fanfic..At the end of this FanFic he will be 18 years old).

Alfred's Teenage Journey

Summary AU All Human. Alfred Jones is 13 years old and he lives next door to the Kirkland's. Arthur Kirkland is 14 years old and he has a crush on Alfred, but has no plans of telling him due to his pride.

By waterrain

Alfred Jones looked at Matthew and could tell his twin was pretty sketchy on the idea, but he really didn't care as long as Matthew held that camera and hopefully made sure not to block it with his thumb.

"Mattie, What name do you want to be called?" Alfred asked curiously as he looked at his brother.

"I just want you to pretend I'm not even here when I'm filming you." Matthew informed him and he noticed that Alfred looked annoyed.

"What? Why? You want to be known as the invisible video camera holding person? You need a code name and stuff. I want you to introduce me! My name will be The Hero. My show is called Heroically Cooking. Did you even read my awesome script?"

"Yes, I read it and the entire scrip was over twenty pages. Most of it was drawings of yourself wearing a different colored aprons."

"Mattie, I don't call them aprons! I call them shields for they protect me."

"They are apr-"

"Mattie, They are heroic shields that protect me. Hero shields not aprons, got it?"

"Is it because the word apron make you feel like a girl or something?"

"The word apron is used for anyone that is not a Hero or a Heroine, Mattie. You are so sexist. By the way Villains and Villainesses don't wear aprons." Alfred commented while holding his head up high and arms crossed. "To think everyone thinks you are so sweet and stuff, but they don't know you like I do."

Matthew's cheeks were red, he looked at his twin, and took a deep calming breath.

"I'm not sexist, Alfred."

"Yeah you are completely sexist and I can't see why girls even talk to-"

"I will start recording in two minutes." Matthew informed his twin and he received a grin.

"Alright, Mattie. You remember your lines and stuff?" Alfred asked cheerfully as he looked at his twin.

"I know them." Matthew replied in a flat voice and Alfred smiled at his twin. After a minute that was when he begun to record him.

"This boy is called the hero-"

"Cut! Cut!" Alfred yelled out and he puffed out his cheeks.

"What did I do wrong, Alfred?" Matthew asked flatly and he didn't want to record, but his twin had been bugging him for weeks and he couldn't take it anymore so he had agreed.

"You are suppose to say..Here is the sexy, amazing, and really epic blond haired American teen! His name is The Hero! Your voice is suppose to sound really excited and stuff, Mattie. Not as if you are going to a funeral."

"I refuse to call my own sibling sexy. Plus I don't want to do false a-"

"You just said sexy, Mattie. It's not that difficult at all." Alfred stated firmly, his hands were on the table, and he looked at his twin with determined eyes.

"You try calling me sexy then Alfred. It is odd using the word sexy to describe your own sibl-"

"Alright, I'm pretending that you my clone. Hey you are sexy, amazing, epic, awesome, super heroic-"

"I'm not your clone." Matthew snapped at him and he glared at Alfred. "This is why I wear glasses while you don't wear glasses, Alfred."

"I'm pretending you are my clone. Now my epic clone take two." Alfred commented cheerfully, he was grinning, and hands on his hips. "Clone, Time for you to start recording again."

"Forget it, Alfred. Find someone else."

"Fine, I'll call up Feliks and have him-"

"Never mind, Alfred..I'll say my lines and record you just don't call that cross-dressing valley-"

"I don't see why people claim you are so nice, sweet, polite, mellow as jell-o, and a complete softy. You are just ticked that Feliks put a pink dress on yo-"

"He took a photo and-"

"The girls had giggled, thought you looked cute, and stuff. That was about two years ago and your still upset with Feliks."

"I'll start recording again in a minute." Matthew commented and he had a headache. Alfred smiled brightly, he was wearing a blue 'Shield', and held a wooden spoon with his right hand.

"Here is the sexy, amazing, and really epic blond haired American teen! His name is The Hero!" Matthew stated loudly. He rolled his eyes and looked at Alfred while shaking his head.

"Hello, Peeps. I'm The Hero and you will be heroically cooking with me. The one doing the recording is my epically invisible clone." Alfred said cheerfully, he gave a quick wink, and grinned widely. "You and I will save the world with our amazingly good food. Now I will show you how to properly cook an egg in the microwave."

Matthew didn't notice that his thumb was covering over an important part of the video camera. After Alfred was done cooking an egg in the microwave, he decided to look over the recording, and Matthew went outside to have some fresh air.

"Mattie, You nitwit! Your thumb covered everything and only my voice can be heard!" Alfred yelled as he raced out of the door and Matthew quickly ran from his twin. "I should have ignored you and called up Feliks!"

Alfred crossed his arms, leaned against an apple tree, and rolled his eyes as he watched Matthew running. Arthur Kirkland opened up his door and walked out towards Alfred.

"Alfred, What were you screaming about so early in the bloody morning?" Arthur asked causally to the younger teen. Alfred waved at him and grinned widely at the green eyed English teen.

"Hey, Artie-"

"Do not call me that terrible-"

"My clone-"

"You mean your twin bro-"

"My clone messed up the recording and-"

"You should not call him your cl-"

"I have heard what you call your brothers and what your brothers call you. So my clone comment sounds pretty sweet and adorable compared to-"

"Well, My brothers are assholes and they deserv-"

"Well, Believe it or not…Mattie can be one of those too, but I don't call him one because I'm a hero. So I call him clone instead of what you call your brothers." Alfred stated firmly and he was still leaning against the apple tree. "You really should have your mouth washed out with soap, Artie."

"Do not call me, Artie." Arthur said sternly and he grabbed Alfred by the wrists. "Do not lean against my apple tree. You might end up falling and hurting yourself, Alfred."

Alfred rolled his blue eyes, gave the green eyed teen a blank stare, and stuck out his tongue.

"Alfred, You are such a child." Arthur commented calmly and he released the blue eyed teen's wrists. "Honestly, So childish sticking out your tongue."

"I'm a teenager because I'm thirteen years old today! I'm not a child at all and you are only a year older than me."

"Well have you kissed anyone?" Arthur asked calmly, his head held up high, and arms crossed.

"No, but I'm thinking about kissing one of your older brother's." Alfred replied cheerfully and he snickered at Arthur's shell shocked expression. "You are so easy, Artie. Have you kissed anyone?"

"Yes and for your information I have given kisses to different people. They happen to say I'm a marvelous kisser."

The blue eyed teen stared at Arthur with wide eyes, he gapped at him, and blinked his eyes after a minute. The green eyed teen smirked and it appears Alfred is completely speechless. Arthur had a so called 'brilliant' plan that he believes will work and that Alfred would agree to be kissed by him.

"I doubt anyone would ever wish to kiss you for you can be rather annoying, noisy, and if you want I could show you how a pro kisses. I'm pretty experienced, Alfie." Arthur commented smugly and he watched as Alfred puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. "Want me to kiss you?"

"Keep your kisses to yourself, Artie. I think you have some sort of kissing disease and I don't want to catch it. Anyway, I'll find someone to kiss." Alfred stated in a determined voice, he noticed that one of Arthur's older brothers walked out of the house, and headed towards the mail box. "I'm going to kiss…Scotty…Yep, I'm going to kiss Scotty."

"What? You are planning to kiss one of my older brothe-"

'My plan did not work! Hell it failed with flying colors! Bloody hell I should have just kissed him and made something up. My luck is horrible.' Arthur thought as Alfred raced towards Scotland and jumped on him. Arthur was gapping in disbelief, he was feeling pretty pissed off, and to be honest he had wanted to get Alfred's first kiss. However the blue eyed thirteen year old didn't want to be kissed by him for some reason.

"Goodbye first kiss." Alfred said before kissing Scotland on the lips, he pulled away after five seconds, and about to jump off of him.

However the blond teen was pulled in and Scotland kissed Alfred back. His strong arms were wrapped around the blue eyed teen's hips, giving him a minute long kiss, and ran his tongue across Alfred's closed lips. Scotland moved his lips away and grinned widely for Alfred's cheeks were completely flushed. The blue eyed teen moved a foot away from him.

"Wow." Alfred muttered and his blue eyes were wide as he looked at Scotland. "I can't describe it. No wonder why peeps enjoy kissing and stuff. Wow."

Alfred wandered off in a daze, he was smiling, and touching his lips. Arthur clenched his fists and he glared up at his older brother.

"I bloody hate you, Scotland." Arthur snapped angrily. "I truly do hate you."

"You are just pissed that Alfred didn't want a kiss from you. All of your practice on different people were for not in the end. He kissed me for a few seconds, but I kissed him back for about a minute." Scotland commented smugly and he took out the mail. "I'm glad it was my turn to check the mail. You should have just went for it instead of acting like a pansy. You are a disgrace to the Kirkland name."

The words Arthur said to his older brother Scotland would make a pirate blush like a maiden, but it simply made Scotland smirk smugly and laugh. Alfred was laying on the sofa in a daze and after an hour Matthew returned home to find his twin giggling.

"Why are you giggling, Alfred? Did you eat a liquor filled chocolate again?" Matthew asked calmly, his twin snicker, and grinned widely.

"Nope, I found out why peeps enjoy kissing." Alfred informed him before smiling happily and touched his lips. "I found out today, Mattie."

"Did Arthur kiss you?" Matthew asked curiously, it was easy to tell that English teen has a crush on his twin, and he can't believe Alfred has not picked up on it. Then again he can believe it for Alfred still believes in the Easter Bunny...

"No, but I kissed one of his older brothers..Scotty." Alfred said slowly and he tilted his head to the side. "You know they say a person never forgets their first time."

"Alfred, I don't think the first time refers to a first kis-"

"Mattie, I won't forget my first time with Scotty. Who would have guessed kissing felt so heroic and awesome."

"I give up on you." Matthew muttered to himself and looked at his twin. "I'm thankful to have my own bedroom."

"His lips were on mine, they were so warm, and his mouth smelled a bit like cigarettes." Alfred commented to his twin, he closed his blue, and sighed to himself. "I think I might be in love, but I'm not sure…I'll try kissing three peeps that are not Scotty and compare the results. It was not a really long kiss, but felt as if it lasted forever."

Matthew rolled his eyes and simply walked away without a word to Alfred.

Please Review and Thank You. So what do you people think of my Fanfic so far?