Chapter 1

It was a normal day at the Palm Woods for the boys. That is, if anything the boys did could be called normal. The four teens hung out at the pool. It was Saturday and they could finally get away from Gustavo Rocque and his anger management issues.

"Logan! Pass to me!" James shouted. Logan threw the ball at James, and James caught it perfectly. They were playing catch in the water, which was way more fun than catch on land. It was more relaxing, and you didn't sweat as much as you did when you were standing in the burning hot sun.

Needless to say, the boys were grateful for the Palm Woods Pool.

"Jamez! Your hair is all messed up!" Carlos shouted teasingly. James yelped and took out a mirror from nowhere. He looked at his face and his hair, and sighed in relief. Everything on there was fine. Perfect. Kendall, Logan, and Carlos laughed at James's reaction, and James threw the ball harshly at Carlos.

Carlos ducked, and it hit Kendall in the face. "Ow!" Kendall shouted painfully. He rubbed his cheek, where a bruise was probably starting to form. Darn, that really hurt.

"Sorry Kendall!" James told the injured boy indifferently. Kendall just sighed and glared at Carlos.

"I blame this on you, boy." He said, faking anger at Carlos. Carlos just smirked and tackled Kendall. But Kendal was obviously bigger, taller, and stronger, so he won Carlos in seconds. "Never underestimate the Kendall!" He shouted victoriously. Kendall pushed Carlos into the water, not letting Carlos escape from the grip he had on him.

Carlos tried to escape from Kendall's grip on him, but he couldn't. He accidentally breathed in a mouthful of pool water. It made him choke, and he started seeing black in his vision. He kicked Kendall as hard as he could, but Kendall didn't notice.

Logan noticed that Carlos had stopped struggling. "Kendall, I think you kept him down there for too long." He was half joking, half serious. Kendall let Carlos up, and Carlos started gasping for air. He started making choking noises.

"Oh no..." Kendall sighed fearfully, and hit Carlos's back a few times. Carlos coughed out some water, and he seemed to be feeling a bit dizzy. Kendall dragged his younger friend out of the water, and they sat on one of the chairs. Carlos sat in Kendall lap, coughing and coughing.

Carlos coughed out another mouthful of water, and then seemed to get back to normal. "That was scary, Kendall." He said shakily, blinking the water out of his eyes. Kendall rubbed his back soothingly. This was why he tried not to mess with his friends. It always ended up badly.

James and Logan soon joined the two boys. "Carlos, you okay?" Logan asked, wondering if Carlos needed his doctor skills right now. Carlos just nodded. James smiled.

"I guess it is possible to drown in 4 feet of water." He joked. Kendall and Logan rolled their eyes, but Carlos just stared at something behind James's shoulder. The guys followed his stares, and saw Kelly walking towards them.

"Why is Kelly here? Did we have a rehearsal today that we missed?" James asked quickly, starting to worry. They missed a rehearsal? That was just... horrible! What if they were fired?

Kelly greeted them quickly, and she seemed excited for them. "Hey guys, guess what? Gustavo won some airplane tickets. I have no clue where, but he had no use for them." Kelly handed Kendall the tickets. Kendall read what it said. He gasped in surprise and excitement.

"We're going to Brazil?" He asked, looking amazed. Kelly nodded.

"Gustavo said this was a treat for his dogs." Kelly smiled at them. The four jumped up and down. They were going to Brazil! Africa! A different continent! Sometimes, the boys found that Gustavo did have a heart after all.

line line line line

The boys spent the rest of the day packing, because the plane was set to take off the next day at 11 a.m. Kendall was the first to be done, and he helped James with his packing, limiting the amount of hair supplies he had in his already small suitcase. Logan helped Carlos limit the amount of entertainment he had in his suitcase.

Finally, all four boys were done, and they could hardly wait for the next day to come. Obviously, it did, and before they knew it, they were saying goodbye to the Palm Woods. Mrs. Knight and Katie came along, too, because Gustavo said that there were "coincidentally" two extra tickets.

"We're gonna ride an airplane!" Carlos and Katie chanted happily. The boys had only been on a plane once, when they were coming to LA. They thought it was actually pretty relaxing. And fun.

The airplane had rows of two. Mrs. Knight and Katie sat in one row, James and Logan in the back of them, and Kendall and Carlos in the back of them. Katie, Carlos, and Logan got the window seats. Katie and Carlos just liked seeing all the cool clouds and stuff, but Logan sat near the window to point of things like Mount Everest or whatever famous places they passed by.

The flight was 12 hours of... fun and boredom and torture. James kept on getting out of his seat to go to the bathroom to check on his hair, and it was driving Logan crazy. Logan kept on talking and talking about the geographical places they passed by, and that was driving James crazy. Carlos kept on asking "Are we there yet?" every 10 minutes, and it was driving Kendall crazy. And Kendall continuously argued with the woman who gave them their food, which honestly scared Carlos and drove him crazy, too. What if they got kicked out of the plane? Kendall was way too hard-headed and hard to control sometimes.

"Kendall? You're gonna get kicked off the plane." Carlos whispered softly after Kendall complained about how horrible and disgusting the cookie they served was. Kendall just laughed.

"Carlos... look outside. How am I supposed to get kicked out of this place? I would die, and nobody would want that." He assured his younger friend. Carlos just shrugged and looked down at his feet.

"But... I don't want you to die, Kendall." Carlos said sadly. Kendall smiled and put his arm around Carlos.

"I'm not going to die, buddy. Look, we're almost there." Kendall pointed to the little plane on their TV screen. It was really close to their destination now. Carlos giggled at the little airplane on the screen, and kept on poking it. Kendall was just glad the subject was changed. He didn't want Carlos to worry.

In front of the two, James and Logan were arguing. "We're like 10 minutes away! You can't check on your hair now!" Logan complained.

James snorted. "Why not?"

"Because! They don't let you take off your seatbelt! Look at the sigh, stupid!" Logan pointed to the flashing light. James looked at it, and sighed.

"Well, I won't go if you shut up about your nerdy geography stuff." James said stubbornly. He was at least going to gain something on this plane ride. Logan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay. It's your loss anyways." Logan turned away from James and started staring out the window.

Finally, the plane landed and the boys quickly filed out. The airport looked strangely different from the ones they were used to, but they found their way out. Mrs. Knight called a taxi and they set off to their camping spot. On the car ride there, the boys and Katie chanted, "Best camping trip EVER!" How horribly wrong they were.

A/N- New story! Isn't everyone just SO excited? I know I am! That's why I posted the first chapter so quickly after I finished "Protecting the Innocence!" I'm pumped for this! I already got the whole thing planned! It's going to be awesomely angsty and cool.

For me, school starts next week, so maybe slower updates... Sorry! I hate school! I wish it would just end... forever! Dun dun dun duunnn...

Well, I'll update soon! Please tell me how you think of this story! Action will come next chapter!