DISCLAIMER: I do not own Labyrinth or its Fantastic Characters.
Author's Note:
**Mamorga switches from I to we a LOT, it's because she is having trouble separating herself, or her own soul, from that of her sister's. It gets confusing but just bare with it.**
I am so, So, SO sorry that this has taken so long. I finally got settled in from my move from Reno, NV to Tucson, AZ... I was between jobs there for a while but now that everything is finally calmed down I can get back to my writing. Thank you so much for hanging in there guys! Enjoy the finale chapter of "UNITED FATE".
"What?" Jareth asked looking at his love as if she finally lost it all completely.
From the sound of his voice, so faithless in her, Sarah was beginning to think that she had just imagined Mamorga shifting. Maybe she was so exhausted and frightened for Caleb that she was finally losing it. She turned to face Mamorga. "Please," she begged. "Please, where is my son?"
Mamorga let out a screech of laughter. "Soon your son will be DEAD! We killed him. We KILLED HIM!"
Sarah felt the blood drain from her face, as shivers ran over her skin. "We?" She whispered.
Mamorga looked at Sarah. Her once silky, smooth blonde hair was slowly fading into a dull brown as random chunks started to curl and spring out in various angles. Her skin, which at first was soft and clear, mushed together in a forest of warts and wrinkles. The sky blue cat like eyes that bore into Sarah's soul, drooped at their corners as the color faded to an ink black iris. Her angelic voice, that was just shouting that Caleb will soon be dead, dropped an octave as Mamorga broke into a fit of cackles.
"You have to understand, Miss. Sarah." Mamorga began as her deep hag like voice tried to take on a sweeter tone. "My sister and I did everything together as children. I looked up to her, worshiped her, and all was happy. Until she started hanging with the more expressive crowd. That was when she pushed me aside," Mamorga's voice quickly took on a cold and icy monotone. "When she would attack me with vicious words. When she would push me into the wall or shove me out of her way after I asked her to play with me." She turned to glare sweetly at Jareth. "That was when a certain book came into my possession. When I was introduced to a certain Goblin King.
"Yes I had begged him to take her away. It was only after she was gone that I realized that I had made a huge mistake. I called and called until my voice ran hoarse." She snarled. "It wasn't until some time later that your precious Jareth came to me, showing me the fate I had bestowed upon my beloved sister." Sarah and Jareth watched as her face turned sad, and the beauty Mamorga was before, she was now again. She looked up with her angelic eyes so sad, and wet with sorrow. "It was than that I became a goblin. It was than that I stole the Fae Book of Spells while cleaning the library one day."
Sarah watched as Mamorga started flickering again, a few seconds she spent as beauty, and a few other she spent as the beast. Sarah took a deep breath, it was than she noticed that Jareth had moved behind Mamorga and was using his hand to search the wall behind him. It was than that Sarah heard the faint thumping and crying sound that came from that other side of the wall. 'CALEB', her mind screamed.
As Mamorga started to turn and look at Jareth, Sarah quickly distracted her. "What happened than, Mamorga?" It worked, Mamorga turned her attention back to Sarah, and had never saw what Jareth was doing. "What happened to your sister than?"
Mamorga's eyes became distant. "We began to practice Fae Magic. Though you need a Fae soul in order to preform Fae Magic, so we stole them. On the far side of the Labyrinth, when the royal family lies in their peaceful deaths. It wasn't hard to recall their souls. That part was simple. Yet, it was difficult to separate the souls from the bodies that they have long missed. We used the claim shells to contain the Fae souls, than we performed the spell that bind the lost souls to our own.
"But I needed more souls, and those pathetic under goblins were weak. So weak that no sooner had we separated the soul from its body that the soul evaporated. I needed the power, craved it until I went insane. With power I could over throw the famous Goblin King, than we could rule the Underground. But I had to have stronger souls, that of the Faes. Yet when we went back, the other Fae bodies had vanished, as if they had been moved." Mamorga frown in confusion as she remembered the night she had returned to steal more souls and had found every grave emptied. She continued slowly. "I returned, and we were waiting for me. Waiting for more souls that I had promised to us. It was than that it dawned on me... Cora... She had what I needed, what I yearned for. It took little time to convince her that giving her soul to me would help us to get stronger. Help us to gain the power we needed to bring down the Goblin King. We agreed that we could bring her back to life. That she would once again breath air deep within her lungs."
Jareth stomach was curling into a nauseating twist as he listened to Mamorga. Yet, he was thankful for the distraction that Sarah had created. As Mamorga story continued, he was able to find the section of dirt that Mamorga had been using as a door. He leaned forward and whispered. "Aprire la porta alla quale cerco stanza di la di farci avere un picco."
The wall began to shake as a door way formed out of hardened sand. Jareth quickly glanced behind him to see that Mamorga was still recalling her tale to Sarah. He prayed that the sound the wall was making, one of rock scrapping against rock, went undetected as Jareth slowly swung the creaking door inward to a water filled room. He could see Calebs feet as he floated near the top, trying to cling to the last gulped of air left in the room for him. He quickly jumped into the wall of water, and swam up to the top. His face barely made the surface as he squished himself next to his son, "Caleb." He called out.
"Daddy." Caleb frantically yelled.
"Caleb, we have to swim to the door." Jareth explained.
"I can't." He argued in his panic state.
Jareth understood that for the past eternity to Caleb he has been set into survival and was unsure of trying anything that wasn't what he knew was working right now. But with each breath they took, Jareth could see that the water was advancing on their air space. "Yes, you can, Caleb. Mommy is just on the other side of the door waiting for us."
"I can't, I'm scared." He cried.
"I know, and I am too. But, Caleb, we have to try." Jareth said grabbing Caleb's smaller, freezing cold hand, within his much larger one.
"Ok." He roughly said. "One... Two..."
Jareth heard his hesitation. "THREE!" He yelled as they both inhaled the last of the air and sank under water. Jareth swam them towards the area which the door once stood. Jareth could feel from Caleb, who was frantically tugging on his hand, that he was beginning to panic and wouldn't be able to hold his breath for long. Jareth slammed his fist as hard as he could against the solid wall. He looked to see Caleb blinking rapidly in the water, while holding his tiny little hands tightly over his mouth as air bubbles escaped between his fingers in a jagged line towards the surface.
Jareth's own lungs were beginning to protest. Summoning his last strength he yelled silently into the water. "Aprire la porta... alla quale... cerco stanza di... la di farci... avere... un... picco."
Sarah's hopes soared when she saw Jareth open the door, but when she saw him disappear into a wall of water she began to counting the seconds. She could hardly focus on Mamorga's story when is reached one hundred and twenty seconds she began to panic as she watched the door slowly closed.
"But now we can, and we will rise. With one more soul of a Fae, well..." Mamorga smirked. "A half Fae. I will have more than I need to bring Cora back as well as take out Jareth."
As if on cute, the door that had disappeared suddenly bursted, sending chunks of dirt and rocks flying across the room. Sarah shielded herself as she braced her hands in front of her face when Mamorga let out a screeching wail. As the water flooded in so did Jareth and Caleb, both coughing for air.
"Oh thank god." Sarah gasped as she ran to her son and grasped his soaked body to herself. "Caleb, oh Caleb, are you alright?"
Caleb, who was still coughing and sputtering as his lungs pumped water out and oxygen in. "Mom." He coughed. "Mom I can't breath enough as it is, and you're not making it any easier."
Sarah pushed him away from her so that she could look at him more closely. "I-I can't believe you're not hurt." She said running her hands over his body. "You're not hurt are you?"
"Sarah, he's fine." Jareth reinformed her as he came to knell next to his lover and their son.
"How sweet." Came a wicked voice. "Instead of just one Fae, I can take down the remaining royal family."
Jareth stood standing protectively in front of Sarah and Caleb, "Not this time, Mamorga." He said sternly. "I think the time as come that you lose."
"We will never loose." Mamorga hissed.
Jareth glanced over his shoulder to Sarah, "Cover your eyes, and what ever you do, do not look."
Sarah nodded as she pressed Caleb's face into her shirt. "Close your eyes, baby, until I tell you to open them. Promise me you wont open them."
"I promise." He whispered as he tightly squeezed his eye shut.
Jareth through his arms out and chanted. "Possa il fuoco, dell'inferno salire su di voi ora, anima parti per trascinare giu."
"Oh no you don't Jareth!" Mamorga screamed. "Venti del cambiamento mi partono ora le anime dell Fate..."
She was unable to finish as a bright light licked it's flames over her body. She could feel the heat gliding over her skin as it molted and melted away. That was when the pain became intense. Unable to hold back a moment longer she let out an ear piercing scream as she became nothing.
Sarah was shaking. When she heard Mamorga scream she had pushed Caleb further against her body, trying with all her might to hide his eyes. All was silent and yet she didn't look, she was afraid of what she would see. She felt a light hand touch on her shoulder that made her flinch.
"Sh, Sarah. It's all right. You may look now." Jareth whispered from right next to her.
She wanted to quickly opened her eyes, but she was afraid. Very slowly she cracked her eyes open to see Jareth breathtakingly beautiful blue and green eyes in front of her. She unclenched one hand holding onto Caleb's shirt to hook around Jareth neck, where she quickly brought his lips to her. "You're alright." She whispered as tears of happiness ran down her face. "We're all right."
Jareth gave her one hard kiss. "Yes, my love. We are going to be just fine." He reassured her as his lips found hers again.
"May I open my eyes now?" Came a young muffled voice.
Both parents pulled away from each other to glance at the small face that was still scrunched closed. They couldn't help but laugh as Sarah placed a gentle kissed on her son's forehead.
"Yes son, you can open your eyes." Sarah told him.
Caleb blinked several times at his parents. "Mommy?"
"Hm?" Sarah asked as she leaned back against Jareth.
"Can we get something to eat?" Caleb asked his parents.
His parents laughed at the innocents of their son.
"Let's go home." Jareth said.
So they lived in the Castle of the Underground, as a happy family of six. For all their days to come.
~**THE END**~