It's been a while since I updated on this, huh? XD Mainly because I ran out of funny ideas. I don't think this counts. XD
Scene 132, You Do What You Think Is Right
Phoebus was ready to emerge out from under Quasimodo's carving table as Quasi himself was sitting hopelessly on the floor before him.
Director: Action!
Phoebus: We - *bonk* ….Agh…. *looks up at the table and Quasi starts giggling* …..oh shut up.
Quasi: *shakes head* ... No way!
Scene 199 He Shall Smite The Wicked (Take 10)
Before a blue screen, Quasimodo carefully perches his footing along the side of the set, to make it seem like he had just fallen and struggling. Frollo is looking over, having his cape being gripped by the Hunchback below. They both wait a moment.
Director: Al'right…. Action!
Quasimodo then accidentally pulls down on the cape which pulls Frollo over. Yelling, he goes over the parapet, but his safety line snags and he hangs from his waist upside down.
Frollo: Sheer brilliance….
Quasi: *shocked for a moment* …. *gets ready to laugh*
Frollo: Don't you dare…. Don't you dare laugh, you daft teenager….
Quasi: *snickers* I'm sorry…. *chuckles* You just look so funny!
Frollo: *grim* Let us see how you fare.
Scene 240 He Shall Smite the Wicked (Take 15)
Just the way before, Quasimodo gets ready to pull down the cape with a frighten look on his face.
Director: Remember, not too rough. Okay…. Action!
Once again, he pulls down on the cape and Frollo falls, but his hand slips and lets go of the cape. To Quasi's surprise, Frollo falls and spins all the way to the safety mat below.
Frollo: Gaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oooo…..
Quasi: *still holding the other end of the cape* … Are you all right, sir?
Frollo: …
Quasi: *worried* …sir?
Frollo: …shut up.
Scene 36 The King of Fools (Take 5)
Ropes are being thrown over Quasimodo who's trying to escape the pillory, but not as planned, the townsfolk keep missing him. Quasimodo stops acting startled and afraid and just watches as the lassos fly over him. The cast start laughing. But one rope happens over his head and falls limbly through and he starts to laugh.
Quasi: *cheers* Success!
More laughing ensues.
Director: All right. Roll them in and let's try…AGAIN!
Scene 71 This is NOT it (Take 7)
Phoebus: If we want to find Esmeralda, we have to work together. Truce?
Quasi: …well… Okay! *gives Phoebus a harsh backslap*
Phoebus: DOH! *falls over*
Quasi: *snickers and silently giggles, hard, almost kneeling over*
Phoebus: *painfully getting up* Ya know, these jokes…. They're getting old.
(Beep BEEP!)