ALRIGHTY! Second chapter anyway. XP

This is a flashback from the very beginning. From when she and BB go to Wammy's/meet L. And how her life is intertwined with L's. Then is just goes on from when BB leaves, murdering people to where she dies and then just so forth.


Chapter 2 - The Beginning

The moment we were born, I knew that we were special. My twin and I. My brother's name is Rue Ryuzaki. Mine is Life Ryuzaki. The reason behind my name shall come in time but for now, I shall tell you how everything falls into place. My brother and I came to a place called Wammy's. A man called Quillish Wammy had come to us, a gentle smile placed on his face. There was something warm about him that made me trust him. Rue wasn't to sure about him but he trusted me.

"Hello you two. My name is Quillish Wammy but call me Watari."

Rue just glared at the man, his dark ruby red eyes swirling with none-trust. I smile gently and shyly.

"Hello. My name is Life Ryuzaki. This is my brother Rue Ryuzaki." I said softly.

"How would you two like to come with me to a safe place?" He asked.

I was curious to see this place. I felt something tugging at me to go with this man but Rue wasn't too sure. I looked at him and said softly, "Rue?"

He glanced at me, his eyes showing that he was thinking then nodded softly. Watari smiled and held a hand out to us. I grasped his gently but Rue held onto mine. Watari led us to a car and lets us get inside and he got into the drivers seat, driving towards the place that was safe. I was staring outside the window as Rue slept peacefully next to me. I saw a big cottage like house. It looked cozy, warm, and safe. I knew that this was the place. I felt a familiar tug and it only confirmed it. I poked Rue on his nose, knowing that'll wake him up. He blinked sleepily and asked, "Are we there yet?"

"Yes." I said.

Watari had parked the car and opened the door. We both hopped out and stared in awe. I spotted someone in the window. He looked like Rue but different. His eyes were obsidian then dark ruby red. He was staring at Rue and I, studying us.

"This way please." Watari said, cutting into my thoughts.

I tore my gaze away, looking up at the man and nodded, following after him. I secretly glanced at the window to find the pale boy gone.

~Two Hours Later~

Rue and I didn't share a room. He was sharing a room with this person named A and they bonded very quickly. That left me to my own devices. I was sharing a room with a boy, who I haven't met yet. The other rooms were filled up and it seemed like they trusted my roommate not to do anything. Rue was given a new name. Beyond Birthday or BB for short. He had named himself that. I struggled with a thought of my new name. I only sighed as I explored my new home. My own dark ruby red looking over detail there was. I had come up to the kitchen, noticing that my stomach was growling at me. I wondered if they had any strawberries or cherries here. I opened the fridge, poking my head in it. I saw a piece of strawberry shortcake. I took it out, grabbing a fork and stuck the fork into the cake, promptly sticking the piece into my mouth. I chewed happily and swallowed. I nearly jumped when I heard, "Why are you eating my cake?"

I whirled around to see the same pale boy that was standing in the window. I blinked, looking up above his head to see his name. L Lawiet huh? It suites him. I looked at him again and smiled weakly, "Sorry...I didn't know it was yours."

He studied me, his eyes running over my body, studying me. I blinked then asked, "What's your name?"

He was silent for a moment then said, "Leon. Yours?"

I struggled for a moment then asked, "Real or alias?"

"Which ever you chose." He said.

" real name is Life. I can't think of an alias." I said, sounding disheartened at the end.

He studied me again, stealing a strawberry off of the cake and said, "Ariel Yama."

I blinked, thinking over the name before smiling widely then hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much Leon!"

He stiffened under me, like he was never hugged before. I pulled back, still smiled and said, "This means so much! Thank you!"

Then I did something that started something that I would never expect. I kissed him. On his lips. I am only 10 and he's 14. I could tell quite easily. But it didn't matter. I felt something stir within me and half of me leaving my body. I think he felt the same thing as well. I only gasped when I felt something enter me, something pleasant and warm. I pulled away from his lips, staring into his eyes. He stared back into mine, shock running through them. I removed my arms from him and he ran away. I felt strangely hurt yet I knew that he did that because he didn't know what to do. I could feel the confusion and the panic running through me. Everything hit me like a brick wall. I have half of his soul and he has half of mine. I could feel his emotions and he can feel mine. I felt anger all of a sudden, causing me to wince. I also have half of Rue's soul within me. We are twins. And he has half of mine. Good thing I knew who's emotions are who's. I sighed, leaving the kitchen and the unfinished cake behind to see what has angered my brother.