Author's Note: Hi, y'all! It's been a real long time, I know. I hope you like this little companion piece to Moonbrains 2: Khonsu City. During Chapter 10, right before the big mission, Mal and Inara shared a private moment on the catwalk. During that story, you never knew what exactly happened. (And neither did I, to be truthsome myself) But, as I was rereading the story, I thought I'd better remedy that situation. So here it is, the missing conversation between Mal and Inara! I hope you enjoy it, and I welcome all your comments!

Better Late Than Never

Everyone was all set to leave, to do what they had to do, to do something right and also something so incredibly stupid that Shepherd Book was probably cringing down at them wondering what in the hell they were playing at. Walking into an Alliance facility and, in essence, kidnapping thirteen kids? In times past, Mal might have thought that sounded like fun, but the prospect of angering two armies instead of just pissing in the face of the Alliance did not sit well in Mal's mind.

He stopped Inara on the catwalk as the rest of the crew gathered in the hold. "Inara, be careful today, all right? I'm trusting you with my ship and all our lives."

"Don't worry, Mal. I won't be late," Inara said patiently.

"Sir, we've got a schedule to keep to," Zoe called from below.

"Just a minute!" Mal called back. "Inara, your not bein' there ain't my worry."

Mal took a breath. He'd tried this once. It hadn't exactly ended well. Inara had left Serenity. Sometimes Mal was still unsettled by that fact, that she had just up and left. Maybe that's why he'd never tried again. But she'd come back. And she'd stayed this time. She'd given up everything. Now might be his only chance to try again.

"There's something I never told you, 'Nara. And it's been an awful long time coming. And I still ain't lookin' for anything from you – "

Inara shook her head, saying, "Now's not the time, Mal."

Mal grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look him in the eye. "Then when in the hell is the time? Inara – "

Truthsome, Mal. Just be truthsome. After all these years, she deserves that much from you.

"I love you."

There. Now whatever was going to happen could happen and she'd know. He let her go and ran down to the others, not daring to look back.