Oh man. My sincerest apologies to everyone who has been reading and liking this story. I really and sorry. Very, very sorry. I'm a terrible person. I know. Expect many more apologies.

So basically this is an announcement. I'm going to be rewriting this thing because I think the motivations and plot points are weak. And I've got new episodes of Clone Wars to watch to keep my inspired. I'm going to be keeping some characters, reworking others, changing events, etc. but the basic idea will remain the same, only improved. I beg you to be patient with me as I get this new story up and running. I'll probably just start a completely new story so some people can go back and look at the old chapters if they would like.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. Again, I'm really really really sorry, but hopefully I'll be able to deliver a more high quality story.

Thank you for your patience! And if you don't have any, thanks for reading anyway. :)

-The Queen of Nerds