So here's my first fanfic that I've posted. :P I don't own any of these characters or Star Wars. I hope you enjoy :D Reviews are appreciated.

"It's too quiet," Ahsoka said. She frowned and tapped her fingers against the control panel by the view port in the Republic star destroyer.

The ship drifted slowly around the planet. For several days the Separatist fleets had been silent. Attacks had ceased except for defense of crucial areas. There had been no indication of a possible surrender. No messages from the enemy were sent and no useful transmitions that might tell what was going on were intercepted. The galaxy was experiencing a period of uneasy peace.

Ahsoka turned as the doors to the bridge opened.

"How was your recon mission, Master?" she asked.

"There is virtually no activity down there," Anakin replied, "There are several landed frigates and transports that look like they're in full working order, but they don't appear to be reloading fuel or supplies. They're just sitting there."

"I don't like it," Captain Rex said, coming up behind Anakin.

"So what are we going to do?" Ahsoka asked.

"There's no reason to do anything. We report back to the Council and wait for further orders," Anakin said.

"Why are things so quiet?" Ahsoka said, exasperated, "It makes no sense!"

"Looks shady to me too, sir," Rex said.

"I don't know what they're planning, but there's nothing we can do about it right now," Anakin said. He walked over to the holocommunicator on the bridge and pressed a button. The images of Mace Windu and Master Yoda appeared.

"What to report have you?" Yoda asked.

"All is quiet for now, Masters," Anakin said, "There are several landed frigates and transports that aren't refueling or in for repair. I'm not sure what they're planning but at the moment all is quiet. "

"That's exactly how all the other reports have come in," Mace said, half to himself.

"That's odd," Anakin said, "What are your orders?"

"Return to Coruscant , you must," Yoda said, "Discoveries we have made. Very important they are."

"Get over here as quickly as you can, Skywalker," Mace said, "This is bigger than the war."

Ahsoka walked over to her master as the transmition ended.

"Alright, what are we doing," she said.

"We are to return to Coruscant immediately," Anakin said, "Apparently there's been a discovery that is more important than the war."

Ahsoka raised an eyebrow,

"Really? What could they have found that's more important than the war? Seems like riding the galaxy of those slime ball Separatists and their tinnies would be the most important thing right now."

"I'm not sure, Snips," Anakin said. He looked down at the clones in the command pits.

"Set the coordinates to Coruscant and prepare to make the jump to hyperspace," he said.

"Right away sir," came the answer.

"Rex, you and your men get some rest," Anakin said to the clone captain, "We might as well take advantage of the lull."

Rex nodded,

"Yes sir," he said, and then he exited the bridge.

"Are you going to follow your own orders?" Ahsoka asked as the stars out the view port blurred and the ship left forward into hyperspace, "Even with the stalemate you're still not sleeping much."

"I appreciate your concern, Snips, but even with the war at a standstill there are still numerous details to attend to. We have to be one step ahead of the enemy," Anakin said

Ahsoka rolled her eyes good-naturedly,

"Whatever you say, Master," she said, "I on the other hand am going to get some rest while I still can."

Anakin smiled slightly.

"Sweet dreams, Snips, but when the Separatists come knocking you'll be glad someone was up to think of a plan."

The entire Jedi Council and much of the Order had gathered in the briefing room at the Jedi Temple around the massive holoprojector that sat in the room. Jedi Masters stood at the controls, pushing buttons to organize the holograms to be show. Knights were standing on the outside circle, curious but quiet. The Padawans were on the far edges, conversing with each other and standing on elevated benches and stairs to get a better view. The occasional curious youngling poked their head through the door before being ushered away by their caretakers.

Mace Windu called the meeting to order and the chatter subsided.

"A few hours ago out scouts in the Outer Rim Territories spotted a large fleet of Separatist warships jumping into hyperspace beyond the Rishi Maze," he said. He pressed a button on the holoprojector and a hologram of six frigates and a flag ship appeared. The ships lined up in a tidy formation and then leapt forward into the unseen.

"We sent out a small ship to follow them and see why they were heading away from the galaxy. What they found was this," he said. He pressed another button and a different hologram appeared, this time of a planet with white clouds swirling around in its atmosphere.

"Scans have shown that it is inhabited by countless life forms, but there is only one species that appears to be intelligent. The Separatist fleet seen leaving the Rishi Maze was spotted orbiting the planet's moon."

Another button was pressed that added a moon and the seven Separatist ships to the space beyond the planet. Ahsoka looked at the planet with a look of awe on her face,

"A new planet? Are there people on it? What's it like?" she asked.

"We don't know yet as our scouts only went around the planet. They didn't actually land," Mace said, "The people on the planet appear to be human though. The climate is very varied. In some areas there is forest, in other ocean or desert. There are plains, mountains, tundra, and many other climates and habitats. Often there's more than one environment per land mass. "

Anakin studied the hologram of the Separatist fleet.

"Those look like Grievous's ships," he said, "I bet he's leading this expedition."

"But what would General Grievous be doing all the way out there?"

Obi-Wan stepped forward from the crowd and up to the holoprojector.

"Unless there's some marvelous resource too good to pass up it seems like it would be inconvenient for Grievous to send his ships all the way to another galaxy."

"He might be looking to build an emergency base there, that way if the war really takes a turn for the worst at least that planet will be able to provide a fail-safe," Ki-Adi Mundi said.

"Grievous is too confident for that. I'm sure the Separatists are positive they will not need such a distant planet as a back up," Plo Koon said.

"This could be an attempt to distract us," Aayla Secura said, "Perhaps they are trying to get leverage by threatening innocents."

"It could be both," Obi-Wan said, "While Grievous is too proud, Dooku is not. Perhaps the plan is to capture the planet, build a base, and threaten the people there."

"If so, it's a clever plan," Luminara Unduli said, "We can't very well stand by and do nothing if Grievous plans to invade."

"It would be all too easy for some of our defenses to slip," Anakin agreed.

"If this is the case, we must proceed with caution," Mace said.

"Do we have a plan?" Kit Fisto asked.

Mace nodded,

"Because this is a new planet, we'll want to explore it some, but at the same time we'll need to keep and eye out for Grievous. We'll take two fleets of cruisers to orbit the planet. If Grievous attacks we'll hold him off. I will command one fleet and Master Kenobi will command the other. We will bring along several teams of Jedi who will go to the planet's surface in several spots to watch for droid activity. They will also be learning more about the people there," he said.

"Go with you I will, Master Windu," Yoda said, "Want to see this new planet for myself, I do."

"Who will go to the planet's surface then?" Aayla asked.

"You and Master Unduli will be watching this land mass here," Mace said, pointing to a large land mass that bulged at the top to form a little nub and then narrowed out at the bottom, "Half of it is desert, the other half, plains and sparse forest. It's a good spot to land troops if that's the idea Grievous has.

"Masters Plo and Fisto, you will be taking care of this landmass," he said, pointing to a land mass that was similar to the first, only narrower at the bottom and smaller, "Half is jungle and half is mountains and dry plains. Skywalker, you and Padawan Tano will be going to the land mass above it," he pointed to a thick land mass with a tail that dipped down and connected with the land mass Master Plo and Fisto would be watching, "It is a mix of plains, forest, desert, mountains, and tundra."

Ahsoka hardly heard him after that, she was too excited.

A whole new planet! She thought and I get to go right down to the surface!

"I advise all of you to be discreet, quiet, and cautious. We know hardly anything about this planet and its people. Don't do anything to upset them," Mace said, "Now I suggest all of you get some rest and prepare to leave tomorrow."

As the Jedi dispersed, Ahsoka turned to her master,

"I'm not going to lie to you, Master; I'm pretty excited right now."

"Well it's an exciting thing, Snips," Anakin said.

"Sleep is going to be hard to come by tonight," she said.

He laughed,

"You won't be alone. Some of the other Padawans looked like they were going to explode."

"What do you think it will be like?" she asked.

"I don't know, but from the way Master Windu described it, the people there have no experience with intelligent species other than themselves. That could make things difficult," he said.

"I just hope they realize we're not here to hurt them," she said.

"If Grievous strikes before we get there, that could be hard," he said.