Author's Note: Omg, guys! Last official chapter of The Path We Choose! I'm working on the Epilogue and then it's done! I'm sad but super pumped! I love this story and I've had a blast writing it. All the support I've had even in spite of taking FOREVER to update means a lot to me. Thank you for the patience and support for me and this story! You readers are the best! :) Again, not beta'd so hopefully not many mistakes! But if there are, they are all mine, baby! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Square Enix owns Final Fantasy VII and all its characters (damn). I just play with them every now and then! :D

Chapter 56: Tomorrow is the Future

Sephiroth looked around the office he had occupied at one time. It seemed like a lifetime ago. But now it was time for a change. It was time for him to do something he'd never done before: it was time to start over.

He felt…something, but he couldn't name it. It wasn't fear, sadness, happiness, or excitement. Nervous? Maybe…no, it wasn't nervous. He turned and looked out the large windows and stared down at Midgar. A small smile curled his lips up at the corners. Hope. He felt hope for the future.

"So…this is where the big, bad, Silver General of ShinRa planned all his dastardly attacks on poor, helpless towns and villages, huh?"

Sephiroth smirked and rolled his eyes. He turned toward Tifa. "It's also the place I planned my defection in the event that what I suspected I would find in Nibelheim was true. So, all of my plans weren't just evil."

"I stand corrected." Tifa smiled and walked toward him. "Will you miss this? Being in the center of all the action?"

"Not at all." Sephiroth looked at Tifa. "I never cared much for city life. My role here at ShinRa wasn't my choice. I have a choice now. My choice is to live my life protecting this planet. Hollander is still out there and he removed any information in the databanks that had anything to do with this Project: Deepground. He can't be allowed to see that project through. We made the mistake once of thinking he was just a fool. But with the Science Division under his control…look at all the damage he was able to do in just two years. We have to stop him."

"You're right, Seph." Tifa took his hand in hers and lightly squeezed it. "Zack and Aerith have a little one on the way. We owe it to all future generations to make sure they don't have to know the constant war we've known. They deserve a better future."

"All of our future children deserve that." Strange, but saying "all of our future children" only confirmed "hope" was the feeling he'd been having a difficult time defining only moments ago.

"Planning on a few kids of our own?" Tifa smiled brightly. "You know, I do come from the countryside. It's almost like a rule that we have to a dozen or so children. Are you ready for a mini horde of kids, Seph?"

He had to chuckle at the idea of them having so many children. "I'll steal a page from Genesis' book." He lifted his hand in a gesture that just screamed Genesis. "If the Goddess wills it, so shall it be."

Tifa covered a grin and shook her head. "You just remember you said that, Sephiroth. Didn't Professor Strahm mention something about your Jenova cells possibly making you a baby machine?"

Sephiroth chuckled. "Well, if that happens, my children will be exceptionally lucky to have you as their mother."

"And the same can be said about having you as a father, Sephiroth." Tifa's smile warmed. "What you've been through and survived, the things you've done for this planet…I'm proud of you, Seph."

Sephiroth took her other hand in his. "Then you would do me the honor of being my wife, my partner, the one to see me through this life and into the Lifestream where I will wait for you to join me? Because, Tifa, you are my Chosen One…always."

Tears of pure joy welled up in her eyes and her happiness overflowed and enveloped him in a feeling so warm, it felt like a physical embrace.

"Seph…yes." She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed gently. "You're my Chosen One, too. I don't want another man beside me. Only you!"

Sephiroth gently grasped her chin and tilted it upward. "You are a life-saving gift to me from a God or Goddess I don't know, but I will spend my life earning my gift."

Angeal watched Gail walk around her new office, a bright smile on her face. The happiness in her eyes mixed with strong determination…she was perfect for the challenges she was facing. He knew Midgar was in the right hands for the job.

"Are you just going to stare at me? Surely that's not becoming of The SOLDIER General!" Gail turned her head and smiled. "I don't recall General Sephiroth doing such a thing."

Angeal chuckled and pushed himself away from the doorframe. "Well, I'm not Sephiroth. Besides, I wasn't just staring at you. I was thinking that you are the perfect person to take over from Reeve. You love this city like he does. You want life below the plates to be a choice. You want the slums to become more than that. You see the beauty below that most people miss."

Gail was blushing by the time he finished speaking. "Angeal, you make me sound like an angel."

"You are an angel, Gail; an angel of compassion and love." Angeal smiled. "I have no right to say what I'm about to say, but Gail…every day since I left, I've thought of you. I missed your smile and your cheeky sense of humor. I'm staying here in Midgar – for the most part since I'll have to travel – so I would like to start seeing you again."

Her smile warmed and brightened. "Angeal…I'd like that. No, I'd love to start seeing you again…see where everything could go."

Angeal walked over to her and gently embraced her, kissing the top of her head. "Thank you, Gail. Thank you for seeing everything I really am, not the monster I so foolishly believed I was."

"Angeal, you were never a monster." Gail leaned up and softly pressed her lips to his. "Lost along the way, but always a man of honor. Besides…I'd never fall for a monster. And I did fall – very hard – for you."

Angeal smiled warmly and returned her soft kiss. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who fell like that, Gail."

Genesis stood on the roof of the ShinRa building and stared across the city. It seemed like a lifetime had passed since he had last stood on the same spot, but this time he was contemplating a bright future, not a drastically shortened lifespan. He wasn't silently saying goodbye to his life, this time he was welcoming his future.

"So. Here we are again."

Genesis smiled and turned to face Cissnei. "I thought the symbolic nature of coming up here once more before departing Midgar for Wutai again was quite poignant, no?"

"Indeed. But this time, you're leaving to live, not to die in a war with an institution you'd fought for before." She moved to stand beside him. "You've had quite the journey, Rhapsodos."

He grinned. "Infinite in mystery indeed is the gift of the Goddess, Turk."

"And this time you're not going to Wutai alone."

Genesis took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips, pressing several soft, slightly open-mouthed kisses to the back of it. "The Goddess only knows how I earned my very own Guardian Angel on Gaia to spend the rest of my life with."

Cissnei turned and smiled at him. "There is no hate, Genesis – never any hate – only joy for you are beloved by the Goddess."

Genesis felt his whole being warm at her words. He finally understood what it felt like to have unconditional love bestowed upon him…and how it felt to feel unconditional love for another.

Cloud took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Chocobo!" Reno grinned. "You just missed the last official meetin' of our core group of Turks, yo! What's up?"

"I'd like to talk to Tseng and Rufus, actually."

Reno arched a brow. "Yeah? Well, come on in!"

Cloud walked into the boardroom. He was nervous…more nervous than he had been in a long time. But he had made his decision. Now, he just had to go for it.

"Yo, Chocobo here wants a word, Bosses!"

Tseng's face didn't give anything away, but Cloud could tell Rufus was surprised.

"Have a seat, Cloud." Rufus waited until Cloud was in the chair across from him. "What can we do for you?"

"I'd like to become a Turk."

"I get that we ain't exactly gonna be the badasses we used to be, yo, but we ain't exactly gonna be all roses, candy, and kisses either!" Reno shook his head. "You get that?"

Cloud nodded. "I get it."

Rufus raised his hand slightly to stop Reno from saying more. "With all the enhancements Professor Hojo's experiments gave you, combined with the leftover effects of Reunion, wouldn't SOLDIER or the Gaia Special Forces Unit Sephiroth will be building be more suited to you, Cloud?"

"In theory, sure." Cloud had gone over his options a thousand times, and each time he got the same answer. "But I never made SOLDIER. Sephiroth has hundreds of qualified SOLDIERs to choose from to work with. True, he could probably help me learn to deal with the "unique" leftovers I have from Reunion, but SOLDIER, Infantry, and Gaia Special Forces Unit are all missing something: family."

"Family?" Rufus had an amazing poker face.

"Yes, family. You are a family of orphans, unwanted, unloved men and women – misfits – who all overcame adversity and became survivors." Cloud shrugged. "I'm an orphan. I have no family. I know what Turks do, but I also know what you want it to become. I want to be a part of what you make it, if you'll give me a chance."

"Elena told me Strife was considering a request to undergo Turk training."

Rufus looked at Tseng. "And what is your opinion?"

"Cissnei and Elena could use another Turk with them in Wutai." Tseng considered Cloud for a moment before looking at Rufus again. "With the experimental SOLDIER Protocols Hojo tested on him in his blood and the after effects of Reunion, I think we can have him brought up to speed quickly and easily."

"And he was instrumental in a few of those reactor bombings with AVALANCHE." Reno grinned. "That shit isn't easy bypass, but he was able to follow all my directions no problem."

Tseng nodded. "There's also the fact that Angeal trained him for two years. He comes with high recommendations and you know Angeal wouldn't sugar coat anything."

"SOLDIER honor." Rufus chuckled softly before looking at Cloud. "Alright. Tseng will begin your training tomorrow. You'll have to stay in Midgar for a few months before going to join Cissnei and Elena in Wutai."

Cloud smiled and got to his feet. "Understood, Sir."

Tseng walked with him toward the door. "I'll meet you in my office first thing tomorrow morning, Cloud."

Cloud nodded and left Rufus' office, closing the door behind him. Once he was alone he pulled out his PHS and dialed.

"What'd he say?"

Cloud chuckled. "They said yes, Elena."

She breathed a happy sigh. "That's wonderful!"

"Wanna celebrate when I join you in Wutai?" Cloud smiled. "I'll make you my mom's Nibel Cottage Pie."

"With crispy mashed potatoes on top?"

"That's the only way to have it!"

Elena moaned softly before giggling. "It's a date, Cloud!"

"Above or below the plates?"

Aerith smiled. "Whatever you like, Zack."

"I've only lived above the plates, but I know you have that fear of the sky." Zack softly caressed Aerith's still-flat stomach. "I just want to make you and our baby happy.

"Zack, I don't know what happened, but I'm not afraid of the sky anymore." She shook her head. "I can't explain it. It's almost like I knew what could happen. Jenova's life force flowed freely across the planet and now that she's gone, I feel…lighter. Sephiroth was fighting a battle since he was born that he didn't even know he was fighting. She was always in his life, her cells waiting for the time when he fell to her power. But he beat her."

Zack shook his head. "I think you kinda helped Aerith. You know, Holy and everything! Don't sell yourself short."

She covered a soft laugh with her hand. "Well, yes, that did help, Zack. But that's the thing about the Planet. She can't help the ones who don't want it. If Sephiroth hadn't truly been fighting Jenova even in the Reactor…there would have been no hope for him."

"We were all fighting, Aerith." Zack couldn't hide his guilt. "I know you said you forgive me, but I'll never stop trying to earn that forgiveness."

"Protect this planet, Zack. Keep our baby's future safe and no apologies will ever be needed." Aerith hugged Zack tightly.

He smiled and closed his eyes, returning her embrace. "I will, Aerith."

Tifa smiled when she saw Cissnei and Elena walking up the steps to the helipad. "So…we're off to start our new lives."

Elena grinned. "And not as fugitives! Obviously a plus!"

"I don't know about you two, but I'm actually excited about this." Cissnei smiled and shook her head. "I haven't felt like this in a long time."

Tifa could completely relate to that. "I actually have hope for the future. I haven't felt that in a long time."

"Sephiroth is going to create something amazing. With Genesis helping, it will be exactly what this planet needs: an army with its best interests at heart, not the armies of mankind, squabbling over things like Mako or territory." Elena smiled at Cissnei. "And we get to be a part of that."

Tifa raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Really? Seph chose you two as his Turks?"

Cissnei nodded. "And we're going to have another one."

"Really? Who?"

Elena was practically bursting at the seams. "Cloud!"

Tifa felt her mouth drop open. "Cloud? Cloud Strife? He's going to be a Turk?"

"Yep!" Elena frowned slightly. "Why? Is that a bad thing?"

Tifa shook her head. "Not at all! I'm just shocked! I mean, I thought he'd pick SOLDIER."

"His path isn't leading to SOLDIER anymore."

They all turned at the sound of Tseng's voice.

"You think he'll make a good Turk though, right Tseng?" Elena waited expectantly.

A ghost of a smile tilted his lips upward ever so slightly. "Rufus and I wouldn't have taken him on if either of us thought he didn't have what it takes."

Tifa shook her head slightly and smiled apologetically at Elena. "I'm sorry it sounded like I doubted him, but Cloud's been dreaming of SOLDIER since we were kids. I just assumed, if given the choice, he'd go SOLDIER, but…that's Cloud! He never stops surprising me."

"And what about you Tifa?" Tseng watched her intently. "Have you given any more thought to our offer to join the Turks?"

Elena's eyes widened slightly. "Um…what?"

Cissnei put her hands on her hips. "Tifa Lockhart, are you holding out on us?"

"What's up with that?" Elena gave Tifa a light shove. "We're friends and you didn't say anything so we could convince to join because you'd totally kick ass if you did?"

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to get settled in Wutai before making my decision." She smiled at Tseng. "I promise you and Rufus will be the first ones to know."

He inclined his head in thanks. "We will wait expectantly."

"Yo, ladies! Your ride to Junon to meet up with Cid is ready to depart!" Reno looked around. "Where are General Ice Queen and General Pissy Pants?"

Cissnei glared at Reno. "Sephiroth and Genesis aren't here yet."

Tifa nodded. "They said something about meeting Angeal and tying up loose ends."

Sephiroth looked around Reactor 0, the scene of his near-fall to Jenova's cells that ran though him still. He had come so close to losing everything he had fought for. But in the end, he'd made it through.

"Contemplating life, Seph?"

"More like contemplating death, Angeal."

Angeal reached out and squeezed Sephiroth's shoulder. "We all had faith in you, my friend."

"Yes, even I did…in spite of hating you for so long." Genesis smiled slightly. "I am truly sorry for everything I've done to you, Sephiroth. And I'm sorry for dragging you down with me, Geal. Everything we've been through is my fault."

Sephiroth shook his head. "No, it was all Hojo's and Hollander's fault."

"He's right, Gen." Angeal shook his head. "They are evil incarnate and they played us all against each other in an attempt to prove who was the best scientist."

"Well, one sack of shit down, one to go!" Genesis smirked. "Hollander may have made his escape with some SOLDIERs and Science Division flunkies, but they won't evade us forever."

"So, I can count on you both to help me end this?" Sephiroth didn't really need to ask.

Angeal nodded. "I'm going to whip SOLDIER back into shape and help you any way I can, Sephiroth. My mother took her own life because of that man and he will face death for that."

"That bastard made that sweet woman think she deserved death." Genesis shook his head. "She was more of a mother to me than my own fucking bitch of a "mother" was. That woman deserved death, not Gillian Hewley."

"We're going find Hollander, stop whatever Project: Deepground is, and finally return peace to this world so we can focus on building this planet up." Sephiroth lifted his left arm and closed his eyes. His right hand hovered over his wrist and glowed, drawing the Black Materia out of his body. He opened his eyes and looked at the glowing black orb. "So small, yet it has the power to destroy planets."

"If it fell into the wrong hands, there's no guarantee we could stop it again." Angeal looked at Sephiroth. "The next person who found it might not have enough humanity in him or her to fight the temptation."

"The only thing we can do is return it back to The Goddess." Genesis looked at the open pool of Mako below them, then looked at Sephiroth. "She'll forever guard it and keep it in the Lifestream."

Sephiroth looked at Angeal, then Genesis before walking to the edge of the platform. "Then let's make sure she gets it."

When Genesis and Angeal were beside him, Sephiroth extended his arm over the pit and opened his hand, letting the Black Materia fall from his grip.

The three friends stood side by side and watched the Black Materia fall. When it was closer to the Mako, tendrils of Lifestream appeared to reach up and cradle the materia before it dissolved into nothingness.

It was the end of life as they had always known it. Tomorrow was the first day of the rest of their lives.