Ghost of a Chance


It had been three weeks since Jack, Gwen and Rhys got back from America. Miracle Day was finally over, Jack was immortal again and the World had been put back as it was.

Torchwood Three had been reinstated as the 'good guys' and UNIT had a rather large shake up.

So, why were the three of them standing on that same hill again, with Jack saying goodbye? Gwen was crying. Rhys was cursing. But Jack was having none of it. He was determined to go away again, just like before.

"Jack, you can't go! Not again! Please, we need you!"

Jack shook his head. "I can't stay, for the same reasons as before. There's nothing here for me." He looked from Gwen to Rhys. "I helped you. That's what I came back for. Now it's over, there's nothing keeping me here."

"What about us? We're here!" said Gwen.

"I'm sorry, I truly am."

Then he was gone.

Gwen and Rhys walked back to their car and looked at baby Anwen.

"He'll be back," said Rhys. "We know he will."


Almost two years later, Gwen was standing in front of the Water Tower. It had been re-built. She was smiling, as she stood on the invisible lift, shouting abuse at passers by, who didn't seem to notice her. He smile grew bigger, as she thought of who was waiting for her down in the Hub.

Walking through the Plass, Gwen joined Rhys by the Welsh Ring and they both walked to the new tourist office, with it's smart paintwork and new sign. Going inside, they made their way to the lift and down to the Hub.

It was better than before. New computers. A generator. Autopsy bay. Office with underground bunker for Jack. Larger vaults. New improved cells. Medical bay - for the living - And something very, very special.

"When are you going to let Jack know about all this?" asked Rhys.

"I think it's happening right about now," came the reply.


Sitting in the alien bar on an orbiting satellite station, Jack downed his fourth Satellite Kicker, then looked down at his wrist strap. It was glowing. It hadn't done that since John Hart. Opening it, he saw a message come up.

You are cordially invited to the opening of the New Hub. I'll expect you to attend. 'I'

Jack frowned. New Hub. 'I'. But, Jack, being Jack, loved a mystery so he found himself beside the Water Tower. He stood on the stone slab and pressing a series of numbers into his vortex manipulator and raised an eyebrow as it began to descend slowly. Jack looked around, as he got lower and lower. I wasn't the Hub as he knew it, but it was better than no Hub at saw Gwen and Rhys at two of four workstations.

"Here he is. I knew you couldn't resist the call of a loved one," said Gwen, smiling.


Jack felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise up, as he looked at the last workstation. There, as large as life, sat Ianto Jones.

"Hello, Jack."


"Yes, it's me."

"But, but you're dead! You died in my arms!"

"Yes, I did."

"I don't understand. Are you a figment of my imagination?"

"No, Jack, we can see Ianto, too." said Gwen, smiling.

"When…how did you get here?"

"My death was so traumatic, I couldn't pass over to the other side. I've been here ever since."

"In the ruins of the Hub?"


Jack looked around. "Who built this?"

"Skilled men and women. Took nearly 22 months." Iantosmiled. "Impressive, isn't it?"

"What happened to them, I mean….they know where Torchwood are based."

"They were retconned, of course," Ianto smiled, "I still know my job, Jack."

"Do you know how amazing it is, to hear they say my name." Jack closed his eyes. "God, how I've missed you, Jones, Ianto Jones."

Jack stepped forward to embrace the young Welshman. It was too later for Ianto to react.

"No. Jack!"

Jack's arms passed straight through his dead lover. "What the…"

"I'm a ghost, Jack. I'm still dead."

"But, I can't see through you. You're right here," Jack gestured with his hands. "Standing in front of me."

"But I'm dead, remember? I can't just re-materialize as living matter, like Owen did."

Jack looked sad, but then smiled. "So is this your way of tellin' me, no sex?"

Ianto laughed. "I wish we could. I have missed that coat." Ianto smiled. "I'll take you on a tour, shall I?"

Jack nodded, as Ianto moved towards the stairs.

"There is a lift to each floor now. No more running up and down stairs. We have a medical bay, in case anyone is ill. The vault is twice the size, and empty at present."

"Who designed all this?"

"I did, actually. I had plenty of time on my hands."

Jack sighed. "I didn't know…"

"How could you. For a while, I didn't know myself. I guess my spirit just came back here after I dies."

"Will I ever be able to touch you again?"

Ianto smiled.

"Not sex! Hold you!"

"Sex would be good. I've…missed lying with you." Ianto pushed the button.

"Y-you can touch things!"

"Yes, and be touched, but not by you."

Jack looked confused.

"It wasn't my time, Jack. You should have protected us. You knew what the 456 were like. We walked straight into a trap."

Jack blinked back a tear. "I know and I'm so sorry, Ianto."

The lift stopped and Ianto walked out.

"This is the medical bay. Five beds. Fully equipped operating theatre. Separate from the autopsy bay, which is still in the main Hub. There's a separate quarantine area through those doors."

"If I could turn back the clock and things differently, I would."

"We all would, Jack.

"Is that what this is about…punishing me?"

Ianto shook his head. "It isn't about you, Jack. It's about me."

They went back to the lift.

"Next floor is the vault. Think we'll skip that. Then the cells. Two Blowfish and a Weevil in residence at the moment."

Jack pushed the stop button on the panel.

"Why can't I touch you?"

Ianto shrugged. "It's just the way it is."

Ianto pushed the start button and the lift began to move again.

Finishing up the tour, Ianto took Jack to his new office.

"Your bunker is below, like with the old one. The bed is bigger, so is the general layout."

"What good is that without you by my side."

"I can still sleep with you, you just can't touch me."

"Can you touch me?"

Ianto put out his hand to touch Jack's face, but it was like smoke, passing through.

"No. What you see will just have to be enough. I'm sorry."

As they came back up in the lift, they heard the Rift alert go off.

"Here we go," said Ianto.

They rushed out of the lift and stood beside the large computer mainframe.

"What have we got?" asked Jack.

"Something just came through the Rift by St Mary's Church." said Gwen.

"Right on our doorstep, that's what I like," grinned Jack.

As Jack and Gwen went to leave, Ianto called after them, but mainly to Jack. "Be careful!"