Sooo, I'm back. It's summer and all I have to worry about is my job. Woo! I'm going to try and update this fic faster, but no promises! Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy :]

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, don't own Inuyasha... Don't think I ever will.

Chapter Eleven:

Kakashi laid in a tree, picking at his teeth with a sebon needle. The sun was high in the sky and the man watched as bright, fluffy clouds rolled by. He let out a sigh of irritation. It was quiet enough for him to think, which he did not want at all. Thinking led to past memories and mistakes and that was a place Kakashi didn't want to revisit. He pulled out the latest book of Icha Icha paradise that he had already read and memorized. He thumbed through the pages until he came to his favorite plot point in the book and began to read.

He laid there for at least an hour or so before he finished the book and flipped to another spot. His lips twitched lightly in amusement when things became even more quiet. The birds stopped their chatter, the insects paused in their buzzing. So they had figured it out? This would be interesting.

There was a ruffle and Kakashi just moved out of the way just in time, otherwise he would have ended up being a Kakashi and tree sandwich from Kagome's gentle fist. The girl was smart coming from above. That wasn't all though, he was quickly sent into another dodge as several Naruto's flung themselves at him from either side. He jumped up quickly which sent the clones smacking into each other and bursting into poof's. Smart move on his part too.

Kagome jumped up at him again, byakugan activated and looking at his chakra coils. She aimed a hand at his arm, but was grabbed quickly and thrown back to a tree. Luckily, Sasuke was there to catch her. He wrapped his arms around her, not having time to set her away and made the proper hand signs to form a fireball jutsu. He let go just as Kagome ducked and sent the flames licking at Kakashi. There was a sliver of hope until...Nope, He poofed into a damn log. Sasuke was honestly starting to hate wood.

Kakashi poofed back into the center which made Naruto jump out from behind a tree and dive to hit him, only for Kakashi to step back and watch Naruto fall on his face. The blond spit out a patch of dirt and glared at the ground. The man was impossible!

All three froze when they heard an odd sound and the next thing they knew, arms had popped from the ground and pulled them into the earth. All they had become were heads in the ground.

Naruto squirmed and shouted for help, "Get me outta here! You damn old ninja!"

Kagome squirmed as well and found it didn't help, only made her small body squish down deeper in the dirt.

Sasuke on the other hand just stayed still. If the man wanted them in this position, he wouldn't let them out. Kakashi had shown him how worthy he was of his Jonnin title.

Said Jonnin watched the tree from his beginning tree with a sigh. "So I see you brats figured it out... You still have a far way to go to even think about calling yourselves ninjas..." He muttered and shook his head, only making the three Genin's flinch and look down in shame. They had thought they did good! Kakashi paused and looked at their faces... So they did all have the same feelings about this.. "But..."

They looked up with confusion. "But what!" Naruto asked.

Kakashi smirked. "I think I can help you along the way to that path... I'll make you strong. I actually think I've started to like you guys."

Naruto cheered, Kagome laughed happily and Sasuke smirked triumphantly. Thank all the gods that had ever been! They had passed, if just by a hair, but they had passed! They were all so relieved. Naruto couldn't wait to tell Iruka, Kagome couldn't wait to tell Neji and Hinoki. Sasuke was just glad that he had made it, it just brought him one step closer to getting his revenge and protecting Kagome.

Kakashi nodded. "I see your all happy. I also think you'll be happy to know your first part of real training begins now... Dig yourselves out of these holes and report to me tomorrow with how you did it. See yeah." He winked and then he was gone just like that.

"What! No come back! You demon!" Naruto yelled and began to curse as he squirmed.

Kagome blinked. That.. That asshole! He was leaving the, to die out here! What if an animal came and ate them! Just as she thought of that, the bushes rumbled and out popped an innocent squirrel that ran up to Sasuke and offered him the acorn he had in his hand but when he glared at the squirrel, it didn't take it kindly and spat a nut that had been in its mouth, at his head. Naruto laughed which caused him to get an acorn to the face as well. The squirrel ran away and Kagome burst out laughing.

This would be a fun team.

Kagome sighed in pleasure as she lowered her body into the hot water in her bathroom. It felt so nice as it worked through her tense muscles. One could only stay buried underground for so long until they developed cramps.

They had gotten their way out when Naruto had gotten loose and pulled his way out. He had helped Kagome out but was reluctant to help 'the Teme', so Kagome had dug her friend out. They had sat down and took a breather together before Naruto's stomach had gurgled and Kagome offered for them to go out and eat, Sasuke obviously following along.

They had gotten many strange looks from the people around town, then again, who wouldn't stare at three very dirty, bruised and cut Genin walking through the town with messy hair and clothes. Kagome certainly would have done a double take.

By the time they got back into the main part of Konoha, most restaurants had shut down for the night or were too busy and they certainly weren't allowed in any of the bars. Luckily, Naruto had dragged them to a nice ramen shop, Ichiraku's, where everything had been good. Luckily, the owner knew Naruto and had treated them all, saying that they looked like they had worked hard and didn't need to pay. It was just another way to express their pity for being so beat up. Not that their stomachs complained.

After, they had all gone their separate ways, Naruto to his apartment, Kagome to the Branch house (Sasuke walking her there) and Sasuke then going to his clan's houses as well.

Kagome had been greeted by Hinoki and Neji who had both looked at her appearance and laughed. Though, Neji's was more of a smirk and silent laugh combo. She told them what went on and how they passed. They had congratulated her before sending her off to the bath to get clean. That was just another way to tell her she stunk of dirt and blood. Not that her own nose complained.

She sighed and relaxed. Maybe she would have her team over for dinner one day.. They didn't seem all that bad when they were all together. They found some odd level where they could correspond.

Kagome dunked her night black hair in the water and ridded it of its dried up dirt. Once she was finished, she headed to bed, actually exhausted. It was a good sleep too.

Kakashi stood at a gravestone quietly and stared at the name on it. He sighed and went to leave but stopped.

"Obito... I might have just found the team that could rival our own..."