
August 12, 1981

Bellatrix Lestrange laid in her bed holding her swelled stomach. Pains shot through her abdomen and up her spine, she tried her best to get up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. She bent over the toilet and vomited, when she sat up to wash her face she felt a popping feeling in her southern region. She felt water trail down her legs and pool around her feet. "Oh God, she's coming!" she whispered to herself. She walked as fast as she can to her fireplace in her bedroom and threw floo powder in placing her head in the flames. "Cissy!" she hissed as she saw Narcissa sitting in a chair by the fireplace reading.

"Bella?" she asked kneeling by the fire. "What's wrong Bella?" she asked.

"It's time, the baby is coming!" Bellatrix groaned.

"Oh God, okay step away from the fire place I am going to floo over to you." Narcissa explained. Bella nodded and moved from the fireplace leaning against the stand of her bed. Narcissa appeared from the fireplace and kneeled next to her sister grabbing her sister's hand. "Alright Bella don't worry come on I need you to stand so I could get you on the bed." Narcissa explained. Bellatrix nodded and held on to her sister's shoulder. Narcissa held her from under her arms and helped her onto the bed.

Narcissa has been training to become Bellatrix's midwife. She walked into the bathroom to get a basin filled with warm water, some linens, and towels. She heard Bellatrix scream at the top of her lungs and she rushed from the bathroom with the supplies intact. She separated Bellatrix's legs to see if she was fully dilated, she was fully dilated and ready to push. "Alright Bella it's time for you to push. I need you to push in three…two…one…push!" She cried out. Bellatrix screamed at the top of her lungs as she pushed. Narcissa looked and saw a small head sticking out. "Oh God Bella I can see the head, now come on…in…three…two…one…push!" Narcissa cried again, she looked down and saw the little girl fully out. She wrapped her in the blanket and brought her to the basin to wash her.

She finished after a long two minutes and brought her to Bellatrix. She smiled and wrapped the little girl in her arms. She was beautiful with icy blue eyes and curly black hair, her cheeks were plump and rosy making her look like a little angel. She was a little angel, she was Bellatrix's little angel. "What are you going to name her?" asked Narcissa.

"Melody. Melody Angel Isabella Riddle." Bellatrix said smiling down at the wide eyes staring up at her. They held confusion and innocence, Bellatrix felt so many things in her now that she hasn't felt in years. She looked up at her sister who looked shocked, Bellatrix's eyes were completely different. They weren't the black cold eyes that use to be in place, but soft dark brown eyes that showed the love she felt towards her daughter.

"We should tell the dark lord." Narcissa said, Bellatrix nodded smiling down at her little bouquet of beauty. Melody was playing with Bellatrix's hair curling it with her tiny slightly chubby fingers. She looked up at her mother and smiled giggling a little. Bellatrix cooed and kissed the top of her head, her soft curly hair tickled Bellatrix's lips and nose.

"Floo him and tell him his angel has arrived." she cooed and nuzzled Melody's cheek. Bellatrix looked at her little girl and remembered the lullaby she wrote for her. "You are my world my darling, what a wonderful world I see. You are the song I'm singing, you're my beautiful Melody." she sang to the little girl and noticed that her little eye lids were drooping. But they snapped open with a excitement when she heard the crackle of a floo and saw the green flames.

"My lord, come see our little angel." Bellatrix said smiling. The Dark Lord walked towards the bed and saw the little girl looking up at him smiling. He smiled back and reached for her holding her close to his chest.

"She is beautiful, what have you named her?" he asked.

"Melody Angel Isabella Riddle." Bellatrix said smiling.

"Beautiful, just like her." he cooed in awe at the little witch.

One year later

Lord Voldemort apparated to Godric's Gallow to kill the bloody Potters. He walked into the house and saw James Potter sitting on the couch reading the Daily Prophet. He didn't noticed Lord Voldemort till the front door slammed shut. He jumped up pointing his wand at the Dark Lord. Voldemort whispered the dreaded curse no one wants to hear and James Potter dropped to the ground dead.

He made his way through the house looking for Lily and the child. He found her in the hallway holding the child. "Please don't hurt him. Take me, but please not my baby." she whimpered. Voldemort smirked and pointed his wand at her. "Avada Kadavra!" he whispered again and Lily Potter dropped dead on the floor still holding the child.

Voldemort picked up the baby and carried it into a room that had his name on the door in gold letters. He sat the child down in the crib and pointed his wand at him. Though Voldemort still felt a pang in his chest to kill a child as young as his own daughter he still said the curse. The curse didn't kill the child, it only cut his forehead. However it did hurt Voldemort, he fell to the ground gasping for air. His last word before he died was "Melody."

Three weeks later

I walked quickly down the Muggle street carrying Melody in her basket. She started to cry so I stopped in a alley. I picked her up from the basket and cuddled her. "Shh, my child don't worry. You are the world my darling, what wonderful world I see. You are the song I'm singing, you're my beautiful Melody." I sang the lullaby softly and she fell asleep. I placed her back in the basket placing the blanket around her. I closed the lid that only went to her neck and walked to a house where I thought she would be safe in.

I couldn't have Melody in the Wizarding World anymore it just wasn't safe. Even though I still despise Muggles I knew my little angel will be safer in the Muggle world. I walked over to a big estate and walked up a path so I could lay Melody on there door step. I walked to the white door and stood for a second taking Melody out of the basket to hug and kiss her for one last time before I look for her when it is safer. I placed her in the basket again and knocked on the door. I heard the door knob rattle, then I disapparated.

I appeared right in front of my house, it was small but nice. It was perfect enough to house Melody, myself, and as until last week the Dark Lord. It pained me to know that he has fallen and has no sign of coming back anytime soon. But I know he will return. Though I loved him and wanted to become his wife, he did not feel the same for me. That is why I am engaged to Rodolphus Lestrange, we plan to get married this month and I will move into his estate. It hurt me to give myself to a man who I did not love but yet I only marry him to upstage my pureblood family.

I walked to my room and pass Melody's nursery. I packed most of her stuff animals and clothing in the basket with her. But I kept one that I wanted to keep with me until I could get her back. It was a plush toy snitch that flittered it's wings when hugged. I smiled at it and looked at the pictures on her dresser. There was one where I was holding her smiling and kissing her forehead. She stared at the camera and tangled her fingers in my hair, I made a twin lockets that when touched together would bring out the same picture. She loved to play with my hair. When I would change her diaper my hair would drape around her like a black curtain. She would gently curl it with her fingers surprisingly not pulling my hair out. Another picture was taken the day of her birth, she was wearing a pink dress that I made when I found out I was having a baby girl. I also had a crown of roses around her head. I sighed and walked out of the room with the plush snitch intact. I walked to my room and sat on the bed tears welling in my eyes. I felt lonely and empty with the Dark Lord gone and my little angel gone as well, I felt lost.

Twoo years later

I got ready for Rodolphus' and I one year anniversary, I admired myself in the mirror. It's been two years, two weeks, and six days since I haven't seen my daughter. I thought the Dark Lord would be back by now and I have gone to great lengths to find the Dark Lord. I even tortured the Longbottom family leaving them mentally ill for the rest of their life's. Last that I heard they are so mad that they don't even know about their son. That broke my heart, I never should have done that to them. I regret it, but yet I thought it was right since it would please my Lord.

I was walking down the stairs when the door busted open and four Aurors ran in. I gasped and ran back up the stairs as fast as my heels and dress will allow me. I wasn't fast enough. "Stupefy!" one of the Aurors yelled. I fell on the ground confused. I blacked out when the Auror picked me up and carried me out the door. I knew what was happening, I was being arrested for the torture of the Longbottom family. I was going to be in Azkaban for the rest of my life and would never see my little girl. But she would be safe and that is all that matters.