Hermione stopped halfway up the path to the semi-detached suburban house they were walking up to.

"Now listen Rosie," Hermione said crouching down to the level of her four year old and hoisting Hugo higher on her hip, "I want no funny business today, okay? Grandma and Grandpa aren't used to your magic, and I think grandma was quite upset about that lamp last time."

Rose nodded, giggled and looked up at her dad, whose hand she was holding. Ron suppressed a smirk as to not undermine Hermione's lecture.

"She doesn't get that from me, Ronald." Hermione said briskly as she straightened up. "That joy of causing havoc comes solely from your side of the family!"

"Oh come on Hermione, I remember you discovering the exhilaration of breaking the rules several times during our adventures. Not least that time when I visited you whilst you were re-doing your seventh year, you skipped class and we found that broom cupboard…"

Hermione blushed. Ron looked down and ruffled his daughter's ginger hair, producing another glare from Hermione.

"Oh, sorry…" said Ron; quickly smoothing it back down and clipping it back into place.

"In any case, Hugo is a complete angel." He said, looking over at the toddler, dressed in full purple wizarding play-robes. They had found them in a muggle supermarket, and he refused to wear anything else. What Ron and Hermione found funniest was the little stuffed toy wand that had come with it, and which Hugo carried with him everywhere. Other than demanding his robes, he rarely caused them any trouble.

"I haven't seen any of the Weasley genes for mischief in him." Ron said

"…Yet!" Hermione replied, laughing as she gave Hugo a kiss on the head.

At the door they were greeted by a delighted Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Mrs. Granger straight away pulled Hermione into a tight hug, as Mr. Granger reached for baby Hugo. Hugging his granddaughter as she clung to his leg, he also embraced baby Hugo.

"My wonderful grandkids!" He said, giving Ron a pat on the back. "And just look at Hugo. He looks more like his daddy every day!"

Ron grinned, "yeah, sorry about that!"

"Nonsense!" intercepted Mrs. Granger, "they're both gorgeous. Rosie is your absolute mini-me Hermione! Though with your lovely hair of course." She said, winking at Ron.

Ron smiled and gently patted Rose's hair so he didn't ruffle it, and in return received an appreciative smile from Hermione.

As they sat down to tea, Hugo cuddled up on Mrs. Granger's lap, Rose ran to her mother and asked, "mummy, can I give granny and granddad the present we made now?"

"Oh of course, it's in the bag over there," replied Hermione. Rose found it and walked back over the sofa to deposit it in between her two grandparents.

"What's this, a photo album?" Asked Mrs. granger.

"Rosie found it funny how muggle photos don't move, so I helped her make an album with a few normal- I mean wizard photos in." Explained Ron

"What are wizard photos like?" Asked Mr. Granger, confused. Ron motioned for them to open it. Mr. Granger turned the first page to see Rose and Hugo on the beach, laughing and throwing sand. He turned the next to see Hermione and Rose finger painting; Rose with paint far more places than her fingers. The next page showed Rose and Hugo with their uncle harry, aunt Ginny and three cousins; the children play fighting as Harry and Ginny looked down smiling. "

"They're like little movies!" exclaimed Mr. Granger. Hugo poked the photo on the second page with his chubby finger. "My Mama!" Hermione laughed as Hugo waved to the miniature version of her, who waved back to him, smiling.

"Amazing." Said Mrs. Granger, seeing the interaction. I don't think I'll ever get used to this wizarding world of yours, Hermione! So many strange things. Thank you very much for this."

"We thought you would prefer this to framed photos so you can put them away when your friends come over." Said Hermione, pragmatic as always.

"Oh no," said her father, "Jim and Tom will be so impressed when they see them; it will be the flattest screen they have ever seen!"

They laughed. Mrs. Granger said, "oh, talking of presents, I forgot! I got a toy for the kids."

"You didn't have to do that mum, but it's very nice of you." Said Hermione smiling at her kids' sudden excitement at the prospect of a present.

"Yeah, it's not often the kids get to play with muggle toys!" Agreed Ron.

Mrs. Granger got up and put Hugo on the carpet. When she returned she had a big cardboard box in her hands, with "style me- hair time!" written on the side.

"I know how much Rosie likes to style yours and Ron's hair-" Ron laughed as he remembered last Christmas when Mrs. Granger had walked in on Rose and him with all of Rose's Barbie and Tinkerbelle clips artfully placed in his hair. "So I got her a toy whose hair you can style in lots of different ways. And there are two heads so Hugo can play at the same time too!"

"Wow, thanks mum!" exclaimed Hermione, "what a great present. What do you say kids?" They chanted their thanks before running to open the box. Once it was set up, with the kids busy, the adults resumed their conversation.

As they were talking, out of the corner of his eye, Ron noticed his son beginning to get frustrated. Although Rosie was trying to help him, it was a hard game for a two and a half year old. Ron pulled his wand out of his pocket and subtly waved it.

The hair on Hugo's doll rose up and morphed in to big blue spikes, then a purple Mohican, next, dancing green braids. Hugo was absolutely ecstatic, squealing and clapping his little hands.

Each time it changed, he got more and more excited, jumping up and down on his bottom. He looked round at everyone in mid conversation, and seeing that it was his dad who was controlling the hair, his excitement got so much that suddenly,

BOOM! Everyone in the room's hair had exploded into eccentric hairstyles. Mrs. Granger's was almost as tall as the ceiling, and Ron's was so big that it was poking Hermione in the eye. Best of all, everyone's hair had turned a bright, bright ginger, even stronger than Hugo's colour himself.

In the shocked silence, Hugo looked around and started giggling gleefully. He clapped his hands, and shook his feet, absolutely delighted with himself. Ron sniggered, and then everyone burst into laughter.

"Well," said Hermione, brushing a strand of dancing ginger hair away from her eyes, "I guess we know where those mischievous Weasley genes got to!"

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it, if you have an idea for a prompt word/phrase (like "red hair" or mischief") based around the idea of the Weasley family, send it to me!