Author's Notes: Thanks to Miyu Hinamori for helping me out with character outfits/personalities and giving me some feedback on changing Kaya into Kai. Credit to nomsujet for the original idea of putting Usopp in a skirt.

Beta-read by nomsujet.

"Mommy! Mommy! The pirates are coming! The pirates are coming!" A small little girl with a long nose and shoulder-length black hair in tight curls shook her ailing mother awake. "Daddy's coming home, mommy! You gotta stay okay until daddy gets home!"

"Yes, Usopp," said the sickly woman patiently, if a little wearily from being jostled awake by the eager five year old. "Daddy will be home soon. Don't you worry…"

"I'm going to be just like Daddy when I grow up, mommy!"

"Good girl," said the woman weakly, barely able to pay attention to the child's chattering. She weakly patted her child's head, fighting back the sob trapped in her throat at seeing the strange, overeager light in her daughter's eyes. The shine of unspilt tears and self-deception. "You do that. Be a strong warrior of the sea, just like your daddy. Go play now, okay?"

"You'll be alright, mommy, right?"

The little girl knew her mother was dying. And knowing her daughter knew, knew that she would be left all alone, was harder than the disease on the young mother.

"Of course, Usopp."

The little girl ran out, though her mother knew it was not to go play. It was to get the village doctor.

Tears ran down the sickly woman's face as she stared at the swinging door.

"Be strong, Usopp. Be strong."

"Man, where's that Apple?" whispered a now teenage Usopp, on her hands and knees as she crawled around under the bushes of the forest just outside their village. She looked around, chewing on her bottom lip.

After a few more minutes, she shook her head in aggravation and stood up, dusting off her outfit. She wore a coverall skirt over a t-shirt and pants, topped off by a sash about her waist and a scarf over her head – the perfect outfit to look cute and imposing at the same time! Or so she told her 'pirate crew'. The real reason was that, living alone, she couldn't afford to buy clothes, and so had to make do with stitching together scraps. She did have the presence of mind to make her clothes extremely thick, so that they lasted a long time, and somewhat versatile, since she didn't have any others to change into.

"Onion! Carrot! Pepper!" she called out loudly, in the commanding voice of a child ordering other children around. "Report!"

Three much-younger village boys jumped to their feet from where they'd been searching. Strangely, the names actually matched their hairstyles – Carrot being a redhead who wore his spiky hair in a short ponytail on top of his head, Onion a brownish-blond with his hair scraped to the sides with a tiny tuft on top, and Pepper… who looked like a pepper.

"Nothing doing, Cap'n Usopp!" shouted Pepper, saluting.

"Apple's nowhere to be seen!" seconded Carrot, also saluting.

Onion had been saluting when he stood up, but something distracted him and he ran off towards the cliff's edge. The others ignored him. He was always running off, only to come back screaming…

"We're so dead…" groaned Usopp. "We're supposed to have him home in an hour! Where is that little squirt?"

"PIRATES!" screamed Onion, charging back from the cliff side, tears pouring from his eyes and hyperventilating from the looks of it.

"Hey – false alarms are my job!" lectured Usopp, snatching Onion up by the back of his shirt as he tried to tear past them and back to the village. "And we know pirates don't actually come around here."

"Three guys! On a ship! THEY'VE GOT APPLE!" screamed Onion, and he broke into sobs.

"Usopp's Pirate Crew! Attention!" called out Usopp, her face stern, though from the overconfident look in her eyes she clearly wasn't taking Onion all that seriously. "Scouting mission 3,468B! To the cliff side!"

Dragging a whimpering Onion along, Usopp marched off. Carrot and Onion dashed after their 'fearless leader'.

When they reached the cliff side, they dropped to their stomachs and wiggled to the edge to peek over.

"Those aren't pirates," scoffed Pepper. "I mean – two are girls."

Usopp smacked his head.

"Not that there's anything wrong with girls…" he quickly amended.

"That guy looks kinda tough," whispered Carrot. "And he's the one holding Apple!"

Personally, Usopp thought the green-haired girl looked way scarier than the orange-haired guy, but try telling that to any boy under twelve. After a minute's observation, she secretly reached the conclusion that these guys were just sailors and harmless. They were probably just bringing Apple home after he teleported somewhere. Which made this the perfect chance to play the brave pirate captain and 'rescue' their youngest crewmate!

"Stay down, crew," she whispered, pulling her trusty slingshot from where it'd been stuffed in the sash around her waist and standing up. She folded her arms over her chest, slingshot in hand, and looked down on the threesome with a sharp look in her eyes (or so she thought). The three younger boys stared up at her in awe.

"I am the dreaded pirate, Captain Usopp!" she called out. "I captain over ten thousand men! And I demand you release our youngest crewmember immediately!"

The three, four if you counted Apple, turned to stare up at Usopp.

"Ten-thousand?" gasped the dark-haired girl in the red vest and straw hat.

"Whatever," grumbled the green-haired woman, though she shifted a hand to rest on her sword's hilt.

"Liar," accused the orange-haired man mockingly. He hugged the giggling child to his chest and stuck his tongue out at the curly-haired girl up on the cliff.

"He knows!" cried out Usopp. "Run, men! Run!" Three young boys suddenly leapt to their feet around her and took off, all screaming.

"See?" laughed the young man. "Seriously, though, you know this kid?"

Usopp laughed at the sounds of the stupid boys running off, and quickly climbed down the cliff. She called out her response as she made her way down. "Yep, that's Apple. He's from our village. I was supposed to be watching him."

Apple giggled and clapped his hands eagerly. Usopp reached the bottom and approached, holding out her arms. Apple disappeared from the man's arms to reappear clinging to Usopp's neck.

"Apple?" questioned the young man, raising an eyebrow. "And I thought Luffy Junior was a bad name…"

Usopp smiled awkwardly, shrugging. "It's kind of a fad in our village. Don't think about it too much." She lifted the child so he sat on her shoulders, clinging to the goggles on top of the scarf keeping Usopp's curly hair under control.

"Thank you guys so much. I would've been run out of town if I lost Apple!" Suddenly she chuckled. "Not that they don't already try to run me out of town," she whispered softly, giggling to herself.

The weird dark-haired girl was staring at Apple with a look of disappointment on her face.

"Look, can we go already?" asked the swordswoman impatiently.

"Why don't you guys stick around a bit? I'll treat you guys to lunch at the village restaurant. They have the best..."

"Booze?" asked the swordswoman, suddenly interested.

"Meat?" asked the girl in the straw hat at the same time, all thoughts of little Apple gone.

Usopp was taken aback. "Um, not what I was gonna say, but yeah."

The two girls turned their eyes towards the young man for permission. He waved a hand, looking annoyed.

"Why not? It's not like we've got a schedule to keep. Lead the way, Usopp."

"How do you know my name?" gasped Usopp, taking a wary step back.

"You told us?" replied the orange-haired man, looking annoyed.

"Oh! Oh, yes! And no prob – I'll lead the way."

"You guys really are pirates?" asked Usopp excitedly. "Can I join? I can be the captain!"

"I'm the captain!" interrupted Luffy stubbornly. "I'm the one who's gonna be the Pirate King, so I'm the captain!"

Namizo shoved Luffy's hand aside as it crept towards his food. At this rate, he was going to seriously start losing weight. "Seriously, Usopp – is there anywhere around here we can get a new ship? We were planning on checking out what's available in the next port town, but while we're here…"

"Well, Kai might be able to get you one."


"Yeah – he's my friend and Apple's big brother. Lives in a mansion on the outskirts of town. Nobody's richer… not that it helps much. It's sad."

"Sad?" asked Namizo, unable to link "riches" with "sad", unless, of course, the sadness has to do with losing those riches…

"He's sickly. Can't even walk very well. So he's trapped in the big ol' mansion with no one but a creepy butler and a handful of servants… well, at least he has Apple."

"Sounds like the good life to me," chuckled Namizo, taking a sip of his juice and stabbing Luffy's hand with a fork as it again dared approach his food. "How'd you get to be friends with a guy like that?"

"She tells lies!" piped up a young voice from the next booth over. A head peeked over the top of the bench, grinning, revealing Pepper.

"Captain Usopp tells the best lies!" seconded Carrot, his head popping up next to Pepper's. "Every morning she screams 'The pirates are coming!' and the whole town gets mad and chases her! It's great fun!"

Usopp buried her giggles in a sip of juice as she remembered that morning.

"That's… not very nice…" began Zora, frowning.

"Oh, it's very nice!" insisted Carrot.

"Very nice!" agreed Pepper. "She tells Master Kai all sorts of crazy lies, and it makes him laugh so he feels better!"

Namizo and Zora exchanged looks, both understanding that the kids were just talking about stories, not necessarily lies. Stories told to cheer up someone sick and bedridden.

"That is very nice," said Namizo, smiling gently. Usopp blushed and looked at her wrist, pretending she had a watch on it.

"Oops! Look at the time! I have to get Apple home!"

"We're done," said Namizo, standing up – and shoving his last bite of bread in his mouth as Luffy grumbled in disappointment. "Can we come with you? It's worth a shot to ask this Kai if he can help us out."

"Sure, no problem."

And if he doesn't want to… I can always let it slip how we saved his little brother's life out at sea, thought Namizo cheerfully. Even if the rich brat didn't have any ships lying around, he surely would be obligated to give them at least a couple thousand berries…

"Master Kai? I can't seem to locate young master Apple. Is there any chance…?" prompted Klahadore, the butler of Kai's household.

"Usopp offered to play with him this morning. They should be back any minute," replied the attractive, if somewhat thin and pale, young Master Kai. He was sitting in an armchair, a blanket over his lap, reading a large book on medicine.

Klahadore's eyes narrowed in disapproval. "Master Kai! How could you let that girl run off with young master Apple? That village girl is nothing but an orphaned child of a…!

Kai slammed the book shut and glared at his butler, fire in his eyes. "Don't you dare finish that sentence! I told you that I would not tolerate any insults about Usopp's family! It's hard enough on her, living alone!"

Klahadore stood ramrod stiff, irritation clear in his posture. He adjusted his glasses with the heel of his hands before continuing. "Master, you know I am deeply concerned for your welfare since the passing of your parents. That… that… girl is surely out to steal your fortune. Why else would she visit a sickly young man so often? Offer to babysit your younger brother?"

Kai's body stiffened rebelliously. "She's my friend," he began, the slightest tremble in his voice. "I…"

The butler sighed deeply when Kai's voice trailed off.

"Young master, you do not yet understand women. When the time comes, I will certainly help you find a suitable bride, a beautiful one from a good family, with a good reputation. Surely you cannot see Usopp as the patient mother of your children and a gentle, satisfied housewife? An orphan with a pirate heritage cannot possibly entertain guests and keep the household in order."

Kai's hands tightened on his book, though he looked down from Klahadore's gaze. As blind as he could be about anything Usopp-related, he knew she was not exactly 'mother and wife' material. "I am in love, Klahadore," he said shakily. "As I have told you. There is plenty of time for us before children, and I have no interest in anyone else."

This would be so much easier if this brat was a girl! thought Klahadore angrily to himself. He was completely fed up with this filthy rich, upper class, I-know-best, follow-my-heart, little brat. But his eyes and face remained sympathetic, and even protective.

"I just don't want you to be hurt," the butler said earnestly, deliberately lowering his tone so it sounded comforting and almost fatherly.

"I-I know," said Kai softly, taking a deep breath. "But I won't give up on Usopp. Maybe… maybe she's not ready yet, but I'll wait as long as I need to."

"Very well, Master Kai. I will trust you to do what's right. I must go to town for a couple hours, but I should be back in plenty of time for supper."

"Thank you, Klahadore," said the sickly young master with a slight smile. "I do know you mean well, and I apologize for all the trouble I give you."

His butler, his and Apple's caretaker since their parents died, bowed and left the room.

Usopp cheered quietly to herself as she spied Klahadore leaving through the servant's entrance as she approached the main door. She hushed the others until the butler was out of sight, and then rang the doorbell.

"What was that about?" asked Namizo.

"That butler hates me. I swear he thinks I'm a gold-digger just 'cause I'm Kai's only friend. Jerk."

Apple frowned at the irritation in Usopp's voice and patted Usopp's head with his hands, as if trying to comfort her.

A smirk lifted the corner of Namizo's lips as his eyes scanned the enormous mansion. Honestly, it looked to Usopp as if he would be up for playing a gold-digger if it meant getting his hands on Kai's fortune – provided he could pull off pretending to be a woman for long enough before he grabbed the berries and ran…

It kinda scared Usopp that she'd known Namizo less than a couple hours, but she already could draw such weird conclusions. She was a chronic liar, granted, but she usually didn't pull such unfair snap judgments on people.

Of course, she had no idea at the time that Namizo really didn't have a problem doing anything for cash… absolutely including forcing Usopp to help him.

The door opened, revealing Merry, one of Kai's servants. A nice man in his late twenties who unfortunately rather looked like…

"A sheep!" cried out Luffy excitedly.

Merry laughed slightly in embarrassment and raised a hand to his strange hair. "Yes, I do get that reaction a lot. Good afternoon, Miss Usopp. Young master Apple. And if I may inquire as to your acquaintances?"

"Hi Merry," replied Usopp, handing Apple to the sheep-headed man. "This is Luffy, Namizo, and Zora. They're pirates. Can we talk to Kai?"

As if in answer, the sickly young master appeared behind Merry and gently pushed him aside to greet his guest. He was smiling excitedly and affectionately at Usopp, even as his breathing was a little heavy from exerting his weak body on his rush to the door.

"Good afternoon, Usopp," he said happily. He nodded politely to the others and took Apple from Merry. "Thank you very much for taking Apple out and bringing him home safely. And it is a pleasure to meet new friends."

"We want a ship!" shouted Luffy excitedly. The surprise made Kai start laughing, which quickly turned into a harsh coughing. Usopp hurried forward and helped Kai to a chair. Merry rushed off and returned with a glass of water.

"Are you okay?" asked Zora, frowning. Namizo darted a 'Of course he's not okay, idiot!' look at the swordswoman, but was ignored.

"I'm fine," protested Kai, gently gesturing that he was alright to Usopp and Merry. Apple hugged his big brother tightly, looking scared. Kai hugged him back.

"So you guys want a ship? Seriously?" asked Kai.

"Yep," said Namizo cockily. "And, if it helps our case any, we just happened to rescue your little brother out at sea." He winked. "Shouldn't let these Devil Fruit types out of your sight, you know."

Usopp blushed, but Kai didn't so much as glance her way in accusation.

"You have my deepest gratitude," said Kai politely, before turning to Usopp. "And I'm aware Apple has a tendency to run off, Usopp. Don't take it to heart. I'll be giving a certain someone a talking to later, is all." He reached down and ruffled an oblivious Apple's hair. The toddler sat happily in his big brother's lap.

"So… the ship?" prompted Luffy impatiently.

Kai looked over at Merry. "Actually, we may have just the thing. Is the Going Merry seaworthy, Merry?"

The fluffy white-haired man looked like he wanted to jump in joy. "Absolutely, Master Kai!"

"Can we take a look?" asked Namizo, eager though he was a bit wary at how easily this rich guy was giving in.

"Merry? If you would escort our friends?"

"Of course! It would be my utmost pleasure!"

"That was way too easy," thought Namizo aloud as Merry led the group away from the town.

"I designed the Going Merry personally," commented Merry happily, having overheard Namizo's suspicions. "And Master Kai funded its construction. But, in truth, it has been sitting in the same place for nearly five years. A real shame for such a beauty. You are actually doing us a great honor by finally taking her out!"

"What's more pitiful than a ship that has never sailed?" agreed Usopp. "Almost as sad as a pirate tied down to an island!"

Merry glanced over to the young woman and saw her staring longingly out at the sea just coming into view. Whether the girl was echoing her mother's sentiments about why their father left, or perhaps speaking of herself personally, he didn't know. Though he did know Master Kai would be quite upset if the girl ever left.

"Right over this cliff," said Merry, gesturing, then frowning as he heard voices. "Is that Klahadore?"

The butler's angry voice came drifting on the sea wind up the cliff to where the small group froze.

"Is the plan ready?"

"Of course, Captain Kuro!"

"NEVER call me that, idiot! I abandoned that name long ago! I ask again, is everything ready? You stupid lot remember the plan?"

"Yes, sir! The men are ready to raid the village tomorrow at daybreak, and a group of us will sneak off and kill those young brats in the mansion you live in!"

"AFTER you get the older brat to sign the will, you fool! That's the most important part! You hypnotize the brat into willing everything to his faithful butler Klahadore, THEN you kill everyone in the mansion!"

"Brilliant plan, of course, sir! Befitting the genius Captain Kuro of the Thousand Plans! If I may ask, where will 'Klahadore' be during the raid?"

"It appears this faithful butler will unfortunately be out of town tomorrow, retrieving supplies in a neighbouring town, completely oblivious to the unfortunate disaster."

"THAT'S BAD!" shouted a loud voice from the top of the cliff.

Four mouths, belonging to Merry, Usopp, Namizo, and Zoro, dropped open in shock and horror as they stared at Luffy, standing at the top of the cliff and glaring down at the 'butler' and the pirate below. Just behind the two was the pirate ship of the Black Cat pirates.

"How could she be so stupid?" grumbled Namizo, stepping forward to his captain's side while whipping out the three pieces to his staff and clicking them together.

Zora smirked. "Well, she gets things done. Rather quickly, as well." She unsheathed her swords, one to each hand, and slid the third in her mouth.

"It is WRONG to betray someone that trusts you!" shouted down Luffy. "Kai's a nice guy! He gave us a ship! We won't let you pass!"

"Y-y-y-Yeah!" stuttered Usopp, drawing her slingshot with shaking hands and stepping forward alongside the confident pirate captain in the straw hat. "K-Kai is my friend! I w-won't let you hurt him!" The trembling knees rather detracted from her pretend bravado.

"I h-have to tell the young Master!" whimpered Merry, turning tail and dashing off.

Klahadore, or rather Captain Kuro, glared at the group on top of the cliff.

"KILL THEM!" called out Kuro in a commanding tone. Behind him on the pirate ship, nearly a hundred pirates clamoured to their feet and over the edge. "I'll get the sheephead house steward – you lot kill these children!"

"Apple?" queried Kai, glancing over to his troublesome little brother, who was grappling with the door handle of the front door. "Do you want to go outside? You'll have to wait until… Apple!"

The babe had glared at the door in annoyance, then nodded to himself. With a slight poof of air, the toddler reappeared on the other side of the door, just visible through the window across from where Kai sat.

Kai quickly scrambled to his feet. "Apple! Be careful! Wait until Merry gets home!" he called out, rushing after his little brother.

Apple giggled at seeing the alarmed look on his brother's face and poofed away again, this time appearing some twenty feet off. He waved happily at his brother coming after him, excited that he'd found a way to get his brother out of the house to play.

"This isn't funny, Apple!" scolded Kai, rushing after his brother and already panting for breath. "I can't – huff – last long! You need to wait for – pant – wait for Merry or Usopp!"

As if in response, he suddenly heard screaming, and Merry appeared charging down the path.

With a surge of adrenalin, Kai dashed forward and caught a distracted Apple. He slapped the child lightly on the head in reproof and picked up the whimpering toddler, who finally was figuring out something was wrong.

"Don't you ever run away like that!" shouted Kai desperately. Unfortunately, now Kai was heaving for breath and his legs folded beneath him. He clung to his brother tightly though, shielding him as best he could from whatever was behind Merry.

Merry almost collapsed when he reached Kai, supporting himself on his knees .

"Master Kai! Klahadore – he…! He…!"

"What is it, Merry? Is Klahadore alright?"

"That disgusting traitor is really a pirate! And he's planning to kill us all and steal your fortune for himself!"

Kai froze, then his arms tightened around his baby brother protectively. "Wh-what…? Klahadore?" He suddenly forced a laugh. "Of… of course not, Merry! Klahadore practically raised Apple and me! He would never…"

"I heard him myself, Master Kai! I saw the pirate ship! Usopp and her friends are fighting the Black Cat pirates as we speak! We have to alert the town and run away!"

Kai stared at Merry with wide eyes. There was clearly some sort of block in his understanding of the situation. "Is – is this another of Usopp's jokes? It's not funny, Merry."

"I'm serious, Master Kai! If we stay, we'll all be killed!"

"Klahadore would never…"

"He HAS!" shouted Merry, grabbing Kai's arm and trying to get him to stand up.

"KAI!" screamed Usopp's voice, running clumsily towards them. "RUN!"

"Usopp! Tell me this is a…" and Kai's eyes latched on to a long stream of blood pouring out of Usopp's arm. As if to hammer in the reality of the terrible situation, a circular spinning knife whizzed forward and slammed into the long-nosed girl, bashing her into the ground and sticking out of her shoulder.

"Oo-sup!" whimpered Apple, and to Kai's horror, the toddler disappeared from his arms to reappear next to Usopp's head, leaning over and patting the girl's head in an attempt to help.

Kai struggled to his feet, but wasn't fast enough as a man who had to be a pirate, though with strange heart-shaped glasses, striped goatee, and a dancer-style outfit, came up the path. The man chuckled, ripped the blade from Usopp's shoulder, and hefted the child into his own arms.

"Young Master Kai? Well, now I've saved myself some trouble. Be a good kid and stay there while I kill these two…"

"WAIT!" cried out Kai desperately. "Kill them and I won't do anything! You want my fortune, right? You can have it!"

Django, the substitute captain of the Black Cat pirates, frowned thoughtfully. "I was just planning on hypnotizing you, but if you're volunteering, that could save time. I need you to write a will leaving everything to your faithful butler Klahadore. Agreed?"

"Done! Now put my brother down and get away from Usopp!"

The man casually dropped Apple. "I'll just be killing you all later, but whatever," he said casually.

"Like hell you're getting away with this!" gasped out Usopp, lifting her slingshot and firing something that exploded straight into the man's face. He staggered back, crying out in pain and anger. Usopp stumbled to her feet, and fired again, and again.

Out of the blue, Usopp's pirate crew, Carrot, Pepper, and Onion, charged out from some bushes and ran screaming towards the man, armed with miscellaneous household weaponry. In seconds, Django was groaning and delirious, on the ground and completely unable to move.

Everyone was quiet for nearly a minute, staring at the crumbled pirate.

Usopp spoke first.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" she said softly, kneeling to the ground and grabbing the man's legs. She started dragging him back the way they came.

"What…?" gasped Kai.

"Luffy's probably beaten Klahadore by now. Let's send these pirates off and pretend nothing ever happened."

"… how?" began Merry, stunned.

"I trust her," said Usopp, smiling. "Don't know why. But I just know she won."

Kai took Apple in his arms and Merry helped Usopp drag the pirate back the way they'd come.

Usopp's gut had been right.

Klahadore lay unconscious on the ground, still wearing some sort of strange gloves with swords sticking out like claws. There were amazing slashes in the cliff's walls, and even more amazing was the damage to all the pirates… even as Namizo, Zora, and Luffy dusted themselves off and chatted together as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, good!" cheered Luffy, seeing Usopp returning with the others. "That's the last guy!" She turned to the few still conscious Black Cat pirates and called out with a loud voice.

"Get all your guys back on that ship and get out of here! You're not welcome!" she shouted angrily. "I'll personally beat down any idiot who doesn't get out of here NOW!"

Then she turned back to Usopp with a cheerful smile. "I like you! You risked yourself to save your village, even though you're a coward and a liar that nobody likes!"

"Hey!" shouted Usopp, slightly insulted.

"Join my crew! You can be our sharpshooter!"

Usopp's eyes widened in shock, then a smile of incredible happiness lit up her face. "I… you want me to come with you?"


Usopp coughed and that strange haughty attitude she got when she made up stupid stories seemed to wash over her as she posed thoughtfully. "I suppose so, long as I can be captain…."

"No way! I'm captain!" laughed Luffy.

"Well, for now anyway! You make one mistake and I'll take over!" retorted Usopp, then the attitude dropped away showing flat out juvenile excitement. "Yes! Yes! I'm going out to sea!" she cheered.

She suddenly rushed up to Kai and grabbed him in a hug, then spun him around, practically dancing with joy.

"Isn't this great, Kai? I always dreamed of following my father's footsteps! Of becoming a warrior of the sea! I've never been so happy in all my life!"

Merry took in the fake smile on Kai's face as he stiffly nodded. Usopp was too excited to see the heartbreak just under the surface.

"It's wonderful, Usopp," said Kai, then he bravely stepped forward and kissed her forehead. "Um… just be sure to come back, okay?"

Usopp blushed red and giggled. "Oh, you can be sure of that! Though who knows how long that'll be, with all the adventures I'll be having!"

"I'll wait," said Kai softly, then he quickly painted on another fake smile. "Just be sure to write, okay? Promise?"

"Of course!" said Usopp happily. "You're my best friend! Not like I'll be forgetting about you, no matter where I go!"

Kai's face finally relaxed into a genuine smile, not that Usopp noticed as she was already calling out to Namizo.

"I'm just gonna grab my stuff from my house and be right back, okay?"

"Sounds good!" called back Namizo. "We have to get our own stuff from the little boat we were using on the other side of the island, so we have time."

Two hours later, Kai sat on the top of the cliff waving to an excited Usopp as their ship departed. Apple, sitting in his lap, waved happily as well, and then snuggled up against his brother for a nap. Merry sat at his right side.

"Master Kai? Are you alright?" asked Merry, seeing the smile finally drop away and the young man's eyes redden with tears. The ship carrying Usopp and her new nakama away was finally disappearing into the horizon.

"I'm going to be a doctor, Merry. And I'm going to work hard to get healthier. I'll be ready when Usopp comes back."

"Very good, sir."

Author's Note: And we've got our marksman and the Going Merry! Dare I say we meet a beautiful, boy-crazy blonde chef next? Oh, and can't forget Zora's brothers Yosaku and Johnny, right? Ah, new question! What do you guys think of Yosaku and/or Johnny having an obsessive crush on Zora? Just an out-there idea, but you guys seemed to love the last insane idea I came up with… Actually, 'Sanje' might be crazy enough all on her own…