Okay! A new chapter! Let's have some fun! ^_^

Golly(xD) I love Summer, It so nice to just stay inside, crank up the AC, and write while listening to music(Hates the heat).

Just to warn people, Butters can be extremely oblivious.

"Will you marry me?",

Came Kenny's voice, he seemed to be slightly off balance on his knee.

I found my self starting to laugh uncontrollably, a frown on Kenny's face, "You don't have to laugh that much."

"Sorry, sorry." I said, brushing away small tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes. Looking at Kenny I then asked, more serious, "What do you want now?"

Kenny smiled, no, he smirked, answering, "That was all."

I let out a frustrated yell, though not too loud, and then looked back to Kenny, "I swear! I basically work here!"

And it was basically true, and weird, many times already in the month I had been working here, he had called me up just so I could work here. He would say something like, " I wanna make sure your going things correctly." and, " It's pretty cramped in there, Stan probably wants some space." That one had made no particular sense(Well, more than the others), because Wendy and Eric hadn't come to work that day.

Kenny straightened up, coughing slightly. He then turned around, walking back to his desk, though right before he was able to get to his desk, I saw a small bulge from his right pocket, though i thought nothing of it as he sat back down in his desk.

Kenny then looked at me, his face serious, which worried me slightly, "It seems that your office has had an accident while you were up here. A certain [Kyle] person, came and wrecked everything. We think he was hired by [Kenny] someone."

I found my eyes widen in shock, gosh I was gullible back then[Still is], "Re-really Mr. McCo-cormick? Golly, Tha-that's just offal, I don't really think anyone would hire someone to do som-something bad to m-me..."

"Of course not." I found myself looking a that wonderful smile, only one other smile has ever made me feel so fuzzy inside, but it was weird, I couldn't think of a reason Kenny would be smilling so warmly.

I went over and sat on a swervy chair, looking at my watch. There was only an hour left and I had absolutly nothing to do, I felt like a pampered child who was stuck at his parents work while they finished up, because he would not let me leave.

"I-I don't have anything else t-to do, Mr. McCormick..."

"No, you need to keep working until the hours are done." He almost seemed to snap this. Kenny had been acting strange, or more, he was acting stranger every passing day.

I twirled around a little, bored out of my mind, "Mr. McCormick..."

He looked up, "Yes Kitten?" There we go again, I have literally never heard him say my real name, or at least Butters.

"I-I don't want to sound like a child, bu-but... I'm bored." It was embarrassing, but I had to admit it, because all I had was my brief case, and a swervy chair, and all Kenny seemed to be doing was typing, so it's not like I could watching anyone do something.

He chuckled, then seemed to look down at his hands, but he didn't actually seem to be looking at them, "Oh, sorry, you can leave then."

I didn't seem to understand why he said it that way, or why he seemed to think completely different only moments before, but it made me feel bad. I slowly looked around the room, spotting what seemed to be a board game.

"Mr. McCormick, do you want to play a game with me?"

He stopped what he was doing almost instantly, looking at me with a very questionable face, 'What kind of game..?" He asked cautiously.

"A board game of course, I don't think there is much room in here to play a moving game." I felt childish for saying that.

"Oh..." He seemed to be, disappointed?

"Sure, I would love to." He then answered, standing up to come over, "Did you bring one with you, weird.." He chuckled lightly.

"No, there is one over there." I said, pointing to the shelf with the lonely box.

Kenny looked back at me slowly, "Seriously?"

"What?" I said confused.

"That is probably Kyle's. Every night he says that a, 'Special Friend' is coming over."

I looked confused, "So what is wrong with playing.." I looked at what game it was, and too my happiness, it was a good one, "..Monopoly?"

Kenny, looked both ways, as if Kyle was actually there, 'It's not the game... It's what he might have done with it... You never know how kinky he could be."

"Kinky?" I found myself asking, I had no clue what that meant.

Kenny looked and me dumbfounded, "Really Kitten, you don't know what kinky is?"

I nodded slowly, embarrassed because it seemed to be something everyone knew.

"Well let's see.." he said, running a hand through his hair, something I had realized he did a lot lately, "Kinky is like, weird stuff you do during sex, or like foreplay or shit like that."

I found myself blushing, "S-e-e-x..?" I had never actually said the actual word, I had only every just said the letters.

Kenny burst out laughing, "S-e-x? God Kitten, your so fucking cute."

That didn't exactly help my flushed face, "A-am not!"

"Whatever you say Kitten, let me just check this first..." He said this while opening the box slowly, then cautiously sniffing the inside, "Clear!"

"So... The box isn't kinky?"

"Close enough Kitten, let's play."

We set out the board game, I was the car and Kenny was the shoe, he said that was his lucky piece.

"Look here Kitten, you better not get your hopes up because I am a pro at this game. I mean, look at me, I'm the best with finances and buying shit."

I nodded, then we begun to play, and after about 45 minutes of play,

"I lost..." Came the voice of Kenny.

I looked at him, "I-I'm sorry Mr. McCormick... I-I just thought, that I needed to give it my all..."

"Nah, it's okay. I've lost to girls before." Kenny chuckled, obviously teasing me.

"A-am not!" i said, but the way I spoke didn't seem to back me up, as my face was flustered.

Kenny looked at me, differently, I still don't get that look, because it seems to mean about a thousand different things, but the next thing he said took this thought out of my head instantly,

"Let me make love to you."

I felt frozen, "Wha-what..? I think I heard you wron-"

The door then started to open, it was Stan.

He looked at us, a smile on his face, but his eyes looked quite sad and disappointed, "O-oh.. sorry, I... I thought someone else was here..."

"Mr. Marsh..." I felt myself saying, relieved that someone came before I got to hear what Kenny actually said, "I don't understand.. who would be here?"

Kenny seemed to be straightening himself out, a frown on his face when he headed towards his bathroom.

"It's nothing... I'm just a coward... and I shouldn't feel shocked that he isn't here..." Stan looked like he might be on the verge of crying, but he seemed to be keeping them in quite well.

"I-if you need... You can stall to me Mr. Marsh." I gave him a smile and his eyes softened slightly, 'It's okay, I disserve to feel like this." He then sighed, "Sorry for ruining your... board game."

I blushed as he left, starting to gather my things as Kenny came out.

"So-sorry Mr. McCormick... I think I should get goi-" I then found my arm to be pulled and my body to be turned around as I felt lips on mine, a gasp coming from me as I tried to struggle free. Sadly, he was much stronger, and the kiss became more passionate as his was able to slip his tongue in my mouth. I felt hot.

Oh god I felt wrong because... I enjoyed it. I felt myself relax slightly, to my horror, and I leaned in slowly, but he then pulled away, a bead of saliva trailing from our tongues and my eyes half closed, my mouth still open.

"I said, let me make love to you. Right here, right now."

Hahahaha. I'm such a tease. xD I hope you all have enjoyed my cliff hanger. 3

So! Did you find the Candy hint? Well if not, then search for it!(you don't have too, lol).

Also, try and guess what was in Kenny's pocket in a review, I wanna see what be think. Now I dare you too, guess, I don't think it's that hard, but that maybe because I know. xD

And finally, I hope you guys like where my Style is going. I have plots already made out for Candy and Style, but they will be kinda scattered because they won't take long to finish.