I only own Nobody (though I'd rather get the creep out of my head). Megamind and the rest of the cast belongs to Dreamworks.
"Giving up, Miss Ritchi?" said the familiar, hated voice of Nobody.
"Go to Hell," Roxanne wheezed.
"Oh, I will, no doubt." If only Roxanne's brain was working properly; she would have noticed that the voice was coming from much shorter distance. "But first, I'll have my fun here while I'm still alive."
A gloved hand grabbed the woman's hair, forcing her to open up her eyes. But what she saw made her sick to the stomach.
The mask was gone and she was looking… at herself.
Roxanne awoke, sitting up abruptly and breathing spasmodically, trying to calm down.
"It was just a dream, just a bad dream…" She hid her face in her hands, rubbing it quickly. Slowly she regained her calm.
The brunette looked around the room, finding herself alone in the bedroom. She shook her head with a smile; her super genius boyfriend was working late again. It had been a few months since they became a couple, and a month since she had moved into his lair. She threw a dressing gown over herself and left the room in order to find her beau.
Roxanne saw a light behind the red curtains and wondered what kind of blueprints he was drawing. She entered the area and a feeling of dread filled her. Something was… wrong. She looked around; everything was in place. Then what…?
The leather chair. It was different. And it shouldn't be there. Roxanne knew it was stupid, irrational and that she should leave now! But her feet moved forward against her will. And when she was within reach of the chair it slowly turned and revealed… the horrifying No mask, frozen in an artificial smile.
"Feeling safe, Roxanne?" Nobody asked.
Roxanne woke up screaming. Suddenly she was taken into an embrace by blue arms, and her ear was filled with the loving and reassuring voice of Megamind.
"It's okay. It was just a dream. I'm here, shhh." Rocking her back and forth he stroked her hair and kissed her head.
Roxanne clung to him sobbing. She felt helpless, scared and furious. It had been nearly a year since her abduction and the fuckhead was still nowhere to be found. It felt like the whole nightmare she'd been through was a freaking figment of her mind. No traces; nothing! Metro Man and Megamind tried to find Nobody, though separately, while they were still enemies. When Roxanne got over her initial shock, she informed the FBI and even made her own investigation and found nothing. After the Tighten fiasco, Megamind joined forces with Music Man but the results were the same. If there were some clues, something to pin point the direction… but there was nothing. Even the sticky notes lead to nothing. No DNA; just Roxanne's testimony that Nobody looked like herself.
Roxanne hated feeling like she was helpless. It frustrated her beyond comparison. And for the first time in her life, she was scared of the dark. That was why she was grateful for Megamind when she found Brainbots in her apartment the night she returned home. Their electric lights and quiet humming and bow-bowing gave her a strange sense of comfort.
They never spoke again about Nobody, but what had happened right before she left the Lair added a certain spice to their usual bantering, making it more like flirting than anything else. Roxanne felt so safe with the villain; that was why, when he managed to defeat Metro Man, she felt so…betrayed. Then Bernard happened and she felt safe again…until that fateful dinner. That was a catastrophe; a blow she was not ready to take, and she vented it all on Megamind. How dare he play like that with her! And he even… Oh… With a bigger mess in her head than ever she went back home, trying with all her might to forget those green eyes.
After the defeat of Tighten she was confused with her feelings. But after a good scold from Lena she decided that yes, she loved him, and… She was so happy with him. Loved, safe, adored, cherished. Even the nightmares had stopped…until now.
Next day…
"We've seen the tapes thousands of times, Roxanne. And I nearly went blind during reading those reports." Megamind watched his girlfriend carrying some boxes into the 'movie room'; a place in the lair with a TV screen as big as the whole wall. "I've analyzed them frame by frame, line by line. There's nothing on them."
"I… I know, it's just…" Roxanne brushed a strand of hair from her ear. "It pisses me off that this freak is still out there… There has to be something!"
He sighed, and hugged her. "I understand. Believe me, if I ever see that monster, I won't be using the De-hydration option on my gun. She'll pay for what she did to you."
"Why do you think it was female?"
"It? Well you said it looked like you…" Megamind scratched the back of his head, looking puzzled.
"I know, but… it was strange. It had my face, but something was wrong… It was off. I think it was the eyes, and that voice… Honey, I know it's weird but I don't think what I saw under that mask was believable…" Roxanne bit her fingernail, deep in thought. Something was escaping her, the same thing she tried to find for a year and a half.
"So what do you expect to find which I, the FBI and Metro weren't able to find before?"
"No idea. Maybe…I just need to…do something. That dream shook me up pretty badly."
"Fine, I give up… Can I help you in this?"
"Sure." She kissed him on the cheek and unpacked the first box.
First they went through the video tapes.
"First to leave was Mr. Brown," Roxanne said slowly, watching the recording. "He's a real workaholic. Leaves at the sunrise, comes back late at night…" she said mostly to herself. "Then it's Miss Jenkins with her dog, Mrs. and Mr. Thomson, then it's me…"
Megamind read testimonies of Roxanne's neighbors. "Mr. Brown came back later for his car keys."
"Here he is." Roxanne pointed to the screen where the grey haired man waved nervously to Carlos.
"He lives under you?"
"Yes, his apartment is just below mine…" Roxanne sighed. Megamind was right, it was pointless; she knew those tapes by heart now. She could quote every line in those files without looking.
On screen, the tenants appeared and disappeared just like Roxanne said. Including Mr. Brown, who left with his keys.
"He was the only one who, on that day, when you received those sushi stick, acted slightly against his usual pattern," Megamind concluded, closing the files in his hands.
"But I was still in the building when he came back for his keys." Roxanne groaned in frustration. She rewound the tape. Suddenly she stopped it. "Hey…"
"What's that?"
"Look at his shadow. He went left."
"When he at first left the building, he went right; he came from the right direction and now he turned left."
"Maybe he dropped the keys and they fell down the stairs?" The blue man quickly checked the files. "Hmm… he hadn't mentioned this in here… Do you think it means anything?"
"I don't know. Maybe I'm over reacting…"
It's dark. Just what it likes. It doesn't need light to see. Light is such a trivial matter; a human's invention. Like society. It preferred solitary. Loneliness was calming. It never understood the need to be with someone.
It stands in front of a mirror, placing both hands on the glass. It's so close to the answer, yet so far. It thinks back to the time when it wasn't alone. There was a Creator, but he's gone. He left it alone in the dark. But it learned how to leave, to experience the world. It observed humans, day by day; watching them, studying them. They were humans, but what was it? It was nobody.
But it wanted to be somebody! It learned how to mix with humans, how to infiltrate their society. But just watching the crowd was not enough; the amount of data was not enough. It began to read and gather more information. How to be human?
Psychology. It was fascinated by this. How the brain worked, what made humans human. Now observation delivered much more data than before. In order to be human it decided to experiment on itself. And it understood one thing about humans. There was no pattern in their behavior; it was all irrational. They were lead by emotions, no logic of any sort. And the most irrational of them all was love and hate. It was not loved and could not love back, because it had no one to love. Even from afar. But it could hate. And it hated; it hated humans for what they had and what it could never have. But even in this hate it could not feel much. It wanted more and realized it was greedy. Greedy; just like humans. The greed grew with hate. It wanted to know more, understand more and to feel more! This gave it hope and feeling of self accomplishment. It was so close to being like them. Weren't humans just as greedy as it was? Most definitely! Their wars were because of greed, the empires rose and fell because of greed, they gathered in groups because of greed! It was so happy to discover this, to be much closer to being like them a little bit more than before!
But it needed more data. In one of the books it read that humans, placed in extreme situations, showed their 'true colors'. At first it tried with random people. But they were boring; their patterns were so predictable. They were better off dead. It spent moths thinking who it should test next. There were six billion humans on Earth. The search itself was interesting. The more it watched, the more it understood. For once it discovered that it was much better than they were. It tried to understand while they rarely did. It was superior to them, while they were its test subjects. Guinea pigs. It was thrilled by this discovery and had much more ideas how to push them.
Roxanne Ritchi… She was its third subject. Brave, stubborn. It was fun to watch how she struggled against it. Denied its superiority. And now, a year later, she surprised it again. She and that blue man; Megamind. It knew that they and Metro Man tried to find it. But it was smarter than that. It knew how to hide traces; it had years to learn that. Humans were so easy to fool, even with their 'advanced' technology.
The mirror cracked slightly under its touch. The news was almost like an invitation for it. Should it…? Was this… irrational, to go back there? Was this human?
It's baaack! The freaking creep is back and it plans something nasty again...
Review! or Nobody is going to haunt you until the end of the world!