The last chapter to Joy of Six. Really happy on how this story turned out and I got it finished just before August finished which I had planned. Love how this chapter turned out. Enjoy.
Eleven years and a few months had passed since that fateful day where Draco and Hermione Granger brought six children into the world. To start with life had been tough with six mouths to feed, six nappies to change, six screaming cries waking them from slumber. Yes the first year was hard but rewarding. At the start the six were just babies they were not very different from one another, their appearances differed from each child. At six months, things begun to change. Each child was beginning to show their differences and even though they were still young.
Scorpius October Malfoy had been deemed the miniature Draco. There was no denying that he was the birth father to the eldest sextuplet. His pale blonde hair stuck up in tuffs on his head his silver grey eyes were full of mischief even at six months. He was an attention seeker, often crying in the middle of the night, he would instantly stop once either Draco or Hermione picked him up. He was also very lazy not willing to learn he was usually the last to learn something and then he'd only learn to it because all his siblings had already mastered it. He would often cause the most trouble by pulling his sister's hair, biting his brothers, not sharing. He was the trouble child and when he had learnt to walk the saying here comes trouble had often been said in Malfoy Manor.
Gemini May Malfoy the brightest of the bunch, with her dirty blonde curls and large chocolate eyes. She had inherited her mother's intelligence and talkative nature. She had said her first word at eight months and hadn't stopped since. The apple of her Grandpa Lucius Malfoy's eye she would sit on a chair beside him in his office and babble nonsense for hours. Unlike the other adults he didn't mind the constant chatter and encouraged her to talk as much a she liked and teaching her longer words. By the time she was two her pronunciation was equivalent to that of a five year old. She was a mini Hermione always demanding a story book to be read to her before bed and a cuddle off everyone before she went to sleep, Gemini was the most affectionate of the six.
April Aries Malfoy was an adventurous child always getting into tight spots – literally. She had away for trouble but would stick out her bottom lip a clear motive to wrap her father and grandpa and around her chubby little finger. She was a mixture of both her parents in looks, straight brown hair, pale skin and silver eyes with freckles of brown in the iris. She had been the first to walk and crawl, always on the move she would find herself in positions that her parents and both sets of grandparents could never figure out. She was the only girl to enjoy flying as much as her father. This had pleased him greatly running beside her on her toy broomstick when she was three years old. At five she had done a somersaultcompletely by accident it had freaked both of her parents out but seeing she was unharmed and giggling they couldn't stop the small smile spread on their faces.
Leo March Malfoy was the double of his sister April in personality and appearance. He was the only brunette boy with big brown eyes. He was the most courageous of the six and loved to cuddle up to his mother and listen to the adventures she went on through her school life. He was the one that had introduced Lucius to toy cars and the two would sit on the floor with their cars crawling and making noises. It had amused Narcissa as Leo loved his Nana and often wanted to be carried by her. Like April he had a keen interest in flying on a broomstick. The others flying skills differed as they grew but the two had enjoyed it early on. Even the most courageous he was also the quietest not liking to make a fuss and when in trouble he would often cry silently instead of scream at the top of his voice. He wasn't a talker and could easily fade in to the back ground.
Summer June Malfoy was a lively and loud girl with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes that she had inherited off her Nana Narcissa. Both Hermione's parents had dark brown hair and brown eyes. She spent the most time with her Nana enjoying the leisure time the two had together. Narcissa had taken up baking and Summer would sit on the work top helping her cut out the pastry to make tarts her father and grandpa would greedily consume. She wasn't the brightest of the children but she was the funniest coming out with silly things in a childlike naivety. The opposite to most of her siblings she preferred to play alone and be by herself instead of being in a group. Her parents suspected she liked the quiet and would carry around a Muggle fairy-tale in her hand would find a comfortable place to sit and read in peace. When her other siblings weren't there it would often be Lucius's study.
Winter Pieces Malfoy was very similar to his eldest brother Scorpius. He was the sneakiest of the group always managing to swipe an extra cookie when he shouldn't have, but he was also the most affectionate male but with a hatred of baths. His favourite past time was playing in the mud in the back garden, his normally platinum blonde hair would turn mucky and his grey eyes would widen in amusement but would darken when his mother mentioned he would have to have a bath because he was filthy. Everything he wore had to have green, it wasn't because that was what his grandpa and father had pushed he just liked the colour because his giant dragon was green. He had to have what everyone else had and when he realised his father had a green giant he also had to have one just more impressive. He changed his mind very often and would sulk if he didn't get his own way but he always shared.
The years had passed toddlers to nearly teenagers. It was the evening of the 1st of September. The six had set off to Hogwarts for the first time and all four adults sat around the coffee table in the main room waiting for the owl from the six children, they had agreed that Gemini would write and send the letter. Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and Hermione sat around thinking and remembering. The memories of the children growing up flashed into their heads as they waited impatiently. None were truly bothered where the children were to be placed but secretly Draco, Lucius and Narcissa hoped at least one would end up in Slytherin whereas Hermione hoped for one to be in Gryffindor.
A school owl flew through the room and landed on the side of Hermione's chair, she took the letter handed the owl the rest of her biscuit and opened the letter. Reading it out loud it began…
Dear Mum, Dad, Grandpa and Nana.
This is Gemini writing, the sorting ceremony has ended and everyone is really nice. Uncle Severus smiled at us when we walked down the hall. Yes mum he actually smiled. I guess he's imagining Alfie walking down the aisle in a few years' time waiting to be sorted. You still find it weird that Uncle Severus got married and had a child because you never expected it. anyway I'm rambling now and I should really be telling you want you want to hear. We waited for what seemed like ages and the April was called up to the stand, she seemed to be sat under there for hours and then the hat shouted GRYFFINDOR. So one for you mother. I was next and I was so thankful that I wasn't the first. I sat under the hat and I remember exactly what he had said. "Another Malfoy, interesting a mixture of a Gryffindor and a Slytherin. I see ambition like your father and bravery like your mother but your intelligence masters all this, I believe you'll excel the greatest in RAVENCLAW," and then I ran over to my table. Leo was the next to call up and he was under the hat for the shortest amount of time, he sat there and then a few seconds later the hat cried GRYFFINDOR. So that's two mum. Scorpius was the next to be called up and he sat under the hat looking confident, the hat looked like it was having an interesting conversation but the hat then shouted SLYTHERIN. So three out of four houses were in. You were right about your views on Summer. She was the next to walk over to the hat. She sat on the hat and her face showed nervousness and slight apprehension he suddenly yelled HUFFLEPUFF and she hurried over to the table and sat next to Ryan. Winter was the final one to go to the hat in our family; he walked over confidently and sat under the hat. He was under there the longest I believe the hat was contemplating as it seemed Winter had an argument between the hat and he but it finally cried SLYTHERIN. So there you go. You have six children/grandchildren and they're in all four houses can you get a more varied bunch aye mother? So in total you have two Gryffindors, two Slytherins, one Hufflepuff and finally one Ravenclaw. I hope you're not disappointed in our houses we all seem to be happy with where we are placed, I know I am. We just hope you are.
I'm really tired now so I guess I'm going to go to sleep I have class in the morning and I just can't wait. Don't worry we'll have fun, do well in class, and behave and most importantly we won't run around the castle looking for dangerous things so we can interpret our dear mother.
Good night Mum, Dad, Grandpa and Nana,
Lots of love from Gemini, Summer, Winter, Scorpius, April and Leo.
Hermione smiled as she read the note. She couldn't be upset with where her children had been chosen as it was expected. Sure it had split them apart but they were all different and now they could be their own person instead of been referred as one of six. She knew the last eleven years had been difficult but she wouldn't change it for the world. The future was what they were looking to and with the threat of Lord Voldermort gone she knew that her children would be safe, fall in love and be happy and when she thought about it what more could she ask for.
The End
It's finished :'( but I hope you all enjoyed it. I had been wanting to do this for quite some time. Please Review so I know the hard work has been worth it.
Cya later readers and keep checking back. You never know when I'll start a fresh story or updated a continued story. I really enjoyed writing a Draco/Hermione fic even if it was based around the sextuplets. Thanks for reading!
After great success from this fic and people asking me to do a sequel to Joys of Six, it is now up the fic is called Six in Hogwarts... check it out :)