I do not own Suits or any of the characters
Winning Love
The second Mike woke up this morning he knew today was going to suck. You see earlier in the week Louis Litt the short fat twit came by Mike cubicle and told him he is required to participate in the annual Pearson Harden Charity Fundraiser. When Mike tried to refuse Louis told him all first year associates had to take pert in the event. Mind you it's not that Mike doesn't like charity work, it's just he hates large events because when it comes down to it all it is, is a room full of rich people who are only there to look good in front of friends, co workers and the positive media coverage doesn't hurt either.
The associate wakes up 15 minutes before his phone alarm goes off, so he lays in bed racking his brain for a way to get out of doing the benefit. At this point he would rather Trevor call and tell him he's being held hostage again, so that he has to go save him instead of going to the benefit. Also to top it all off Louis never told Mike what his role was going to be in the fundraiser the only thing Louis told him was to dress nice.
As Mike showers, his thoughts find their way to Harvey's amused face after Mike told him what Louis said. Then when the younger asked what the older did when he took part in the event, his response was the same as the rookie dinner "I came into the league a sophomore.
While Mike is covering his body in soap the thoughts about his boss morph into very X rated fantasies. So Mike slowly runs his hand down his chest and stomach stopping a his painfully hard member and starts to stroke it one hand and uses the other hand to massage his aching balls. As his reaches climax Mike screams Harvey's name at the top of his lungs, spraying his essence into is hand and the wall. Then the fake lawyer leans against the same wall to recover.
After calming down Mike turns off the water, wraps towel around his waist and uses another one to dry his dirty blond hair. Then he reluctantly walks into his bedroom to get dressed so that he can face the worst day of his life.
The second Harvey woke up this morning he knew it was going to be a great day not only was he going to settle a $100,000,000 contract he also got to see Mike Ross up on stage being sold to the highest bidder. The only thing bothering him were the dreams he kept having about his associate; ones that would start with him asking Mike to look something up and end with the both of them naked and having sex on the real lawyers desk. Or the ones when Mike shows up at Harvey's condo in the middle of the night and they end up in bed together.
Just thinking about Mike and the dreams get Harvey stiff as a board like always, so he lays on his back, reaches into his boxers and grabs his aching cock. He uses his thumb to swirl the pre-cum around the tip, then spreads his legs wide and bends his knees. As Harvey slowly begins to stroke himself he imagines Mike sitting between his legs sucking him off. He groans loudly as he cups his balls with his other hand. After a while Harvey's hand starts to pick up speed as the lawyer imagines his cock sliding down the former pot head's throat. With one final stroke Harvey releases his load moaning Mike's name. Harvey pants as he tries to regain control of his breathing once able to stand Harvey takes a shower, gets dressed and leaves to meet Ray to go to work.
It's an hour an a half before the benefit when Mike walks into Rachel's office. The paralegal looks up when she hears the door open "Aren't you suppose to be at the Plaza Hotel by now getting ready."
Mike sits down in front of Rachel's desk "That's the problem, what am I suppose to be doing at the benefit, severing food, severing drinks what?" "Louis wouldn't tell me and I could get Harvey to stop laughing at me long enough to ask him."
"Oh it's pretty simple you and all the other first year associates will be auctioned off to the highest bidder and be their slave for a week." answers Rachel with a small smile on her face.
"What!" Was all Mike said before he dashes out of the office.
"You bastard your auctioning me off as a fucking slave" screams the fake lawyer as he storms into the short man's office like a hurricane on steroids.
"First off all it's not just you it's every first year associate." states Louis calmly.
"Yeah well what if I don't want to do it?" challenges Mike smugly.
"Then you get fired" answer the rat faced man with just a much smugness.
"You have no grounds to…" Mike starts to argue but Louis cuts him off "Yes we do because in the contract you signed to work here states you must participate in any and all required functions and or events and guess what the fundraiser is required."
Mike signs and leaving the office to head to the Plaza Hotel.
Mike walks into the Hotel upon entering the lobby the dirty blond spots a sign with an arrow saying Pearson Harden Charity Fundraiser in the Ruby Room. Mike follows the signs to a enormous ballroom with 50 tables on each side of a huge runway stage going down the center of the room.
Upon entering the room a short scary old women comes up to Mike "Can I help you, sir?" Asks the women her voice barring an airy resemblance to the wicked witch of the west.
"Yes I'm here for the Pearson Harden fundraiser" replies Mike ignoring the chill that ran up his spin from her voice. "Are you in the auction of are you a bidder?" asks the creepy lady "I'm in the auction unfortunately" frowns Mike.
"Well you need to go to the room next to this one it's for people in the auction to check in and get ready" States the women as she points to the indicated room. Mike nods in thanks and walks into the room.
The room his about the size of Harvey's office with three small dressing stalls on the far wall and there are several folding chair scattered around the room. In the room Mike sees a bunch of other associates some he knows in passing and others he couldn't remember and sitting at the check in table to the left of the door is none other then Donna handing out small manila envelopes after checking someone in.
Mike then walks over to Donna. "So Louis got you too" "No Harvey volunteered me, to get me back for playing him to make him let my parents stay a his condo." "Oh" Donna checks him in and hands him an envelope and as Mike is walking away "Have fun" "Not funny Donna."
Mike leans against the wall and opens the envelope to find a piece of paper and a rolled up black tie. The note reads as follows;
Slave for a week,
When it is your turn to be auctioned off you are to remove all your clothing above your belt and only wear the black tie provided. Once you are sold you will crawl to the person who bought you and sit at there feet until the end of the auction. Then for the next week you will do what ever that person commands and if you don't you will be fired.
Your friend Louis Litt
The fake lawyer unrolls the tie and about 50 different way to kill Louis come to mine when he sees "FOR SALE" written on the tie in big bold white letters.
I'm going to kill you Louis." groans Mike under his breach as he slides down the wall waiting for his execution to start.
Sorry everyone between unpacking, getting books for school and having to go to New York to bail my uncle out of jail. The only some what high point of the last week was when I met my uncles lawyer his name was Harvey. LOL. Well I hope to finish this story by the end of next week. Hope you like please excuse grammar and spelling I know I suck.
Thanks 4 reading J