The heat of the day had just begun as the sun reached its highest point in the afternoon sky. 'So this would end where it all began…' Kid thought as him and Soul made their way to Blair's house. They made their way through a narrow stone path way surrounded by trees at both sides. Soul confidently marched onwards, this was the moment he had been waiting for he knew it was. The weapons face stayed straightly determined, he knew Blair was usually difficult to crack but he had to know where Kid was.

Soul stopped as they both reached their destination. They stood facing the witch cats large pumpkin themed house, Blair's singing could be heard from inside. Soul marched up to the door and knocked, "Blair! Hey its Soul, open up I have something to ask you." The singing stopped and footsteps could be heard.

"SCYTHEY BOY~!" Blair said excitedly throwing the door open revealing a not so clothed her.

Soul sprang back immediately shutting his eyes and covering Kids, "BLAIR! Would you mind actually wearing cloths every once and a while!" Soul held his small cat above his face to shield him from the lady's killer hug that he knew would come about if he didn't protect himself.

Blair made a sad face and her purple ears pinned back submissively, "Aw you're no fun~ Besides Blair likes to air dry." She grabbed Soul by the shoulder and pulled him into her house, "You can wait here while Blair finds something to wear~" She bounded off into the next room and Soul didn't dare open his eyes until he knew she was gone.

"She is so creepy…" Soul muttered dryly as Kid squirmed out of his arms. Soul set him down on Blair's couch and sat beside him.

The cat looked up at his friend sadly, "Well Soul… this is it. I will probably never tell you this afterwards but… I kinda liked being your cat." Kid nudged his head against Souls hand for one last good bye from being his cat. Soul grabbed the little animal and put him in his lap as he rubbed under Kids chin making the small cat purr.

Blair swung the door open again and excitedly and pounced onto a chair seated by Soul and Kid. She crossed her legs and started to play with her hair waiting for Soul to ask her what she knew he would. "So Blair…" Soul began pausing as he changed his tone to one of disgust, "You know how Kids been missing."

"Hm?" The cat stopped playing with her hair and looked up, "OH~ OCD boy! Yes Blair knows." She continued to let her gaze rest on other objects in her house not paying much attention to Souls questions.

Soul narrowed his eyes at the cat; she definitely had something to do with this. "I know you know where he is, tell me." Kid sat up and gave her a look as well.

Blair made an attempt of a serious face and looked at Soul directly this time, "You mean you don't know…?"

Soul sat shocked by the question, "What do you mean! He's MISSING." Blair let out a laugh that echoed through her entire house as she fell off her chair and continued laughing. "What's so funny!" Soul yelled trying to snap the witch back to reality.

She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and looked up at them, "Of course you know. He's sitting in your lap right now~"

Soul flinched, "W-wha..?" He looked down at the cat that stared back at him.

Blair lifted herself off the floor and dusted off her purple dress, "I mean… why else would you name him Kid?" Soul twitched.

"U-um… I just kinda… named him that..." He blushed in embarrassment as he sat long in thought.

"…. That's kinda creepy Souly." Blair admitted poking the scythes cheek.

"IT'S NOT CREEPY!" Soul yelled back swatting her hand away, "And how could he be a cat!"

Blair chuckled, "I turned him into one~"

Kid got up and decided to make himself heard, "Blair! I demand that you turn me human right now!"

The weapon looked at the hissing little cat that he found hard to accept was his crush and close friend. "Y-you turned him into a cat…? Why would you do that to him!"

The purple haired cat knelt by Kid and poked his pink little nose, "It's your birthday present Souly~ Happy birthday~!" She used some magic to make confetti fall above Soul.

Soul sat in silence for a second then snapped, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOR MY BIRTHDAY! THAT WAS MONTHS AGO!"

Twitching, Kid looked up at the two, "T-this happened to me so I could be Souls… PRESENT!" He sat at the edge of the couch in silence mourning the loss of the moment as Soul continued to yell at surprisingly light hearted Blair.

"Well I didn't know what to get you until a few weeks afterwards and making a top rate spell that not only shape shifts but hides the soul of a shinigami isn't exactly as simple as 1, 2, 3 Souly~ Besides I thought you'd be happy…" Blair pouted at the negative reaction she had gotten from her 'good deed'.

Soul grabbed the cat witch by the shoulders, "Why would this make me happy!"

Blair backed away as Soul let go and huffed, "Fine I see you don't like it~ I just wanted to give you bonding time with him since I knew you liked him…"

The weapon looked up at her, "You knew? How, I didn't tell anyone."

She clasped her hands together and blushed cutely, "Well you came home one night and you went up to your room when you thought no one was home~"

Soul suddenly realized the event she was talking about, "OH." She continued.

"And you put your music on really loouuuud after you took a picture of Kid out of a frame in the hall way~"

Soul shot up and grabbed Kid out of the corner of the couch covering his ears, "KID DOESN'T NEED TO HEAR THIS BLAIR!" Kids desperately clawed at Souls hands since they were starting to hurt his head.

Soul didn't care about the pain he only cared that Kid didn't hear what Blair had to say, "And then you-" Soul snapped and dropped Kid while running over to the witch covering her mouth.

"BLAIR PLEASE DON'T SAY IT!" He said burning with embarrassment, the witch tried to get his hands off of her mouth but failed. Kid looked over at Soul in question, lacking the mind to process such clues as the ones given.

Blair looked over at Soul and muffled words came out of her mouth as she attempted to speak, she stopped trying to pry his hands off her mouth and gave him a pleading look. "Are you going to continue the story if I let you go…?" Blair shook her head from side to side. "Ok I'm going to let go, and you're NOT going to continue." Blair shook her head up and down in agreement. "Alright…"

Soul let the cat go as baffled Kid stared in confusion. Blair straightened the small ornament on her neck as Soul cautiously stayed by her incase she were to continue. They examined each other for a good minuet when Blair started, "Anyways, then he started-" Soul grabbed her by the mouth again.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T SAY IT!" Soul yelled at the cat letting her go as she attempted to bite his hand.

Blair ran behind her couch and hid, "What, it's a good story~"

Soul ran at her and Blair sprang up again as they both chased each other in circles around the couch, "How the hell do you know this anyways!" Soul stopped and thought about it, "Did you like… watch... or something…?" He blushed in embarrassment ashamed that he hadn't checked if she was home that night.

Shrugging her shoulders, Blair let out a sigh, "Not really, I was in my room trying to sleep but then I heard you come in and stuff so I kinda-"

Soul fell to his knees and almost toppled over if he hadn't caught himself with his hands; the shock was just to great. "I can't believe you watched me…"Soul felt like he was going to be sick as he stared deep into Blair's flooring looking for any form of comfort.

The witch walked over to him seeing as she was safe for now and placed a hand on his back, "Not really, its just you were so loud I could hear you from my room-"

"STOP IT PLEASE YOU'VE ALREADY EMBARRASSED ME ENOUGH IN FRONT OF KID!" Soul felt his arms give out, "I want to go home now…"

Kid marched up to the two and looked up at Blair, "What's this all about?"

The witch cat blinked in surprise, "You mean you don't know still…?"

Soul looked up with a twinge of hope, "HE DOESN'T KNOW! GREAT!" He reached for his cat but Blair swiped him away before he could grab him. She placed him on her coffee table and whispered something in his ear, Soul watched Kids face noticeably turn sickly.

"O-oh…" Kid said blushing slightly, that was the only word he could find to describe the situation.

Blair looked at the two destroyed figures both leant over in despair, "Okay~ Now any more questions~?"

Soul was hitting his head on the side of her couch repetitively then stopped, "Are you done tormenting me…?" Soul swung his head to the ground and let the words, 'he's never going to go out with me now' fall out of his mouth.

The witch now spotted her error and tried to fix it, "Kid would you like to know how to turn back now?" Kid looked up at her hopefully and nodded. She picked Soul up by his coat and dragged him to the couch as Kid followed sitting beside him (with a noticeable gap). Blair sat on the coffee table that was seated in front of her couch and said cheerily, "Only true loves kiss can get you back~"

Kid felt all the blood he had in his face drain, "Y-you've got to be kidding me… your joking right!" Kid looked at her desperately, she had to be joking.

Blair happily clasped her hands together, "NOOOPE~ Well you see I was having trouble finding restrictions for the spell so I was trying to relax my mind by watching some Disney movies and I decided that the idea of a kiss breaking a spell was adorable~ That Disney guy is a genius!" Kid felt a little part of him die inside, he didn't love Soul! Did he…? Kid sat in thought, he had never really been in love before and wasn't sure how it felt or what the signs for it were.

Kid continued to ponder when Soul spoke up, "WHAT! BLAIR HE DOESN'T LOVE ME-" Soul stopped and thought about what he just said.

"Soul…" Kid turned to him and pressed his head to his arm purring.

The weapon removed his arm from Kids reach, "Stop it Kid…"

Blair looked at the two confused and cocked her head to the side, "What's wrong..? OCD boy doesn't love Soul…?"

The little cat got up and faced the witch, "I never said that…" He looked at Soul concerned; it must have been hard for him to accept that possibility. Kid padded up to Soul and sat on his lap looking up at him. "We can at least see if it works right Blair…?" Kid said cautiously, hoping this weird act he was about to perform would turn him human.

Blair translated for Kid, "He says he wants to at least try."

Soul picked the cat up so they were both eye level, "Kid, I just need to say something… this is probably going to be the weirdest thing I've ever done."

"Well put." Kid agreed in a small mew.

The weapons face turned a shade of red and he put the cat down quickly, looking up at Blair flustered and embarrassed. "DO I REALLY HAVE TO KISS A CAT!"

Blair clasped both hands together and retorted cheerily, "Yes yes~ Come on it's for Kid~"

His face turned to a grimace as he faced his challenge. "I don't like it either Soul, just get it over with…" Kid blushes as Soul picked him up again.

Glaring at Blair, the weapon spun to her direction again, "You're not going to tell anyone about this right..?"

Blair chuckled, "Of coarse not Souly~" She urged them to continue.

Soul faced the small cat once more, his left eye twitching. "I did not want this to be our first kiss…" Soul muttered, he brought the cat closer to his face reluctantly pressing it against his lips for an unwilling kiss.

Right as Soul removed himself from the cat as quickly as possible a flash of white smoke, much like the ones that appear around Blair when she shape shifts, formed around Kid. When the smoke cleared it revealed unconscious Kid who slumped against Souls shoulder. Soul stared at the dual colored hair, it was Kid alright. Blair got up and cheered, "Aw he does love you~"

Soul blushed at this, "H-holy crap… Kid..?" The albino shook the meister softly, this stirred Kid from his sleep.

Kid opened his eyes, where was he? He looked over to see Souls face by his own. "… Soul…?" He muttered looking down at his hand, hand? Kid shot up in excitement, "I'M NOT A CAT ANYMORE!" He cheered hugging Soul tightly, Kid leant in for another kiss this time it was much freer willed than the last one.

Soul pulled away and smiled at Kid, "Looks like I found you…" he hugged his friend tightly again locking eyes with the shinigami.

"Looks like you did…" Kid nuzzled up against Souls neck like he was used to doing as a cat.

Soul felt comfortable in the moment and wrapped his arms around Kid once more when he noticed something. "Hey Kid…"

"Hm? What is it Soul…?"

"… Could you put some cloths on please?" Kids face flushed as he looked down. Nothing. Kid grabbed a nearby pillow and attempted to cover himself.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SOONER!" Kid yelled shutting his eyes in embarrassment.

"I DIDN'T NOTICE!" Soul exclaimed back as he turned his face avoiding Kid who oh so conveniently was still sitting on his lap. "Here!" Soul took off his jacket and handed it to Kid.

"WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS!" Kid replied ferociously out of pure embarrassment.

Soul shoved the clothing at Kid, "PUT IT ON!"

Kid grabbed it and put it on the casual way, "Like this…?" Soul turned to see that Kid still hadn't fixed the situation and found a small trail of blood leaking out of his nose. Kid noticed he was staring and grabbed another pillow smacking Soul across the face, "DON'T STARE AT ME YOU PERVERT!"



Blair chucked, "You did what~?"

Both said in chorus, "SHUT UP BLAIR!"






"…" Soul didn't quite know how to reply to that one, "I-It was in loving memory of Death the Kid..?"


"I AM NOT!" Soul continued turning away from Kid in a pouting stance, folding his arms across his chest.

Sighing, Kid shook Souls shoulder, "I'm sorry but its true."

Blair watched from a distance with a bucket of popcorn in hand, "Ah, young love. I just have to say your relationship is starting out great."

Both glared at the cat, "What would you know about relationships?" Blair sunk back nibbling on some popcorn shyly.

After a moment of thinking she got up, "I KNOW HOW TO MAKE THIS BETTER~" She grabbed the two and shoved them in her room, "Don't forget to clean up afterwards~" The cat shut the door on an awkward note.

Soul sweat dropped as well as Kid as they heard the door lock. "Um… I'm sorry about Blair she's just… eccentric?" Soul looked at Kid who still only had a pillow and Souls jacket for cover.

Kid sank against the wall of Blair's room, "Yeah I can tell…" Kid clutched Souls jacket closer to himself nervously, he didn't know what was supposed to happen next.

Soul sat beside Kid and looked over at the meister, he was shaking lightly from the cold draft in the room. "Hey do you want me to look for something you can wear in here..?"

"Um I'd rather NOT dress like a hooker." Kid responded jokingly.

Laughing at the joke Soul agreed, "Yeah that's what I thought…" Soul looked at Kid shyly, "Hey maybe we can sneak out of here somehow…" Soul looked over to see a window to his right.

Kid smiled softly, "I think that would be best… but first I need some cloths."

Grabbing Kids hand Soul lifted the boy to his feet, "We can just sneak over to your house." Kid cautiously agreed.

"W-wait Soul…" Kid said shyly tugging at Souls hand.

Soul turned to face Kid, "What…?"

Blushing, Kid looked at the floor, "Weren't you going to ask me something…?"

The weapon smiled, "But don't I already know the answer, Kid?"

"Just say it Soul." Kid urged.

Soul sighed but couldn't hold back his widening smile, "Alright… Kid, would you go out with me?" A blush made its way to Souls face as he asked.

The shinigami leapt at Soul hugging him deeply. "I thought you'd never ask~" Kid said jokingly.

Hugging back, Soul looked Kid in the eyes happily, "Hey so I know today's been a bit awkward to say the least, but do you wanna go out for dinner or something…?"

Kid thought about it longer than he had to making Soul eager for an answer, "I guess we can tell the others I'm back later… sure…" Kid linked his arm with Soul and they both escaped Blair's house through the extremely small bedroom window.

"You ready for this Kid…?" Soul asked as he led his official boyfriend up to the steps of Shibusen, the morning sun shone brightly in the sky. After their dinner Soul let Kid stay at his house so they could both go to school together the next day and tell everyone that Kid was back safe and sound.

Kid followed Soul closely and held his hand. "Of course, I'm sure everyone's going to be happy that I'm back…" The shinigami smiled and started up the stairs making Soul follow due to their linked hands.

Once at the top, they looked around the small clusters of students until they saw Black*Star flagging them down. "SOUL~!" Black*Star yelled starting to run towards the scythe.

"BLACK*STA-" Soul was about to greet his friend but right as he was about to go Kids hand tightened on his. He looked over at his boyfriend to see that he was un-amused with the situation with a slight hint of jealousy on his face.

The blue haired meister charged up to Soul hugging him generously, "SOUL~ We got worried about you when you left, by the way we didn't find your cat…" Black*Star looked to his left to see Kid staring back at him, "KID! Is that really you!"

"Yup…" The shinigami spoke trying to ignore the fact that Black*Star was still in a loose hug with Soul.

"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Black*Star yelled deafening everyone within a five foot ratios.

Rubbing his ears in pain, Kid answered still annoyed at the fact that Black*Star was still hugging Soul. "No I'm not dead obviously." Kid grabbed Black*Star and moved him away from Soul, "That's annoying me, stop it." Black*Star looked a bit confused.

The rest of the gang soon gathered around Kid and Soul. Patty tackled her meister with a huge hug, "KID WE MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH!" Patty yelled. Kid got uncomfortable after remembering his last hug with Patty.

"Y-yeah I'm sorry I wasn't back earlier. (Please let go)" Kid whined slightly trying to get Patty off him.

The pistol finally released him and Kid pressed himself closer to Soul not wanting her to hug him again. Maka was the first to ask the question everyone wanted to know, "Where were you Kid? No one could find you…"

Kid chuckled and held onto Souls arm, "Well I guess you didn't look hard enough, Soul found me."

Maka raised an eyebrow in question, "So where were you…?" She asked again as everyone tightened their grouping around Kid in anticipation.

Soul took it upon himself to answer this time, "Well let's just say he was there the whole time." Soul looked at Kid and smiled as one was returned to him.

The group was out of the loop and found this slightly awkward. "Um… so you're not going to tell us…?" Kid and Soul both shook their heads in response.

Liz crossed her arms and sighed, "So you worry us to death for almost a week and you're not even going to tell us where you were..?"

Kid smiled and shook his head, "Sorry, but it's a strictly need to know basis."

Everyone accepted that they weren't going to hear it from them and continued to welcome Kid back. Patty poked at Kid and Souls linked hands that no one had noticed yet, "Hey look sis." She mentioned to Liz and everyone kept their attention on Kid. "They are holding hands, that's so cute~"

Suddenly attention changed to that, Kid twitched as everyone stared at them questioningly. "You guys just noticed that…?"

Maka looked at the two shocked, "Why are you two doing that…?"

Soul looked at Kid wondering what should be said. The shinigami decided to make it more obvious and wrapped his arms around Soul pulling him into a one sided hug, "He's my boyfriend." He said seemingly neutral but with a hint of embarrassment.

All their friends expressions turned to that of shock, "WHA!" Black*Star yelled at the two still trying to piece it together.

"SINCE WHEN!" Liz said louder than it should have been.

Seeing everyone's reaction the two became slightly self conscious, "W-well since yesterday…" Soul replied cautiously.

The group became even more confused. Tsubaki looked between the two questioningly, "I-I don't get it… so you're dating..? Why?"

"Because that's what two people who like each other in a romantic sense do…?" Soul said pressing closer to Kid for protection.

The surrounding sweat dropped. "Um… since when did you two like each other..?" Maka spoke silently as shock still rattled her mind.

Leaning into Souls side as well Kid replied, "Dose it really matter? I thought you guys would understand…"

Silence took over their friends; Liz decided to speak for everyone. "It's just a bit of a shock, were not saying we aren't your friends anymore because of it…"

Patty cheered as she latched onto the two boys, "YEAH! Besides you guys are cute together!"

Spreading his arms out Black*Star tackled the two as well, "YEAH~ the mighty Black*Star understands now, it was just confusing."

Liz hugged the two as well and then the number of hugs exceeded the normal amount causing everyone to form a group hug. After everyone had felt the awkwardness had subsided the group released their grip on the two. The school bell rang and the murmuring students around the group of friends started to move in clusters to their classrooms. Maka looked at the two, "You guys coming to class today?"

Soul put his arm around Kids waist, "Nah I think were just going to tell Shinigami-sama that Kids safe and go home…" Kid nodded leaning against Souls shoulder for support.

Maka and the group waved as they started to head to class, "Alright you guys have a nice day, it's great to have you back Kid." The scythe meister called as she turned to leave.

Sighing, Soul turned to Kid. "Should we go see him now?"

"Sure." Kid replied cheerily though he was dreading seeing his dad again due to the accident that occurred on their last encounter.

"Hey Kid, I have a great nickname for you~ wanna hear it?" Soul replied as he started leading Kid down the empty school front of Shibusen.

Kid rolled his eyes and smiled, "What is it?"

"Kitten~" Soul laughed at the reference as Kids face flushed.


Soul pouted, "Aw meanie! I made that up by myself…"

"It's not that original." Kid gave him a look showing his irritations.

Looking at the ground Soul made a sad face, "I-I thought you'd like it…"

The meister couldn't take that face any longer, "N-no Soul I like the name (I guess)…"

"REALLY!" Soul looked at him suddenly cheery.

"Yeah…" Kid looked Soul in the eyes and smiled, "I love you Soul…"

Soul blinked in surprise of the random kindness, "I love you to Kid."

"Even though you make retarded nicknames~" Kids laugh echoed through the empty halls of the school as Souls face grew red with embarrassment.

Hey look, chapter 5~ took long enough right? XD turns out, I just needed to put Titanic on and BOOM. Instant motivation X3 anyways I hope you like it, I wanted it to be happy cause I love happy :3 but my next story will not be happy… and btw there MIIIIGHT be another chapter after this~ cross your fingers~ oh and Lamia I put that thing in that you wanted, sorry I couldn't put in the more… detailed… version but my friends at school read this ^^'