Chapter Summary: Sleepy but excited, she prepares for the school year. Intelligent and determined to tackle anything she faced, she reunites with her friends after a three month hiatus from school.

Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto

Use of CAPS implies EMPHASIS.

~ Chapter One: Introduction ~

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The sun peeked through the clouds early and the sound of an alarm clock roused her from her dreams. As she slid out of bed to get a shower, time being exactly 6:30am in the morning.

'This better be worth the extra mile if I'm getting up this early…' dragging her feet into the bathroom and shutting the door. She used the toilet before hopping into the stall and cleansing herself of sleep.

She took her sweet time doing her best to wake up. Deciding she'd showered long enough and her emerald eyes fully open, she stepped out and dried herself before dressing in her new school uniform; being a kneecap long, green pleaded skirt, an expensive collared, long-sleeved, lightweight silk shirt. The cuffs of the sleeves buttoned neatly and green tie folding under a forme fitting maroon vest; Konoha's leaf symbol printed royally in gold.

Softly threaded white and green thigh highs; accented by thin laced red bow adding shiny red froddo, leather shoes to the mix. Tightening the last golden buckle and slipping a green hair band, accented with two fair sized red bows on the sides, she strolled into the living room to fix herself something to eat.

Sadly the only thing remotely appetizing to her in the house was whole grain cereal. She would have preferred something a bit more gourmet at least, but it was better than nothing… right? Luckily the milk hadn't yet expired, judging from the smell as she extracted it from the refrigerator, but the cereal was stale.

With a muffled groan, she ate the stale cereal then wobbled back into the bathroom to brush her teeth and apply her make-up. Applying blush to her cheeks and white powder to her face, a nip here and a tuck there before grabbing her burlap school bag and heading out the door, locking it behind her.

She inhaled deeply, the morning sun peering over the erected buildings in front of her complex. With a deep breath and a huff she stepped down into the road, then heading north. School started approximately at 8:30am, and too her fortune - and comfort - the beautified girl happened upon many other students heading the same direction as her. It was almost as she presumed, and it gave her a sense relief to know she wouldn't be late or somewhat alone.

Her pink hair fluffed out in the breeze of the warm, late August morning. Since they were located near the shore of fire country there were never any harsh changes until late December thankfully. The geography of the country wouldn't allow it until then. Placing her hands at her lap, skipping about a little bit - the thought of a new year exciting her.

Well… to be technical school had already begun… about a few months ago really. She didn't really have it in her to return with her after that day. It'd eaten at her for weeks until she was able to pass over it and move on. But now was different, and she was more than ready to tackle the year. Though to be completely honest, there were times when she felt distraught about the past. But why let the past grasp and contain her future?

She was a sophomore at Konoha Gakuen Den, High School of sky-high prestige and honorable mention 10 years in a row. She was 16; however she was incredibly intelligent for being a mere 16 year old. All of her classes were of the senior class level since her freshman year.

Her grades were perfect in every subject; she possessed and retained the highest grade percentage in the school. She loved learning; it was second nature to her. She was often described as a bookworm though, thus resulting in a bit of her unpopularity with the "in" crowd. Luckily enough for her though, she possessed a few - or rather several - of many friends. She had a few best friends and more than several mutual friends. Problem was, she couldn't find th-

"Sakura!" a voice called out to her, grabbing her undivided attention. She turned around and caught the sight of a girl with two buns in her hair, held in place by two red bows just as hers were, only the ties were longer and thinner, and her hair band pushed out her bangs farther. Nonetheless she failed to contain her excitement!

"Tenten!" her voice squeaked, happier than a mouse in a cheese mine. They hugged and walked together for the time being.

It didn't take Tenten to noticed Sakura's new appearance, "Did you powder and add blush with a light crimson shade of lipstick?"

A light blush bruised her rosy cheeks, "Ohh, maybe…" twiddling and wrapping her hair around her fingers, "You know… this year I'm kind of hoping to find someone…" confessing before Tenten found out herself.

The blade-happy mistress furrowed her eyebrows, "Oh… well it's understandable. I guess living alone isn't exactly all it's cracked to be is it?"

A simple pivot of her head remarked the obvious.

"Sakura, I'm so sorry that happened, my sincerest condolences,"

The blossom tucked a strand of hair away before changing the topic, "Do I look okay to you though?"

Agreeing to change the subject, Tenten scanned over her and stopped at her hair, "Oh, your right bow is a little off, lemme just…" she extended her arms, stuck out her tongue and tightened the right bow, "annnnnnnnd, there you go! Now they're both symmetrical… but you're still missing something…"

The noted observation made Sakura cringe. She raised her eyebrows and gave a worried hum, "w-what am I missing?" her voice tickled with worry and panic.

"Calm down Sakura, here. This should do it," After a moment of two, the pink haired girl discovered a pink clip had been placed in her hair. A lightweight and bestudded green butterfly, "oh it looks so CUTE! It really compliments your hair now!"

Sakura couldn't really express her gratitude, and Tenten told her not to worry about it. The brunette was always happy to assist friends in need of help.

"You know, Sakura," she cleared her throat professionally, watching her step as they began to climb up the Hokage monuments, "I'm considered a pro at fortune-telling. If you want, I can always tell you what kind of guy you'll meet, when and where it'll happen too if you want!"

Sakura's eye twitched, "…when did you get into fortune telling?"

"It's a long time hobby… but people say I'm pretty good!" Tenten took Sakura's hands and rubbed the palm, "Wanna try?"

Sakura didn't really believe in fortune telling all that much. She found it all to be considered a hoax to rip off good people's money, even if it was free. Instead, the rosette sweat dropped, "Um… that's okay Tenten," cupping the brunettes hands, she smiled appreciatively and nodded, "I'd rather see what happens before I start pulling anything that might be considered a clairvoyant spoiler, but thank you."

With a huff her lips puffed out, 'Bah… no one ever wants to… I need a new hobby…'

Both girls chatted along the way and finally arrived. Sakura huffed, gasped and wobbled up the last step. Tenten took her and gave her a much needed lending hand.

The pinkette huffed and Tenten sweat dropped, "Don't worry, it was pretty hard for me too… you'll get used to it though, trust me," she assured.

Concerned more about her looks at the moment, Sakura turned to her friend, "My make-up's not running is it?"

Tenten nibbled on her lower lip eyeballing every single detail before shaking her head, "Nope, still looking beautiful!"

The pinkette's cheeks reddened. The shade looked like it bled down to her neck, "Okay… that's good at least…" she stood up in her highest composure and took a moment to examine her new surroundings, "it's so big…"

"Yeah, it's a pretty big courtyard, be careful not to get lost okay?"

With an agreeable nod of her head they strolled into the school.

"Okay, first we need to talk to Shizune… she's at the front window. Just give her your name and you'll get your schedule and locker combo okay?"

Sakura nodded and they entered through the steel double doors. The hallway was massive a very long, before it curved to the right of the attendance desk. It was so big she got a wee bit dizzy…

"Hey Shizune!" she waved. The jet black haired lady looked up, her hair done in a bun as a side strand hung loosely to the left, "oh! Tenten! Hello!"

"Hey, Saku-" she stopped mid-sentence, "Sakura? Sakura?" Turning around she located said girl only to find the dizzy pinkette in said hallway. Her eyebrows rose and the brunette huffed a sigh before grabbing the pinkette's arm and placing her at the window, "…like I was saying; Sakura needs her schedule."

The woman nodded and opened up the file cabinet to her left and found the folder marked "S" before sliding out a paper and looking it over thoroughly.

The woman smiled sincerely, "Okay… Sakura Haruno, here you go," almost thrusting the paper into her hands. Noting the change in the look of the paper since last year, she carefully eyeballed every single detail.


Name: Haruno, Sakura

D.O.B: 3.28.95

Sex: Female

Reg. Number: 7207-5041-3726

H.R. Instructor: Mitarashi, Anko

Class: 10


1.) Ninja History 101 - Umino, Iruka - RM# 305 - 8:45 am - 9:30 am

2.) Poetry & Flower Arrang. - Sarutobi, Kurenai - RM# Garden 105 - 9:45 am - 10:30 am

3.) Language - Sluravik - 1 - Hatake, Kakashi - RM# 57 - 10:45 am - 11:30 am

4.) Mathematics - Murino, Ibiki - RM# 203 - 11:45 am - 12:30 pm

- Lunch Break -

6.) Physical Education - Maito, Gai - Gymnasium - 1:20 pm - 2:10 pm

7.) Workshop - Sarutobi, Asuma - RM# Art 12 - 2: 25 pm - 3:05 pm

8.) Study Hall - Mitarashi, Anko - RM# 57 - 3:15 pm - 3:55 pm

Locker Number: 367 - Main Hallway

Locker Combination: 37-25-06 (RRR, LL, R)


She scanned the paper carefully. Most of these classes seemed so foreign to her. Maybe there were new additions? She'd never heard of the language Sluravik… and since when was Kakashi bilingual... and Iruka fluent in History? Since when did Anko take up Study Hall classes, let alone join the school at all?

"I've been gone far too long…" a queasy feeling bubbling in her tummy.

Glancing at the paper the brunette's eyebrows raised and she nodded, "Yeah… there are some new things… to think that Anko of all people would be our Study Hall instructor… crazy world ain't it?"

The word "our" caught Sakura's attention, "Our? What do you mean Tenten?"

"School rules have kind of changed over the years… the classes you take reflect the year you were as an academy student," the explanation thick and encrypted to the pink haired girl, "I know… confusing ain't it?"

With a shrug of her shoulders, and a second thought later a smiled etched itself between her lips, "So does this mean we get to see…"

"Yup!" the word joyously implied, "Everyone we know is in our classes! Neji, Kiba, Ino, Choji, Hinata and everyone else! Cool isn't it?"

Sakura nearly squeed at the mention of Kiba's name. Ol' doggy boy was a best friend, as was Ino. Though, Ino hadn't hung around Sakura too much being as she was quite popular and with the "in" crowd at school. Nonetheless, she was still an exceptional friend and Ino did look out for Sakura. There was no question about that...

As for Kiba, he was a funny, somewhat idiotic boy. He did his best at being the stereotypical man, though he wasn't so much a ladies man as he thought he was. Reason being; he had a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong moment…

"So has Hinata yet told Kiba that-"

Tenten cut her sentence off by crossing her arms and giving her the 'What do you think?' look. Hinata was deep cobalt haired girl - around Tenten's age - and had quite the crush on Kiba. But would she tell him?


A majority of her attempts at introducing a date-me topic or even incorporating something relevant to the hip-hop wearing, drolly dog boy were blown to smitherinies because he was such a lousy listener. Unless it and if the topics introduced and discussed covered the topics; Sex, vagina and/or dogs - however they went together - Kiba was just a deaf twit.

"Oh… well... maybe if Hinata would just imply her soft spot for animals? Maybe that'd get him to listen…" the statement floated there for a while as Sakura looked over her schedule once more.

"Yeah, but that's… well, Hinata for you," she didn't possess any good words to describe the Hyuuga mistress except for shy and being a wee bit of an oddball at times with her stuttering and the twiddling she'd do with her fingers. Sigh, the challenge of asking an idiot was more daunting than that of solving a rubrics cube. Only it was stupid and full of testosterone...

Tenten's ears caught a sweet giggle, "I love my friends!" bluntly stated and random, but appreciated highly.

The brunette spread her arms and squeezed, "Awe, we love you too, now let's find your locker, c'mon," ushering the girl down the main hall to find her locker. The location though, proved to have its advantages, "Sakura, you literally got the best locker!" the brunette green with envy.

"I do? Why?" she angled her head to the left, muddled.

"Uh… well you're near the exit. You don't have to waste time walking to find your classes, and you can avoid the crowd coming in and going home?" the statement seemed to swim in one ear and out the other until that last bit tickled her brain.

"Oh… okay then…" Sakura turned to her locker just as everyone else began ushering in, congesting the hallway, now realizing what Tenten had implied and why she implied it.

Sakura opened up the locker door. However upon opening it she found that there were other books inside it, giving her somewhat of a shock when they flooded out of the steel case and onto the floor.

"Hmm, looks like you're sharing a locker Sakura…" with the obvious stated and a rolling of her eyes, Sakura couldn't help but list the possibilities. One thing was sure, whomever they were, they were a pig…

"I'll clean it up for them then," implied with a smile she began organizing the books. Tenten only watched as the hallway gradually became full of people before the doors closed and students nearly blew the hall like a clogged capillary… or at least that's what it felt like.

While Sakura made things tidy, neat, pretty, clean, in-out and between for the other person who occupied the middle half of the locker, just as it couldn't have possibly gotten any louder, the doors whipped open, smashing the walls behind them and a brunet haired young man swaggered through the door.

"'Ayyyyyyy part-eh people!" he laughed, one hand placed within his pocket and his backpack swung over one shoulder. He scanned the area and removed his sunglasses to look around. "Jeez… yall's a lively bunch ain'tchya?" having attracted a little too much attention, resulting in a quiet welcome.

Sakura's ears honed in on the voice, recognizing that annoying tone anywhere. She glanced over to see Kiba waddling down the hallway with his backpack tossed over his shoulder. Shikamaru and Shino not far from behind, somewhat annoyed being almost late - like always - to school.

"Jeez Kiba… do you have to be so damn loud?" The pineapple haired young man questioned.

"FFFF" he blew through his teeth, "Maybe. I mean, c'mon… it's too quiet in here. It's like the grim reaper just took a life! Like death just swagga'd through that door and took a soul!"

Shikamaru hid his face and Shino just turned around. Kiba stuck his thumbs in his ears and blew them a raspberry.

He was a slim and tall young man. There were two red fang marks on his cheeks and his hair, despite being short, was an unruly mess, held up by a sideways turns visor and a shortly knotted bandana. He had a bit of brown peach fuzz growing on his upper lip, but definitely not enough to be considered a mustache. There was a piercing on his tongue and beneath his bottom lip as more stubby and sloppily trimmed facial hair extended up his jaw line and formed a "v" near the faint dimples in his cheeks, then further up, merging with his sideburns.

He wore a gray hoodie in which the sleeves had been ripped out. He was built like a brick wall and dressed in his usual black muscle shirt while a bone, chained doggy-tag flapped around his neck loosely, printed with K-9 on it.

Kiba's pants were long, baggy, black basketball shorts with a sort of metal accent at the bottom trim. Kiba wasn't too fond of wearing boxers or anything either, and the chain at the side of his pants made them sag a little to the right. Luckily he kept it up with a belt. His ears were also pierced, and he had on thumb ring. A ball-chain dog tag around his neck and another chain wrapped around his wrist.

On the back of his hoodie there was a paw print design with the kanji symbol for "Hound" imprinted in white inside a red circle.

He only had a couple of tattoos. There was an Alpha-Omega symbol on his right deltoid and two matching tribal tattoos. The Aztec shaped symbols molded to the muscles of his forearms.

To complete his appearance, he wore ankle short white socks and a pair of large, slip on slip off type shoes and sported a hang tooth that seemed to pop out from his upper lip.

She squeed silently and waited for him to walk over. The brunet and his friends stopped in front of her, leaned up and puffed out his bottom lip.

"'Sup shortie, wachu doin' lat'r?" toothy grin equipped he placed his arm on the locker door above her. Appearing less than flattered, she only giggled.

With a smile and a bow, "Hi Kiba," the words seemed to just slip out and fall to the floor.

Puffing out his lower lip, "Whuuuut? 'Dat's mah greetin'? Where 'da fuck'z my hug at? Gimme a hug now dammit! I miss'd chu!" demanding, but friendly his arms opened as he sported happy grin. Obliging to his offer, discarding the fact that his mouth was dirtier than a toilet. An aroma of cheap cologne, sweat and… like wet dog and cigarettes skunked her nostrils though when she hugged him, initiating an eye twitch. Quickly she pulled away while he looked her over, "Ohh, don't we look pretty today?" he chuckled fiddling with her bows. Kiba then adverted his gaze to Tenten, who seemed not to be acknowledging him. Leaning in to her ear and in the most obnoxious voice possible, "HEY TENTEN!" Before he could blink the opposing brunette swung around and smashed him into the tile!


Shikamaru and Shino glanced at one another as the boy brunet's leg twitched and a muttered groan managed to escape his lips.

"You know Kiba," in his usual monotonous voice, "you don't have to be so loud..." implied Shino.

Having recovered quickly enough and pressing his lips together and pivoting his head to the right, "Whaddya say?" twisting to the opposing young man, "Chu gotz ta speak up Shi-dawg, can't 'ear a single fuckin' word chu iz say-in'," cupping his ear while his tongue protruded from his mouth. Least to say, if Shino had taken off his glasses after that message a fight might've ensued between them. "Bah, I'm jus' dickin' you dawg!" slinging an arm around Shino's neck and noogying his scalp with a laugh, "I h'ard ya!"

Shikamaru rubbed the back of his head, a headache beginning to encapsulate and squeeze his brain.

The drolly Inu turned to his locker, "people gotta learn to take jokes," muttering that last part and glancing at Sakura while idyllically worming his eyebrows and opening the locker door. Upon looking in horror met his gaze, "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY LOCKER?"

"KIBA INUZUKA! WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Shizune's uvula flew up and out of her mouth, her - so called - manly voice booming across reaches of the campus!

He shuddered without a second thought, "Yes Ma'am!" and saluted the woman, her cold stare crawling up his back line.

Reverting her attention to the students staring at her, she popped an anger vein, "Alright everyone, get your books and chat or get to class, NOW!" she commanded, with a snap of her fingers, threatening to jump out of her rolling chair. They shuddered and some of they obeyed while others chatted and grabbed books before heading off to class, "and have a wonderful day," the sweet lady at the desk called. Believe it or not, but Shizune did possess her own little reputation, and it was constant that she had to scream at Kiba because of his horrible mouth.

"Yeah, not so loud, dumbass!" Shikamaru hissed quietly, still cringing at Shizune's voice, "God, it's like you were cursed with a voice box or something!"

"Shyaddap," waving Shika off, he turned back to his dilemma, "Who disawganized mah locker? I can't... I CAN' FIN' ANYTHIN'!" flipping through papers and book stored neatly, "Where'dem papers come from? When'da fuck I have 'dis book? WHERE DID THAT GUM COME FROM?" shuddering as he struck a piece of his homework to cover up the pink glob, only then had he realized what he'd just used and slammed his head against the locker, "I had it all organiz'd 'n' neat, too!"

Emerald eyes flared, "Excuse me?" quivering, her face red with rage, "I was the one who cleaned your mess! It was like a paper bomb exploded in that thing!"

Tenten eyeballed the other brunet as a red anger vein imprinted itself on her forehead, "Yeah! Why do you have to be such a PIG?" reiterating her previous thoughts from when Sakura had opened up the door.

He turned to the raging bun-haired girl, lifted his nose and snorted at her as a simple reply, a chuckle escaped his lips.

Shino and Shikamaru ripped him away from her throttling grip and shut his mouth before Tenten took the opportune chance to kill him! He struggled and growled and almost nipped Shino's finger.

The thought boiled in her brain, 'Boys… are… STUPID…' reminiscing with her thoughts for a minute or two until she was ripped from them from Shikamaru yelling in pain.

"OW!" Shikamaru tore his finger away as fast as he'd implied it, "You bit my finger, you fucker!"

Kiba snarled and grinned, "'Den don' put yo' fingas' near mah muzzle, nizzle!" and was released, and then spreading the corners of his mouth, "I'm all fangz biotch!"

After regaining his composure and after Tenten simmered and cooled, Shino fixed his glasses while Kiba dusted himself off and proposed, "A'ight, let's go!"

"Since when have you ever been excited for History? You fall asleep every day!" Tenten threw her arms at him, "How did you even GET ENROLLED into this school?"

Kiba grinned and stuck his tongue out at her, "Wouldn'chu like ta know?" he chuckled as they turned the corner and walked down the hallway, Tenten growing evermore impatient with him. She wondered how she could even take Kiba's constant idiocy for 5 minutes… it was a new record in all honesty. Normally she wouldn't last more than 30 seconds with him around, as if keeping Kiba from getting himself hurt was a full time job… if that was the case, she wasn't paid enough for it…

Nonetheless, they chaperoned Sakura - adding a small tour from Kiba - to their first destination while the aforementioned brunet teen, then later, bickered on and on about trivial nonsense. Sakura found it somewhat entertaining though as the occasional funny remark and laugh gave her a case of the giggles.

Finding it in herself to literally kiss the door, "Finally… Oh History class… thank you… just… thank you," Tenten nearly ripped the door from its hinges before darting inside!

Shikamaru mumbled something under his breath relating to how troublesome this whole day had begun while Shino followed with out a word.

Kiba stood aside "Ladies first," he directed her inside.

Flattered she curtsied and just as she made the first step he scooped her off the ground and walking through the door. A squeal escaped her lips as he twisted and turned and finally set her down. She smacked him for it, and his reason for doing what he did was a 'you took too long' cock of his eyebrow and shrug. But he only smiled and grinned with a nod as Sakura's loquacious friend continued his swagger into the room.

Recovering from her bridal sweep, she took a moment to look around, pacing a bit. It was a basic square really, nothing special, though noting the boundless maps of the world and a few others. The room was located on the right side of the hallway with the windows. There were 7 in that allowed you to look outside and enjoy the view of the village and the mountainous areas situated outside of the evergreen forest that cloaked the Camelot cleverly.

The classroom occupied 5 rows of 6 desks in each row with the teacher's desk situated near the window and large chalk board behind it. Rulers galore and books abound.

Scanning the room, the rosette located the faces she recognized. Hinata sat in the 3rd row, behind the first 3 desks. Adjacent to her in the 4th and 5th rows sitting the in the 3rd desks were Choji and Shikamaru, while Shino sat in his own little world in the 5th row in the 5th seat near the last window to the left of the room. The corner basically...

Ino was positioned in the back of the 4th row. She usually liked putting on make-up, and the back row was the place to do it being that there were a few people in front of her. Sasuke sat in the first row in the 2nd seat while Kiba, much to the dismay on his face; had been permanently placed in the front middle desk 3 seats in front of Hinata. Tenten took her place in the 2nd row next to Sasuke who was in the first. Lee sat in the 4th row in the 1st seat while Neji sat adjacent Hinata in the second row 3rd seat.

"Damn… why do I always have to get the front seat?" he pondered aloud.

"Because," Neji began and crossed his arms, "You fail miserably to comprehend anything due to your idiosyncratic mannerisms of staying up too late at night, gabbing on about your ego and fall asleep in class deliberately, and frankly Iruka-sensei hates it," stated with his arms crossed.

Kiba scowled at the Hyuuga, but then averted his eyes from him and looked at Hinata before sitting in the seat in front of her.

"Mornin' Hinata! Wassa krackalackin' wit'chu!" he grinned brightly. Hinata jumped a bit, nearly offsetting the pink chiffon bow the back of her hair. She was dressed in a long dress and a sleeveless jacket with a collared shirt and tie and vest. Her eyes resembled the paleness of the moon. Her innocuous demeanor made her both a target and a favourite to many people. Of course, out of her shy and timid shell she was equally as strong as Neji was. She clicked her high heels on the tiled floor nervously.

"Umm… nothing?"

Nodding with a grin plastered to his lips, "Coo'! Hey, I got a question fer ya," looking behind his shoulder into the leering eyes of the other Hyuuga, "Why's Neji such an ass?"

Neji's eye hardened at the Inu's remark and snarled, "Careful what you say Inuzuka…" he spat, clenching his fists.

"FFFF, 'cArEfuL wHut YoU sAy InuZuKa'... herpaderpdaherp..." was only Kiba's remark before Hinata shifted uncomfortably between Neji's death glares and Kiba's obnoxious but laughable faces and actions.

Sasuke glanced slightly at Sakura, who shifted her gaze to him, befuddled about the seating arrangements. He cleared his throat, grabbing her attention, "Seating chart's on the table," pointing to the teacher's desk before folding his fingers together and resuming his cool, nonchalant attitude. Her froddo shoes clicked and clacked the tiles before stopped at the desk and hunched over at the chart.

Shifting a little about being seated next to Lee, there were many names she recognized, except for only a few. Situated in the fifth row, first seat and serendipitously located next to a window!

Sauntering over, she plopped in her seat, the deepness of the chair taking her by surprised. Then awaiting the rest to fill in, though her time occupied, laughing at Kiba's humourous faces. The seats slowly began to fill as a red haired girl named Karin walked in and sat in front of Sasuke, and thus began ogling at him with a giggle or two. Sported an interesting pair of glasses and her eyes were as red as red could be! She was clothed in the same outfit Sakura had, only without the bows, and her hair hung loose.

Four others teetered in soon after. They were loud and obnoxious fellows. Hanging all over each other and wrestled around, knocking over a few maps in the process before hitting each others' fists and sitting in their seats. Much to her dismay, one sat adjacent from her. She opted not to attract his attention and turned her head to avoid grabbing his attention, and after that not too long after them that Gaara walked in. Sakura turned to wave at him, only to stop and observe his… new fashion statement...

Apparently the hip-hop look stretched far into Sunagakure as well. Gaara walked in the room dressed in a black tank top, baggy cargo pants and the same shoes as Kiba with the Kanji for "Wind" tattooed on his left deltoid. The kanji symbol for love was still painted on his forehead and his eyes outlined in black as usual. He didn't possess much physical build as Kiba had, but he could be a fierce young man for being 18. You'd expect something from him… but not in the slightest would you expect him to fight so brutally... especially with his exotic capabilities. He plopped down in front of Ino and waited for the bell to ring.

Sakura noted the gold chain around his neck as a sense of discomfort dwelled on her, 'Good grief… what's the world coming to? What happened to decent and neat?'

"Hello Sakura!" Lee greeted out of the blue.

The startled blossom snapped her neck in his direction, "Oh, good morning Lee,"

"How are you? We haven't seen you in three months, is everything okay?" Taking the conversation somewhat bluntly further for her tastes - On a side note, Lee could be a nice guy to talk to at times - He wasn't the best person to enjoy a conversation with, but his optimism over the most subtle subjects crowned him a great conversationalist.

"Oh, it's a family matter. I'm not too keen on discussing it really…" turning away to examine the picturesque little village out the window.

"Well... actually, I had heard about what had happened." Giving his head a scratch and a furrow of his eyebrows.

She nearly broke her own neck pivoting her head to look at him with a wide expression!

"I'm really sorry about what happened to… you know…" his voice sinking lower, "it can be really tough living alone, someone once told me," placing a hand on her shoulder that seemed to sew a faint smile to her lips, "just hang in there okay? You have friends to help you at least," bringing his voice to a much happier ring and grinning as he finished. His words gave her a reassurance that she could move on sometime in the future from the Hell she'd lived 3 months ago.

"By the way," he spoke up shortly after, "I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that you look gorgeous today," the compliment undulating through her ears.

Sakura blushed slightly and a tear nearly fell from her face and smudged her blush. Lee could be a sweet heart at times too, she noted.

"Okay okay, settle down now," a foreign voice traveled from outside, "Kiba, get back in your assigned seat please," a man sauntered through the open doorway, "and take your hat off!" he added without so much as taking his eyes from his watch.

Kiba groaned and complied, stuffing the visor in his backpack before placing both elbows on the desk to support his head.

Dressed in a suit and tie, clipped so it wouldn't flail about. A scar in the shape of a shuriken etched across the bridge of his nose and his hair done up like Shikamaru's; Iruka greeted everyone with a friendly smile, though his eyes shifted expeditiously to the back corner of the room, then back again at them all.

"Okay class, welcome back to another day! Please take out your books and open them up to page three-hundred and seventy-four so that we may begin quickly. I want to get through as much as I can today at least," he stated and looked over his attendance sheet.

"Okay, let me just mark you all off and double check..." the man tapped his pencil against the clip board. Sakura glanced out of the window to gaze at the morning clouds. However out of the corner of her eye she noticed a person walking through the heavenly looking black, iron gates and adverted her attention to them curiously.

"Okay, it seems as though we're all accounted for except for one…" the statement made his eyebrows twitch slightly, before he regained himself, "but then again not all of us have exactly been introduced," as if his head were on a pivot, bobbing up and down at the students, slowing in Sakura's direction. "Ahhh! I was wondering when you would get here, so to be sure I left the attendance out for you," checking her name off the list. "So I say, Welco-" trailing off, his sentence cut short seeing as she seemed to be preoccupied, acknowledging something else "… eh… hello?"

All attention in the room had adverted to her. The pressuring gazes of many suddenly and glanced out of her peripheral vision to see a few smiles and 'who the hell are you?' looks.

"Please, stand up and introduce yourself to the class," he gestured with his hand. "Tell us a few things about yourself, and we'll tell you our names and about us in return!" endeavouring to convince her that the classroom seem friendlier than it appeared at first glance.

Sakura rose and folding her hands at her lap and opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off before she got the chance to begin. The door angled out obtusely and a boy strolled in. Iruka acknowledged him and checked him off, also relieving himself with a sigh.

The boy towered at around 6' 8" above nearly the rest of the other classmates. The room grew heavy and discomforting, the air thickening to where you could choke on it...

Robed in a ragged, sleeveless leather trench coat and somewhat baggy, loose legged cargo pants secured with a belt to keep them from riding down. His foot steps commanded the slight cringing of the many spectators with every weighted step.

Slick looking metal rimmed sunglasses shielded his eyes from view as the clacking of a pair of spit-shined black, dress shoes - tied neatly - echoed. One could catch with an ear the friction of leather against itself as the boy clenched his fist; hands enveloped in fingerless gloves.

An observation worth noting - his upper body bare to the elements, an observation of his torso revealed parts of his right pectoralis and abdominal muscles pastorally inked with an - intimidating - ancient dragon design. Yet, despite the unnerving beast, both of his forearms were decorated in orange and crimson roses sprouting a web of black vines and red thorns.

Sakura's eyes grazed over the thickness that was his neck; the - chain accented - choker clipped around almost stressed to keep the shape of his neck, surmising that the slightest flex and the chain would probably break. Following her eyes down, below the choker, her orbs fogged over with the beauty of a precious-looking green crystal - that could grab and colour anyone's eyes lime green with greed - and then a large and imposing spiked chain giving off a shine, having been recently polished.

Traveling up the lines of his body to his face, one could clearly spot the many piercings punctured along the ridges of both of his ears. While glancing at his fingers he possessed two studded thumb rings, fairly large gemstones encrusted in them both while flaunting the most primitive but still ever popular silver bands - on each ring finger.

Upon his right sternocleidomastoid muscle the Kanji symbol for "love" had been ink-drilled. Decorating a good portion of his left body, excluding his arms, showed a single massive tribal inking, full of undulating and oscillating curves, folding strenuously to fit the form of his cut, bulging body.

From the window a sudden gust of wind picked up just as he turned around to shut the door, and snaked up the length of his trench coat and revealing a vicious Kyuubi tattoo digging its black nails into his back with a malevolent, sickening grin. Sakura shuddered at the accenting blood and shredding of his "skin".

Speaking of foxy, there were, thin, but thick accenting facial whisker marks on his cheeks lending him a fox-like appearance. His chin and beneath his eyes were inked with black slash marks, a few cuts along the bridges of his nose and chin.

There was a soul patch beneath his bottom lip and spread out into unruly-appealing short blond facial hair along the line of his jaw and that gradually spread out along his cheeks, granting him an older appearance, complete with eyebrow, lip and left nipple piercing rings and then a neatly trimmed happy trail running up his lower abs and stopped at his belly button. Around that center was a seal that spread out into five prongs.

To top him off, goldish-blond unruly spiked hair and a deep orange bandana placed across his forehead and tied in the back that slightly slanted off to the right side of his face, as the long strands of very light material gently fluttered behind him. He took a seat in the back of the first row. There as quite a lot of space around him.

Realizing that Sakura had been standing for a long duration, Iruka motioned her to begin introduction.

Pursing her lips together as the blond boy folded his arms and glanced in her direction. Composing herself, "My name is Sakura Haruno, and I am 16 years old. A few of my hobbies include reading books and learning, while a few others would be helping others who struggle to comprehend difficult subjects. I'm pleased to meet you all," adding a curtsy and a nervous smile.

"Okay, now. We will introduce ourselves. I am Iruka Umino, and your instructor for History One-o-one," gesturing towards Lee and then Kiba before moving his fingers down the row, as if they were to introduce themselves in a horizontal fashion.

Clearing his throat, "Rock Lee is my name, and a favourite of mine is youth!" clenching his fists and thrusting them into the air, earning some snickers from behind.

"FFFF, weirdo," Kiba joked, earning a passionate glare from Lee, "The name's Kiba Inuzuka; and I like cruising the town with my dog Akamaru and my otha' dawgz. But 'ey, we aw'ready coo' yo. I also like cheezeburgers!"


"Love you too honey buns," with a glance at Tenten he gave her a kissy face and smiled. He left her mystified. Had he gotten into her brain now?

"My name is Jogo Tibura, and I'm into sports," he stated simply with a sinister grin.

Sakura turned to the red haired girl who glanced and sighed, "The name is Karin, and my hobbies are spending my time with my darling boyfriend," winking at the raven haired boy behind her, earning a highly coveted 'Hngh' from him and a laugh from Kiba, "Shut up private licker!" she raged at the brunet.

"Hey, I lick 'em high and low whereva I go," sparking a grin and a click of his tongue. The grotesque comment nearly forced Tenten's breakfast up while Shikamaru let his head fall on the desk, a loud thud echoing in the room. Iruka only gave a glare of disapproval, causing the brunet to shrug. Karin, on the other hand began to freak out from the mental image she was receiving…

Sasuke tossed a thank you smile to Kiba, who gave a bro nod, while the boy sitting next to Kiba sniffed and sat up.

"The name is Satoshi Tibura, remember it. My hobbies are chillin' like a villain wherever I am," he implied slouching in his chair again.

'And my hobby is kicking wannabe ass' mentally retorted the fang faced gangsta.

"My name is Kizura Mamoto, and I like girls, chicks and anything relevant to the topic of a female!" he grinned and winked at Sakura, then flicked his tongue out in a vulgar fashion. She tightened the gap between her legs.

Sakura, though reluctantly seemed to detect a hint of animosity from the Inuzuka, who had caught the gesture. The look on his face implied, exactly 'Wachit mutha fucka, Imma busta cap in yo' ass…' straightly. She felt somewhat relieved to have caught that, even Kiba knew it.

"You know me, but aw shucks I'll say it anyway for ya. Just call me Tenten. I like fortune telling!" waved the lighter brunette.

"Can you tell me my future?"

Tenten popped an anger vein and clenched her fist, "Show me your face and I'll read it with my knuckles…" her voice lapped a bit as her jaw clenched. Kiba 'oohed' then made the mean kitty meow-scratch-hiss gesture.

"Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha…" the raven haired boy began without Iruka needing to speed things up, "hobbies… I have none."

"Hi Sakura!" Choji greeted with a warm smile, "Name's Choji Akamichi and I like to eat! We should get together for lunch and go out for barbecue, my treat!"

The offer proposed by Choji gave forced Sakura's mouth to begin salivating. The image of barbecue occupying her mind for a bit.

"Oh, can I join?" asked the aforementioned fang toothed young man. The big boned boy shrugged and gave a nod, "Sweet!"

They waited for Shikamaru who found it highly frivolous to introduce himself when Sakura already knew him. But Iruka insisted and the boy sighed, "Shikamaru Nara, and I like staring at clouds…"

"If ya like starin' at clouds, join me later, we'll drag some green and then you'll be swimming in 'em,"

The comment struck Tenten's nerves, "Would you shut up? You're SO ANN-O-YIN-G!" flames spewing from her eyes. Kiba laughed and blew her a kiss.

"Kiba, that's enough," Iruka stated firmly, earning a click of the brunet's tongue and a simple "Fine..." from him.

A sighed slipped out of the mouth of the next young man, "About time…" arms crossed and a stern face, "My name is Neji Hyuuga and I have no hobbies whatsoever," he stated simply.

'What an ass…' the aforementioned brunet thought, 'how does Hinata stand this guy?'

"Shizu Kazami, hobbies; hanging out," the boy yawned, and crossed his arms sleepily.

"Hi Sakura," Hinata waved, "My name is Hinata Hyuuga, and my hobbies are cooking and baking," humming friendly-like.

Sakura's attention came to a red haired boy, about the blond boy's age.

"I am Gaara. It's nice to see you again," another monotonous toned speaker as Shino and Neji were, "my hobbies include seeing my friends and catching up with them," slinging one arm behind his chair and crossing her left leg over his right, "let's catch up later…"

They waited for Shino as he looked her over cleared his throat, "Shino Aburame… my hobby is taking care of my insects."

Sakura sent him a wave before he resumed staring out the window.

Clapping her make-up kit shut with 3 fingers and giggled, "Sakura! I've missed you sweetie!" chimed the platinum blond girl, "Ino Yamanaka at your service! My hobbies are taking care of my mom's flower shoppe and shopping and talking to friends! Come over to my house anytime, we can catch up okay? Kiss kiss!" she winked and stuffed her makeup in her purse.

Sakura nodded and turned to a boy with teal colored hair, "My name is Suigetsu Hozuki and I like swords and sharpening blades and drinking water," holding up a bottle of spring water, he downed it in one gulp it looked like and sighed refreshingly.

Kiba's eye twitched. Drinking water was a hobby?

"Nice to meet you," she bowed and then became somewhat apprehensive. Her gaze fell upon the blond boy, whose demeanor sprouted ambiguity and curiosity.

Realizing his existence became an important matter in the classroom, he slouched in his chair and placed both arms behind him, "You can call me," glancing down and sniffling before giving her his attention again with a sideways cock of his head, "Naruto Uzumaki…" the name stated smoothly as the words slithered from his lips. Placing a tooth pick in his mouth, "My hobbies… working out, playing a few sports, origami and shikigami. Watering and planting flowers and plants, mostly roses..." he flexed his forearms, causing the colours of the roses to pop out a bit more.

That last one caught them all by surprise. There were a few laughs while the others remained mystified and muddled.

"Nice to meet you Naruto, I hope we can be friends," giving him a curtsy. He shrugged before turning back to Iruka.

Kiba cocked his eyebrow, "What's shikigami?" turning towards Hinata.

The mistress leaned in and whispered, "Well... it's where the user has the ability of infusing life to paper, in a way."

The hound found himself somewhat muddled and shrugged, glancing back at Naruto as a thought seemed to be processing through his head, at least before it vanished as Iruka cloared his throat.

"Okay, now that we're fully acquainted… which took less than five minutes…" he paused and grit his teeth, "May I please reiterate that you put your shirts on gentlemen? You can flaunt your bodies and piercings later during Gym or Lunch hour!"

Kiba and Gaara groaned. Sakura stole a peek at Naruto. Though his face showed nothing she noted the heavy clench of his fist with a slight curling of his lips before complying after he inhaled a few breaths.

He shed his out layer and opened up his kit sack, spreading the hole wide to pull the shirt through. The curious rosette stared like no tomorrow. He possessed some of the bronzed skin she'd ever seen. She found it almost beautiful and picturesque.

Pulling his arms through the sleeves, which threatening to rip and tear, the buttons now forced, stressing the fabric to new limits, he robed himself again.

Checking his wrist watch and opening his book, Iruka glanced at the other two who had done as he'd requested, "Please open your books so we may begin, please…"

§ - {} - §

As the bell rang and the class flooded out to their next destination, Tenten rose as Sakura passed her and gripped the pinkette's arm, startling her.

With a slight gasp, the girl was lead from the classroom and into the corner of the door out in the hall, "Tenten! What's wrong!"

The brunette peeked around the corner and sighed, "Sakura, did you really mean it?"

Muddled, the rosette took a moment to regurgitate her earlier words, though nothing came, "mean what?"

"I mean," glancing behind her to make sure he wasn't there and then turned back, "being friends with Naruto," he voice seemed to shudder on it's own.

"Well of course Tenten," pushing the girl away so she could move, "why wouldn't I offer to be friends with him?"

Noting how ignorant Sakura was, Tenten resisted the urge to spill the beans about the aforementioned blond, "just promise me you won't go near him okay? Never ever go near Naruto or even try to spark conversation with him…" insistent with her friend.

"But why Tenten? I mean," she looked at the blond, who inhaled deeply, causing his shirt to rip down, 3 buttons zooming off somewhere unknown. A look of relief spread across his face. The shirt now hanging on for dear life by, now, only 1 button, "he has his quirks, but I'm sure he's a nice guy. Don't be so quick to judge," pulling the brunette along. She gave Naruto a friendly 'Hello' as they passed him in the hallway.

When they were far enough from him the brunette pulled back, forcing Sakura around, "Just please don't, okay? Don't even give him a second thought… at all," she implored!

Sakura ignored the comment and pulled Tenten back before heading to class.

§ - {} - §

AU: Yes, I'm back, and I must say... IT'S GOOD TO BE BACK, BABY! After a long hiatus from this website and my goal at practicing artwork I've finally updated with a new story.

What about your other stories?

~As of now I'll be editing them and making them better, while drawing and keeping this story running. So much multi-tasking… *Dizzy eyes* not to mention I'll be going to college now so… let's hope the updates continue from here on out.

Reviews would be great. But if you're going to be an asshole about it, then don't say anything at all, please. You may use constructive criticism if you wish, but other than that I suggest you keep your fingers from the premises that is your keyboard.

Thank you, Danke, Спасибо, Merci, Takk, Gracias, Grazie, Kiitos, Salamat

P.S. If I missed anything or if any of the words don't make sense. Tell me where and I'll fix it. Please don't be a smart ass about it either if there is, please...