So, my goal for this story is to have 26 chapters, on for each chosen/tamer/legendary warrior. Let's see if I can do this...
Tai's first.
Tai Kamiya had been through a lot in his life so far.
He had seen monsters fighting outside his apartment building, been zapped into another world, been chased by said monsters in said world, almost been killed by his best friend (twice), heck, even saved the world a few times.
But any one of those things, any one, would be better than this.
Why had he agreed in the first place? No one was EVER supposed to know about this! Well, except Kari, but she was his sister and it was impossible to hide it from her.
He knew Matt would laugh at him. Sora would never look at him the same way. Izzy would be shocked. And what would Davis think, knowing his mentor was one of those?
No! Nope, sorry, he wasn't doing this. The boy turned on his heel to leave.
"A man must face himself before he can face his enemies."
The voice seemed to echo all around the room. A familiar voice. A firm voice. His voice.
No. No, this is nothing like that. Not at all. Right?
Ah, who was he kidding? This was exactly like that.
Oh, what was he going to do?
Well, what do you think you're going to do? Said the voice inside his head. "What you do best. Remember Datamon's firewall? Remember reaching through it to the other side, making your crest glow, rescuing Sora?
Well…Maybe he could do this. He heard the announcement with his name, took a deep breath, and started walking to what he felt was his doom.
Keep calm, Tai. Have faith. Be brave. Have…
Tai smiled at the mention of his crest. He could do this. He knew he could.
With a final breath, he walked through the curtain…
The first annual Odaiba talent show was going very well. Several digidestined had entered, and all had a great time in the spotlight. Matt's band had played, Yolei and Kari had done a choreographed dance routine together, Cody participated in a kendo demonstration, Davis and TK's comedy routine was strangely good, and Ken and Izzy had surprised everyone with a magic act. The only one left was Tai, and no one was quite sure what he was doing. Well, except Kari, but she wasn't telling. Everyone, performers included, was gathered in the audience when the announcer boomed out,
"Now, everyone give a hand for… Tai Kamiya!"
The 11 watched in shock as their original leader walked out, dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie. He bowed silently to the audience, then walked serenely to the player piano set up on stage.
And proceeded to play Bach's Piano Concerto No.7 in G minor. Perfectly.
Yeah, that's Tai's chapter. I thought it was pretty good, but what do I know? I'm doing Matt next.
Review? Please?