Alrighty then. This is a fun little project. Working together with imSiriuslyLupin4you , we're writing some letters between Remus and Sirius. So to really understand what's going on you have to read both of our stories. Hers is under the title 'Letters to Moony' and will be up as soon as she responds to Rem! We hope you enjoy!

Dear Padfoot,

You didn't perchance pack one of my textbooks in with your own personal possessions, or James or Peter's, while packing at the end of the year before summer? Because I've seemed to have misplaced my copy of 'History of Medieval Magic', which, I will admit, isn't the most exciting of books out there, but I really do need it for some summer homework.

I only ask if you did because I know you have a tendency to wait till last minute to pack and then just shove everything you can grab into your trunk. The disorder of it makes me cringe.

Other than that...I suppose you're thinking 'oh, our poor Moony must be extremely bored and lonely already without his friends around to cause trouble for him' but so far it is quite the opposite. I already have a huge stack of books just waiting to be read – without interruption, mind you – and plenty of chocolate – that I don't have to worry about keeping hidden – to last me for a good while.

If it makes you feel any better I will most likely, at least once in a while, wonder just what marvelous, yet somewhat terrible, adventures you and Prongs are getting into.

Peter wanted to visit over the summer for a while, but I have yet to figure out how to get the idea past his mother. You know how awfully particular she is about keeping herself, her house, and her children in a clean, protected environment. I'm sure the idea of her son visiting a house she has never been to – and, as such, has not had a chance to check and see if it needs disinfecting – would just horrify her. Even more so considering we let the neighbor's dog stay at our house over the summer while they're away. I'm sure dogs are on her list of things that aren't allowed near or inside the house, or around her family. Not that I have nothing against Peter's mother, mind you. She was very nice to us the one time we visited. Remember that? Well...she was nice until you and James set off some dungbombs or something that about ruined her perfectly clean carpet.

So the point of all that was...I don't know how I'm going to convince Wormtail's mother that her son won't be eaten alive by germs, or whatever weird things she worries about, while visiting me. Ah well. We still have all of summer to figure that out. By 'we' I mean Peter and I...but you and James are more than welcome to help us think of something.

I'm off to read now. Yes, READ, for hours and hours on end. Sitting in one spot. Reading. I know the idea just makes you twitch.
