R+V Parent to Vampire Ch 10 Miyabi's plan begins to unfold.
Akuha glared at Miyabi in open hostility as she silently confronted her little sister Kahlua's boyfriend who had suddenly decided to appear at her front door dressed some kind of green outfit with short pants and a funny looking hat. In his hand he carried a large plastic bag.
"Miyabi, it is six o'clock in the morning and you have two minutes to improve my mood, and for that matter why are you dressed in that ridicules green outfit?" Akuha growled.
Deciding not to wait for an explanation Akuha shoved Miyabi inside her hotel room and continued to glare daggers at him.
Miyabi smirked at Akuha in a sneaky manor as if amused by something.
"Akuha please hear me out. I just want to make sure that this is done correctly and nothing happens to mess it up so I decided to come with you. Okay so put this on," Miyabi thrust out the plastic bag out towards Akuha, "and then come down stairs with me and I will explain the new plan to you okay." Miyabi said in a calm manor as if that settled to mater.
"Miyabi what do you want? You gave me a job to do and now you want to tag along with me as I do it? Do you not trust me?" Akuha narrowed her eyes angrily at the idea that she could not be trusted, or worse fail to do a simple little job of kidnapping two simple little humans.
"Akuha its not that I don't trust you its just that I trust myself….More….Now come with me because I have a plan."
Akuha took a deep breath as she struggled not to kill her little sisters boyfriend.
The dark haired vampire opened up the bag that Miyabi had given her only to find a ghastly green scarf, skirt and shirt inside for her to wear.
"You had better give me a good explanation for having me wear this." Akuha growled as she begrudgingly changed into the green uniform.
"Yes Akuha. That is a uniform worn by a group of elite human female warriors. They have a worldwide organization known as "The Girl Scouts". Now you and I are going to pose as girl scouts and use subterfuge to abduct our targets. Lets go." Miyabi said as he walked down the hall and Akuha begrudgingly fallowed him outside. Outside in the parking lot of the hotel was two large vans with the words "The Girl Scouts of Japan" written on them."
Miyabi got into the first van and started the engine.
Akuha got in the side seat and glared at Miyabi in open protest.
"Akuha if you're upset I don't blame you. Whoever developed pantyhose should be drug out into the street raped and then shot dead. God how do you girls get into those things I'll never know." Miyabi muttered as he steered the stolen vain toward its destination. Miyabi parked the van and put on a black wig. He opened up the back doors of the van and got out along with Akuha.
Miyabi then reached into the back and fished his hand around in a large brown box and pulled out a small green box labeled "Girl Scout cookies." He passed the box to Akuha who caught sight of Miyabi dressed up as a woman and resisted the urge to vomit on the curb. Unbeknownst to Miyabi his wig had blown off due to the wind.
Grabbing Akuha by the arm he guided her to the front steps of a nearby house.
"Now this just a quick practice run, just watch me and do what I do. The point of this is to sell cookies to people." Miyabi hissed as he rang the door bell.
A few minutes later a woman opened up the door. Her eyes drifted to Miyabi then to Akuha. The woman let out a scream as she slammed to door shut.
"Are you sure that this is how this girl scouts work Miyabi?" Akuha sneered as she narrowed her eyes at Miyabi. "Oh yes your plan seems to be working great so far." Akuha hissed snidely.
"That is a temporary setback I assure you. Now all we have to do is walk to the next house. Again just do what I do." Miyabi hissed as he strolled forward to the next house a few paces over and rang the doorbell.
A few minutes later a woman dressed in a white fluffy apron appeared at the door.
Miyabi quickly reached inside the box and extracted what looked like an oatmeal cookie from inside it.
"Girl scouts! Would you like buy some cookies? Here's a free sample." Miyabi said as he raised his voice several levels and extended his hand out toward the startled woman who had an amused look on her face.
The woman blinked as he stared at Miyabi then let her eyes shift over to Akuha only to laugh for a few minutes amused by something.
The woman smiled as she grabbed the oatmeal cookie in Miyabi's hand and ate it quickly.
"Humm, this is a good cookie. Well, okay I'll buy a box. Oh how cute, a father helping her daughter sell cookies. Well I figured that it was either that or you're in need of a sex change operation. Hang on I'll-" The woman let out a gasp of breath as she turned around and promptly passed out in the hallway of her house.
"Now Akuha that is how the plan will work." Miyabi hissed as he walked over to the second van and pounded on the door. A few minutes later a several men dressed in black suits of ties each had a long pole in each of their hands. They then used them to grab onto a large cage that was in the back of the van. Inside fit to be tied was a child who had been transformed into a vicious snarling rabid ghoul!
The four men quickly brought the cage up and set it inside the house one quickly opened the door. The ghoul jumped out and snarled at the four men who grabbed the cage and made a hasty retreat.
The first man quickly slammed the door shut as the other three men deposited the cage back inside the van. Inside the ghoul began to eagerly feast upon the flesh of the unconscious woman who had foolishly eaten one of the cookies that Miyabi had baked with a tranquilizer inside it.
"Now that Akuha is how the plan will work! To an extent...Sort of.." Miyabi said quickly as he smashed a window open to make it look like the ghoul had entered in through the window.
"Now this is how the plan will work, sort of. Now the next house over is the house that we want. Just fallow my lead." Miyabi said quickly as he walked over to the next house and banged on the door.
A woman with long black hair dressed in a blue bathrobe answered the door. Beside her was a man with dark hair dressed in a brown bathrobe.
The man took one look at Miyabi and Akuha and narrowed his eyes.
"Suspicious..." He muttered as his wife narrowed her eyes and muttered the same.
"Hi! I'm this girls father," Miyabi quickly grabbed onto Akuha and gave a her a hug fallowed by a kiss on her cheek. "and I am helping my precious daughter raise money for the girl scouts. Would you like to by a cookie?" Miyabi asked.
"Suspicious, say it isn't the season for you to sell cookies?" The man said a gruff tone in his voice.
"Oh my precious little Latrine just wants to earn her badge in cookie sales." Miyabi said as Akuha gave a smile to Tsukune's aunt and uncle that told them that she would rather kill her "father" than earn a badge in cookie sales.
"Oh yes here's a free sample." Miyabi reached into the box and pull out two oatmeal cookies and gave them to each of the Aono's. The two of them eat them.
"Look sir we real aren't-oh shit suspicious!" Tsukune's uncle cried as he and his wife fell to the floor of their homes.
"Suckers. Now Akuha now that that is done I want you to go up and down the various human neighbor hoods in this city, skip a few houses every now and then just to be safe, and offer a free sample of these cookies that I made with tranquilizer inside of them . After that my men with put one child ghoul in each house you go to. After that break a window just to make it look like a break in. When you run out of cookies in that box there is one extra one in the semi there okay. Once you get done with that box stop alright.
Now the reason why you are going this is because this will help discredit the Elder Vlad and make Elder Issa Shuzen think that Elder Vlad's perverted tendencies, which may I remind you that your father doesn't know about, are dangerously risking exposure of our kind. The best part is that and the more Elder Vlad keeps denying it, the more it will make him look guilty.
Now while you are doing that my men with load thing one and thing two in the semi here and when you are done carry the two of them to Fairy Tale HQ. I have a few other things I need to do. Meet me at this address when I call you later alright. Then I will tell you how you will get on the cruse ship considering it has already left." Miyabi hissed as he got into the first van and speed off.
Kokoa took a deep breath as she walked through the hallways of Youki academy fallowing Ruby until the witch stopped at a solid door made of mahogany wood painted black. Ruby knocked on the door once and the door opened with a eerie creek as if swung slowly open.
Ruby gestured for Kokoa to go through the door. The red haired vampire swallowed nervously. The door swung shut and locked itself upon Kokoa entering plunging the room into total darkness, save for a small bit of light that peaked out from behind several ominous jet black curtains which hung up on the wall behind the Exorcists desk.
While the darkness didn't bother Kokoa it was the ominous hooded and cloaked figure with glowing eyes that stood behind the desk that made Kokoa shiver.
"Well hello again Kokoa. I heard from Ruby that you wish to talk to me and she said that you said that it was important. So I trust that you are not wasting my time after all I am a very busy man." Mikogami chuckled darkly.
Kokoa swallowed as she gave a quick bow to Mikogami and said.
"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice headmaster." Kokoa stopped short unsure of what to say next.
"Yes I am sure that you are now tell me why you are here I have no time to indulge in people who waste my time." Mikogami hissed.
Kokoa swallowed as she thrust out the large red envelope toward the headmaster of Youki academy as though it explained everything.
Mikogami frowned as he took the packet from Kokoa and opened it. Inside was a small audio recorder with a tape inside, various papers with lists of numbers on them, cd disks, video tapes along with jump drives, and pictures. Several were of humans all laid out chained to medical beds with ivy tubes stuck into them while their blood was being extracted by another set of tubes.
Another was of the same dark haired Elder Vlad dressed in a clown suit having his way with several small children along with another vampire with blond hair.
Mikogami narrowed his eyes and stared at Kokoa. "So Kokoa if you're looking to appeal to my sexual fantasies," Mikogami gestured to the dirty pictures of the vampire elder, "Just so you know I don't swing that way. So what is this all about? Humm?"
Unbeknownst to the two of them the small audio recorder teetered on the edge of Mikogami's desk and fell off onto the floor hitting the play button.
A minute of silence came from the tape fallowed by the unmistakable voice of Kokoa's father Elder Shuzen.
"Elder Vlad I agree to allow you take my daughter Moka to your manor for a few weeks perhaps she may grow to care for you once she gets used to you being her mate. Also I'm sure Kahlua will be complacent with your assistant as well. Now lets move on to other business." The tape shut off a few seconds later.
Kokoa swallowed as she struggled to remember what Miyabi had told her however only one thought went through her head at the time.
"Big sis, I mean its about Moka and Kahlua headmaster." Kokoa said slowly.
Mikogami chuckled upon hearing the strawberry redheads reply.
"I see this about your big sisters Ms Moka Akashya and Ms Kahlua Shuzen. Please forgive me if I fail to see the connection. So if you wouldn't mind explaining further…." Mikogami prodded.
Kokoa looked at the picture of Elder Vlad and said. "I mean headmaster the vampire in the picture who is hurting those human children is an Elder vampire named Vlad Tempas. Some time ago I overheard father saying that he planned on making Moka get married to Elder Vlad and Kahlua get married to his equally perverted assistant. I decided to look into the two people of whom father approved of….and I found out more about the two of them then I wanted to know….Then when I found out the truth I couldn't let either of my big sisters get married to those filthy perverts."
Mikogami chuckled darkly as he listened to Kokoa's story. "I see surely such actions are condemned by the vampire council are they not? From what I know pedophilia is about as popular with the vampire council and the vampire Elders as sodomy is it not? So what does your father Issa think of all this? Surely he would never allow such gutter trash into his proud, noble house and clan of vampires?"
For a few moments Kokoa looked even more uncomfortable as she suddenly found the floor very interesting.
"Father doesn't know….I haven't told him about what I discovered. There's more in that packet than information about Elder Vlad's disgusting love of children….When I started looking into the Elder Vlad I discovered more than I was looking for….A lot more….
Please Lord Mikogami look through everything there and I think that you will be surprised at what I found. I don't want Moka to end up with that person if she does then she'll be miserable for the rest of her life and I'll never see my big sister again. I also couldn't along big sister Kahlua to end up with anyone even remotely connected with Elder Vlad. I couldn't allow that to happen and either of my big sisters was to end up with that either of those perverts then they would bring nothing but disgrace on the house of Shuzen!"
Mikogami chuckled as he looked at the strawberry redhead.
"Besides Lord Mikogami even if father knew about Elder Vlad's activities then he would simply find another suitor who he deemed worthy of Moka, I would rather have big sis marry someone I know whom she has a certain amount of control over.
Someone who I know would treat her like she deserves to be treated and someone who I know wouldn't try to take my big sister away from me. No matter how much I loathe myself to admit it I would rather see big sis married to Aono Tsukune then married to any of the other nobleman I've hear father think of setting Moka up with. If Moka were to end up with any of them then they would try to break her spirit and at least with Tsukune big sis would be free to be herself."
Mikogami chuckled darkly at this revelation from Kokoa and stored it away in his brain for future use.
"Well Ms Kahlua and Ms Moka should both be very glad that they two of them have such a good little sister to watch their backs. I will look over all of the information and then get back to you in a few days time Kokoa until then." Mikogami chuckled.
Kokoa shivered as she could tell that the meeting was over.
"Thank you headmaster Mikogami, you can call me on this number when you finish." The strawberry redhead quickly wrote down her cell phone number down on a small piece of paper then turned and left.
In the apartment building that her father had bought for her to use whenever she was in the human world for "business."
Kahlua sighed as she got out of her dress and hung it up in her closet.
"I just hope that this works." Kahlua muttered softly as she prepared herself for what was to come.
A small semi truck with the name "Girl Scouts of Japan," pull up in the parking lot of the apartment building that her family owned. A man in black suits quickly opened to doors to the loading dock of the apartment building then quickly opened the back of the semi truck.
He opened up the back of the semi to revel several medium size cages containing numerous child ghouls. He fiddled with the keys on his key chain until he found the right key to unlock the cage. He quickly threw open the cage and jumped back as the baby ghoul jumped out and into the back of the truck.
It took a quick sniff of the air as it turned its head only to leap at the man who had set it free seconds before sinking its teeth into the mans neck ripping it out making him scream as the ghoul began to feed on its first snack in months. The baby ghoul stared at the shiny keys on the key ring it remembered watching the man stick one of the keys into the little holes until foced the cage open. The ghoul began to pick up the shiny keys and began to imitate its jailer intent on freeing its brothers and sisters.
Miyabi quickly pulled to a stop in front of the apartment building that he knew that Kahlua used to stay in.
Spotting the semi truck he knew the operation was in full swing. He began to make his way into the lobby only to see a ghoul sink its teeth into the throat of some poor human woman who was screaming her lungs out for help. He ignored her as he quickly made his way up the stair case until he reached the top floor. He banged on the door to Kahlua's penthouse suit. Thankfully she answered a minute later. Giving
Kahlua a quick kiss the two of them began to make their way through the hallways all around them Miyabi began to hear screams as from inside the rooms, which made him pause for a few moments.
"Hold on Kahlua this is too easy…Wait." Miyabi walked over and kicked open a door to some room. On the bed was some poor man howling in pain as a baby ghoul ripped out his liver as the old man struggled to fight back against its super strength. The baby ghoul reared up on its hind legs and flashed it fangs at Miyabi. A second baby ghoul soon joined it as it crawled in though the ventilation shafts and into the room. Miyabi swore as he slammed the door shut.
"Oh damn it. Lets go Kahlua we have got to get out of here now!" Miyabi hollered as he picked up Kahlua bridal style and began to run for the stair well.
"Miyabi whats wrong?" Kahlua asked, "I thought that we were going to fight a few of them?"
"No angel fangs. We can't you see…I think that we have a big problem. You see I made sure to stuff only stupid ghouls in the cages for this hotel and apartment building for you to fight. You know to frame the elder….. Well you see I think a hybrid may have gotten mixed in and somehow made his brothers and sisters into hybrids too."
"Wait how do you know that they are hybrids?" Kahlua asked afraid of how Miyabi had come to that conclusion so rapidly.
"Because angel fangs only the hybrid ghouls have vampire fangs in their mouths and the two of those things had fangs in their mouths. The hybrid he could have let the others feed off his blood transforming them advancing their evolution somehow I think…But anyway that doesn't matter now.
Also a normal ghoul would never have thought of going up a ventilation shaft to get to a persons' room but it appears that a few of these did. So we have got to get- oh damn it!" Miyabi swore as two ghouls blocked their way in the stairwell. Unlike the smaller "baby ghouls" these were bigger. They were human size. One male had its stomach ripped out and was spilling its intestines on the floor without a care in the world and the second a female looked like it had a large chunk of its right shoulder and chest ripped off spilling blood everywhere.
"Kahlua get ready to fight okay." Miyabi said as he put Kahlua down on the floor. Kahlua reached up and removed her Rosario from within her hair unleashing her true strength.
Kahlua's left arm began to break apart in a shower of blood as it began to transform into a massive razor sharp bat wing. The first ghoul ran at Kahlua and attempted to slam its fist into her face. She ducked and slammed her fist into its face making it stager back for a few moments. It let out a loud screech fallowed by a grunt. Kahlua swung her batwing arm at the disgusting creature slicing it in half.
Miyabi slammed his fist into the second ones nose forcing the small bone in its nose up into its brain killing it. Miyabi quickly threw open the door only to see about twenty ghouls each with fangs bared out staring at the door on the other side with eager looks on their decrepit faces. He slammed it shut and grabbed onto Kahlua.
"We can't get out that way. Come on. The fire escape on the roof, that's our way out." Miyabi said quickly as he and Kahlua began to make their way back up the stairwell. From below Miyabi could hear the door below them shatter as the ghouls began to tear it asunder and spill into the stair well. Suddenly a door before them began to crack as a torrent of ghouls began to split it open from the other side.
"Kahlua don't look back keep running!" Miyabi shouted as slammed his fist into the face of one of the ghouls as it stuck its head through. The ghoul snarled as it reared back in pain. It was soon replaced by several more ghouls.
"Damn it how could these things have become so many in one time, and for that matter how could there be any adults ghouls? I only ordered there to be about twenty child ghouls released in here. Now after thirty minutes its like their breeding the rabbits!" Miyabi swore as he slammed his fist into another one's face forcing it backwards only for another one to take its place.
Miyabi grabbed its arm then threw it over the railing letting it fall downwards bashing its head against the railings on the sides as it fell to the floor below. Miyabi didn't dwell on his brief victory as he looked behind him only to see a torrent to adult ghouls each fangs bore and sporting various missing limbs and ghastly injures!
"Oh shit!" Miyabi swore as he tore after Kahlua.
Kahlua swung her fist around knocking a baby ghoul over her head sending it over the railing of the stairwell.
"Ah bastards!" Kahlua screamed as one of the hideous beasts sank its fangs into her shoulder taking out a healthy chunk from it. Kahlua swung her batwing arm around slicing it in half even as she kicked another ghoul in the head driving the bone inside its nose inside its brain killing it. More ghouls advanced upon her from the stairway above.
The blond vampiress, despite her injured shoulder, grabbed onto the stairwell and leaped up into the air, unleashing a storm of kicks as she used her hand to rotate herself on the stairwell railings kicking the heads off several ghouls who got too close to her. Kahlua let herself land gracefully down on top of one of the ghouls she had killed. Taking a quick breath she advanced forward ignoring the blood that dripped down her torn dress.
"Miyabi will be okay. He'll survive besides….He's too stubborn and cleaver to die." Kahlua said as she continued to make her way forward. Suddenly adult male ghoul appeared waving a fire extinguisher in its outstretched hands. Kahlua swung her batwing arm at the ghoul waving the fire extinguisher only for the creature to duck her arm and open fire upon her with it. The solution within the extinguisher momentarily made her loose her sight only for another ghoul she had somehow missed grab a fire hose that stuck out from the protective glass case within wall and turn on the water. Unleashing a torrent of water upon her.
"AH! Miyabi! Help ME! I NEED YOU!" Kahlua howled as the water painfully extracted her youki from her leaving her helpless before these rabid animals.
From below Miyabi heard Kahlua's cries for help and doubled his pace as he struggled to ignore the rapidly advancing hoard of ghouls approaching from down below.
"Kahlua hang on angel fangs I'll coming!" Miyabi called as he saw a ghoul spray Kahlua with a fire extinguisher while another unleashed a torrent of water upon her with a water hose.
Heedless of the dangers posed by the water Miyabi leaped onto the railing of the stairwell and used it to jump in front of Kahlua acting as a shield protecting her from the water. Miyabi grabbed onto Kahlua, who was quickly losing consciousness, and ran at the two ghoul ignoring the horrible pain the water was bestowing upon him.
He summoned up everything he had and slammed his fists into the first ghoul taking off part of its face. He grabbed the ghoul by his shirt and slammed it into the second ghoul throwing the two of them over the stairwell. The two ghouls landed with a smash onto the approaching torrent of their brothers and sister offering Miyabi and Kahlua a brief moment of rest as the ghouls began to fest upon the injured ones.
Miyabi continued up the flight of stairs until a bright beam of light reflecting off of something hit him in the eyes blinding him for a few moments. Miyabi blinked as he realized what that meant. He ducked into a hallway and then by some miracle spotted a window at the end of hall that somehow had been left open among the mass of dead bodies and chaos. Miyabi looked behind him and could see the shadows of several advancing ghouls closing in.
Deciding to take his chances, he grabbed Kahlua and jumped out the open window. The two of them landed with a crunch on the cold hard unforgiving cement parking lot. Miyabi felt his body lurch in protest as he vomited up some blood as he struggled to pick himself up. Granted he had turned himself during the fall to make sure that he took the brunt of it and not his Kahlua but that didn't make his body feel any better about it. He wrapped his arms around Kahlua and forced himelf to get up off the cement. Miyabi felt like he could cry as he spotted the van that he had stolen from the girl scouts a few feet away.
Miyabi grunted as he struggled to make his way to the van. "Oh why did I think that this way a good idea!" He groaned as he limped his way to the van and opened the door. He place Kahlua in the side seat he started the engine. It roared to life and Miyabi shot out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.
"Kahlua we made it angel fangs! Oh we made it! Remind me to let you hit me when we get to the manor." Miyabi smiled to himself despite his injuries.
"Oh shit!" Miyabi swore as he saw a pair of red a blue lights flashing in his rear view mirror.
Suddenly a semi truck barring the words "The Girl Scouts of Japan" barreled into the back of the police car and sent it flying off the road. Miyabi looked back into his rear view mirror and spotted a man who flashing a pair of fangs and was covered in blood.
"Oh dear god don't tell me the hybrid ghouls can drive." Miyabi grunted as he swerved into the opposite lane. Much to his dismay the hybrid ghoul jerked the steering wheel and the semi swerved into the second lane after Miyabi.
Miyabi jammed his foot on the gas pedal as he began to swerve in between the two lanes of traffic while avoiding several cars in the process. The ghoul driver of the semi on the other hand seemed to plow through the traffic no caring about the other drivers.
"Oh what I wouldn't give for a grenade launcher right now." Miyabi muttered as he ran through a red light and narrowly avoiding the approaching cars coming at him from the two sides.
The ghoul driver let out a loud howl as Miyabi gazed in his rear view mirror only to see the side door of the truck open up and several ghouls crawl on top of the truck. Each of them leaped down from the semi only to land on several cars roofs in the process and then use them to jump from car to car like a frog would hop from lily pad to lily pad after Miyabi.
"Oh this just keeps getting better!" Miyabi growled sarcastically as he saw several ghouls closing in on the van.
A loud pounding resonated from the roof announcing to Miyabi that he had a hitch hiker on top of the van. Miyabi's eyes darted left and right as he struggled to figure out a way to ditch their unwanted traveling companion. Miyabi jerked the wheel to the left forcing the van onto an out ramp that would take them out of the city.
He jerked the wheel to the right but still the ghoul hung on to his right like a professional cowboy would a bucking bronco. Miyabi swore as he attempted to jerk the wheel to the left again only to find a bloody third hand clutching at the wheel. Miyabi looked to his left only to see a male ghoul hanging on to the door handle with his right hand. The sound of breaking glass told Miyabi that another ghoul was at the right side of the vehicle. Miyabi swore as he jerked the wheel to the right. The ghoul on the right side of the vain attempted to stick its head in through the shattered passenger side door.
"Bastard don't touch my woman!" Miyabi growled as he slammed the ghoul's head into the traffic light on the side of the road sending it flying off its shoulders as its body fell off the side of the vain. Miyabi took one hand off the wheel and slammed his fist into the face of the second ghoul who clung to left side of the van.
For a second the ghoul loosened his grip on the steering wheel and that was all Miyabi needed for he steered the van into the path of another on coming semi. The ghoul screamed as the semi driven by the human driver hit it sending it flying out onto the road in the opposite direction only to get slammed into the path of the oncoming Girl Scouts Semi driven by the hybrid ghoul. The ghoul let out a snarl as it continued to fallow Miyabi and Kahlua. Miyabi let out a quick sigh of relief but he didn't dwell on it for it soon became apparent that the hybrid was beginning to rip its way through the roof of the van.
Miyabi jerked the wheel to the right and turned in onto another road that lead back into the city. Miyabi once more began to weave inside and outside of oncoming traffic, while the ghoul began to plow through it. Miyabi swore as he spotted an unfinished parking garage and jerked the wheel to the right as he broke through the steel gate the keep unwanted people out.
Miyabi layed on the accelerator as he shot forward toward trying to think of a way to shake the ghoul off the top of the van only to hear a scream fallowed by a loud crack. Miyabi smirked as he looked in his rear view mirror only see the ghoul laying face down on the concrete with its face smashed in.
If Miyabi had bothered to look he would have seen a sign up above in bright red that read in bright characters.
"Warning vehicles not accepted over eight feet."
Miyabi jerked the wheel and turned the van around. He rammed his foot on the gas and ran over the ghoul smashing its head with the wheel. Quickly turning on to the busy road again Miyabi quickly made his way to the nearest dimensional tunnel to head for the Shuzen manor.
A short time later Miyabi guided the van into the dark tunnel which would take him to the Shuzen manor. Never did Miyabi feel so glad as he did when the sight of the majestic manor that belonged to the vampire lord came into view.
The van then gave a shudder as it suddenly lurched forward. A loud screech fallowed as Miyabi looked in his rear view mirror. There like a ghost refused to die was the stolen semi the belonged to "The Girl Scouts of Japan" and at its wheel was the ghoul looking mad as hell as he slammed the semi into the van.
"Oh god!" Miyabi swore as the ghoul slammed his rig into the back of the van once more. The van that Miyabi had stolen that belonged to "The Girl Scouts of Japan" was sent flying through the air.
It turned on its side as it broke though the front of the manor and slammed into one of the servants who was standing there, before coming to a not so graceful landing upside down before destroying the majestic staircase in the front room of the manor that normally received guests.
Miyabi blinked as he forced himself to open his eyes as he spat out a torrent of blood onto the shattered roof of the van.
He struggled to move his arms and legs as he somehow managed to yank off his safty belt. He fell to the roof of the van with a grunt. Miyabi quickly looked over and saw that thankfully Kahlua had somehow still buckled inside the van with him. He yanked her safety belt off as he struggled to get the two of them out.
All around him he could hear people shouting and screaming. He managed to get himself and Kahula out just in time to see the semi truck that had slammed the two of them into the manor plow through the side of the manor and slam to a stop just short of hitting the doorway that let to the guest rooms. The side door of the semi broke open reveling several ghouls eager for a fight and thirsty for blood!
Hello everyone! I hope that all of you liked this chapter. As always review please. Also Pm's are welcome.
Cheers Dogsfang