A/n: I've just realized that I put the word 'Ramen' on the previous chapter's title but in the story, none was mention anything about it. Not even Naruto… so sorry about that. Even I was confused actually *nervous smile*

Warnings and Disclaimer are still the same!

Now on with the story!

My Perverted Enemy –Chapter 2

Do Me or Don't At All

After the incident at the infirmary last week, I've been running and hiding away from Sasuke-bastard. This situation had gone and turned upside down! Before, I always anticipate to see, even a glimpse, of Sasuke anywhere around the school so I can show him I'm stronger or better than him and such, and we will began fighting and wrestling around the floor or the grass, whichever doesn't matter, and then got call up to the principal's office, receive our punishments and start again the next day with the same cycle over and over again. We never got tired of it.

But now… it all changed. I didn't want to see or meet Sasuke at all, not even a glimpse, and not even a single strand of his hair!

I tried to hide away from him and will do everything to get away from Sasuke. To everyone, this is weird and unbelievable. Usually, I'm the one who chased him around the school ground to find Sasuke and now, it was Sasuke's turn that was doing the chase, in a weird kind of way and in a totally different reason.

It's downright evil and perverted. I actually witness it myself!


It was after the incident in the infirmary, the day after that, I was gotten into a detention for falling asleep again and was on my way to my locker to get my stuffs and all, when I heard his voice coming from around the other side of the hall. Let me tell you, that it's creepy! It sounds so dark and echo-y that it sends shivers run up my spine.

Since no one is around anymore… so you should be able to feel my fear, right? In a dark and silent hallway, a voice calling out your name and you knew that that person is not good, in any way at all…

That's how I feel…

It seems that Sasuke was waiting for me but somehow he couldn't find me (which I thank God for) and came to look for me. I push myself against a wall just near a locker and try to flatten myself when I heard his voice around a corner.

"Naruto~" he sang. "Come out, come out, wherever you are~"

I never thought that this is going to happen. I always anticipate for this, for Sasuke the one who do the chasing since it was always me the one who did that, to show that he do care enough to look for a fight with me than waiting for me to make a fool of myself or when I make a mistake, or when I make an idiot out of myself with so much enthusiasm. Whatever that means…

Now… it's become a nightmare.

"I can feel you here, dobe…" he said, his voice bouncing against the walls around the halls, making me tensed up and flatten myself a lot more against the wall, trying to hide from whatever evil thing that is called Sasuke.

I clutched my bag tightly in front of me against my chest when I saw his shadow walking towards my direction. I hold my breath and slowed my breathing, closing my eyes tightly, hoping and wishing that Sasuke won't come to this path and take a turn…

…Which was granted when he turned around to an opposite corner and said, "Are you here, dobe? Come on, come out and play with me!"

I released my breath slowly, and calm myself, counting to six before I made a really quick dash (I'm in a track team, so I'm one of the top five fast guy. Me being in the third, Rock Lee the first and Sasuke is the… second) to the front double doors. I ran straight, without looking back and all and I was just about to reach the door when I saw a blur ran past me and blocking the door.

It was Sasuke, smiling like a kid who had just finally found his worth a year of candy and chocolates, right in front of him.

I skidded to a halt and almost bumped into him… which I did, when my shoelace decided to untie itself and make me tripped into Sasuke's open arms and he held me captive right away.

I was so shocked that I don't have the time to panic myself as I tried to push Sasuke away. But he's so strong (stronger than I used to know…) that my struggling against him is useless like a little girl trying to push steel door that clearly said 'pull'.

"Sa-Sasuke! Let go of me!"

"Why~?" he whined, a pout is visible on his lips. His pink ravish-able lips…

What the hell am I thinking? Get a hold on yourself, Naruto!

Fate seems to play around with me now. Destiny, Guardian angel and God too must have been plotting against me and now probably laughing their asses off from watching my flustered and creepy situation.

"Why should I let you go when you stare at my lips like that?"

I can feel my body tensed, and I'm pretty sure Sasuke can feel that. I glared daggers at him, trying to put a sinister and scary as hell face, and stare at him. "Let. Me. Go. DAMNIT!"

Sasuke didn't even tensed or react to that. Hell he didn't even bat an eyelash at me when I said that to him. He just looked bored and expressionless at the same time.


Before I get the chance to retort back, Sasuke kissed me hard on the lips. He turned us around and shoved me to the front door, trapping me from going anywhere. I clutched his shirt with both hands, trying to push him away. This is embarrassing and I don't like it.

What is this feeling of familiarity?

This is the first time Sasuke kiss me, right? And yet, it felt like this has happen before… That's ridiculous! I would never let Sasuke-bastard do this to me, not ever!

But unconsciously, I tilt my head upwards, almost like body move on its own and tried to give in to the kiss, giving more access to Sasuke, which he did when I can feel his tongue lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

Of course, I didn't grant it at all and Sasuke seems to not liking that one bit. So, what do you think he's going to do?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he fucking gripped the back of my head, take a handful of my hairs and tug it, forcing my head to tilt upwards. I glared at him and he glared back. My angry eyes turned into shock and unbelievable when Sasuke brush his knee in between my legs, making me gasped.

He takes this chance and kissed me again. This time, he shoves that –surprisingly skillful- tongue of his into my mouth, while at the same time, brushing my now apparent arousal.

I closed my eyes and gripped his shirt tightly. I don't what to do anymore. My body somehow didn't want to listen to me and instead response to every touch that Sasuke give. The way his tongue exploring my mouth, the way his hand loosen up from gripping my hair and just softly hold my head, and the way… his hand began to touch around my body, giving up goose bumps along the way with soft and warm touches…

It's too much for me to handle this… everything… at once.

Why is Sasuke doing this to me?

I know my face is red right now. I know that I'm panting and moaning slightly. I know I can feel the shivers running around my body and the p-pleasure I'm experiencing. I now that it really is Sasuke who doing all of this to me.

I didn't want this… right?

Sasuke broke the kiss and I gasped, trying to get as much air into my lungs as possible. Sasuke began to trail kisses and hickeys along my neck, jaw and collarbone, just like yesterday during at the infirmary. And I, again, unconsciously give him more room by tilting my head to the side.

This is wrong. This is so wrong! I don't want this!

I pushed Sasuke away and slap him in the face. I can see he was shocked by the sudden act of aggressiveness coming from me. I closed my eyes tightly, both hands in a tight fist and I shouted, 'Baka teme!' before opening the door and run away as far as I can from him.

Well… I'm running to my apartment, so that is considered far.

I live at the downside of the city, where the middle class live while Sasuke live at the high class part of town, which is far, far away from where I live. And by the time I got home, I didn't have the time to relax or get depress because looking at the evidence of the activity that happen, it is visible right between my legs. So I… begrudgingly have to take care of that.

*End of flashback*

And that was six days ago. The incident at the infirmary was a week ago.

Today, I manage to escape from Sasuke, yet again.

But somehow… I can feel that I had hurt Sasuke. Peeking around a corner, I saw Sasuke standing in his group of 'friends'. It seems that he's talking with Neji. With his back side facing me, I can't make out his expression at all. I always have this instinct, you know, about Sasuke. Whether he's in trouble or having a hard time or hurt or in danger, I always can tell. And he seems too to have that instinct for me.

So when I feel that he's hurt, I know he is.

I turn back and just gonna leave Sasuke be again for today. But…

"Yo, fox face!" Kiba called up to me.

I tensed and frozen up in my place. Damn Kiba and his idiot-ness. He walked up to me and I give him a strained smile. I just hope Sasuke didn't notice me at all and just continue doing, whatever it is he was doing. And again, that is just impossible. I can feel his stare at the back of my head and I began to sweating a bit.

"So, Naruto," Kiba said, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "I heard that Sai is gonna participate in this art gallery contest. You wanna see it?"

I nodded my head, keeping my smile. "Y-Yeah… sure…"

As Kiba and I walk away, I turned around slightly and meet Sasuke's eyes. My eyes widen and my body tensed up.

Sasuke look both angry and hurt.

To everyone, his expression didn't change at all but I know him and I can tell it based from his eyes. They're darker than before and also glassy, almost like a glass or steel. When Sasuke like this, it'll be a lot harder to deal with him and he won't hear a word you're saying.

He look down, breaking the eye contact and walks away. His back look so far away right now that if I didn't do anything fast, I might unable to catch up to him and reach out to him.

"K-Kiba, sorry man but I can't right now. Maybe later or tomorrow," I said, breaking away from his hold and start to walk backwards. "Tell Sai I'm sorry!"

I broke to a run and run towards the direction that Sasuke headed. I look around, trying to find him. Sasuke is always faster than me and I always hate it. Aarghh… Damn it!

Running towards a corner, I saw him walking casually to the back door of the school, probably on his way to the parking lot. I pick up my speed and call him, "Sasuke!"

But he didn't stop, as if he's ignoring me or he didn't hear me. So I leap up and jump, hugging him from behind. "Sasuke, wait!"

He stopped in his track and turn to look at me and I almost flinched visibly. His eyes are steel grayish black eyes. And that is not a good sign at all. Why am I feeling guilty? Why do I have to apologize to him instead? He's the one who is wrong here. He molested me and sexually harassed me and yet… I'm the one who feel guilty.

Why…? Why me?

"Sa-Sasuke… I'm sorry about the other day…"

I closed my eyes and hug him tightly. I don't care if I'm the bad one. I don't care if I'm blamed for something I didn't do. I don't care if people hate me because I don't want Sasuke to hate me and leave me.

I don't want that…

Sasuke is my important… friend…

He's my very first friend… my very first best friend…

I sob and hiccup a little, unable to hold my tears inside. Why am I crying anyway? I'm a guy, damn it! I'm manly and crying is just... reminds me of my old self. But the thought of losing Sasuke is just... unbearable. Sasuke move to turn his body towards me and I loosen my hold. A few tears fall down to my cheeks and I hastily wiped them away. Why do I always feel weak around Sasuke? Years and years I tried to prove that feeling wrong and yet… deep down I know it's impossible.

"Naruto… dobe, look at me…"

I shook my head, still trying to wipe the tears away but they keep on pouring down like waterfall. I keep my hands near my face so Sasuke won't be able to see me, my face, clearly.

He take a hold of both of my hands with one hand while the other one, he cupped my face and wipe away the tears with his thumb. I open my eyes and look at him. Sasuke smiled a little and his eyes soften.

"I'm not mad at you," he said. "I-I'm…"

I stare at Sasuke with wet eyes as he take a deep breath and let it out and look sideway, as if embarrassed.

"I'm actually mad at myself…"

Eh? EHHH? Why?

I must have said that out loud because Sasuke chuckled a little and look back at me. He wipes my tears again, brushing my cheeks with soft touches. My hands, which he's still holding, he bring it near to him and kiss it, making me blush, remembering how soft Sasuke's lips are against my… Ahh! Stop! Not now, you stupid brain!

"…I don't know what had gotten to me the other day and I'm really sorry about that. I just feel really guilty and bad about it but the worst thing is when I thought that you will hate me and by the way you running away from me and ignoring me, I guess that's it for me. I don't want you to hate me, Naruto."

I stared wide eyed at Sasuke. So he too is afraid of that, huh? Guess we're both the same. He wrapped his hands around my shoulders and hugged me tightly against his chest, in a warm embrace.

So Sasuke too have a soft side eh? This is good for blackmailing and threats against him. Kukuku…

"So, I'm not gonna let you go, this time, dobe…"

Hm…? What did he said? Not letting me go this time? What is that suppose to mean?

Well I found out soon enough when I feel his hands touching my butt and grasp them, making my hips move forward and brush against him, his obvious arousal. I feel my cheeks heated with so much flares that I'm surprised it didn't blow up.

So this is what he intend to do, huh? This… This bastard!

"You bastard, Sasuke! Let go off me, you jerk!"

"Why…? You were crying so much for wanting to be in my arms, me, the Sasuke-sama"

This is just so impossible…

How is this possible…?

I possibly didn't know the reason… or if there's any at all...

"Like hell I want that, teme! Damnit!"

God, please stop laughing and help me at once from this devil's hold~

A/n: Ahh… there you go~ I hope that the story is… ok…

I'm a failure… The story is a fail~ Q-Q I actually tried to write a lot more hot and steamy sexual harassment to Naruto. I actually have a lot of ideas of kinky stuff (in Sasuke kind of way…) but… look how it goes… uhuhu

Well… tell me how it is and please Reviewing… so I can improve it more…

Review, kay?