

About four months later, a sizeable crowd had gathered in front of the castle. The people were waiting patiently, occasional shouts of joy and delighted cheering the only sounds that could be heard.

Roaring jubilation broke out when the king stepped onto his balcony, his newborn son in his arms. Cho, his new chief advisor, was close behind him, smiling for a change, and accompanied by the proud grandparents, Angus and Elizabeth.

"I still don't understand how in hell you KNEW that you had to come exactly now", Jane said to Angus with a frown on his face.

"I knew it the moment I saw her after your battle with the Shadows", Angus said, smiling smugly, "and she told me she felt 'strained'? She's a pixie, the epitome of strength and health. Only one time in the life of a pixie girl when she's not on top of her game."

He looked at his tiny grandson fondly. The infant was sleeping peacefully in his father's arms.

"As to the six months", Elisabeth smiled, "look at her hips, my lord. She can't carry a baby for nine months- it would get much too big."

Jane looked at his son. His mother-in-law was right- he was smaller than fairy babies. But he was healthy and so beautiful the king's eyes were brimmed with tears whenever his gaze fell on his precious baby. He would protect him with all his might.

He waved to the cheering crowd again before he went back inside, carefully handing the little boy back to his mother.

The king framed his queen's face with both hands and kissed her soft lips, hoping she knew how damn proud he was on her. She had been so brave, so strong. He was full of admiration for her and indefinitely grateful that she was at his side. He would love her forever, as he would their children.

Teresa looked at her baby-son. He was perfect. And she had seen his wings, as had the king, flashing up in the moment of his birth, only to disappear until his little mind would will them into appearance again. They were green.

"What's his name?", Elisabeth said softly.

"Milaro", Teresa answered, looking at the king, putting all her love for him into her gaze, "it means 'against all odds'."

The End

Okay, I know, the end was super-sappy…I couldn't help it. I hope you liked it, nonetheless! Please tell me what you think about this story now you know every chapter! I'd so LOVE to know!