Hey there readers, it's Dakotah! Here's a little bit of a follow up.
So I bet your wondering what happened to our favorite characters after that? Well, Jaden and Destiny made their way to the nearest hospital, where they were treated for burns and scars and stuff of the like. After a month or so, Jaden took Destiny back to Avery's cabin, where the former was living with his new wife Rebecca. Destiny eventually helped Jaden come back into contact with his parents. However, due to an accident involving orange marmalade, a chocolate cake, and a twelve ounce bottle of bleach, Destiny and Jaden's mother would not speak to each other for a long while. Anyway, Avery eventually opened a game shop in a nearby town and, seeing his window of opportunity, Jaden moved there and took a job working for his soon-to-be brother in law while Destiny wrapped up at collage. Together they lived happily ever after, blah blah blah, fluff fluff fluff. EXPLANATION TIME!
Firstly, I have to thank my friend Rizu from RizuofWolves for the inspiration for this fic. Sorry I had to kill off Yusei, buddy.
Secondly, I have to address the issue of Destiny herself. Obviously she does not exsist. You see, I am a bit of a Jaden fangirl, and Destiny is pretty much my dream self. She's confident, sassy and bold, very pretty, and she gets to date Mr. KuribohHead! What's not to like?
Thirdly, Kuu. I was talking to my friend Kuu one day and she asked me to put her in my story. I promised I would. Later that evening, I was typing and needed someone to take Joey and Jaden to Marik's tomb and *poof!* there she was! And, just to clear this up, she is not a tombkeeper. I don't know how she knows where Marik's tomb is, she just does!
Lastly, I have to clear up Marik and Jaden's duel. I know ZIP about Yu-Gi-Oh dueling. ZILCH. NADA. ZERO. So, I may or may not have created an accurate duel. I don't know the many loopholes and plot twists, so I just kind of stuck to the script.
P.S: I kind of pictured Destiny as looking like Saki Narashino. LOOK IT UP!
Avery was supposed to look like Seto Kaiba.