A/N: Hello. This is my first published story, so sorry if it sucks. As any other, I like reviews. If you read and don't review though, I understand that too (cause that's usually what I do…). Constructive criticism is welcome with open arms! Oh, and uh…
Disclaimer: Inuyasha (in all it's awesome glory) does not belong to me.
Now, on with the show!
Chapter 1: This perfect little world…
"You filthy wench!"
The furious inu lord crashed through the shoji screen door to his "mate's" sitting room.
"Where is he?"
He bellowed. The woman sat unfazed, completely unbothered, sipping her tea.
"He is no longer my problem."
His eyes bled red, as he smacked the tea from her hands.
"You witch! He can't even sit up on his own-"
"Well then maybe, if he's as lucky as you say, he'll die painlessly."
His hand wrapped around her throat in rage.
"Why would you do this?"
"Because, Toga, you don't care about anyone but yourself!"
He shook his head furiously.
"I love my son!"
He yelled, making the woman in his grasp squirm and scream.
"Then why didn't you love me?"
He dropped her.
"You're sick-"
"I am not!"
"You would doom your own son-"
"Because he was useless! His job was to get you to love me, and he didn't! The little bastard is more trouble than he's worth! They had to cut him out of me like he was some tumor, and all he does is cry, and-"
"He's just a pup!"
She laughed sadistically.
"Not anymore! Now he's just dead."
He stepped away from her, shaking his head.
"You're insane..."
His anger came back full force, as he picked her up and threw her through the broken screen door.
"Lock her up. Do not let her get away."
He yelled to the servants he knew were watching, before jumping from the nearest window.
He would find his son…