Disclaimer – I own nothing of Harry Potter except my original characters and the plot. The rest belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling. 'Nuff said.

A/N: I have a disability and always wondered how students at Hogwarts got around, for instance if someone was in a wheelchair or blind or deaf, how would they learn?

A/N 2: Original characters – the Kent siblings:

Abigail Olivia Kent – 14 years old. Has chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes, is about 5'6, skinny, average weight and has Cerebral Palsy. Is in Ravenclaw House.

Benjamin David Kent – 13 years old. Has blond hair, blue eyes, is about 5'3, skinny, average weight and is deaf. Is in Gryffindor House.

Cecilia "CeCe" Regina Kent – 12 years old. Has chocolate brown hair, blue eyes, 5'2, skinny, average weight and is wheelchair bound. Is in Slytherin House.

Devin Oliver Kent – 11 years old. Has blond hair, brown eyes, 5'1, skinny, average weight and is blind. Is in Hufflepuff House.

Summary: AU: What if you were in a wheelchair or couldn't see or couldn't hear? How would you fit in at Hogwarts? Follow the Kent siblings as they struggle to fit in. Rated T because I'm paranoid.

Genre: Friendship

Rating: T


(chapter title – Abigail's Point of View)

I sighed as I looked myself in the mirror. Another year at Hogwarts – my favorite place on earth, besides home. For now, I am wearing a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt with an owl on it. Later, I will change into my Hogwarts robes on the train.

"Abby! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" CeCe calls up the stairs.

"Coming!" I call back, brushing my hair into a ponytail and rush down the stairs, making sure I have everything I need for Hogwarts.

"Don't forget your cane!" Mother calls as we get our trunks in the car. I roll my eyes and grab my cane. I then hobble down the stairs and into the car.

"I wonder which house I'll be in." Devin wonders out loud. My siblings and I are in different houses – I'm in Ravenclaw; Benjamin is in Gryffindor and CeCe is in Slytherin. Usually, with siblings, we're put together – like the Patel twins or the Weasley brothers. Not us.

"You'll find out when you get to Hogwarts." Mother tells us, kissing each of our cheeks as we enter King's Cross Station. Every year, mother sends us off to school, not bothering to come inside the station, for her fear of large crowds. Father died a year ago over summer break, so I hate leaving mother. I reluctantly give her a hug and follow my siblings to Platform 9 ¾. I help all of my siblings through before going through myself.

I sit in the Ravenclaw car, while my siblings find their respectable houses. Since Devin isn't sorted yet, he sits with the other anxious first years.

"Hi Luna. Have a good summer?" I greet my fellow fourth year. She looked up at me from behind her Quibbler and nodded.

"I did. What about you?" she asks, ignoring my cane. She's basically the only one who does.

"It was all right." I say, digging in my bag for my notebook. I feel the train jerk forward and we're off for Hogwarts.

"Devin, go with the other first years. I'll meet you in the Great Hall." I tell my brother, asking a fellow first year to keep an eye on my brother. She nods and takes his arm, guiding him to the boats waiting to take them to the castle.

"You love your siblings – I can tell." Luna tells me as I struggle to get into the carriage that's waiting for us.

"I really do – oof!" I say, as two other Ravenclaws – a boy and a girl – sit with us. I see CeCe struggling to get into the carriage that's behind us.

"Levitatious CeCe." I whisper, pointing my wand at my sister. She levitates gracefully into the carriage, wheelchair and all.

"You're coming along with your spells." Luna tells me. I blush and put my wand away, not wanting to get into trouble with McGonagall. She's my favorite teacher and I don't want points taken away the first night back.

Finally, all four houses are gathered in the Great Hall. The Great Hall is filled with gleeful chatter as Luna and I make our way to the Ravenclaw table. I sat down and placed my cane under the table.

"Good summer Abby?" a fellow Ravenclaw asked. I nodded and turned my attention to the front of the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledore had gotten up and waved the doors to the Great Hall to open. The first years filed in, all of the other houses clapping and cheering. In the crowd, I found Devin clinging to a black-haired first year girl.

"Kent, Devin." McGonagall read off the list. Devin felt his way forward and sat upon the stool. The Sorting Hat took its time deciding where to place Devin and placed him in Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff table cheered as Devin made his way towards them. I saw him sit next to a blond boy and shake his hand.

After the sorting was finished and before the feast was eaten, Dumbledore raised his hands for silence. All eyes turned to him.

"As you noticed, we have some students at Hogwarts who are different from us. Please don't shun them, but welcome them graciously. These students are the Kent siblings – Abigail, Benjamin, CeCe and Devin. If you see them struggling with something, help them – be their friend. That is all." Dumbledore said, sitting back at the Head Table. I sunk low in my seat – I didn't want anyone to feel bad for my siblings and myself.

It was time to go to our houses. I followed Luna to the Ravenclaw common room. I stayed in the common room while she went to bed.

"Don't stay up too late – classes begin tomorrow." She reminded me.

"I know." I told her, getting my quill, ink and parchment out. I scrawled a letter to mother, asking how she was doing and how life was in general. I stumbled down to the Owlery and found my owl – a Great Horned Owl named Felix. He had belonged to my father and I wanted to keep him in the family. I held out my arm and he flew to it, landing with a soft thud.

"Take this to mother." I instructed. He chirped and was off. I smiled and made my way back to the Ravenclaw common room, hoping I wouldn't get caught. I saw Filch and Mrs. Norris near a suit of armor and when their backs were turned, I sprinted for the Ravenclaw common room. I was almost there when my cane slipped out from under me, sending me flying in a pile of arms and legs down the corridor. I held my breath, praying to Merlin that Filch or Mrs. Norris didn't hear me. They didn't seem to notice until Peeves came floating out of nowhere.

"Peeves – don't you dare!" I whispered, knowing that he would ignore me – as usual.

"A Ravenclaw came and went
Who was it? The girl named Kent
." Peeves said out loud. I hobbled off towards the common room, hoping that I would get there in time. The portrait closed just as Filch came up the stairs that led to the Common Room. I went directly to the dormitories and fell asleep when my head touched the pillow.