So here's the final chapter. Told you this was a short one. Thanks again for the reviews! :)

Chapter 5

Back on Candace and Jeremy's boat, Candace was very much enjoying the romantic boat ride with Jeremy though she was still a little miffed with the whole "funnel of love" thing, she was happy that Jeremy was happy. Suddenly, her phone rang.

Jeremy said, "Wow. I can't believe you can get reception down here."

Candace said, "I can't believe that it survived all that water. Excuse me, one minute." Candace turned away from Jeremy and greeted cheerfully, "Hi, Mom!"

"Hi, honey! Is everything okay? I mean, I never got a call from you today," Ms. Flynn said.

"Everything's fabu!" Candace said in an abnormally light-hearted tone. On the other end, Ms. Flynn made a very surprised and a bit concerned face. "Well, that- that's wonderful. So anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be on my way home. I'm about five minutes away right now."

"Okey dokey, then! Bye!" Candace said and hung up her cell phone.

Jeremy asked, "Anything wrong?"

She turned to Jeremy and said, "Nah. My mom's just going to be home in five minutes."

Candace smiled silently until the realization swept over her. Her eyes shot up and she cried, "Oh my gosh! Mom's going to be home in five minutes and this whole tunnel is still here! This is going to ruin everything! My date! And Phineas's date! I don't want her to ruin Phineas's first date!"

"Calm down, Candace. Just call your mom back and tell her that."

"Right, right, right!" Candace said quickly. She pulled her phone out again. However, she did this so quickly that her phone slipped right out of her hands like a bar of soap and into the water.

"No! No! No! No! No!" Candace screamed as she watched the pink phone sink down to the bottom of the river. The light slowly blinked out. "Hang on, Phone, I'm coming to getcha'!" Candace said as she stood up in the boat, which shook it rapidly.

"Candace!" Jeremy cried, but Candace had already dived straight into the river. He gripped tightly to the sides of the boat in fear of it tipping over as it rocked from side to side. Candace's head soon popped up out of the water. She had her phone in her hands.

"Please work! Please work! Please work!" Candace continued to press buttons, "No!"

"Candace, are you-"

"I'm sorry, Jeremy! I have to go! I'll be right back!" Candace said as she climbed onto one of the side ledges. She began running around looking for the nearest exit.

Jeremy sighed and said to himself, "I knew it was too good to be true, but that's my girl."


Phineas was still looking out the window on his side of the tunnel at the city. Isabella was still a little distracted and upset about before.

"Danville looks so different from this angle doesn't it?" Phineas asked.

"Sure…" Isabella said slowly. She then asked nervously though the answer would be obvious, "Phineas, have you ever kissed anyone?"

Phineas turned back to Isabella answered brightly, "Sure! Who hasn't? Like my parents and my sister and-"

"I mean outside of your family," Isabella said.

"Oh. Well then… no," Phineas replied.


Candace had found an emergency exit door and ran through it and up the stairs until she was in the backyard once more. Her clothes were still dripping and she had slipped several times on the steps, however, she was going to stop at nothing. Ferb was sitting on the dock contently reading a book. He looked up to see a drenched Candace run through the gate out to the driveway just in time to see her mom's car pull into the driveway.

Ms. Flynn got out of her car and looked at Candace quite shocked to see her daughter soaking wet.

"Candace? Why on earth are you-"

"Mom! Don't go into the backyard!"

"Um… is today opposite day or something?" Ms. Flynn asked sarcastically.

"No! Listen!" Candace took a deep breath and then explained all in one breath, "Phineas and Ferb built a 'tunnel of love' in the backyard and then Isabella came over and was all like 'whatcha' doin'?' and then the whole time she was trying to tell Phineas that she was in love with him, but he never seemed to get it so I came out and then I told him so he went over to her house and gave her some weeds and asked her out on a date and then they went on their date and they're on their date right now in the tunnel of love and I was on my date with Jeremy and there was a whirlpool and some singing alligators and a Buford in a diaper and then I dropped my phone in the river and you can't come into the yard and bust them because that'll ruin my little brother's very first date so if you could please not get them in trouble that would be great!"

Ms. Flynn blinked a couple of times, completely overwhelmed by Candace's story. "Repeat that?"

"Urgh! Just don't go back there!"

"Candace, you've really gotten me worried. Are you hiding something from me?"

"No! No! Don't look!" Ms. Flynn was heading into the yard. Candace grabbed onto her mother's arm. "No! No don't! Wait. Why am I worried? As soon as you go in there, it'll be out of your sight and I'll have nothing to worry about," Candace said. However, for once, this didn't happen.

Ms. Flynn gasped at the sight of the large entrance to the tunnel and Ferb sitting on the dock.

"Phineas and Ferb made that!"

"Sure. Of course- wait what? No!" Candace cried.

"Wh-where does that tunnel lead to? Ferb! Where's Phineas? What's going on here!" Ms. Flynn exclaimed. Ferb jumped off of the dock and walked over to his mom.

At D.E.I…

Dr. D's elbow hit the dial on the machine. Perry pushed him down to the ground. Doofenshmirtz glanced up at the machine's settings.

"Ooh… that's not good. It looks like the machine's now set to seven hours back and to the entire universe. Why would I even have a setback for that long? That would just bust up the laws of physics even more." Dr. D said.

Perry then got a sudden idea. If he could undo this whole day and set it back to the beginning of this morning, then maybe he could come in early and destroy the machine without Doof noticing. Who knew what type of things this could throw off in the day, but if it was going to put an end to all this complicated mess, then it was worth it.

Perry jumped up onto the top of the machine and reached for the button…


Inside the tunnel, Isabella held Phineas's hands in hers. This was it. A moment she had been waiting for a very long time for now. The two smiled at each other. Isabella leaned in first until her nose was touching Phineas's. Slowly, their lips grew closer to one another and then-


Friday, 7:00am

It was a bright and sunny summer morning in the Tri-state area. Phineas and Ferb had just woken up and were sitting up in their beds with their pet platypus, Perry lying on the end of Ferb's bed. Their platypus's eyes suddenly widened and he zipped out of the room.

"Well, it looks like Perry's trying to get an early start this morning. Good morning, Ferb," Phineas yawned, "So what's today's project look like?"

Ferb reached over the side of his bed and pulled out a blue print and some notes. He held up the blue print to his brother.

Phineas said, "Oh that's right. We were going to make that whole 'tunnel of love' thing for Candace." Phineas stopped for a moment and then said, "Ferb, I don't know about you, but for some reason, I can't help, but feel we already did this before.

In the meanwhile, Perry didn't even bother stopping at his headquarters. He rushed straight over to D.E.I.

There he found, Dr. Doofenshmirtz sipping some coffee and reading the paper.

"Perry the Platypus, what are you doing here so early?" Dr. D questioned. That's when it came back to him as he watched Perry run straight for his inator. "Wait! Perry the Platypus! No!"

Perry had already destroyed the machine before Dr. D could do anything. "That is so unfair! Curse you, Perry the Platypus!"

Perry simply smiled and exited the building.

"What? That's it? Really? That doesn't even make any- oh what's the use. It was getting old anyway."

Back at the house…

"Does it feel that way to you, Ferb?" Phineas asked looking at the blue prints now in his hands, "You know. That we've done this before?"

Ferb nodded in reply.

Phineas began to tear the blue prints and notes up into shreds. "Well, you know what I say. Always keep moving forward." He then crumpled the shreds into a ball and tossed it into the trash bin on the other side of the bedroom. "Two points! I guess that means we can come up with something else to do today."

Phineas and Ferb hopped out of their beds.

As Phineas walked out of the room he glanced down at the floor to spot a coin in the carpet. He bent over and picked it up. He said, "Hey look! A penny! It must be my lucky day!"

Phineas continued on his way downstairs. However, Ferb stopped and stared at the wall for a moment and said to himself, "Whoa. Déjà vu-ish."

Omigod! Phineas! No! You've done the same things twice over the summer before! Phineas! Ah well...

Please, do NOT hate the story because of this. Like I said, I tried to keep it true to the series. So I don't really want to hear complaints about that.

Thanks for reading! ;)