*Poofs in* Hello! I am back for another exciting installment of My Immortal after 3 long months! I very much considered not continuing this story… but then I remembered I promised I would finish the entire thing… so here I go!

Next chapter is the hacker chapter! Hang in there guys!

AN: wut doez every1 fink if I end da strory DO IT. DO IT. DO IT… and den I add sum more 2 it after vocation? NOOOO oh yah asnd prepz stup flaming if u dnot lik dat story den take muh quiz ok den u wil c if ur gofik Should've known she'd make a quiz… or not!1111111 I'll go with not!(aka.111)

Satan and I walked 2 his car It wuz a blak car wif pentagrams all over it. On da license plate said 666 just lik Draco's car. That's not right… I went in it seduktivly You can't handle all this seductiveness Stan started 2 drive it. We talked about Satanism (lolz he wuz named after Satan, kuttting, musik and being goffik. He was named after all those things? Funny, only one actually fits his name.

"Oh my satan, Gerard is so fuking hot!11" Volxemortagreed as we smoked sum weed. (koz bi guyz r hot dey r so sensitive I luv dem lol goez fux a bi guy) And smoking weed = sensitive guy?... Seems legit.

"Lol, I totally decided not 2 comit suicide when I herd Hilena." Lol I said in a flirty voice. "...Hey Satan do u know da cure 4 when ppl r adikted 2 Volxemortseruem?" I like to change topics randomly. It must be the Gemini in m- SQUIRREL!

"Well..." he thought. "I fink u have 2 drink Vampire blod." Blod… Is that anything like blood?

Suddenly Volxemort parked da car behind a blak movie theater. Satan and I walked outside. We went in2 da movie tether were they were showing da Excercist. Burning more calories by the day In it a boy and a gurl were doing it sudenly a cereal killer came lol. Lol people being murdered in front of our very eyes Satan and I laughed at da blood koz we're sadists. Even sadists may be ashamed of you.

While Satan was watching da movie, I had an idea. I took Satan's gothic blak Nightmare b4 Christmas cigar sexily Wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH! from his poket and put sum Amnesia potion in itI put it bak in his blak Emile the Strange bag. Satan turned arund and started 2 smoke it. Blak cloudz wif red pentagramz ind em started 2 fly around everywhere. I thought that'd be normal in your world

"OMG!111" Satan said jumping up. OMUGH! I gasped koz I wuz afraid hed notizd. "Enoby gess what?"

I new that the amnesia had worked. AMNESIA. DEMENTIA. You two are PERFECT for each other! :D Commentator is now a matchmaker! *opens business*

"Amnesia potion has not been invented yet so it will not work." Hesaid. "2 badd coz I wanted 2 use sum on u." "Kul." I raised my eye suggestingly. Cool. You wanna make me lose my memory? No big deal, sounds fun.

And den... he tok of my cloves Why can't she just burst into spontaneous flames already? sexily and we started 2 make out. I tok of his shit. Take that shit!He had six-pak justr lik Gerard Way!11We frenched.

"Xcuze me but u r going 2 have 2 leave!111" shooted da lady behind us she was a prep. WHOO PREPS! KICK 'EM TO THE CURB!

"Fuk u!11" I said. Suddenly... I attaked her suking all her blood. Lovely.

"Noooooo!11" she screamed. All the preps in da theater screamed but everyone else crapped koz Satan and I loked so cute 2gether. I've never heard of such an event. I've neer heard of someone crapping because they're so overwhelmed by cutenessSatan and I started to walk outside.

"Zomg how did u do that?" Zomg… what the hell does that stand for? Voldremort asked in a turned-on voice.

"I'm a vampire." I said as we went into the car. *YOU DON'T SAY FACE*

"Siriusly?" he gasped.

Ebooby: No I'm kidding. Fuck you idiot, yes I'm serious! *slaps in the back of the head*

"Yah siriusly." I said drinking sum beer. Beer and blood. The perfect mix Satan started 2 drive da car. I smelled happily. Against with the scents of emotions…

"Itz too bad we didn't get 2 c da rest of the movie, don't u fink?" Because you had to go all crazy bitch on everyone and kill them… That's the part he didn't say outloud.

"Yah." I said as we kised passively. Satan parked in a blak driveway next 2 da place where Draco and I had watched GC for the frist time. We went inside where Marylin Mason wuz playing and started to mosh lol. Lol every- lol- thing is just –lol- amusing to –lol- us.

"Anti-ppl Anti people? As opposed… to pro people? now uve gone 2 far Jeus Krist Superstar!1111" That's actually a stage play you know… My mom made me watch it once -_- screamed Marlinon da stage. MERLIN LIVES ON We did the devil fingers. …Is that a… dance… or something?I started 2 dance really close to Satan. He was so shmexay!1 SHMEXAY He looked at me all emo I'M LOOKING AT YOU ALL EMO *STARES THROUGH COMPUTER* with his gothic red eyes and he looked exactly like Mikey Way. I almost got an orgaism!1 ORGAISM! Suddenly Marylin Mason stopped singing.

"I wood like to peasant...XBlakXTearX!11" he said. I ran onstage. Lucian, Samaro, Snap and Hades were thereThey started 2 play their instilments. Instilments… gotta get me one of those I got onstag. I thought you JUST ran onstage. WHY MUST YOU DO IT AGAIN O.O

"Wel if u wonted honesty datz all u had 2 say!1111" I sang. I dnot own da lyerix 2 dat song) Again… YOU DON'T SAY? My voice sounded lik a pentagram WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN! betwen Amy Lee and a gurl version of Gerard Woy. Everyone clappd. Satan got an eructation AN ERUCTATION! :O "I'M NUT OKAY!1"I sang finaly. No my friend you are not Suddenly Lucian started playing da song wrong by mistak. Everything in your life is a mistake…

"OMFG!1" yielded James. "Wut the fuck?" Woah there buddy, don't go all PMS on us now.

"Woops im sory!" said Lucian.

"You fuking ashhole!1" James shouted angrily. Chill pill dude, chill pill

"U guys are such prepz!11" Snap said. "Cum on it wuz a mistake!1"

"Yah itz not his fault!11" said Serious.

"No he ruined the fucking song!1" yelled Samaro. Another PMSer!

"U guys stop!11" I shotoedangrily but it waz 2 late. They all began 2 fight. Sudenly Samaro took out hiz nife. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight

"OMFG no!11" shouted Lucan but it wuz 2 late James tried 2 shoot off his arm. Totally fucking called it

And den...I jumped secxily in front of da bullet!11 Wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH!

"No!111" yielded everyone it wuz 2 late suddenly everyfing went blak. HALT!

I hope you guys continue to awesomely comment like you did before! Like always, it's good to know that doing this isn't just for my own lame enjoyment!