Brior Rose sat in some room in some castle with the three fairies that had raised her. She didn't know exactly where she was and she didn't care, all she wanted was to see the man of her dreams again. She stared blankly at the crown the fairies had placed on her forehead. If she was to become princess, she would never see her prince again. Uncontrollable tears swept down her face, she ducked her head, resting it between her arms on the vanity mirror desk.
"Come on," said one of the fairies. "Let's leave her alone for a while."
The closed, leaving her alone to her thoughts and her tears. She would never be happy again, not if she couldn't see her true love again. If she couldn't see his wonderful smile and intense brown eyes, then she would never love again. All she wanted was him and to be in his arms once-
All suddenly went dark for Rose. She tried to think of something, anything, but all she could think about was sitting up. When she did, she was only slightly aware of a green light floating in the fire place. Now it wanted her to stand. It was so soothing and warmed her cold heart that Rose stood, never taking her eyes off of it. She trusted that green light, she didn't know why, she had never seen it before, but she just knew it would never steer her wrong. As she stood, her cloak fell from her shoulders, but she didn't care, she had never really liked it anyway. The green light beckoned for her, to follow it and why not? It wasn't like she was going to be happy where she was, being a princess, and the green light would take that all away.
Marryweather sat on a bench and clenched her fists as Flora looked out a window. "Oooh! I don't see why she has to merry some ol'… prince!"
Fauna held out a hand to help calm her sister fairy. "Now, that's not for us to decide, dear."
Rose took a step forward and she felt happy again. Maybe this light would take her to her dream prince? And they could live happily ever after away from the fairies and the stupid kingdom. She took another step towards the fireplace, tossing all responsibility aside, she didn't care anymore, she just wanted to see her handsome man again. As she drew nearer to the fire place, it opened to reveal a long, dark hallway, but the green light quickly lit the way for her. Her heart swelled, her dream hunk was not that far away.
Fauna looked at Flora. "Maybe we should tell King Stephan about the boy?"
Merryweather followed Fauna. "Well, why don't we?"
Flora stopped by the door that lead into Rose's room. "Listen!" she could hear soft music coming from inside, she gasped and turned to the other fairies. "Maleficent!"
They all pushed through the door in time to see their beloved Rose walk through the fire place lead by a green light. Fauna cried out. "Oh, why did we leave her alone!" they called out to her again, but they got no response. They ran after her, but the fire place closed just as they got to it.
And Rose was glad for that, she was afraid they'd get to her and stop her from seeing her true love.
Don't you worry, my dear, they'll never bother you again.
The voice was so calming that she relaxed and followed the green light up the stairs. Soon, very soon she would be with her love, the only person who could make her truly happy. She could feel her heart pound in the anticipation.
When she finally reached the top of the stairs, all she found was an empty room with a spindle wheel. Her heart sank, but for some reason, she couldn't stop herself from reaching out to touch the spindle…
Maleficent appeared, but Rose wasn't able to see her. She looked at the princess and her breath caught, she truly was a vision. Her light blond hair was perfectly curled and hung around her hour glass waist. Her breasts were full and perfectly round and her lips… Not only did they put the flower rose to shame, but they were plump and so kissable. Maleficent's own breasts perked at the sight of the wretched princess, the princess she had been jealous of all these years. Maleficent quirked an eyebrow, her reaction to the wench who reached out to touch the spindle before her was much unexpected.
A smile rose to her own lips and the spindle disappeared. Rose stopped short, but didn't move. Next, Maleficent sent one of her favorite tricks to the fairies, something that would keep them occupied for hours.
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather pushed on the brick wall, willing it to cumble, but it gave no edge. Finally Flora pushed them back. "Here," she waved her wand and the wall disappeared. They ran in, calling for Rose, but just as they entered, the fire place closed and a thick fog rolled around them, separating them from each other.
"Oh Flora! Merryweather!" Fauna called out, but heard no response. They were separated. She lit her wand, but it did next to nothing to help.
Rose stared at where the spindle had been, waiting. For what? she thought.
"Come here, my dear."
It was the same voice, soothing and calm and it oozed around her so lightly that her nipples hardened. She turned around and saw a woman standing there. She had a long black cloak that covered her whole body and hid her accents. She held a staff and had long horns sticking out of her. It looked as though they were attached by scales that followed to her neck and disappeared under her cloak.
"I said, come here, dear," she said again, but with a little more demand. Rose walked over to her, stopping inches from her. The woman looked her over. "Well, you certainly have grown since I last saw you…" she lightly took Rose's cheek and moved it, looking at her long neck. "My, my, my, you are beautiful aren't you?"
Rose didn't say anything, but now she couldn't remember why she was up here. Why had she followed the green light? Wasn't there something important to her that had made her angry at… something else? Her mind was blank, she couldn't remember anything, not even her own name. But there was something about the woman in front of her, something familiar. Suddenly, she felt a tingling below her waist. What was that? Then she had an urge to reach out to the woman.
She did, she reached out to Maleficent. She reached for the cloak and moved it aside. She found a skin tight black dress that reached past her feet. The dress left her chest open, sweeping in a curve across her breasts, leaving the slightest view of cleavage. Excited, Rose reached out and slid her hand into the opening and gently squeezed and massaged the tender breast. As she did, she found a sort of lump at the tip of her breast.
"That's it, my pet, pinch and roll it between your fingers," Maleficent said, finding it hard to catch her breath. It had been too long since she'd been touched by another person like this. Rose took her pointer finger and thumb and pinched the small nipple. When the woman gasped, Rose licked her lips and rolled it. Maleficent closed her eyes. "That's it, good girl…"
Rose was so happy to make the woman happy that she got a new idea. Gently, she pulled the breast out of the dress. It was pale with a slightly pinker nipple that was hard and wanting. She glanced at the woman's face, her eyes were closed. Rose leaned forward and flicked her tongue across the nipple. The woman hissed, pushing her breast out at her. Rose leaned in the rest of the way and capped her mouth over the nipple and pushed the nipple around with her tongue. Maleficent tapped her staff against the ground and it disappeared, along with Maleficent's dress. Rose, excited, grabbed her other breast and rolled the other nipple as she sucked on the first. Maleficent reached her fingers through the princess' hair and pulled her closer to the nipple.
"Yes, pet, make your mistress happy…" Maleficent panted. She could feel her womanhood growing wet.
Rose let her hand leave the breast and wonder around her mistress' body. She moved to that breast and began to suck on it. She felt down her stomach, and further down until her hand felt a patch of hair. Rose left the breast and looked at what her hand had found. She looked at her mistress.
Maleficent grabbed her hand and pushed it further in between her pussy lips. "Rub it, my pet, rub the bump that's in there." Rose used her finger to feel around. When she found the lump, she gently brushed her finger across it. When her mistress moaned and leaned her hip forward, pressing against Rose's finger. "There, my pet… faster…" she breathed. Rose rubbed faster, watching her mistress squirm and buck her hips, leaning onto the princess. Her mistress began to pant and moan louder. "Your other hand, stick it in the hole right next to the bump." Maleficent ordered.
The princess, found the hole and stuck her pointer in it. It was already wet. Her mistress moaned louder. Rose loved making her mistress happy, so she pumped her finger faster in her hole. Maleficent moaned and leaned forward, pressing into the princess' finger. Rose stuck another finger into Maleficent. She gasped and bucked her hips faster.
"Oooh… Pet! Faster!"
The princess complied and pumped faster and faster as her mistress screamed in ecstasy. The wave of her orgasm made her shiver, she hadn't had one that good for at least a hundred years. Rose saw juices coming out of her mistress and leaned in for a taste. This seemed to send her mistress over the edge, she moaned louder than before. Rose watched her mistress' face as she scratched her tongue over the bump. Maleficent squirmed more and she began to scream. She lost her balance and stumbled to the wall, leaning against it. Rose followed on her knees, picking right back up where she started. Then she had another idea. As she lapped at her mistress, she stuck two fingers into the hole from before. This really drove her mistress crazy and she spilled her juices all over the princess' neck and chest.
"Stop, my pet," Maleficent panted. Rose rested on her knees in front of her mistress, waiting for her next orders. As Maleficent gained her breath back, she waved her hand at the princess and instantly the dress was gone. She looked at her pet. Her breasts were soft and perky, perfect for sucking and her pussy was even more succulent. It was fresh and untouched. "Lay on your back, my pet," she ordered. She smiled when the princess followed the order. Maleficent got to her knees and took one of the princess' breasts in her hands. She rubbed her thumb over the nipple, watching her pet's eyes glaze over. Maleficent touched her lips to Rose's. She could smell her own cum on her. "Those lips aren't just for kissing, I see." She leaned in closer and took her pet's mouth, kissing deeply. Rose moaned, arching her chest, wanting more. Maleficent chuckled. "Anxious aren't we?" she moved her lips to the princess' breast and began to suck on them.
Rose's world exploded as soon as her mistress' lips touched her nipple. She moaned and turned her head from side to side, loving how her mistress' tongue moved expertly. Maleficent's fingers traced the outside of her new pet's pussy. The princess moaned, moving her hips to meet Maleficent's fingers. The sorceress complied and found Rose's clit, she began to rub, watching her precious pet squirm and moan.
If only the fairies could see their precious Brior Rose like this! What a thought! Maleficent smirked and stuck her finger into her pet's hole and rubbed her clit, bringing the princess to a screaming orgasm.
Merryweather, Flora and Fauna raced up the stairs together. The mist had cleared suddenly and without cause, but they didn't care, all they wanted was to find Rose again. They flew as fast as their wings would let them and in no time they reached the top. Bursting through the stairs they fanned out. "Rose!" they called.
But all they heard was a chuckle in response. Maleficent appeared then, leaning against the wall with a smirk on her face. Her cape was wide and outstretched, but there was no sign of their Brior Rose. "You poor, simple fools, thinking you could defeat me, the mistress of all evil?" her smirk grew wider. "Well," she paused for a second. "Here's your precious princess!" Quickly she threw back her cloak, revealing her naked body.
The fairies gasped. Kneeling in front of Maleficent was their Brior Rose, lapping at the pussy of the sorceress. Maleficent laughed, she had never been so overjoyed at their misery.
"Rose!" they gasped again, but Rose wouldn't look at them. She kept lapping at her mistress' pussy, rubbing her long against her clit. Her mistress tapped her staff on the floor and the fairies were thrown against the wall, their wands falling out of their grasp. Maleficent braced herself and her fluids rushed from in the best orgasm she'd had yet and like a good pet, the princess swallowed as best she could, some of the juices spilling down her front.
Panting, the sorceress smiled and ran her hand gently through Rose's hair, holding onto a small amount. She tugged it lightly. "Stand my sweet pet." Rose stood and faced the fairies.
"Maleficent! Let her go!" Flora demanded.
The sorceress chuckled. "My pet, why don't you show your dear fairies all that you've learned, hmm?"
The three fairies gasped. "You wouldn't dare!" Flora said. She tried to fight against the force trapping her there, but it was impossible. She watched as their Brior Rose slowly made her way over to Merryweather.
Merryweather struggled and glared at Maleficent. "You old cow! Let her go!"
The sorceress raised a brow. "Oh, would you look at that, my pet, so feisty."
Rose knelt in front of the fairy, which made her eye level with her. "Rose, snap out of it!" but she wouldn't listen. Rose pushed up Merryweather's skirt, ducking her head underneath. She went past the petticoats and chemise and found the gold she had been looking for. Forcing the fairy's legs further apart, she did the same to the fairy's pussy lips which were thicker than her mistress' but she'd do anything to make her mistress happy.
"R-Rose!" Merryweather cried. Rose inched forward, her tongue connecting to the fairy's clit. Rose raked her tongue against it in solid, slow movements. Merryweather's breath hitched, her body began to betray her. Her breathing became shallow and fast. She clenched her fist, but Rose's lapping became more frequent and quicker, making the rebel fairy want to buck her hips. Rose found that she loved making the fairy come without her will, it was exciting making her body do that to her. In her excitement she pushed further into the fairy and slurped and licked her tongue, twirling it, sending the fairy over the edge. Rose opened her mouth and welcomed the warm juice, cleaning it off of Merryweather's trembling body.
Slowly she retracted herself from Merryweather and looked at her mistress. Maleficent smiled. "Did you like that my pet?"
Rose nodded, licking at her lips.
"Do you want more?"
She nodded eagerly.
"Alright, but this time, repeat what you did to me for our dear, sweat, gentle Fauna."
Tears fell from Fauna's eyes. She turned her head away from Maleficent, trying to keep her sobs quiet. She gasped when she felt Rose untie the top her gown. She snapped her head to watch as their precious Brior Rose pulled out Fauna's petite breast and sucked them. Fauna whimpered as Rose grabbed the other one and rolled the nipple between her fingers.
"Maleficent!" Flora cried, angrier than she'd ever been. She looked at Merryweather, who was actually crying! She'd turned her head away from the rest of them and was sobbing silently.
Rose reached with under Fauna's dress and petticoats, under chemise and ran her fingers lightly up her leg. She was getting good at this. She found Fauna's flower between her legs and reached a finger in, finding her clit. She began to rub her finger slowly, listening to Fauna's breath hitch and she whimpered as a small moan escaped. Excited, Brior Rose moved her finger faster and when Fauna was loudly panting and moaning, Rose used her other finger and slipped her finger in her wet hole. She pumped her finger in and out, listening to the moaning of the fairy get louder and louder.
"My, who knew you were such a screamer, dear Fauna?" Maleficent mused. Fauna squeezed her eyes shut and screamed, her orgasm dripping down the princess' arm. She pulled it out and sucked on it, loving the taste. "No, pet, Flora needs attention, but why don't you get a little while you pamper her?"
It was a little difficult to make Flora aroused, but a little extra attention with her clit finally brought moans from her. Rose flicked her tongue and pumped her finger in and out of Flora's tunnel. Flora heaved and huffed and moaned and threw her head from side to side. When she was done, Rose stood up and waited for Maleficent to tape her staff on the grown and Flora fell from the wall and was soon on her back staring up at the princess.
Her eyes grew wide as she realized what was about to happen. Maleficent stepped forward, bending and reaching under Merryweather's dress. The fairy began to pant and squirm. She smiled at Flora. "Now Flora, if you don't do what's expected your poor fairy sisters will, well, they'll get turned to dust."
Flora gasped. "You wouldn't!"
"Only if you don't do what your sweet Brior Rose wants," she looked at the princess who looked at the fairy with want. "Go ahead pet, she'll cooperate." Maleficent said as she reached over and with her free hand found Fauna's hole and stuck her finger in it. "Ooooh, you two love that don't you?"
Brior Rose knelt down and swung her leg over Flora's chest, her bare pussy resting on the fairy's breasts. The princess moaned and inched upward, resting against Flora's mouth. She eased down until she was lightly pressing on the fairy's mouth. She whimpered when nothing happened. Suddenly Fauna and Merryweather screamed in pain.
"You're killing them Flora," the sorceress said.
Flora squeezed her eyes closed and opened her mouth. Rose gasped as Flora's tongue flicked out at her own clit. The princess threw her head back and moaned, bucking her hips into the fairy. Maleficent smiled, her new pet was turning into quite the whore. She was going to have fun with the princess for years to come. Brior Rose screamed, her breasts perked outward and her hip grinding into the fairy. Flora choked down the princess' juices.
Maleficent sped up her thrusts into the other fairies until they were just about to climax and then she left them. She motioned for the princess. "Come here my pet," she smiled at the three fairies. "As for you three, I have a gift for you. From this day forward, you three will only have a earning for each other and it increase the more you ignore it." The sorceress wrapped her arm around the princess who hugged the her tightly, her head on Maleficent's shoulder. She tapped her staff and they were gone.